F B I hunt for Hoffa entertaining to Detroiters


Jun 1, 2013
Turns out Jimmy's ass wasn't in the grass after all. These hunts always draw a lot of attention in the Detroit area since Jimmy vanished 38 years ago. When Nixon pardoned him out of Lewisburg, it was on the condition he stay away from the Teamsters and retire. But Jimmy had other ideas. His hand-picked seat warmer decided he liked being boss. That ticked off Jimmy and the buzz was he went after Frank Fitzsimmon's kid. Bomb hooked up to the back-up lights, Detroit style. It shorted out in a cold-snap, without the intended victim inside. So Jimmy had to go. Why he thought he could get into a car with Tony Giacalone and Tony Provenzano, and get back out alive, only Jimmy knew. Will they ever find Jimmy? Nah.


By Katy Tur and Tracy Connor, NBC News
The FBI has called off the dig for Jimmy Hoffa in a suburban Detroit field where a tipster insisted he was buried alive.

No human remains were found during three days of excavation on the one-acre parcel, officials said.


"We're disappointed," said Robert Foley, head of the FBI's Detroit office.

The feds were led to the site by Tony Zerilli, who claims he was told the Teamsters Boss was whacked with a shovel and then entombed beneath concrete slabs in a barn.

"I know he's there," Tony Zerilli told NBC News before the search ended. "I'm not wrong."

Since Hoffa vanished in 1975, authorities have searched dozens of spots for his body. Informants have claimed he was dumped at Giants Stadium, fed to the alligators in the Everglades and shipped to Japan in a compacted car.

Investigators took Zerilli's claim seriously because he's alleged to be the former underboss of a Detroit crime family. Zerilli denies he was in the Mafia or involved in Hoffa's disappearance from a Detroit area restaurant.


Workers did find concrete slabs on property in Oakland Township, lending Zerilli's story some credibility. But backhoes and cadaver dogs failed to unearth anything to solve one of the country's most enduring mysteries.
We wont find out about him. I was surprised people were still looking.
After watching footage of the search, it's entirely possible they bulldozed over the top of any remains that may.....remain there. Also their search warrant was spelled out in how many feet they could search in a given direction. What if they'd searched 5 feet further in another direction? What if they'd used a backhoe instead of a bulldozer? Did the FBI use infrared technology to see disturbed soil before they bulldozed the site? Seems to me they just came in, taped off the area, dug a trench, then packed up and left. So what does it all mean?

If they do find his remains, they'll just bury them again. Everybody associated with his "murder" if he was murdered is dead. And there's always the chance that Jimmy went into witness-protection or just disappeared himself to avoid being murdered. If that's the case then the FBI is in a catch-22 in that they have to conduct these searchs to satisfy public demand when they may know there are no remains to be found. I doubt they'll do this dog and pony show again but one never knows.

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