Face It Repubs: Studies Show Liberals Are Smarter Than Conservatives

Always amusing to see how critical it is for partisan ideologues to feel they're more intelligent than those who dare to disagree with them.

Apparently, a fragile self esteem is a part of their hyperbolic, narcissistic behavior.

Not a surprise, I guess.


Logic and facts don't seem to sway the stupid. Might as well point out that they're stupid.
Stupid people used to have the good sense to just STFU. Now with Fox News and the Tea Party 'validating' their feelings, they think that their opinions are just as valid as anyone else's. So forget about listening to the experts...

wow, you should abide by your own dumb talking point

Stupid people used to have the good sense to just STFU.
Stupid people used to have the good sense to just STFU. Now with Fox News and the Tea Party 'validating' their feelings, they think that their opinions are just as valid as anyone else's. So forget about listening to the experts...

Well ain't we a fucking elitist. Now show your fairness by also slamming poor, uneducated blacks and tell the to STFU.

Oh, are you a poor, uneducated black?

What does color have to do with it? YOU didn't mention color so apparently, martybegan saying that only blacks are stupid enough to watch faux.
Stupid people used to have the good sense to just STFU. Now with Fox News and the Tea Party 'validating' their feelings, they think that their opinions are just as valid as anyone else's. So forget about listening to the experts...

wow, you should abide by your own dumb talking point

Stupid people used to have the good sense to just STFU.

You prove his point.

Stupid people used to have the good sense to just STFU. Now with Fox News and the Tea Party 'validating' their feelings, they think that their opinions are just as valid as anyone else's. So forget about listening to the experts...

Well ain't we a fucking elitist. Now show your fairness by also slamming poor, uneducated blacks and tell the to STFU.

Oh, are you a poor, uneducated black?

What does color have to do with it? YOU didn't mention color so apparently, martybegan saying that only blacks are stupid enough to watch faux.

Yup, stupidity usually goes hand in hand with racism.
Study Are Liberals Smarter Than Conservatives American Scientist

Scientific Proof Liberals Are Smarter Than Conservatives Liberals Unite

Why Liberals Are More Intelligent Than Conservatives Psychology Today

Liberals and atheists smarter Intelligent people have values novel in human evolutionary history study finds -- ScienceDaily

Are Liberals really Smarter The Tribune Papers

“…among the American sample, those who identify themselves as “very liberal” in early adulthood have a mean childhood IQ of 106.4, whereas those who identify themselves as “very conservative” in early adulthood have a mean childhood IQ of 94.8.”

Liberalism alone proves the studies wrong.
Ah yes.....lib elitists. Full of theoretical axioms, then quickly regurgitating their newfound knowledge with no comprehension of how these axioms relate to real world applications. It truly is a spectacle to behold.
If you needed to do a study like this, you had doubts.

If you had to publish it, you needed validation.

If you believe it, you're a liberal.
Stupid people used to have the good sense to just STFU. Now with Fox News and the Tea Party 'validating' their feelings, they think that their opinions are just as valid as anyone else's. So forget about listening to the experts...

Well ain't we a fucking elitist. Now show your fairness by also slamming poor, uneducated blacks and tell the to STFU.

Oh, are you a poor, uneducated black?

What does color have to do with it? YOU didn't mention color so apparently, martybegan saying that only blacks are stupid enough to watch faux.

Nice misrepresentation of my point. typical tactic for a butt muncher such as yourself.
Stupid people used to have the good sense to just STFU. Now with Fox News and the Tea Party 'validating' their feelings, they think that their opinions are just as valid as anyone else's. So forget about listening to the experts...

Well ain't we a fucking elitist. Now show your fairness by also slamming poor, uneducated blacks and tell the to STFU.

Oh, are you a poor, uneducated black?

What does color have to do with it? YOU didn't mention color so apparently, martybegan saying that only blacks are stupid enough to watch faux.

Yup, stupidity usually goes hand in hand with racism.

Find a single post where I display racism. Using an example to make a point is not racism.
Intelligence is not determined by political ideology to believe it is that is stupid.
Painting Republicans as stupid in comparison to Democrats is a decades old Democratic party tactic. Its effective not because its true but because the biased puke MSM is a partner in this propaganda.

How effective? A guy with a bachelors degree from Yale, an MBA from Harvard, who can fly a super sonic fighter jet was very effectively painted as dumb as a brick by these lying pukes to this day.
Ah yes.....lib elitists. Full of theoretical axioms, then quickly regurgitating their newfound knowledge with no comprehension of how these axioms relate to real world applications. It truly is a spectacle to behold.
IQ has plenty of real world applications. Wouldn't you say?
Best thread evah!

Liberals are like so smart and stuff!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Watch me make libs heads explode...if libs are so smart how did George Bush beat Al Gore and John Kerry? OH SNAP!
Stupid people used to have the good sense to just STFU. Now with Fox News and the Tea Party 'validating' their feelings, they think that their opinions are just as valid as anyone else's. So forget about listening to the experts...

Well ain't we a fucking elitist. Now show your fairness by also slamming poor, uneducated blacks and tell the to STFU.

Oh, are you a poor, uneducated black?

What does color have to do with it? YOU didn't mention color so apparently, martybegan saying that only blacks are stupid enough to watch faux.

Nice misrepresentation of my point. typical tactic for a butt muncher such as yourself.

YOU brought up race and, as usual, YOU bring up homosexuality.

You ARE a racist and a homophobe. And, you're not reeel bright, as evidenced by your assertion that guns and lawnmowers are somehow comparable.

Intelligence is not determined by political ideology to believe it is that is stupid.

You've got it backwards. Political ideology is determined (partially) by intelligence.
I have known intelligent liberals and conservatives I have also know liberals and conservatives who are dumb as box of rocks this whole debate is dumb and a waste of time to continue with.

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