Facebook, apple purge infowars for hate speech

This is only the ten billionth time on the internet that people lack the intellectual depth not to conflate the constitutional concept of free speech with what a fuckin BUSINESS allows

I dunno, perhaps common core needs to add these things to the Kindergarten platform
Actually I think the problem for most people is more to do with the provision of consistency, fairness and a level playing field, or just being more up front about their agenda. They also don’t seem to have specified what it is they allege ‘hate speech’.
I think they have a valid claim to Alex Jones being Hate Speech based on his propogating the Rumor that the families destroyed by losing their babies in Sandey Hook were actors.

Whether or not they are consistent in applying their policy on hate speech is a subjective discussion that can be had, but it doesnt negate that alex jones being "hate speech" is a valid claim.
Conservatives need to start a social media platform. But not one for Conservatives only, one that allows free speech for all. Surely between the Koch brothers, Info Wars, Beck, Hannity, etc. they have the money and knowledge to do it. If it was actually free speech friendly for all, it would kill Facebook in short order.

Fakebook is killing itself. Who the fuck wants to be on a site with only moonbat left loons? They're fucking annoying
I can't stand Alex Jones's voice for some reason anyway.
I guess the libbys will have to find somebody else to attack.
Conservatives need to start a social media platform. But not one for Conservatives only, one that allows free speech for all. Surely between the Koch brothers, Info Wars, Beck, Hannity, etc. they have the money and knowledge to do it. If it was actually free speech friendly for all, it would kill Facebook in short order.

Generally speaking the problem is that the left wants to control free speech and the infrastructure related to it. So whenever someone has a successful company they get bunch of themselves in through the diversity quotas and take over.

In other words, the company would have to indeed be started by some hard conservative who would never hire a single leftist. Especially not to the HR department of any places. It will eventually happen, but there aren't that hard right winged people with the resources needed.

Idk, Glenn Beck has a TV network, so does Bill O'Reilly. If the people running the whole thing are dedicated to free speech they really can't do anything about it. I think as long as everyone is allowed to post freely, they won't complain. The left is controlling the big three because the people running them are themselves liberal.

Exactly. If Alex Jones wants to peddle his bull shit let him start a channel on XM or digital cable. No one said he can’t blather on, they just said he can’t blather in there. USMB does the same thing.
Conservatives need to start a social media platform. But not one for Conservatives only, one that allows free speech for all. Surely between the Koch brothers, Info Wars, Beck, Hannity, etc. they have the money and knowledge to do it. If it was actually free speech friendly for all, it would kill Facebook in short order.

Fakebook is killing itself. Who the fuck wants to be on a site with only moonbat left loons? They're fucking annoying

I hate it yes, but where are you going to go? I'm on BitChute and MeWe but they are very slow. Nothing happening there.

I left Facebook long ago. Shit like this confirms I was right about the fascists

I'd leave it too except I'm reaching a lot of people who actually tell me they get their politics from me only, on FaceBook.
Good news for humans everywhere! Conspiracy theorist, fake-news spreader and all-around nut-job, Alex Jones, has had his content removed from Facebook. Facebook said today that it has booted four Alex Jones and InfoWars pages from its platform.

Last week, Facebook removed four videos from Jones-affiliated pages and then blocked him for 30 days. Other administrators were able to continue to post on the pages during this block. Today, however, Facebook took it a step further and removed the pages completely. The move was in response to receiving reports of community standards violations, meaning the pages violated “Facebook’s policies on graphic violence and hate speech”.

The company stated, “While much of the discussion around Infowars has been related to false news, which is a serious issue that we are working to address by demoting links marked wrong by fact checkers and suggesting additional content, none of the violations that spurred today’s removals were related to this.”

Removed content includes The Alex Jones Channel Page, the Alex Jones Page, the InfoWars Page and the Infowars Nightly News Page.

Several other platforms have also banned Alex Jones’ content, including Apple, Spotifyand YouTube, which have identified the content as hate speech.

For all those who wished this guy did not have a platform to spew his hatred, YOUR WISH HAS BEEN GRANTED!!

One great small victory, which is also huge.

A Win For Everyone!! Alex Jones Gets Booted From Facebook!!
This is only the ten billionth time on the internet that people lack the intellectual depth not to conflate the constitutional concept of free speech with what a fuckin BUSINESS allows

I dunno, perhaps common core needs to add these things to the Kindergarten platform
Actually I think the problem for most people is more to do with the provision of consistency, fairness and a level playing field, or just being more up front about their agenda. They also don’t seem to have specified what it is they allege ‘hate speech’.
I think they have a valid claim to Alex Jones being Hate Speech based on his propogating the Rumor that the families destroyed by losing their babies in Sandey Hook were actors.

Whether or not they are consistent in applying their policy on hate speech is a subjective discussion that can be had, but it doesnt negate that alex jones being "hate speech" is a valid claim.

Every American needs to be concerned about organizations stamping out speech that they don't like. The 1st Amendment was there to protect that kind of speech. Speech that everyone likes doesn't need protection.
This is only the ten billionth time on the internet that people lack the intellectual depth not to conflate the constitutional concept of free speech with what a fuckin BUSINESS allows

I dunno, perhaps common core needs to add these things to the Kindergarten platform
Actually I think the problem for most people is more to do with the provision of consistency, fairness and a level playing field, or just being more up front about their agenda. They also don’t seem to have specified what it is they allege ‘hate speech’.
I think they have a valid claim to Alex Jones being Hate Speech based on his propogating the Rumor that the families destroyed by losing their babies in Sandey Hook were actors.

Whether or not they are consistent in applying their policy on hate speech is a subjective discussion that can be had, but it doesnt negate that alex jones being "hate speech" is a valid claim.

I hope they can find some black people among those because, #CancelWhitePeople is NOT hate speech. Nor is this:

Good, we as citizens should put our foot down when it comes to these conspiracy fuckwads.
This is only the ten billionth time on the internet that people lack the intellectual depth not to conflate the constitutional concept of free speech with what a fuckin BUSINESS allows

I dunno, perhaps common core needs to add these things to the Kindergarten platform
Actually I think the problem for most people is more to do with the provision of consistency, fairness and a level playing field, or just being more up front about their agenda. They also don’t seem to have specified what it is they allege ‘hate speech’.
I think they have a valid claim to Alex Jones being Hate Speech based on his propogating the Rumor that the families destroyed by losing their babies in Sandey Hook were actors.

Whether or not they are consistent in applying their policy on hate speech is a subjective discussion that can be had, but it doesnt negate that alex jones being "hate speech" is a valid claim.

Every American needs to be concerned about organizations stamping out speech that they don't like. The 1st Amendment was there to protect that kind of speech. Speech that everyone likes doesn't need protection.
The 1st Amendment is there to protect against LAWS to limit speech..not against businesses choosing not to allow any fuckin idiot to scream n166er! in his bar all night as a loop hole to your misreading of the 1st amendment.

This is seriously stupidity
Conservatives need to start a social media platform. But not one for Conservatives only, one that allows free speech for all. Surely between the Koch brothers, Info Wars, Beck, Hannity, etc. they have the money and knowledge to do it. If it was actually free speech friendly for all, it would kill Facebook in short order.

Fakebook is killing itself. Who the fuck wants to be on a site with only moonbat left loons? They're fucking annoying
I can't stand Alex Jones's voice for some reason anyway.
I guess the libbys will have to find somebody else to attack.

I don't like Jones either and frankly, his voice is part of the reason. However Paul Joseph Watson is a smart man and not prone to saying things he can't back up. I like him.
This is only the ten billionth time on the internet that people lack the intellectual depth not to conflate the constitutional concept of free speech with what a fuckin BUSINESS allows

I dunno, perhaps common core needs to add these things to the Kindergarten platform
Actually I think the problem for most people is more to do with the provision of consistency, fairness and a level playing field, or just being more up front about their agenda. They also don’t seem to have specified what it is they allege ‘hate speech’.
I think they have a valid claim to Alex Jones being Hate Speech based on his propogating the Rumor that the families destroyed by losing their babies in Sandey Hook were actors.

Whether or not they are consistent in applying their policy on hate speech is a subjective discussion that can be had, but it doesnt negate that alex jones being "hate speech" is a valid claim.

I hope they can find some black people among those because, #CancelWhitePeople is NOT hate speech. Nor is this:

Non sequitur
Conservatives need to start a social media platform. But not one for Conservatives only, one that allows free speech for all. Surely between the Koch brothers, Info Wars, Beck, Hannity, etc. they have the money and knowledge to do it. If it was actually free speech friendly for all, it would kill Facebook in short order.

Fakebook is killing itself. Who the fuck wants to be on a site with only moonbat left loons? They're fucking annoying

No way facebook is a monster that it's master can't control, it's hilarious.

I get more news from my email and facebook, and it's better news, than I get from anywhere else. Citizen journalists are making fake journalists like Acosta and fake news outlets like CNN and NYT, obsolete.
This is only the ten billionth time on the internet that people lack the intellectual depth not to conflate the constitutional concept of free speech with what a fuckin BUSINESS allows

I dunno, perhaps common core needs to add these things to the Kindergarten platform
Actually I think the problem for most people is more to do with the provision of consistency, fairness and a level playing field, or just being more up front about their agenda. They also don’t seem to have specified what it is they allege ‘hate speech’.
I think they have a valid claim to Alex Jones being Hate Speech based on his propogating the Rumor that the families destroyed by losing their babies in Sandey Hook were actors.

Whether or not they are consistent in applying their policy on hate speech is a subjective discussion that can be had, but it doesnt negate that alex jones being "hate speech" is a valid claim.
Well that’s where we may differ on what constutes hate speech.
I don’t think someone saying they believe Sandy Hook parents are crisis actors constitutes hatred or hate speech - even though it’s a belief that causes other people pain.
Conservatives need to start a social media platform. But not one for Conservatives only, one that allows free speech for all. Surely between the Koch brothers, Info Wars, Beck, Hannity, etc. they have the money and knowledge to do it. If it was actually free speech friendly for all, it would kill Facebook in short order.

Generally speaking the problem is that the left wants to control free speech and the infrastructure related to it. So whenever someone has a successful company they get bunch of themselves in through the diversity quotas and take over.

In other words, the company would have to indeed be started by some hard conservative who would never hire a single leftist. Especially not to the HR department of any places. It will eventually happen, but there aren't that hard right winged people with the resources needed.

Idk, Glenn Beck has a TV network, so does Bill O'Reilly. If the people running the whole thing are dedicated to free speech they really can't do anything about it. I think as long as everyone is allowed to post freely, they won't complain. The left is controlling the big three because the people running them are themselves liberal.

Exactly. If Alex Jones wants to peddle his bull shit let him start a channel on XM or digital cable. No one said he can’t blather on, they just said he can’t blather in there. USMB does the same thing.

While that is reasonable, it doesn't deal with the very real concern about three large corporations who have what amounts to a monopoly, are clearly defining the standards of speech with zero oversight. that should be concerning to everyone.
Conservatives need to start a social media platform. But not one for Conservatives only, one that allows free speech for all. Surely between the Koch brothers, Info Wars, Beck, Hannity, etc. they have the money and knowledge to do it. If it was actually free speech friendly for all, it would kill Facebook in short order.
We are doing pretty well using facebook against zuckerberg's wishes hahahaha

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