FAA refuses to tell Boston town about mysterious aircraft


This Space for Rent
Oct 29, 2008
Mystery Aircraft Frightens Quincy Residents

Every night for nearly the last two weeks, residents have spotted a low-flying aircraft doing loops over the city. WBZ has learned the FAA knows what’s going on, but the agency isn’t telling...

It’s not the state or local police doing the flying, and the FAA is giving out little information, even to city officials...

“It’s frustrating, it really is,” says City Councillor Brian Palmucci. “I specifically asked, ‘Is it a law enforcement flight? Can we tell people that?’ He said, ‘No, we can’t tell you that.’ Then I asked that when folks call me can I at least tell them that it is something that they shouldn’t worry about, it’s something they shouldn’t be concerned with? He said, ‘I can’t tell you that.’”...

Sources tell WBZ that the aircraft is not a drone, that it is manned. FAA spokesman Jim Peters would only say, “We have to be very careful this time” concerning information.

Mystery Aircraft Frightens Quincy Residents « CBS Boston

Video of plane flying:

Ufo In Quincy? [Video])

I wonder what is going on? Is it related to the bombings? How strange that the FAA would not even tell residents it was law enforcement or nothing to worry about.
Citizens have no right to question this government.

I get if it is a 'secret' ( obviously not that secret given you can see the plane) operation of some sort. When you have the State police, City police and City employees asking if they can tell the public they need not worry, or it's an sanctioned operation of some sort and the FAA says "no we won't tell you a damn thing" essentially that is what perplexes me.
Apologies in advance... :razz:

Secret mysterious aircraft????

Apologies in advance... :razz:

Secret mysterious aircraft????


LOL it's not that mysterious- as the FAA knows what kind of aircraft it is AND what it is doing. The fact they won't tell city officials that the resident's need not worry is strange IMO.
It's THEM.

Nothing that a large can of Raid can't take care of, eh? :razz:


Seriously. It's not strange that a plane has been flying around in circles at night and the FAA refuses information to anyone in the State to even calm the citizens and state if the citizens are safe?

Seems to me like something might be of high value there. And I still wonder if it might be related to the bombings in Boston. Quincy is less than 10 miles from Boston, close to Watertown too not far from his apartment either.
I figured it out!!!

The IRS Death Star has found the Tea Party Liberty Patriots on Quincy. :redface:
Alright back to being serious, no one else finds it strange? A low flying plane for 2 weeks, circling and refusal from the FAA to even supply the State government with the assurance that citizens are safe?

No need to say what the plane is there, for but at least something to calm those people who just suffered so much from a terrorist attack. Quincy is only minutes from Boston.
it looks like a big bird (turkey vulture?) being illuminated by a light.
it looks like a big bird (turkey vulture?) being illuminated by a light.

I guess, but it is not. It is a plane, it circles the town every night, the FAA refuses to tell LE or city officials WHAT it is doing flying over their town.

Just seems strange to me that officials would not even allow a statement to calm people down and tell the police they can tell residents not to worry.

If a low flying plane flew in circles over my home night after night I think it may get me asking questions as well.
CaféAuLait;7222791 said:
Maybe it's a drone.

The only thing the FAA did say was that it was not an unmanned aircraft, it was manned.

And the FAA would NEVER lie to us, right?

The FAA has already proven that they are LIARS, by omission, so why would anybody believe them when they tell us that the aircraft is "manned".

My guess is that this aircraft is definitely an UNMANNED DRONE.

My guess as to WHY this unmanned drone has been circling Quincy, Massachusetts for the past two weeks is due to reports that a REPUBLICAN was seen in the Quincy area, and the leftist zombies in Massachusetts just won't tolerate this sort of thing.

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