Face It Repubs: Studies Show Liberals Are Smarter Than Conservatives

Stupid people used to have the good sense to just STFU. Now with Fox News and the Tea Party 'validating' their feelings, they think that their opinions are just as valid as anyone else's. So forget about listening to the experts...

Well ain't we a fucking elitist. Now show your fairness by also slamming poor, uneducated blacks and tell the to STFU.

Oh, are you a poor, uneducated black?

What does color have to do with it? YOU didn't mention color so apparently, martybegan saying that only blacks are stupid enough to watch faux.

Nice misrepresentation of my point. typical tactic for a butt muncher such as yourself.

YOU brought up race and, as usual, YOU bring up homosexuality.

You ARE a racist and a homophobe. And, you're not reeel bright, as evidenced by your assertion that guns and lawnmowers are somehow comparable.


bringing up race does not make one racist. using a 5th grade insult does not make one homophobic.

And I'll put my education and IQ up against yours any day of the week.

And you STILL have not answered my question. Does owning a lawnmower make it more likely you will die in a lawnmower accident?
Stupid people used to have the good sense to just STFU. Now with Fox News and the Tea Party 'validating' their feelings, they think that their opinions are just as valid as anyone else's. So forget about listening to the experts...
Yep, you should just STFU then.
Always amusing to see how critical it is for partisan ideologues to feel they're more intelligent than those who dare to disagree with them.

Apparently, a fragile self esteem is a part of their hyperbolic, narcissistic behavior.

Not a surprise, I guess.


Logic and facts don't seem to sway the stupid. Might as well point out that they're stupid.
point out that libtards are stupid all the time.
I think this is like the Nazi syndrome. Always having to tell each other you are part of the "master race," and oh soooooooooooooooo special!

Just because you keep telling each other that, don't make it true, and sooner or later, Conservatives will D-Day your ass (again) like they did with Reagan.

But let the arrogant little dears have their party. The more arrogant a master race gets, the more fun the fall is to watch.

Stupid people used to have the good sense to just STFU. Now with Fox News and the Tea Party 'validating' their feelings, they think that their opinions are just as valid as anyone else's. So forget about listening to the experts...
Why are you so racist?
A study by liberals say that liberals are smarter.

Gee, who'd of thunk it.
Stupid people used to have the good sense to just STFU. Now with Fox News and the Tea Party 'validating' their feelings, they think that their opinions are just as valid as anyone else's. So forget about listening to the experts...
If this were true, you'd be silent for the rest of your ignorant life.
Their needs to be some objective confirmation on who is smarter.
Not really. But then again, people who think intelligence is determined by ideology really shouldn't be allowed out without a keeper.
Stupid people used to have the good sense to just STFU. Now with Fox News and the Tea Party 'validating' their feelings, they think that their opinions are just as valid as anyone else's. So forget about listening to the experts...
If this were true, you'd be silent for the rest of your ignorant life.
And black people wouldn't be allowed to vote or express their opinions. I asked him why he was so racist but he won't respond.
I bet the cons are going to rely on their go to logical fallacy that anyone associated with higher education is a liberal elitist lol

Of course, there is some truth to that apparently...

To do that, they would need to crack a book or two open.... this could be a daunting task for the trailer dwellers out there...

Think conservatives would find that act itself dauting. Like the Captain in "WALL-E" opening the old dusty book on what to do with a positive result from the probe missions. ;)


Nothing more comical to watch than a progressive self congratulatory circle jerk.

I think they need them every now and then. Must be something about nobody paying any attention to them and stuff.
Study Are Liberals Smarter Than Conservatives American Scientist

Scientific Proof Liberals Are Smarter Than Conservatives Liberals Unite

Why Liberals Are More Intelligent Than Conservatives Psychology Today

Liberals and atheists smarter Intelligent people have values novel in human evolutionary history study finds -- ScienceDaily

Are Liberals really Smarter The Tribune Papers

“…among the American sample, those who identify themselves as “very liberal” in early adulthood have a mean childhood IQ of 106.4, whereas those who identify themselves as “very conservative” in early adulthood have a mean childhood IQ of 94.8.”

You must be 11 or 12 years old? anyone that would sign on to BS like this must be a child.

Progressives look for self-reassurance, either from the group or from their betters. It gives them a warm fuzzy feeling when authority tells them they are oh so smart, and oh so special.
Their needs to be some objective confirmation on who is smarter.

STUDY Watching FOX News Makes You Stupid - Business Insider

A new study shows that viewers who get their news from Fox News are the most misinformed in the country.

World Public Opinion, a project managed by the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland, conducted a survey of American voters that shows that Fox News viewers are significantly more misinformed than consumers of news from other sources. What’s more, the study shows that greater exposure to Fox News increases misinformation.

So the more you watch, the less you know. Or to be precise, the more you think you know that is actually false.

Got that?

Read more: STUDY Watching FOX News Makes You Stupid - Business Insider

LOL you people are a hoot,or better you children are a hoot.

What kind of person has to constantly degrade others to make themselves feel ok about their own lives,who taught them this sad trait,is just plain character weakness,or was it their up bringing?
Stupid people used to have the good sense to just STFU. Now with Fox News and the Tea Party 'validating' their feelings, they think that their opinions are just as valid as anyone else's. So forget about listening to the experts...
Why are you so racist?

Point out the racism in this post.
If it has to be pointed out to you then the premise of this thread is false

WTF kind of logic is this?
Progressives are like spoiled little children, always needing mommy and daddy telling them how smart they are, and that they are special.
That proves the OP.

It proves nothing about me, but it shows that you are a groupthink lemming.
Progressives are like spoiled little children, always needing mommy and daddy telling them how smart they are, and that they are special.
That proves the OP.

It proves nothing about me, but it shows that you are a groupthink lemming.
Progressives are like spoiled little children, always needing mommy and daddy telling them how smart they are, and that they are special.
That proves the OP.

It proves nothing about me, but it shows that you are a groupthink lemming.
It proves that you use insults in place of intelligence.
Apparently, I need to explain my inflammatory remarks.

There seem to be a whole bunch of people whose worldview runs about as deep as a bumper sticker talking point. This hasn't gone unnoticed by the unscrupulous bastards of the world - the Rupert Murdochs and Koch brothers... They pander shamelessly to this demographic in exchange for their complicity in making the world suck more each day.

And once that bumper sticker talking point is implanted, it's nearly impossible to remove. Any attempt is a plot against them by the intelligencia. So forget about entire fields of experts in climate science, social science, economics or foreign affairs. Or concepts like job outsourcing, universal healthcare or regulation of major corporations and the financial sector. Doesn't mean a thing. Then combine that with political tactics that would make a spoiled toddler blush and you have the perfect storm of race-to-the-bottom bullshit that we see today.

Maybe I should have more compassion. It probably does suck to be stupid.
Study Are Liberals Smarter Than Conservatives American Scientist

Scientific Proof Liberals Are Smarter Than Conservatives Liberals Unite

Why Liberals Are More Intelligent Than Conservatives Psychology Today

Liberals and atheists smarter Intelligent people have values novel in human evolutionary history study finds -- ScienceDaily

Are Liberals really Smarter The Tribune Papers

“…among the American sample, those who identify themselves as “very liberal” in early adulthood have a mean childhood IQ of 106.4, whereas those who identify themselves as “very conservative” in early adulthood have a mean childhood IQ of 94.8.”
106.4 is pretty stupid.


Must be all of those ex-Democrats invading the GOP screwing up our average.

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