Facebook, apple purge infowars for hate speech

This is only the ten billionth time on the internet that people lack the intellectual depth not to conflate the constitutional concept of free speech with what a fuckin BUSINESS allows

I dunno, perhaps common core needs to add these things to the Kindergarten platform
Actually I think the problem for most people is more to do with the provision of consistency, fairness and a level playing field, or just being more up front about their agenda. They also don’t seem to have specified what it is they allege ‘hate speech’.
I think they have a valid claim to Alex Jones being Hate Speech based on his propogating the Rumor that the families destroyed by losing their babies in Sandey Hook were actors.

Whether or not they are consistent in applying their policy on hate speech is a subjective discussion that can be had, but it doesnt negate that alex jones being "hate speech" is a valid claim.
Well that’s where we may differ on what constutes hate speech.
I don’t think someone saying they believe Sandy Hook parents are crisis actors constitutes hatred or hate speech - even though it’s a belief that causes other people pain.

The left uses the term *hate speech* to justify their squelching of free speech.

Just like they use the term *racist* to justify their physical attacks on minorities who stand for free speech.
Donald J. Trump on Twitter

This is only the ten billionth time on the internet that people lack the intellectual depth not to conflate the constitutional concept of free speech with what a fuckin BUSINESS allows

I dunno, perhaps common core needs to add these things to the Kindergarten platform
Actually I think the problem for most people is more to do with the provision of consistency, fairness and a level playing field, or just being more up front about their agenda. They also don’t seem to have specified what it is they allege ‘hate speech’.
I think they have a valid claim to Alex Jones being Hate Speech based on his propogating the Rumor that the families destroyed by losing their babies in Sandey Hook were actors.

Whether or not they are consistent in applying their policy on hate speech is a subjective discussion that can be had, but it doesnt negate that alex jones being "hate speech" is a valid claim.

Every American needs to be concerned about organizations stamping out speech that they don't like. The 1st Amendment was there to protect that kind of speech. Speech that everyone likes doesn't need protection.
The 1st Amendment is there to protect against LAWS to limit speech..not against businesses choosing not to allow any fuckin idiot to scream n166er! in his bar all night as a loop hole to your misreading of the 1st amendment.

This is seriously stupidity
Congratulations, you are right and wrong at the same time. That is what the 1st is for but when you have three corporations that have what amounts to a monopoly on social media, there needs to be regulations. Aren't you leftists all about regulations on corporations?
Fascists are everywhere on the left....it doesn't bother me because people can see it for what it is and they are fleeing the fascist democrat party....
Tom Cook’s trillion dollar megacorp has purged a host of Alex Jones’s podcasts saying they will “not tolerate hate speech” on iTunes and leftists are ecstatic.

Leftists Cheer Apple Purging Alex Jones From iTunes For ‘Hate Speech,’ Demand More Censorship

Awwww you all are just so glad, but one more time TARDS they are and will come for you next.

They will come for your sources next a** holes......... watch it unfold as you open your mouths and that foot gets shoved so far down that throat you can't ever get any air......

Other sites are being shut down you STUPID A** holes.



Oh look we have the same mentality on here don't we.

View attachment 208775
Remember SCOTUS just made it ok for businesses to reject customers for moral/religious reasons. iTunes has a moral objection to liars like Jones....but go ahead and send him your money.....he's gonna need it.

The conservatives cheered the supreme court when they did that.

Liberals didn't. Liberals further warned that it won't stop with that case. That the supreme court has opened the door. Yet the conservatives didn't listen.

They've been screaming about capitalism, free markets and private ownership of everything with no regulations for decades.

Well they got it.

They were just too stupid to realize that all supreme court rulings apply to everyone equally. They somehow believe they're special and no one would ever apply the standards conservatives demand to be applied to everyone. Everyone but themselves that is.

Now that that ruling has been used by private business to enforce the rules they set out in their TOS declarations that the users agreed to follow when they set up their account, the conservatives are screaming about free speech. It's interesting. Those who said a private business has full right to do business with people they choose and not everyone are now trying to demand that businesses do business with everyone and not only those they choose.

If it wasn't so sad and pathetic, it would be funny.

I would also add that it was Republicans who did away with Fairness Doctrine which required that all sides to a debate be heard. This lead to professional agitators and polemicists like Rush and Hannity polluting talk radio. Now the wheels are turning. Sorry snowflakes. This is what you wanted. This is what you have.

I don't believe in censorship. However I also believe in our laws that say you can't slander or defame someone. Along with our laws that say you can't incite a violence or riot or yell fire in a building.

What alex jones is doing is crying fire in a building, inciting violence, slandering and defaming people.

His lies have already caused violence. He peddled that lie about Hillary running a child sex ring in a DC pizza restaurant. One of his stupid followers went to that restaurant with his AR 15 to find that sex ring. He didn't find a child sex ring but did shoot the place up. Someone could have been harmed or even killed. As it is the owner of the restaurant sustained damage to his restaurant.

This isn't free speech. It's inciting violence on an innocent business person who had nothing to do with Hillary or the election. It's nothing but lies.

Canada has very strict laws with the media and lies. It's illegal to lie in the media up there. They have it right. No one should be able to peddle lies in the media. The reason is very obvious with the pizza restaurant. I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't stop there too.

When he signed up with Twitter and Facebook jones agreed to follow their TOS rules. Just like everyone else. If he violates those rules he should be held responsible for the violation.

But here's a thought, a good way to not be censored or banned is to not violate the TOS rules.

I find it very hypocritical of conservatives who are upset by this. When the supreme court opened the doors they didn't listen to the warnings. They got what they have been screaming about for decades. Now they're whining about it.
The reign of terror from the totalitarian Left can not continue unabated!

Please do something Mr President!

Enough is enough!
This is only the ten billionth time on the internet that people lack the intellectual depth not to conflate the constitutional concept of free speech with what a fuckin BUSINESS allows

I dunno, perhaps common core needs to add these things to the Kindergarten platform
Actually I think the problem for most people is more to do with the provision of consistency, fairness and a level playing field, or just being more up front about their agenda. They also don’t seem to have specified what it is they allege ‘hate speech’.
I think they have a valid claim to Alex Jones being Hate Speech based on his propogating the Rumor that the families destroyed by losing their babies in Sandey Hook were actors.

Whether or not they are consistent in applying their policy on hate speech is a subjective discussion that can be had, but it doesnt negate that alex jones being "hate speech" is a valid claim.

Every American needs to be concerned about organizations stamping out speech that they don't like. The 1st Amendment was there to protect that kind of speech. Speech that everyone likes doesn't need protection.

The 1st Amendment prohibits THE GOVERNMENT from censoring free speech. If a private business doesn't like what you are saying in their place of business, they are free to tell you to knock it off or they will throw you out. If the stupidity persists? They throw you out.

Facebook, YouTube and all the others are PRIVATE businesses. I thought you conservatives were all about letting people run their business as they see fit?
This is only the ten billionth time on the internet that people lack the intellectual depth not to conflate the constitutional concept of free speech with what a fuckin BUSINESS allows

I dunno, perhaps common core needs to add these things to the Kindergarten platform
Actually I think the problem for most people is more to do with the provision of consistency, fairness and a level playing field, or just being more up front about their agenda. They also don’t seem to have specified what it is they allege ‘hate speech’.
I think they have a valid claim to Alex Jones being Hate Speech based on his propogating the Rumor that the families destroyed by losing their babies in Sandey Hook were actors.

Whether or not they are consistent in applying their policy on hate speech is a subjective discussion that can be had, but it doesnt negate that alex jones being "hate speech" is a valid claim.

Every American needs to be concerned about organizations stamping out speech that they don't like. The 1st Amendment was there to protect that kind of speech. Speech that everyone likes doesn't need protection.
The 1st Amendment is there to protect against LAWS to limit speech..not against businesses choosing not to allow any fuckin idiot to scream n166er! in his bar all night as a loop hole to your misreading of the 1st amendment.

This is seriously stupidity
Congratulations, you are right and wrong at the same time. That is what the 1st is for but when you have three corporations that have what amounts to a monopoly on social media, there needs to be regulations. Aren't you leftists all about regulations on corporations?
1. im not a leftist.
2. the fact that theres 3, umm....whats a "Monopoly" again??


So your post was "I like regulation when it would help Alex Jones?"

Tom Cook’s trillion dollar megacorp has purged a host of Alex Jones’s podcasts saying they will “not tolerate hate speech” on iTunes and leftists are ecstatic.

Leftists Cheer Apple Purging Alex Jones From iTunes For ‘Hate Speech,’ Demand More Censorship

Awwww you all are just so glad, but one more time TARDS they are and will come for you next.

They will come for your sources next a** holes......... watch it unfold as you open your mouths and that foot gets shoved so far down that throat you can't ever get any air......

Other sites are being shut down you STUPID A** holes.



Oh look we have the same mentality on here don't we.

View attachment 208775
Remember SCOTUS just made it ok for businesses to reject customers for moral/religious reasons. iTunes has a moral objection to liars like Jones....but go ahead and send him your money.....he's gonna need it.

The conservatives cheered the supreme court when they did that.

Liberals didn't. Liberals further warned that it won't stop with that case. That the supreme court has opened the door. Yet the conservatives didn't listen.

They've been screaming about capitalism, free markets and private ownership of everything with no regulations for decades.

Well they got it.

They were just too stupid to realize that all supreme court rulings apply to everyone equally. They somehow believe they're special and no one would ever apply the standards conservatives demand to be applied to everyone. Everyone but themselves that is.

Now that that ruling has been used by private business to enforce the rules they set out in their TOS declarations that the users agreed to follow when they set up their account, the conservatives are screaming about free speech. It's interesting. Those who said a private business has full right to do business with people they choose and not everyone are now trying to demand that businesses do business with everyone and not only those they choose.

If it wasn't so sad and pathetic, it would be funny.

I would also add that it was Republicans who did away with Fairness Doctrine which required that all sides to a debate be heard. This lead to professional agitators and polemicists like Rush and Hannity polluting talk radio. Now the wheels are turning. Sorry snowflakes. This is what you wanted. This is what you have.

I don't believe in censorship. However I also believe in our laws that say you can't slander or defame someone. Along with our laws that say you can't incite a violence or riot or yell fire in a building.

What alex jones is doing is crying fire in a building, inciting violence, slandering and defaming people.

His lies have already caused violence. He peddled that lie about Hillary running a child sex ring in a DC pizza restaurant. One of his stupid followers went to that restaurant with his AR 15 to find that sex ring. He didn't find a child sex ring but did shoot the place up. Someone could have been harmed or even killed. As it is the owner of the restaurant sustained damage to his restaurant.

This isn't free speech. It's inciting violence on an innocent business person who had nothing to do with Hillary or the election. It's nothing but lies.

Canada has very strict laws with the media and lies. It's illegal to lie in the media up there. They have it right. No one should be able to peddle lies in the media. The reason is very obvious with the pizza restaurant. I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't stop there too.

When he signed up with Twitter and Facebook jones agreed to follow their TOS rules. Just like everyone else. If he violates those rules he should be held responsible for the violation.

But here's a thought, a good way to not be censored or banned is to not violate the TOS rules.

I find it very hypocritical of conservatives who are upset by this. When the supreme court opened the doors they didn't listen to the warnings. They got what they have been screaming about for decades. Now they're whining about it.

So then, where is your evidence Alex Jones cried fire on the building, on four platforms at once, even when they themselves list completely different reasons for the ban?

You didn't think this through, did you?
Americans love freedom....no one promised your little feelings would not be hurt in America but they did promise freedom of speech.....see you Fascists at the Supreme court....
Conservatives need to start a social media platform. But not one for Conservatives only, one that allows free speech for all. Surely between the Koch brothers, Info Wars, Beck, Hannity, etc. they have the money and knowledge to do it. If it was actually free speech friendly for all, it would kill Facebook in short order.

Generally speaking the problem is that the left wants to control free speech and the infrastructure related to it. So whenever someone has a successful company they get bunch of themselves in through the diversity quotas and take over.

In other words, the company would have to indeed be started by some hard conservative who would never hire a single leftist. Especially not to the HR department of any places. It will eventually happen, but there aren't that hard right winged people with the resources needed.

Idk, Glenn Beck has a TV network, so does Bill O'Reilly. If the people running the whole thing are dedicated to free speech they really can't do anything about it. I think as long as everyone is allowed to post freely, they won't complain. The left is controlling the big three because the people running them are themselves liberal.

Exactly. If Alex Jones wants to peddle his bull shit let him start a channel on XM or digital cable. No one said he can’t blather on, they just said he can’t blather in there. USMB does the same thing.

While that is reasonable, it doesn't deal with the very real concern about three large corporations who have what amounts to a monopoly, are clearly defining the standards of speech with zero oversight. that should be concerning to everyone.

It is shocking. This will likely be settled in court ultimately.
I have been using Facebook to educate people on politics ever since it started. I have never been censored so yeah, there is some truth when someone says that Zuck cannot really control it.
So then, where is your evidence Alex Jones cried fire on the building, on four platforms at once, even when they themselves list completely different reasons?
Of course, that was metaphor for jones's inciting hate speech. Did you not see any of it? Did you bother to look it up?
First it was Holcaust Revision
Then it was anti black speech
Now ir is Pro Trump speech
Next it will be human caused climae change deniers
All trying to control your thoughtsm no thinkig outside the box.
You will believe what the gverment tells you

Twitter and Facebook and Apple aren't the government.

They are what you have been screaming you want for decades. They are a private business with very little regulations.

I don't understand why you don't know that a private business can do pretty much what they want these days, you conservatives have removed most regulations that prevent censorship. You can thank your own conservative policies for this. If you want regulations on private business you shouldn't have been demanding no regulations and voting for republican politicians who removed most regulations.

Finally, why do you think that alex jones is so special that he can violate the TOS rules he agreed to when he signed up for the account? Why don't you believe that rules apply to republicans?

If you don't want to follow their rules then don't use their service.
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So then, where is your evidence Alex Jones cried fire on the building, on four platforms at once, even when they themselves list completely different reasons?
Of course, that was metaphor for jones's inciting hate speech. Did you not see any of it? Did you bother to look it up?

No it wasn't a metaphor, it was you making shit up. I don't watch Alex Jones so you better come up with the evidence.

Best of luck, considering again, that the platforms listed entirely different reasons. This is a take down, simple as that.

And remember, an NYT journalist was just hired stating how she would like to cancel white people. Her social media accounts are untouched. So you better have clips of Alex Jones calling for outright genocide.

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