F**k you putin: the Minister of Defense of the Czech Republic congratulated the czar of Moscow on his 70th birthday

Little is a defensive organization. Russia has illustrated that every nation on its border needs to be a member of NATO. They are very hostile towards neighbors. Or I should say Putin is at least. The ABM agreement was with the USSR. Bush ended it in 1997 to avoid nuclear blackmail from the Russians. Unfortunately Russian never became a democracy it's the oligarchy that is definitely far right. They believe they have a destiny or something where they own their neighbors or something or something sick like that. Treaties obviously mean nothing to them. And we all know Putin's word is worthless. " These are just war games. " Right ! Never again.
NATO is neither little nor defensive; it is a particularly viscous extension of US foreign policy as its destruction of Yugoslavia and Libya confirm. Virtually no country on the planet has been more hostile to its neighbors (Mexico and Cuba) than the US, and no country except the US kills, maims, and displaces millions of civilians on the opposite side of the globe. Withdrawal from the ABM Treaty had more to do with constructing a missile defense system capable of blunting a Russian retaliatory response to a first strike by the US.

It's NOT Russia.
semi - turks Serbs belongs to Siberia we did great job back then. you ivan hate it ? so what ? you are the next on the line, you lost this war already

Next you're going to say that the Ukraine attacked Russia. I'm sorry you are unbelievable. Whatever you believe, the fact remains NATO is a defensive organization. And Russia has proven its very necessary.

ivan , read this :

Moscow horde´s war record :-
1856 defeated by Britain and France
1905 defeated by Japan
1917 defeated by Germany
1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states
1939 defeated by Finland
1969 defeated by China
1989 defeated by Afghanistan
1989 defeated in the Cold War.
1996 defeated by Chechnya
2022 defeated by Ukraine
WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn
Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :-
a) Hungary 1956
b) Czechoslovakia 1968
c) Moldova 1992
d) Georgia 2008 ...

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I only hope I live long enough to see putin prosecuted for all these war crimes.
I would much rather see W and O prosecuted for their war crimes. Their heinous actions effected me as an American, far more than Pootin.
NATO is neither little nor defensive; it is a particularly viscous extension of US foreign policy as its destruction of Yugoslavia and Libya confirm. Virtually no country on the planet has been more hostile to its neighbors (Mexico and Cuba) than the US, and no country except the US kills, maims, and displaces millions of civilians on the opposite side of the globe. Withdrawal from the ABM Treaty had more to do with constructing a missile defense system capable of blunting a Russian retaliatory response to a first strike by the US.

It's NOT Russia.
Things few Americans know anything about.
Things few Americans know anything about.
Most Americans pay no attention to wars unless US casualties start showing up on their nightly news., and, of course, we forget our history almost as quickly as it happens.
In Opposition to US Interventionism and Sanctions – Massachusetts Peace Action

If the current Ukrainian intervention eventually costs the US dollar its status as the primary global reserve currency, hundreds of millions of Americans will notice the effects every time they go shopping; who they will blame is probably to be determined.

United States involvement in regime change - Wikipedia
Most Americans pay no attention to wars unless US casualties start showing up on their nightly news., and, of course, we forget our history almost as quickly as it happens.
In Opposition to US Interventionism and Sanctions – Massachusetts Peace Action

If the current Ukrainian intervention eventually costs the US dollar its status as the primary global reserve currency, hundreds of millions of Americans will notice the effects every time they go shopping; who they will blame is probably to be determined.

United States involvement in regime change - Wikipedia
Yes. Most Americans are unaware that we’ve been at war nearly every of our nation’s existence. And of course they would never blame our political leadership for all these ridiculous wars.

Another thing Americans are clueless about is constant war abroad leads to tyranny at home. We’re watching happen before our eyes.

Losing reserve currency status to say China’s currency, will cause great hardships for most Americans. No doubt the 1% will do handsomely.
Yes. Most Americans are unaware that we’ve been at war nearly every of our nation’s existence. And of course they would never blame our political leadership for all these ridiculous wars.
As long as 30% to 50% of eligible Americans don't bother voting, and the vast majority of voters cast a ballot against the Republican or Democrat they hate the most, the political status quo will never change.

If tens of millions of voters should ever decide to pick their House and Senate candidates from third parties and a hundred Democrats and Republicans are FLUSHED from congress in a single news cycle, and this pattern continues for two or three more major elections, perhaps democracy could be saved?
Losing reserve currency status to say China’s currency will cause great hardships for most Americans. No doubt the 1% will do handsomely.
I'm beginning to wonder if private fortunes exist in a society devoid of war and debt? How would Americans divide over a choice between allowing private fortunes or taxing war into extinction?
As long as 30% to 50% of eligible Americans don't bother voting, and the vast majority of voters cast a ballot against the Republican or Democrat they hate the most, the political status quo will never change.

If tens of millions of voters should ever decide to pick their House and Senate candidates from third parties and a hundred Democrats and Republicans are FLUSHED from congress in a single news cycle, and this pattern continues for two or three more major elections, perhaps democracy could be saved?
That would be fantastic, but we know the establishment would never allow it.

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