F-15 vs. AR-15? Bet on the Guys With the Guns

Well now, that's a fucking lie - as you know.

"my" side was denied our day in court. The Reich closed the justice system to us.

You've won nothing. You're doing all you can to try and create violence and chaos.

So which FBI office are you out of?
IT'S A CONSPIRACY!!! You better attack an FBI office lol....way to support law enforcement...You are perfect
election poison. Great job!
Link to ANY of that crap? You are a brainwashed ignoramus...only Trumpites are trying to overturn elections with lies ONLY...

Ad nauseam
IT'S A CONSPIRACY!!! You better attack an FBI office lol....way to support law enforcement...You are perfect
election poison. Great job!

Calm down Nazi boi.

We don't plan to remind America of what you are,

Our President is correct

If redneck gun owners think they can take on the US Military with their AR15, they are sadly mistaken

An F15 would have a better chance

Your media is currently pimping a story about a old Ukrainian man who shot down a Russian fighter jet with a shotgun.

And you undoubtedly believed it.


So, were you born mentally retarded then?

One word - Afghanistan.
Are you trying to say that a bunch of fat-assed, undisciplined, MAGAt armchair warriors would be the same caliber soldiers as Taliban Mujahideen?

You guys whine like stuck pigs about freaking JAIL sentences!
I doubt any of you are 100 percent committed to die for your "holy war" as they are.

And also, how are you guys doing on your artillery?
Surface to air missles?

Stuff like that you know.

What kind of shape is your navy in?
Air force?

Go back to sleep you tiresome child!
The Military is not going to attack civilians.
They'd be killing their friends and family members.
And how do you think their fellow soldiers would react to their comrades killing their friends and family?
I guess it would work pretty much the same way it did in 1865.
Are you trying to say that a bunch of fat-assed, undisciplined, MAGAt armchair warriors would be the same caliber soldiers as Taliban Mujahideen?

You guys whine like stuck pigs about freaking JAIL sentences!
I doubt any of you are 100 percent committed to die for your "holy war" as they are.

And also, how are you guys doing on your artillery?
Surface to air missles?

Stuff like that you know.

What kind of shape is your navy in?
Air force?

Go back to sleep you tiresome child!

The Military is not going to attack civilians.
They'd be killing their friends and family members.
And how do you think their fellow soldiers would react to their comrades killing their friends and family?
Our President is correct

If redneck gun owners think they can take on the US Military with their AR15, they are sadly mistaken

An F15 would have a better chance
Really? An F-15 is good for killing other planes, an F-15E is even good for dropping bombs on targets IF it can find them. What are you going to do with your F-15s? Bomb every house in Red America? Drop PGMs on individual republicans killing those around him as collateral damage? Those aircraft need secure bases to operate out of. One person with an ordinary hunting rifle can make that base NOT secure simply by shooting the occasional AP or ground crewman from long range or putting a few holes in your expensive airplane or the fuel tankers that fuel it. How about attacking the supply trucks bringing in food and spare parts? That's without all the heavy weapons the cartels would happily smuggle into the country as soon as there was a market for them. The world is awash in 81 and 82mm mortars and a mortar dropping a couple of rounds on a flight line would stop operations for hours while security forces tried to find the gunners and tube and the rest of base personnel swept the runways, taxiways and parking aprons for FOD. The US military is a powerful force, but it would be inadequate when faced with millions of armed civilians even if the majority of the military personnel didn't desert taking their weapons with them to support the republican forces.
Uh no, fucktard.

It's about reducing the size and effectiveness of police so that criminals may thrive.

Pro-criminal democrats want to keep the number of law enforcement to minimum. Besides, you have the Gestapo and IRS to go after enemies of the Reich. A little rape, robbery, looting, arson, and murder are things democrats truly love.

The same people now declaring WAR on the F.B.I. are trying to fake like they support cops.

Doesn't work that way fool.
Bottom line . . . it depends on the objectives of any citizen resistance force. In order to capture the political and resource infrastructure of any medium to large US city or military base a highly organized combined arms unit would be required, i.e. infantry, artillery, armor and air mobile forces working together. In order to hold any seized city, strategic ground or point of infrastructure such as a bridge or highway hub, a large, well provisioned occupation force would have to be assembled. The other thing to think about is modern airpower, which any citizen resistance force would lack, at least in the beginning—although any citizen "air force" would never equal the US government's. One must also take into consideration communication, which is a necessary tool of modern fighting forces—if one plans to organize and coordinate attacks. One of the first strategic actions of US government forces in any war against we the people would be cutting all possible lines of enemy (that's us) communication.

Furthermore, when considering mass citizen resistance in America, one must decide what one's ultimate goal is to be—the goal that ends any such war or at least forces a stalemate. Beyond that, the other big matter to think about is where does the REAL power lie in American government? You'd have to know this and figure out some means of effectively disrupting or ending it—if you ever planned to win the conflict.

Clearly, at least from the standpoint of a foreign power, United States power, real power, lies in its nuclear, biological and chemical weapons stockpile. Other nations do not attack us because they're well award of our conventional and nuclear military response capabilities. But where does true power lie within the United States when searching for it from a rebel or rebellion point of view? Would our own political and military leaders nuke us if our rebel army closed in on some kind of real victory against it? How does one grab hold of the reins of power if one doesn't even know what or where they are?

Fighting a guerilla war is one thing, however, seizing ground and holding it is another matter altogether. Imagine for a moment we've formed a guerilla resistance group and set for ourselves the objective of capturing Dallas, TX for whatever reason. We're a group of say, ten thousand freedom fighters on the march to Dallas. Now imagine that the government's response is to deploy the entire 1st Cavalry division to stop us, complete with full fighter/bomber/gunship air support. Let's even say that only half the men and women of the legendary 1st Cav division decided participate and the other half went AWOL. That's still tens of thousands of mechanized infantrymen, armor crews (tanks), self-propelled artillery—the whole shebang. Let's even say we reached Dallas first and captured the city. As soon as the US Army's 1st Cav division reached the city we're trying to occupy they would proceed to wipe us off the face of the planet with 24/7 combined arms missions and round the clock bombing runs. Finally, let's say that in order to win this one small victory against the government, we absolutely had to take and hold Dallas. There's no way we're holding a city that large with guerilla fighters, against regular US army combined arms forces who have spent the last two decades mastering urban combat.

A hit and run guerilla force is one thing—and could inflict a whole hell of a lot of damage, over time. Seizing and holding major cities and other strategic infrastructure is another thing entirely.
The objective wouldn't be to take ground, it would be to make the government strongholds ungovernable. That's a much easier task. Cities depend on the free flow of goods to survive. If the resistance started destroying bridges and freeway overpasses to slow the flow of traffic just feeding the population would get much harder. Rail lines are easy to destroy and very hard to guard. A couple sticks of Dynomite or a pound or two of homemade black powder can blow a rail out of alignment derailing a multi-million dollar train and causing repairs that take days or a week to make. The government would have to guard every foot of railway lines to stop this kind of sabotage. The really bad news for a tyrannical government in the US is that there are literally millions of combat veterans with the skills to do these simple things who were taught by experts how to do them. I was EOD back at the dawn of time in the Vietnam War. The government spent a half million 1970 dollars teaching me how to disarm bombs and booby traps (what are now called IEDs) If you can disarm something, you have to know how to build it first. There are thousands or even tens of thousands of retired and veteran Special Forces personnel who had even better training at asymmetrical warfare. They were taught how to organize anti-government guerillas and use them to overthrow hostile regimes. Yeah, many of us are getting long in the tooth, but all that means is we have little to lose anymore. Death isn't much of a threat to a seventy-year-old with maybe ten years left to live.
The Military is not going to attack civilians.
They'd be killing their friends and family members.
And how do you think their fellow soldiers would react to their comrades killing their friends and family?
You apparently don't know much about military training and boot camp indoctrination/programming.

The oath is to The Constitution.....

“I, ____________________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Justice so help me God."

Whomever those "enemies" are doesn't factor into it.
The chain of command does not....and will not break down.....just because a demented bunch of yahoos decides they don't like The United States of America anymore.

What you are talking about is called terrorism.
Full stop.
The U.S. has gotten pretty good at fighting terrorists.

And the policy is we DO NOT negotiate with them.
You apparently don't know much about military training and boot camp indoctrination/programming.

The oath is to The Constitution.....

“I, ____________________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Justice so help me God."

Whomever those "enemies" are doesn't factor into it.
The chain of command does not....and will not break down.....just because a demented bunch of yahoos decides they don't like The United States of America anymore.

What you are talking about is called terrorism.
Full stop.
The U.S. has gotten pretty good at fighting terrorists.

And the policy is we DO NOT negotiate with them.

You obviously dont know many people in the military or vets.
Bottom line . . . it depends on the objectives of any citizen resistance force. In order to capture the political and resource infrastructure of any medium to large US city or military base a highly organized combined arms unit would be required
Not so.
Resistance movements do not take any more gorund than threy need to to reach an objective, and then only hold that objectove as long as necessary. Blowing up infrastructure is more effective than capturing it, and does not require a lot of time on target.
Beyond that, the other big matter to think about is where does the REAL power lie in American government? You'd have to know this and figure out some means of effectively disrupting or ending it—if you ever planned to win the conflict.
Government is full of soft targets - specifically, the people in it.
And their families.
Start at the top. Keep going.
You obviously dont know many people in the military or vets.
And MOST don't think like you.
But IF you bubble yourself off from REAL information and only associate with like minded people then yeah, you're naturally going to think your opinion represents some kind of "majority."
It doesn't.
And this would be a GRAVE, miscalculated assumption when you're trying to plan the overthrow of the U.S. Government as you people apparently are.

Assuming that you're going to have large numbers of military defectors coming over to your side is just not reality based.
The penalty for such behavior in the military is death.

It just isn't something that happens.
Not so.
Resistance movements do not take any more gorund than threy need to to reach an objective, and then only hold that objectove as long as necessary. Blowing up infrastructure is more effective than capturing it, and does not require a lot of time on target.

Government is full of soft targets - specifically, the people in it.
And their families.
Start at the top. Keep going.

Go back to your Modern Warfare video game!

You sound ridiculous!
Not so.
Resistance movements do not take any more gorund than threy need to to reach an objective, and then only hold that objectove as long as necessary. Blowing up infrastructure is more effective than capturing it, and does not require a lot of time on target.

Government is full of soft targets - specifically, the people in it.
And their families.
Start at the top. Keep going.
You're wrong, you don't start at the top. Top people have security. You start at the bottom attacking low and mid-level governmental workers until the survivors are afraid to go to work or work from home. Without the army of millions of employees the government will grind to a halt very quickly. The idea is not to destroy the country, but to simply make the democrats unable to govern it. The harder it becomes for the government at all levels to provide services, the more frustrated the average person becomes and the weaker the hold the government has on its citizens (or in this case subjects). The less the government can provide needed services, the more dissatisfied the voters become and will throw the bums out at the next election.

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