F**k you putin: the Minister of Defense of the Czech Republic congratulated the czar of Moscow on his 70th birthday

Birthday present.
I'll admit to not being a military scholar but didn't the civil war underway in the east BEGIN after Putin sent in his "little green men" and scooped up Crimea? My understanding of the conflict is that he started all of this and simply waited until his militia in the east failed to defeat Ukraine's military before he finally decided to go in with Russian forces to finish the job.

Remember, that elite airborne division was initially tasked with seizing Kyiv and replacing the government. They only retreated when they couldn't accomplish that. I don't think our nation should risk nuclear conflict over Ukraine. If anyone is going to face down Russia it should be the EU. Having said that, I think we all know that even after this beat down and humiliation, eventually, he WILL come back to finish the job if he is left in power.
The EU? It is an economic and trading bloc. Without the US, it has little meaning in military sense.
I'll admit to not being a military scholar but didn't the civil war underway in the east BEGIN after Putin sent in his "little green men" and scooped up Crimea? My understanding of the conflict is that he started all of this and simply waited until his militia in the east failed to defeat Ukraine's military before he finally decided to go in with Russian forces to finish the job.

Remember, that elite airborne division was initially tasked with seizing Kyiv and replacing the government. They only retreated when they couldn't accomplish that. I don't think our nation should risk nuclear conflict over Ukraine. If anyone is going to face down Russia it should be the EU. Having said that, I think we all know that even after this beat down and humiliation, eventually, he WILL come back to finish the job if he is left in power.

The area is now depopulated and running at less than 30% of its former GDP after Russia's 'annexation' years before the Ukrainians' counterattacks. Putin's fans and banker friends consider this a 'success' and a reason he should own all of it.
The EU? It is an economic and trading bloc. Without the US, it has little meaning in military sense.

Doesn't need to be where Russia is concerned; Germany is more than capable to take them down in a conventional war and so is France. This fear of the Mighty Russian War Machine is just silly. Their modern army is worse crap than in its Soviet days, poor leadership, poor equipment, poor troops. That's why the piece of shit is using nuclear blackmail, and the latter is more than enough reason to take him and his shithole country out completely. LEtting these gangsters get away with that only makes a bigger war a lot more likely, same as it did with the Kaiser and Hitler and Saddam.
Doesn't need to be where Russia is concerned; Germany is more than capable to take them down in a conventional war and so is France. This fear of the Mighty Russian War Machine is just silly. Their modern army is worse crap than in its Soviet days, poor leadership, poor equipment, poor troops. That's why the piece of shit is using nuclear blackmail, and the latter is more than enough reason to take him and his shithole country out completely. LEtting these gangsters get away with that only makes a bigger war a lot more likely, same as it did with the Kaiser and Hitler and Saddam.
I agree that Russian military is crap. But the piece of shit still has abilities to escalate the situation. Tactical nukes, missile strikes of Ukrainian cities and civil infrastructure.

Okay, let's put aside the nukes. The Putin regime escalates the situation and intentionally targets infrastructure and residential areas with missile strikes. What would NATO do in this case?
I agree that Russian military is crap. But the piece of shit still has abilities to escalate the situation. Tactical nukes, missile strikes of Ukrainian cities and civil infrastructure.

Okay, let's put aside the nukes. The Putin regime escalates the situation and intentionally targets infrastructure and residential areas with missile strikes. What would NATO do in this case?

Well, it not a matter of if somebody is eventually going to use nukes but when, especially when they're spreading around to shitholes like N. Korea, Red China, Iran, Pakistan, and now a failed state run by gangster like Putin. It has been a long time since the last nuke lesson was given to an agressive imperialist country, Japan, and obviously now with multiple blackmail threats being thrown around another will be needed soon. Whether or not anybody likes it or not it will happen, the only unknown is if the West is going to allow feral animals to do so first or take them out before they use them.
Okay, let's put aside the nukes. The Putin regime escalates the situation and intentionally targets infrastructure and residential areas with missile strikes. What would NATO do in this case?
He's been doing that for 7 months ESay. NATO hasn't done anything. NATO won't do anything- it will be up to individual nations to provide the additional air defenses, and you know how slow that has been in coming.

Russia has expended a large percentage of their precision (or what passes for precision in Russia) missiles, and have moved to old Soviet era anti-shipping missiles and S-300's for ground strike. The precision strikes are being carried out by Iranian drones for the most part, which are fairly easy to take down.

I think the priorities for Ukraine are unchanged- more air defenses, more ammunition, more mobility. The resolution from the EU Parliament was pretty strongly worded, I thought. No question they recognize the need for more advanced tanks and aviation, and the training and logistics that go with.

related :

Putin was visiting five Asian republics that used to be part of the USSR to gain support for his war against the Ukraine. The leader of one of the smallest nations, Tajikistan's Emomali Rashmon, told Putin that he had to " Respect " his nation and his people in a big put down. He's been the leader of Tajikistan since. Kudos to him. I was glad to hear that. 14 republics exist as autonomous States within Russia itself, I hope they follow this lead and distance themselves from Russia if not outright to clear their independence.
Putin was visiting five Asian republics that used to be part of the USSR to gain support for his war against the Ukraine. The leader of one of the smallest nations, Tajikistan's Emomali Rashmon, told Putin that he had to " Respect " his nation and his people in a big put down. He's been the leader of Tajikistan since. Kudos to him. I was glad to hear that. 14 republics exist as autonomous States within Russia itself, I hope they follow this lead and distance themselves from Russia if not outright to clear their independence.
Left out of date in the above post, Emomali husband leader of Tajikistan since 1994.

related :


"Under Public Law 117-128, the U.S. Congress is funding an organization called Ukrainian Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD), whose professed purpose, according to its website, is to 'counter Russian disinformation.'

"But its real purpose may be to create the equivalent of a 'fatwah list' of alleged traitors whom patriotic Americans and/or Ukrainians will feel they have a green light to assassinate."

Ukrainian “Hit list” Publishes names and addresses of alleged “Russian propagandists:” Turns out to be based not in Ukraine but in Langley VA where CIA headquarters is located | MR Online

"Under Public Law 117-128, the U.S. Congress is funding an organization called Ukrainian Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD), whose professed purpose, according to its website, is to 'counter Russian disinformation.'

"But its real purpose may be to create the equivalent of a 'fatwah list' of alleged traitors whom patriotic Americans and/or Ukrainians will feel they have a green light to assassinate."

Ukrainian “Hit list” Publishes names and addresses of alleged “Russian propagandists:” Turns out to be based not in Ukraine but in Langley VA where CIA headquarters is located | MR Online
Since Russia launched this unprovoked attack on the Ukraine, I would assume that it would only be fair that ukrainians can attack any Russians and / or Russian sympathizers in their country . After all they are the enemy. Look what our government did to ethnic Japanese after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. Same difference, I'm glad our government can help the ukrainians.

"Under Public Law 117-128, the U.S. Congress is funding an organization called Ukrainian Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD), whose professed purpose, according to its website, is to 'counter Russian disinformation.'

"But its real purpose may be to create the equivalent of a 'fatwah list' of alleged traitors whom patriotic Americans and/or Ukrainians will feel they have a green light to assassinate."

Ukrainian “Hit list” Publishes names and addresses of alleged “Russian propagandists:” Turns out to be based not in Ukraine but in Langley VA where CIA headquarters is located | MR Online
Just wanted to add, that Japanese internment thing was kind of racist. They didn't lock up the German people in our nation. Was it just because they were white, we may never know but I'm sure it didn't hurt.
Since Russia launched this unprovoked attack on the Ukraine, I would assume that it would only be fair that ukrainians can attack any Russians and / or Russian sympathizers in their country
After the US promoted the expansion of NATO over a thousand miles eastward, pressing on Russia's borders, withdrew unilaterally from the ABM treaty and placed antiballistic launch systems in newly joined NATO countries, and directly instigated an armed, far-right coup in 2014, replacing a democratically elected pro-Russian government with an unelected pro-Western one, Putin's measured responses were definitely provoked.
After the US promoted the expansion of NATO over a thousand miles eastward, pressing on Russia's borders, withdrew unilaterally from the ABM treaty and placed antiballistic launch systems in newly joined NATO countries, and directly instigated an armed, far-right coup in 2014, replacing a democratically elected pro-Russian government with an unelected pro-Western one, Putin's measured responses were definitely provoked.
Little is a defensive organization. Russia has illustrated that every nation on its border needs to be a member of NATO. They are very hostile towards neighbors. Or I should say Putin is at least. The ABM agreement was with the USSR. Bush ended it in 1997 to avoid nuclear blackmail from the Russians. Unfortunately Russian never became a democracy it's the oligarchy that is definitely far right. They believe they have a destiny or something where they own their neighbors or something or something sick like that. Treaties obviously mean nothing to them. And we all know Putin's word is worthless. " These are just war games. " Right ! Never again.

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