Facebook, apple purge infowars for hate speech

Lol, they are trying to shut down all the fake news. I'm guessing Alex Jones and inforwars are just the first.

Did you mean that they are trying to remove all free speech that goes against their agenda? Even if it takes a conspiracy to do so that is completely unjustified by the rules of the platforms.

Because that would have been truthful.
Lol, did I say that? Nope, I didn't. I said fake news and I meant fake news.
Lol, they are trying to shut down all the fake news. I'm guessing Alex Jones and inforwars are just the first.

If they were trying to shut down all fake news, they would start with the NYT and CNN.

They aren't trying to shut down fake news.

They're trying to shut down free speech.

Here we have some brilliant fascist antifa chasing a black woman from her seat in a cafe, screaming obscenities at her, dumping a drink on her white escort, and calling her a *white supremecist*.

Yes, the left. Arent' they awesome...

Candace Owens, black conservative, run out of Philly eatery during protest: ‘F— white supremacy’
No, they wouldn't. But they should probably get to Faux pretty soon.
Lol, they are trying to shut down all the fake news. I'm guessing Alex Jones and inforwars are just the first.

Did you mean that they are trying to remove all free speech that goes against their agenda? Even if it takes a conspiracy to do so that is completely unjustified by the rules of the platforms.

Because that would have been truthful.
Theyre within their right to regulate the speech on their platforms...theyre a business, not the Government.

Frankly, if my kid was killed at Sandy Hook Id be so horrified and off the deep end, that if i'd heard his comments Id probably crusade until he has zero pennies left if it took til the day I died

No, no no... Court ruled that Trump can't block anyone on twitter. These are monopolistic public channels where individuals go to practice their free speech. Banning someone from them goes against their rights. Especially when it is done in such an obvious conspiratorial way.

This is an attack on free speech, pure and simple.
Thats rank stupidity. Theyre not the government, theyre a business.

So then, why is Trump not able to block anyone he wants?

A bit of a double standard.
Like I said, when some one who matters gets “censored” I’ll worry. Alex Jones has made millions peddling crazy lies. Fuck him, fuck his family I hope they all go broke and starve. As for stupid peo

This bares repeating: "They came for the trade unionist, but I wasn't one of them, so I said nothing. Then they came for the [name the group] but I wasn't one of them, so I said nothing. Then they came for me..."

Nice going Crixus . Real smart.
Candice Owens was banned from twitter. I think they reinstated her but still.....

Anyone see an alarming trend here?

Is there anything at all to stop this from becoming common?

Been sayin for years the right needs to just man up (or woman up) and stop using services known to have so much power and influence AND a bias and start their own and SUPPORT them.

So what? Trumpanzees and other Righties worked hard to give businesses the right to refuse service based on religion/morals. How do you like it now?

We're fine with it.

Leftists apparently think it's fine to physically accost people who eat in places where their white supremecy makes them persona non grata...

Candace Owens on Twitter

Candace Owens, black conservative, run out of Philly eatery during protest: ‘F— white supremacy’
Lol, they are trying to shut down all the fake news. I'm guessing Alex Jones and inforwars are just the first.

Did you mean that they are trying to remove all free speech that goes against their agenda? Even if it takes a conspiracy to do so that is completely unjustified by the rules of the platforms.

Because that would have been truthful.
Theyre within their right to regulate the speech on their platforms...theyre a business, not the Government.

Frankly, if my kid was killed at Sandy Hook Id be so horrified and off the deep end, that if i'd heard his comments Id probably crusade until he has zero pennies left if it took til the day I died

No, no no... Court ruled that Trump can't block anyone on twitter. These are monopolistic public channels where individuals go to practice their free speech. Banning someone from them goes against their rights. Especially when it is done in such an obvious conspiratorial way.

This is an attack on free speech, pure and simple.
Thats rank stupidity. Theyre not the government, theyre a business.

So then, why is Trump not able to block anyone he wants?

A bit of a double standard.
Id have to look into that, but it doesnt change the facts on the field...

facebook is no less in their right to regulate whats posted on their shit than USMB is able to....this is pretty basic shit.
This is clearly a very bad sign for free speech.

"America isn't easy. America is advanced citizenship. You've gotta want it bad, cause it's gonna put up a fight. It's gonna say 'You want free speech? Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, and who's standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours.' You want to claim this land as the land of the free? Then the symbol of your country cannot just be a flag. The symbol also has to be one of its citizens exercising his right to burn that flag in protest. Now show me that, defend that, celebrate that in your classrooms. Then you can stand up and sing about the land of the free." - American President.
That is totally wrong.
Teachers like you clearly don’t care about the truth, you care about controlling what people get to read and removing choice from them.
If you don’t like a website, don’t visit it - simples - and let other people make their own decisions about it.
I care about truth. Therefore, I do not want to see people lied to.
No, you care about censoring people you disagree with, as you’ve illustrated a great many times now.
And so, many times you have made this point. So why don't you shut up about it, bitch? Your self righteous harping gets old.
Lol. Getting a bit tetchy there old lady :wink_2:

I know you hate being called out on your fascist authoritarian views, but no, I think I’ll adress the issue every time you call for something you don’t like to be banned/censored. And that happens very frequently, so get used to it!
I am not the fascist, Tilly, you are. And everyone knows it. So shut the fuck up. You are not fooling anyone.
Lol, they are trying to shut down all the fake news. I'm guessing Alex Jones and inforwars are just the first.

If they were trying to shut down all fake news, they would start with the NYT and CNN.

They aren't trying to shut down fake news.

They're trying to shut down free speech.

Here we have some brilliant fascist antifa chasing a black woman from her seat in a cafe, screaming obscenities at her, dumping a drink on her white escort, and calling her a *white supremecist*.

Yes, the left. Arent' they awesome...

Candace Owens, black conservative, run out of Philly eatery during protest: ‘F— white supremacy’
No, they wouldn't. But they should probably get to Faux pretty soon.

I know they wouldn't, because they aren't trying to shut down fake news.

They're trying to protect it.

That's why they're calling a black woman a white supremecist. Because then the fake reporters report "Antifa challenged white supremacists today at a Philly cafe"....and morons like you broadcast it.
They had to ban Alex Jones so they could hire this:


The problem with Alex Jones wasn't that he said crazy things from time to time. It was that the things he said weren't hard left.

Young turds, named after genocide operate without obstruction.
Alex Jones is the most retarded American in history.

Except, of course, for all his supporters.

But he should be allowed to express his views, no matter how retarded.

:11_2_1043:bet yah didn't see this one coming did yah earthling lmao.
This is only the ten billionth time on the internet that people lack the intellectual depth not to conflate the constitutional concept of free speech with what a fuckin BUSINESS allows

I dunno, perhaps common core needs to add these things to the Kindergarten platform
Thats what people said generations ago when they were burning books!
No one is burning anyone's book. InfoWars is still there. Storm Front is still there.
I don't get it.
Can you no longer get to InfoWars from an Apple phone? You can't go to it with the IP address?
Its the EQUIVALENT of burning books.
Who cares if he says crazy shit? There are MILLIONS of people on youtube saying crazy shit.
Its just more of that double standard partisan BULLSHIT.
Like people defending that racist asian chick. Did you know a black woman did the same tweet as that girl and replaced white with black and another with jews? Wanna know what happened? They deleted them.
But since she is a leftist, they dont give a shit.
Its not about content. Its not about racism. ITS ABOUT POLITICS
Book Burning.
You didn't answer my question. CAN you still access InfoWars from an Apple phone? Or don't you know?

Since the person you're replying is too much of a coward to answer your very easy question I just pulled out my iPhone and brought infowars.com up on my phone.

Yes everyone can get the hate and conspiracy filled infowars.com on an iPhone.

It's just a lie that no one can get Inforwars.com on an iPhone. These people are so way out of control.
It was irrelevant.
I have to assume you dont understand what that means..

Why is it irrelevant that people can get infowars on an iPhone? Weren't people complaining that Apple didn't let them get infowars on the iPhone?

I think your problem is that I pulled my iPhone out and the website came up very easily on my phone and Apple isn't censoring anything.

I proved the claim it's the lie it always has been.

And yes, that's relevant.
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