Face It Repubs: Studies Show Liberals Are Smarter Than Conservatives

If you liberals are so god damn smart why do you need big government at every turn? Why do you need idiotic talking points like the "war on women" or "climate change"?

Could it be perhaps that you're just too damn stupid to articulate a position without resorting to high school level bumper sticker slogans?

Government is there to ensure an even playing field and to protect the most vulnerable among us. I'd like to see them do something about the scumbags who've hijacked our financial system and about the major corporations that have exported most of the jobs average people can perform to third world shit holes. And guess what - I have one of the jobs they haven't been able to export.

You would apparently prefer the pinheads you send to Congress to gum things up with infantile tactics. It's probably because you're close to retirement and you don't give a good goddamn about anyone else.

and liberals said they are for freedom. so you elect someone to take over your thinking, your life, your livelihood and when to wipe to your butt.

What the liberals learn in school:

War is peace
Freedom is slavery
Ignorance is strength

No, that's what they teach on Fox.
We're smart! Not like everybody says... like dumb... I'm smart and I want respect!
If you liberals are so god damn smart why do you need big government at every turn? Why do you need idiotic talking points like the "war on women" or "climate change"?

Could it be perhaps that you're just too damn stupid to articulate a position without resorting to high school level bumper sticker slogans?

Government is there to ensure an even playing field and to protect the most vulnerable among us. I'd like to see them do something about the scumbags who've hijacked our financial system and about the major corporations that have exported most of the jobs average people can perform to third world shit holes. And guess what - I have one of the jobs they haven't been able to export.

You would apparently prefer the pinheads you send to Congress to gum things up with infantile tactics. It's probably because you're close to retirement and you don't give a good goddamn about anyone else.

and liberals said they are for freedom. so you elect someone to take over your thinking, your life, your livelihood and when to wipe to your butt.

What the liberals learn in school:

War is peace
Freedom is slavery
Ignorance is strength

Orwell was an optimist
If you liberals are so god damn smart why do you need big government at every turn? Why do you need idiotic talking points like the "war on women" or "climate change"?

Could it be perhaps that you're just too damn stupid to articulate a position without resorting to high school level bumper sticker slogans?

Government is there to ensure an even playing field and to protect the most vulnerable among us. I'd like to see them do something about the scumbags who've hijacked our financial system and about the major corporations that have exported most of the jobs average people can perform to third world shit holes. And guess what - I have one of the jobs they haven't been able to export.

You would apparently prefer the pinheads you send to Congress to gum things up with infantile tactics. It's probably because you're close to retirement and you don't give a good goddamn about anyone else.

and liberals said they are for freedom. so you elect someone to take over your thinking, your life, your livelihood and when to wipe to your butt.

What the liberals learn in school:

War is peace
Freedom is slavery
Ignorance is strength

No, that's what they teach on Fox.

^^^ Not the sharpest tool in the shed ^^^
If you liberals are so god damn smart why do you need big government at every turn? Why do you need idiotic talking points like the "war on women" or "climate change"?

Could it be perhaps that you're just too damn stupid to articulate a position without resorting to high school level bumper sticker slogans?

Government is there to ensure an even playing field and to protect the most vulnerable among us. I'd like to see them do something about the scumbags who've hijacked our financial system and about the major corporations that have exported most of the jobs average people can perform to third world shit holes. And guess what - I have one of the jobs they haven't been able to export.

You would apparently prefer the pinheads you send to Congress to gum things up with infantile tactics. It's probably because you're close to retirement and you don't give a good goddamn about anyone else.

and liberals said they are for freedom. so you elect someone to take over your thinking, your life, your livelihood and when to wipe to your butt.

What the liberals learn in school:

War is peace
Freedom is slavery
Ignorance is strength

well Joe has been brainwashed well.... he's a marching subject/tool of the government
Whenever someone posts up one of these asinine threads for some reason this wonderful example of Democrat intelligence springs to mind....

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Why do liberals dwell on stuff like this? Is it an inferiority complex? If they aren't pinning stupid labels on people liberals are intentionally bullying conservative college kids by telling them they aren't smart.
What's funny, is these "studies" have as much credibility as those that supposedly say that blacks are not as smart as whites. They suffer from the same selection process. However, everyone with a brain, both Dem and Repub denounce those ridiculous "studies". But these that purport to show cons as stupid, are viewed by the supposedly smarter libs as legitimate.

Too funny.
It's almost predictable. Liberals aren't willing or able to defend the policies of guy they campaigned for so they resort to childish claims of mental superiority. You almost gotta laugh.
Liberals are the most easily duped people in history, yet they maintain their arrogant and narcissistic egomania. How many millions died at the hands of communism? Nazi Germany? Condorcet was an idiot who advocated a one world government. Smartest people in American history were western settlers under the era of Jacksonian Democracy. They understood that less authority from central government was a good thing and that power belongs with the states.
If you liberals are so god damn smart why do you need big government at every turn? Why do you need idiotic talking points like the "war on women" or "climate change"?

Could it be perhaps that you're just too damn stupid to articulate a position without resorting to high school level bumper sticker slogans?

Government is there to ensure an even playing field and to protect the most vulnerable among us. I'd like to see them do something about the scumbags who've hijacked our financial system and about the major corporations that have exported most of the jobs average people can perform to third world shit holes. And guess what - I have one of the jobs they haven't been able to export.

You would apparently prefer the pinheads you send to Congress to gum things up with infantile tactics. It's probably because you're close to retirement and you don't give a good goddamn about anyone else.
O, gov't. is there to protect our freedoms under the constitution. Boy you libtards are stupid.
If you liberals are so god damn smart why do you need big government at every turn? Why do you need idiotic talking points like the "war on women" or "climate change"?

Could it be perhaps that you're just too damn stupid to articulate a position without resorting to high school level bumper sticker slogans?

Government is there to ensure an even playing field and to protect the most vulnerable among us. I'd like to see them do something about the scumbags who've hijacked our financial system and about the major corporations that have exported most of the jobs average people can perform to third world shit holes. And guess what - I have one of the jobs they haven't been able to export.

You would apparently prefer the pinheads you send to Congress to gum things up with infantile tactics. It's probably because you're close to retirement and you don't give a good goddamn about anyone else.

and liberals said they are for freedom. so you elect someone to take over your thinking, your life, your livelihood and when to wipe to your butt.

What thinking has the government taken over for you? 'Cause I don't see much thinking going on at all.
That is because you are too stupid to think.
Watch Jesse Watters interview some of the brilliant minds of NYU students.....
Way too funny
Study Are Liberals Smarter Than Conservatives American Scientist

Scientific Proof Liberals Are Smarter Than Conservatives Liberals Unite

Why Liberals Are More Intelligent Than Conservatives Psychology Today

Liberals and atheists smarter Intelligent people have values novel in human evolutionary history study finds -- ScienceDaily

Are Liberals really Smarter The Tribune Papers

“…among the American sample, those who identify themselves as “very liberal” in early adulthood have a mean childhood IQ of 106.4, whereas those who identify themselves as “very conservative” in early adulthood have a mean childhood IQ of 94.8.”

Is that why liberals prefer a bigger government "parent" system to depend upon and take care of more of their needs for them? Welfare, retirement, healthcare, contraception, all dependent upon the backs of someone else - like working taxpayers and those among them who have educated themselves to be successful and self reliant, to provide for themselves without government dependency? I chuckle at what the tabloids are putting out these days to try and convince others of. :lol:
Liberals only care about the gov assisting the people who really need it which is the dirt poor, elderly, and disabled persons in this country. Scumbags like tea baggers are the moochers. They would rather have the government pay for everything for them by wishing they didn't have to pay taxes.

Conservatives are the mooches? ROTFL !!! If you prefer a big government system that provides you with more "entitlements" then you have it backwards. Try taking some of those big government provisions and have the people earn for themselves, learning how to set aside and budget for their OWN retirements, and provide for their own needs, and we will see who these "mooches" are.

If liberals were the more "intelligent" as you say, they wouldn't look to the Federal Government to bail them out and provide all these handouts. Instead, they would use their intelligence to find a way to earn for themselves, take whatever job was available to them, pull up their sleeves, and do a little hard work to provide themselves with what they need for their families to have a better life. Just look at the economy at Greece. The government there was going to take their "entitlements" away and the people were in an outrage, because they couldn't figure out how they were going to make it without all those government provisions. More intelligent? Hardly.
Amazing how the far left will such things when there are many Liberals that are Conservative..
IQ testing, if properly conducted, measures the ability to learn. It does not measure how much one has learned, and consequently has little correlation with how smart one is, or is not.

IQ can change up to 10 points based on whether one is currently exercising (stimulating) their brain, or is just absorbing liberal propaganda from the lame stream media.

Learning requires effort, and therefore, it should be obivious to even the casual observer that most liberals, even those with a high IQ, are not very smart. This is amply demonstrated everytime some liberal group gets together to protest something.
That is why psychologists rely on it. It gives an inherited look at intelligence.

Yes IQ can vary between tests. By as much as 10 points? You made that up.

Speaking of tests.

According to a Zogby International survey that I write about in the May issue of Econ Journal Watch, the answer is unequivocal: The left flunks Econ 101.

questions were: 1) Mandatory licensing of professional services increases the prices of those services (unenlightened answer: disagree). 2) Overall, the standard of living is higher today than it was 30 years ago (unenlightened answer: disagree). 3) Rent control leads to housing shortages (unenlightened answer: disagree). 4) A company with the largest market share is a monopoly (unenlightened answer: agree). 5) Third World workers working for American companies overseas are being exploited (unenlightened answer: agree). 6) Free trade leads to unemployment (unenlightened answer: agree). 7) Minimum wage laws raise unemployment (unenlightened answer: disagree).

Yet on every question the left did much worse. On the monopoly question, the portion of progressive/very liberals answering incorrectly (31%) was more than twice that of conservatives (13%) and more than four times that of libertarians (7%). On the question about living standards, the portion of progressive/very liberals answering incorrectly (61%) was more than four times that of conservatives (13%) and almost three times that of libertarians (21%).

Daniel Klein Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader - WSJ

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