Facebook, apple purge infowars for hate speech

I have been using Facebook to educate people on politics ever since it started. I have never been censored so yeah, there is some truth when someone says that Zuck cannot really control it.
That was me, of course.

Remember my thread about how to act as a human algorithm? Facebook can be controlled and is a very effective tool.

It just can't be your ONLY tool.
Can you provide examples of this hate speech?
Yes. As can you, if you read up on this event.

Thanks for asking!

I have read up on it and the alleged hate speech is not specified.

But you seem to agree that he has used hate speech, so why be so coy about it? What hate speech has he engaged in?
Because of this? No. And you ignored my comments about the other platforms. Because you know what you said was very stupid
Because of many things Facebook does and has done lately to hide conservative content....they are very obvious....
Yes, I'm sure Facebook will really miss the 0.5% of its members that don't realize Jones is a fucking moron.
You had better check Facebooks subscriber numbers....they are dropping...big time....why do I always seem to feel the need to bring you up to date on everything....?

The reason fb subscriber numbers are dropping is because the fake accounts are being removed.

THAT has been going on for about a year..and it is caused at least in part by the fact that federal employees no longer are allowed to use their government computers and their government work day to create fake accounts with which to create a huge fake internet leftist presence for political reasons.

Facebook isn't going anywhere any time soon.
But you seem to agree that he has used hate speech,
Actually, I did not state or imply that. I stated the position of the social media platforms.

And yes, you can find examples for yourself of what they see as hate speech both linked and stated here:

YouTube, Facebook, and Apple’s ban on Alex Jones, explained

And here:


Those took 2 seconds to find. So I have to throw the BS flag at your claim that you made any effort to find these things. More message board posturing...
He should be more worried about the 95% of subscribers who think free speech is a thing.
Yes, I'm sure Facebook amd all the ither platforms are simply terrified....

Well they should be. Let me educate you about what it means to be an American. Now is the time to find the constitution that you haven't read and start reading. Right as the FIRST AMENDMENT is free speech you anti-American fuck. Our most important value. Don't fuck with it.

Now is the time to start defending it or get the fuck out of this country to one of those shitholes who don't enjoy the same rights and thus are shitholes. God damn fascists...
But you seem to agree that he has used hate speech,
Actually, I did not state or imply that. I stated the position of the social media platforms.

Actually yes you did:

Of course, that was metaphor for jones's inciting hate speech. Did you not see any of it? Did you bother to look it up?

Evidence of what? That Alex Jones used hate speech? And he incited people? I doubt you would understand the evidence...a guy like you would just call that "normal conversation".
Facebook is for people with shit for brains.

Yes, but the problem is....is not only Facebook that the Totalitarians are purging... but also Twitter, Google, YouTube...etc.

Is an absolute ban on conservative voices!

THAT IS WRONG! :mad-61:
Any large platform (the NFL for example), that is being highjacked for nefarious purposes in order to subdue or to lead precariously it's large fan base, memberships or crowds, should be regulated by a written set of rules in which said platforms should then be required to adhere too and/or should voluntarily want to go by such rules....... This would be in order to guard against the catastrophic damages that can be caused by these very influential powerful platforms if they are highjacked somehow, and are being used wrongfully in an open society.
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This is only the ten billionth time on the internet that people lack the intellectual depth not to conflate the constitutional concept of free speech with what a fuckin BUSINESS allows

I dunno, perhaps common core needs to add these things to the Kindergarten platform
Actually I think the problem for most people is more to do with the provision of consistency, fairness and a level playing field, or just being more up front about their agenda. They also don’t seem to have specified what it is they allege ‘hate speech’.
I think they have a valid claim to Alex Jones being Hate Speech based on his propogating the Rumor that the families destroyed by losing their babies in Sandey Hook were actors.

Whether or not they are consistent in applying their policy on hate speech is a subjective discussion that can be had, but it doesnt negate that alex jones being "hate speech" is a valid claim.

Every American needs to be concerned about organizations stamping out speech that they don't like. The 1st Amendment was there to protect that kind of speech. Speech that everyone likes doesn't need protection.

The 1st Amendment prohibits THE GOVERNMENT from censoring free speech. If a private business doesn't like what you are saying in their place of business, they are free to tell you to knock it off or they will throw you out. If the stupidity persists? They throw you out.

Facebook, YouTube and all the others are PRIVATE businesses. I thought you conservatives were all about letting people run their business as they see fit?

Bake that cake, Christian !!
Could a mod merge all these conspiracy alec jones threads ?

Could you shut the fuck up you Fascist fuck
I speak and the mods act. This is how it works on here sparky.

Not surprising either.

Oh and you're still a Fascist Fuck. Go burn a book

I doubt he would burn books from his collection, not his favorite writers like Mussolini and Marx.

American flags and the constitution is what he would burn.

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