F-15 vs. AR-15? Bet on the Guys With the Guns

Considering all this, what makes you cucks think you could win civil war? 😄
What makes you Nazis think we wouldn't?

Because the protesters remained mostly peaceful and didn't tear the capitol police to shreds?

You mistake restraint for inability.

If you can't do effective propaganda and garner sympathy from the mainstream and the majority you cosplayers will always be easily painted as the piece of shit terrorists. 😁

If you want to hide behind old people be my guest, doesn't do anything to dissuade the notion that you're all a bunch of giant pussies though. 😆

All you Nazis are is propaganda - a paper tiger.

Adolf Biden declared war on the Constitution last Thursday, snarky bullshit and demagoguery in the Reich media isn't going to sustain you vermin.

Your fuckwad Fuhrer has written checks you can't cash.
Against all enemies foreign and domestic.

The error in the OP is a gross overestimation of the numbers the author estimates would actually take up arms and participate in this imagined treasonous sedition.

"Tens of thousands?"
MAYBE a few thousand at most....when push comes to shove.

The OP is probably basing this "tens of thousands" estimation on the number of popular votes recorded for Trump in 2020.
73.6 million.

The vast majority of these 73 million people though, would NEVER ever consider taking up arms against their own government....even if they were able to.

Vladimir Putin's psychologists have studied Americans inside and out. They know us (Americans) better even than we know ourselves.
That is how The Kremlin was able to install a dim-witted, twit, two-bit con-man hustler into the presidency right before our eyes.

They knew that in general Americans are:
Disinterested & disengaged
Easily amused/entertained
Easily fooled/manipulated
Instant gratification dependent
Shallow and superficial
Self involved & self centered
And oh......
did I say LAZY?

So no, in the event the more pathetic wing-nut fringe freak faction of the MAGAts decided it was time to try their hand at another "civil war" type armed coup against the U.S. it would look pretty much like the attempted coup of Jan. 6th 2021.
A bunch of unorganized freaks dressed in weird costumes playing "soldiers" until the U.S. Military either arrests them all or mows them down with superior numbers and firepower.

Kind of like Ashli Babbit.
Remember her?
You guys are STILL whining about her!
Well guess what?
THAT is what happens to treasonous rebels who try to overthrow the U.S. government!
That or they are sentenced to jail and then they WHINE about that too.

You see, the average Trump voter is FAR too lazy to take their cult worship of the orange shit-stain quite THAT far.
They'll just stay home and watch it all on TV.

You Nazis have a great deal of fantasies.

I understand, you think that when the shit hits the fan you'll call in your allies, the Communist Chinese, to "restore order".
Who was unarmed.

Your fear is delicious.

What the Nazis think is that since unarmed protesters were gunned down and have been taken as political prisoners, they are unopposed and Americans won't fight back.

But what they really taught is that we need to be armed to the teeth next time and prepared to shoot back.

That's a line we don't want to cross, but THEY have already crossed it. We all heard Adolf Biden the other night. Yes, he's a mindless puppet - but the sinister intent of the Nazi party is undeniable. They have declared war on us - and not a war of words. They intend to kill or imprison anyone who opposes them.

They are telling us what they plan to do - we just need to take them at their word.
Would you stop...
There is a very legal investigation of crimes and Trump & co are the ones threatening violence unless it stops..
It is driving you crazy that the people saying he was criminal for 6 years are right...

Now you are screaming that they are investigating him... Well that what happens when crimes are committed..
Would you stop?

Biden loses to Trump in 2024.

So Biden sent Federal Troops to assault the opposition Candidate's home to protect his power. Right out of a central African dictatorship.

Will Adolf Biden declare martial law and suspend the mid-terms to keep from being impeached? Very possibly.
What makes you Nazis think we wouldn't?

Because the protesters remained mostly peaceful and didn't tear the capitol police to shreds?

You mistake restraint for inability.
That wasn't restraint, it was stupidity. A bunch of cosplayers got all dressed up in their pretty costumes, operated in a hilarious pantomime of military formations, all while talking on walkie talkies as they carried out the most embarrassing game of Marco Polo in their hunt for Pelosi and Pence.

You fuckwits won't know the real deal until you fuck around and find out in real time like Ashlii Babbitt did. 😂
All you Nazis are is propaganda - a paper tiger.
Then you underestimate the power of propaganda. 😁
Adolf Biden declared war on the Constitution last Thursday, snarky bullshit and demagoguery in the Reich media isn't going to sustain you vermin.

Your fuckwad Fuhrer has written checks you can't cash.
Remind me who your President is again you little bitch. 😁
What the Nazis think is that since unarmed protesters were gunned down and have been taken as political prisoners, they are unopposed and Americans won't fight back.

But what they really taught is that we need to be armed to the teeth next time and prepared to shoot back.

Yep. That's exactly what you need to do next time. Committing suicide by cop will really show us you mean business!
That's a line we don't want to cross, but THEY have already crossed it. We all heard Adolf Biden the other night. Yes, he's a mindless puppet - but the sinister intent of the Nazi party is undeniable. They have declared war on us - and not a war of words. They intend to kill or imprison anyone who opposes them.
You must of been trained by a Ninja to have evaded them this long. 😂
They are telling us what they plan to do - we just need to take them at their word.
Technically only you can hear the voices in your head and yet somehow we read those crazy critters loud and clear. 😄
What the Nazis think is that since unarmed protesters were gunned down and have been taken as political prisoners, they are unopposed and Americans won't fight back.

But what they really taught is that we need to be armed to the teeth next time and prepared to shoot back.

That's a line we don't want to cross, but THEY have already crossed it. We all heard Adolf Biden the other night. Yes, he's a mindless puppet - but the sinister intent of the Nazi party is undeniable. They have declared war on us - and not a war of words. They intend to kill or imprison anyone who opposes them.

They are telling us what they plan to do - we just need to take them at their word.
When you all do launch your next failed insurrection attempt will you PLEASE PLEASE let buffalo boy lead the charge again?
He was quite entertaining last time and we'd like an encore.

If, that is, he's out of jail by then.

That wasn't restraint, it was stupidity.

A bunch of cosplayers got all dressed up in their pretty costumes, operated in a hilarious pantomime of military formations, all while talking on walkie talkies as they carried out the most embarrassing game of Marco Polo in their hunt for Pelosi and Pence.

A million normal Americans protested the most questionable election in history.

You fascists freaked out. If the "Normies" rise up, you're done.

BUH WAT ABOUT THE VIKING GUY? No one gives a shit, it was one guy who goes to Antifa shit as well as anywhere else people congregate.

You fuckwits won't know the real deal until you fuck around and find out in real time like Ashlii Babbitt did. 😂
Looks to me like you Nazis are the ones fucking around.

You're doing anything and everything you can to push America into a shooting war.

Then you underestimate the power of propaganda. 😁

Remind me who your President is again you little bitch. 😁

Adolf Biden is president

But I get your game - you're trying to incite violence.

Which means you are most likely a Gestapo agent.

A million normal Americans protested the most questionable election in history.
Your side had a chance to present answers to those questions in court and failed in every attempt.
You fascists freaked out. If the "Normies" rise up, you're done.
Freaked out as in used the opportunity to our political advantage to lock a lot of your little cuck friends away in prison? 😁 You're slow on the uptick, Short Bus.
BUH WAT ABOUT THE VIKING GUY? No one gives a shit, it was one guy who goes to Antifa shit as well as anywhere else people congregate.
We made him a symbol for your cosplay rebellion. 😁 More of that propaganda you don't understand.
Looks to me like you Nazis are the ones fucking around.
Because you're easy to fuck around with. 😁
You're doing anything and everything you can to push America into a shooting war.
How? By pointing and laughing and hurting your little cuck feelings? 😄 That's how easily you're manipulated?
Adolf Biden is president
That's called victory, bitch boy. 😁
But I get your game - you're trying to incite violence.

Which means you are most likely a Gestapo agent.
No, we already won. I'm just pointing and laughing at you. I'm going to be doing that whether you choose to wither away as old fucks shaking your fists in the air to a younger generation who couldn't give less of a shit about what your doing over there in the corner, mubling to yourself... or you choose to act out violently and get taken out by professionals. Either way I'm good. 😁
The Soviets were also a foreign military fighting on foreign soil, against natives with a decided home field advantage (given their conditioning to the brutal environment, and a millenia of generational knowledge about the complex and unforgiving terrain itself). In the present scenario, however, you're not dealing with a foreign invader, and there's not a similar turf advantage, as both sides of the hypothetical conflict would have arguably equal familiarity with the terrain, environment and infrastructure.

There's still going to be somewhat of a home field advantage though not as pronounced as foreign countries.
The ability to blend in with the locals will still be there as well knowing your area inside and out.
Your side had a chance to present answers to those questions in court and failed in every attempt.
Well now, that's a fucking lie - as you know.

"my" side was denied our day in court. The Reich closed the justice system to us.
Freaked out as in used the opportunity to our political advantage to lock a lot of your little cuck friends away in prison? 😁 You're slow on the uptick, Short Bus.

We made him a symbol for your cosplay rebellion. 😁 More of that propaganda you don't understand.

Because you're easy to fuck around with. 😁

How? By pointing and laughing and hurting your little cuck feelings? 😄 That's how easily you're manipulated?

That's called victory, bitch boy. 😁

No, we already won. I'm just pointing and laughing at you. I'm going to be doing that whether you choose to wither away as old fucks shaking your fists in the air to a younger generation who couldn't give less of a shit about what your doing over there in the corner, mubling to yourself... or you choose to act out violently and get taken out by professionals. Either way I'm good. 😁

You've won nothing. You're doing all you can to try and create violence and chaos.

So which FBI office are you out of?
When will the puppet in charge start killing american citizens?
You are out of your mind lol. Change the channel...
I can post about a gaillion videos of left wingers threatening blood in the streets. You people shouted it over megaphones to mobs of people with cellphone cameras for Christ sake. I just read a story about a BLM'er this morning who got 10 years for it. :cuckoo:
Link to ANY of that crap? You are a brainwashed ignoramus...only Trumpites are trying to overturn elections with lies ONLY...
Defunding (stupidest name ever) is about better training for deescalation with the mentally ill, like you lol....

Uh no, fucktard.

It's about reducing the size and effectiveness of police so that criminals may thrive.

Pro-criminal democrats want to keep the number of law enforcement to minimum. Besides, you have the Gestapo and IRS to go after enemies of the Reich. A little rape, robbery, looting, arson, and murder are things democrats truly love.

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