Facebook and Twitter censor Mothers of people killed by Illegal Border Jumpers


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
That's right. If an ILLEGAL kills your daughter, son, brother, sister, mom, dad etc......and you wish to calmly speak about it on Facebook or Twitter, or start support groups for people who have lost loved ones to ILLEGALS, you are heavily censored.

The number of Americans being killed or harmed by illegals is also heavily censored by the media.
They simply ignore it all.

Angel mom whose son was killed by illegal immigrant claims Facebook is censoring her posts
Angel mom whose son was killed by illegal immigrant claims Facebook is censoring her posts

To quote someone's post I saw elsewhere........

"If you are not fully onboard with the Left's agenda, and you use either Facebook or Twitter for non essential communications while not actively supporting alternatives and trying your hardest to move away asap, you are not only a traitor...but also one self-defeating dumbass motherfucker"

(Trump would be exempted because his communications are essential and there is no other outlet available)
It's no secret that Facebook and Twitter have a massive left wing bias.
It has to do with complaints filed on Facebook. X amount of complaints they censor posts or pages. Google blogs used to do the same thing. When I posted on a blog about Wells Fxxxx committing fraud a search engine picked it up and their Internet guards went into action trying to get the blog banned. I wrote Google blogs and told them 'if it isn't true let them sue me as I have absolute proof of what they did'. Boom the blog was back up. People on facebook or any other Internet venue that are posting on truth simply need to stand by what they post and stand firm and complain right back at them. Also keep in mind that Facebook has a lot of foreigners running that aspect of pages and post people make. If enough people are posting the same information on FB you could run them ragged trying to deal with all of the feedback and contesting of posts being censored.
It's not really the BIAS that bothers me.....

It's the loyalty and revenue support they continue to get from tens of millions of RightWingers they are out to destroy

I've been saying for what...two years or more that the Right needs to build comparable sites of their own and then EVERY RightWinger needs to FLOCK to them.
That's right. If an ILLEGAL kills your daughter, son, brother, sister, mom, dad etc......and you wish to calmly speak about it on Facebook or Twitter, or start support groups for people who have lost loved ones to ILLEGALS, you are heavily censored.

The number of Americans being killed or harmed by illegals is also heavily censored by the media.
They simply ignore it all.

Angel mom whose son was killed by illegal immigrant claims Facebook is censoring her posts
Angel mom whose son was killed by illegal immigrant claims Facebook is censoring her posts

To quote someone's post I saw elsewhere........

"If you are not fully onboard with the Left's agenda, and you use either Facebook or Twitter for non essential communications while not actively supporting alternatives and trying your hardest to move away asap, you are not only a traitor...but also one self-defeating dumbass motherfucker"

(Trump would be exempted because his communications are essential and there is no other outlet available)

Just more rightwing lies, bigotry, and hate.
That's right. If an ILLEGAL kills your daughter, son, brother, sister, mom, dad etc......and you wish to calmly speak about it on Facebook or Twitter, or start support groups for people who have lost loved ones to ILLEGALS, you are heavily censored.

The number of Americans being killed or harmed by illegals is also heavily censored by the media.
They simply ignore it all.

Angel mom whose son was killed by illegal immigrant claims Facebook is censoring her posts
Angel mom whose son was killed by illegal immigrant claims Facebook is censoring her posts

To quote someone's post I saw elsewhere........

"If you are not fully onboard with the Left's agenda, and you use either Facebook or Twitter for non essential communications while not actively supporting alternatives and trying your hardest to move away asap, you are not only a traitor...but also one self-defeating dumbass motherfucker"

(Trump would be exempted because his communications are essential and there is no other outlet available)

Just more rightwing lies, bigotry, and hate.
Just more leftist bootlicking of corporate oligarchs.

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