Face diapers not required

This restaurant owner is a hero!

I admit that every store I walk into has a huge "No Mask - No Entry" sign or similar on the door. I walk right in. No one says anything objectionable to me, and everyone treats me normally, except for a few people who visibly practice extreme social distancing from me while I smile.

Every order has exceptions for not wearing a mask, and you do not have to share your reasons with anyone. As an example, here is Virginia's amended mask order, with the exceptions listed on page 3....

I am not violating the order that is in effect in VA, not that it is enforceable anyway.

Common medical reasons to not wear a mask would include:
- It makes it difficult for me to breathe
- It fogs up my glasses, making it difficult to see
- It causes face acne
- It causes halitosis
- It gives me significant anxiety, knowing that globalist dictators are trampling upon my God-given Constitutional rights. :)

Constitutional reasons would include:
- I have the right to make my own medical decisions
- Wearing a mask restricts my ability to freely express myself.

If you are scared or vulnerable, you are free to stay home for as long as wish, or wear two masks for as long as you wish.

There, now you are protected. It's the way it's always been with regard to health care decisions.

Like heck I will wear an arguably-ineffective medical device on my face for 18 months which I do not need. Sorry, not doing it. I have a functioning immune system, smiles to give out, unobstructed speech to make, whistling to do, and fresh air to breathe as I pursue happiness in my own way.

You do you, and I'll do me.
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This restaurant owner is a hero!

I admit that every store I walk into has a huge "No Mask - No Entry" sign or similar on the door. I walk right in. No one says anything objectionally to me, and everyone treats me normally, except for a few people

Every order has exceptions for not wearing a mask, and you do not have to share your reasons with anyone. As an example, here is Virginia's amended mask order, with the exceptions listed on page 3....

I am not violating the order that is in effect in VA, not that it is enforceable anyway.

Common medical reasons to not wear a mask would include:
- It makes it difficult for me to breathe
- It fogs up my glasses, making it difficult to see
- It causes face acne
- It causes halitosis
- It gives me significant anxiety, knowing that globalist dictators are trampling upon my God-given Constitutional rights. :)

Constitutional reasons would include:
- I have the right to make my own medical decisions
- Wearing a mask restricts my ability to freely express myself.

If you are scared or vulnerable, you are free to stay home for as long as wish, or wear two masks for as long as you wish.

There, now you are protected. It's the way it's always been with regard to health care decisions.

Like heck I will wear an arguably-ineffective medical device on my face for 18 months which I do not need. Sorry, not doing it. I have a functioning immune system, smiles to give out, unobstructed speech to make, whistling to do, and fresh air to breathe as I pursue happiness in my own way.

You do you, and I'll do me.
But that's not what all this mask wearing is about.....
If enough people did this, covid culture would die out.
LOL I'm not sure you realize what you just said. The Super Covid strains are circulating in FL which is why they'd kinda like to contain it. Instead, Florida Man is waving his constitution and doing all he can to contribute to a public health disaster. But you guys do have lots of sunshine going for you. It kills the Germ, so maybe you'll get away with it just like last year when you refused to close the beaches and bars during Spring Break. Bring 'em down, contaminate 'em, then send 'em home. Ka-ching!.
If enough people did this, covid culture would die out.
LOL I'm not sure you realize what you just said. The Super Covid strains are circulating in FL which is why they'd kinda like to contain it. Instead, Florida Man is waving his constitution and doing all he can to contribute to a public health disaster. But you guys do have lots of sunshine going for you. It kills the Germ, so maybe you'll get away with it just like last year when you refused to close the beaches and bars during Spring Break. Bring 'em down, contaminate 'em, then send 'em home. Ka-ching!.
Again, open businesses and one of the lowest Covid mortality rates in the country. But make fun
If enough people did this, covid culture would die out.
LOL I'm not sure you realize what you just said. The Super Covid strains are circulating in FL which is why they'd kinda like to contain it. Instead, Florida Man is waving his constitution and doing all he can to contribute to a public health disaster. But you guys do have lots of sunshine going for you. It kills the Germ, so maybe you'll get away with it just like last year when you refused to close the beaches and bars during Spring Break. Bring 'em down, contaminate 'em, then send 'em home. Ka-ching!.
Again, open businesses and one of the lowest Covid mortality rates in the country. But make fun
Are people voluntarily masking?
If enough people did this, covid culture would die out.
LOL I'm not sure you realize what you just said. The Super Covid strains are circulating in FL which is why they'd kinda like to contain it. Instead, Florida Man is waving his constitution and doing all he can to contribute to a public health disaster. But you guys do have lots of sunshine going for you. It kills the Germ, so maybe you'll get away with it just like last year when you refused to close the beaches and bars during Spring Break. Bring 'em down, contaminate 'em, then send 'em home. Ka-ching!.
Again, open businesses and one of the lowest Covid mortality rates in the country. But make fun
Are people voluntarily masking?
Of course, some do and others don't, just like you would expect in a free country.
So people take off their Covid infested mask and set it on the table? And now that they handled the mask they have Covid infested hands? :cuckoo:
God bless Florida!


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