Face It Repubs: Studies Show Liberals Are Smarter Than Conservatives


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Study Are Liberals Smarter Than Conservatives American Scientist

Scientific Proof Liberals Are Smarter Than Conservatives Liberals Unite

Why Liberals Are More Intelligent Than Conservatives Psychology Today

Liberals and atheists smarter Intelligent people have values novel in human evolutionary history study finds -- ScienceDaily

Are Liberals really Smarter The Tribune Papers

“…among the American sample, those who identify themselves as “very liberal” in early adulthood have a mean childhood IQ of 106.4, whereas those who identify themselves as “very conservative” in early adulthood have a mean childhood IQ of 94.8.”
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Progressives are like spoiled little children, always needing mommy and daddy telling them how smart they are, and that they are special.
so how smart is it to post something like this so they can go around beating their chest like apes over it?

are they trying to convince others or themselves?

how pathetic
so how smart is it to post something like this so they can go around beating their chest like apes over it?

are they trying to convince others or themselves?

how pathetic

If the stats were other way around, cons would be the ones writing it up to beat their chests. :)
so how smart is it to post something like this so they can go around beating their chest like apes over it?

are they trying to convince others or themselves?

how pathetic
Well the studies show that liberals have more evolved mindsets it would be cons who beat their chests like apes....
so how smart is it to post something like this so they can go around beating their chest like apes over it?

are they trying to convince others or themselves?

how pathetic

If the stats were other way around, cons would be the ones writing it up to beat their chests. :)

and you know this how? frikken crystal ball
some of you need to grow up

Now, now, Staph, go back to complaining about black people like you did earlier today. You are soooo fun when you are in full bitch mode. Which means that you are fun ALL the time!!!

And based on your stellar writing, including spelling, grammar, punctuation and context, I would say that you just proved the veracity of the OP.

so how smart is it to post something like this so they can go around beating their chest like apes over it?

are they trying to convince others or themselves?

how pathetic

If the stats were other way around, cons would be the ones writing it up to beat their chests. :)

and you know this how? frikken crystal ball
some of you need to grow up

I know because using a demographic that actually describes me, if it were found that Jews were objectively smarter than non-Jews I'd be shouting that from the rooftops. :)
I bet the cons are going to rely on their go to logical fallacy that anyone associated with higher education is a liberal elitist lol

Of course, there is some truth to that apparently...
I bet the cons are going to rely on their go to logical fallacy that anyone associated with higher education is a liberal elitist lol

Of course, there is some truth to that apparently...

To do that, they would need to crack a book or two open.... this could be a daunting task for the trailer dwellers out there...
Yeah indeed. We see it every time someone interviews a college student. Jay Leno used to have Jay Walking asking liberal New Yorkers to comment on topical subjects. Oh yes, liberals are really smart all right. One smart fellow and he felt smart.
I bet the cons are going to rely on their go to logical fallacy that anyone associated with higher education is a liberal elitist lol

Of course, there is some truth to that apparently...

To do that, they would need to crack a book or two open.... this could be a daunting task for the trailer dwellers out there...

Your elitism stinks up the place.

that's exactly what is

they believe they are "superior" over all others
it's an ugly trait which I don't know if they acquired it over time or they were born with it

just uppity snobs
Study Are Liberals Smarter Than Conservatives American Scientist

Scientific Proof Liberals Are Smarter Than Conservatives Liberals Unite

Why Liberals Are More Intelligent Than Conservatives Psychology Today

Liberals and atheists smarter Intelligent people have values novel in human evolutionary history study finds -- ScienceDaily

Are Liberals really Smarter The Tribune Papers

“…among the American sample, those who identify themselves as “very liberal” in early adulthood have a mean childhood IQ of 106.4, whereas those who identify themselves as “very conservative” in early adulthood have a mean childhood IQ of 94.8.”

You must be 11 or 12 years old? anyone that would sign on to BS like this must be a child.

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