Facebook, apple purge infowars for hate speech

Lol, they are trying to shut down all the fake news. I'm guessing Alex Jones and inforwars are just the first.

If they were trying to shut down all fake news, they would start with the NYT and CNN.

They aren't trying to shut down fake news.

They're trying to shut down free speech.

Here we have some brilliant fascist antifa chasing a black woman from her seat in a cafe, screaming obscenities at her, dumping a drink on her white escort, and calling her a *white supremecist*.

Yes, the left. Arent' they awesome...

Candace Owens, black conservative, run out of Philly eatery during protest: ‘F— white supremacy’
Lol, they are trying to shut down all the fake news. I'm guessing Alex Jones and inforwars are just the first.

Did you mean that they are trying to remove all free speech that goes against their agenda? Even if it takes a conspiracy to do so that is completely unjustified by the rules of the platforms.

Because that would have been truthful.
Theyre within their right to regulate the speech on their platforms...theyre a business, not the Government.

Frankly, if my kid was killed at Sandy Hook Id be so horrified and off the deep end, that if i'd heard his comments Id probably crusade until he has zero pennies left if it took til the day I died

No, no no... Court ruled that Trump can't block anyone on twitter. These are monopolistic public channels where individuals go to practice their free speech. Banning someone from them goes against their rights. Especially when it is done in such an obvious conspiratorial way.

This is an attack on free speech, pure and simple.
No, you care about censoring people you disagree with, as you’ve illustrated a great many times now.
And so, many times you have made this point. So why don't you shut up about it, bitch? Your self righteous harping gets old.
Lol. Getting a bit tetchy there old lady :wink_2:

I know you hate being called out on your fascist authoritarian views, but no, I think I’ll adress the issue every time you call for something you don’t like to be banned/censored. And that happens very frequently, so get used to it!
I am not the fascist, Tilly, you are. And everyone knows it. So shut the fuck up. You are not fooling anyone.
Nope. It’s you who is constantly wanting censorship and bans, not me.
It’s YOU who is not fooling anyone, bar maybe yourself.

They are masters at flipping their own self images onto another aren't they. Which proves why we're smarter than they are. The fact they do it and they deny it takes the cake.

It's like a little kids who spill milk right in front of you and they will swear up and down they didn't do it.

By adult hood they're pathological liars .
Exactly. In almost every convo OL participates in she calls for something she doesn’t approve of to be banned or censored. She’s the equivalent of a fascist book burner. What’s more alarming is that she’s allegedly a teacher too. SMH.
Lol, they are trying to shut down all the fake news. I'm guessing Alex Jones and inforwars are just the first.

Did you mean that they are trying to remove all free speech that goes against their agenda? Even if it takes a conspiracy to do so that is completely unjustified by the rules of the platforms.

Because that would have been truthful.
Theyre within their right to regulate the speech on their platforms...theyre a business, not the Government.

Frankly, if my kid was killed at Sandy Hook Id be so horrified and off the deep end, that if i'd heard his comments Id probably crusade until he has zero pennies left if it took til the day I died

No, no no... Court ruled that Trump can't block anyone on twitter. These are monopolistic public channels where individuals go to practice their free speech. Banning someone from them goes against their rights. Especially when it is done in such an obvious conspiratorial way.

This is an attack on free speech, pure and simple.
Thats rank stupidity. Theyre not the government, theyre a business.
Candice Owens was banned from twitter. I think they reinstated her but still.....

Anyone see an alarming trend here?

Is there anything at all to stop this from becoming common?

Been sayin for years the right needs to just man up (or woman up) and stop using services known to have so much power and influence AND a bias and start their own and SUPPORT them.

So what? Trumpanzees and other Righties worked hard to give businesses the right to refuse service based on religion/morals. How do you like it now?
Lol, they are trying to shut down all the fake news. I'm guessing Alex Jones and inforwars are just the first.

Did you mean that they are trying to remove all free speech that goes against their agenda? Even if it takes a conspiracy to do so that is completely unjustified by the rules of the platforms.

Because that would have been truthful.
Theyre within their right to regulate the speech on their platforms...theyre a business, not the Government.

Frankly, if my kid was killed at Sandy Hook Id be so horrified and off the deep end, that if i'd heard his comments Id probably crusade until he has zero pennies left if it took til the day I died
Care thinks that is part of the reason they are pulling him off now--liability exposure when that suit comes down.
So shut the fuck up.

You see? There you again with the fascist authoritarian crap.

That's why I ignore them 98% of the time and don't bother LOL...........
And so, many times you have made this point. So why don't you shut up about it, bitch? Your self righteous harping gets old.
Lol. Getting a bit tetchy there old lady :wink_2:

I know you hate being called out on your fascist authoritarian views, but no, I think I’ll adress the issue every time you call for something you don’t like to be banned/censored. And that happens very frequently, so get used to it!
I am not the fascist, Tilly, you are. And everyone knows it. So shut the fuck up. You are not fooling anyone.
Nope. It’s you who is constantly wanting censorship and bans, not me.
It’s YOU who is not fooling anyone, bar maybe yourself.

They are masters at flipping their own self images onto another aren't they. Which proves why we're smarter than they are. The fact they do it and they deny it takes the cake.

It's like a little kids who spill milk right in front of you and they will swear up and down they didn't do it.

By adult hood they're pathological liars .
Exactly. In almost every convo OL participates in she calls for something she doesn’t approve of to be banned or censored. She’s the equivalent of a fascist book burner. What’s more alarming is that she’s allegedly a teacher too. SMH.

Which is what many of the ANTIFA's are yep there yah go.
They are going to dream up a false flag to make TRUMP look wrong, and Jones look wrong the plots are already made the pieces are being put into place.

They must do this because THE GLOBALIST KNOW PPL ARE WAKING UP.



View attachment 208825
"They are going to dream up a false flag".....<<<<trumpanzee fantasyland
So shut the fuck up.

You see? There you again with the fascist authoritarian crap.

That's why I ignore them 98% of the time and don't bother LOL...........
Lol. Getting a bit tetchy there old lady :wink_2:

I know you hate being called out on your fascist authoritarian views, but no, I think I’ll adress the issue every time you call for something you don’t like to be banned/censored. And that happens very frequently, so get used to it!
I am not the fascist, Tilly, you are. And everyone knows it. So shut the fuck up. You are not fooling anyone.
Nope. It’s you who is constantly wanting censorship and bans, not me.
It’s YOU who is not fooling anyone, bar maybe yourself.

They are masters at flipping their own self images onto another aren't they. Which proves why we're smarter than they are. The fact they do it and they deny it takes the cake.

It's like a little kids who spill milk right in front of you and they will swear up and down they didn't do it.

By adult hood they're pathological liars .
Exactly. In almost every convo OL participates in she calls for something she doesn’t approve of to be banned or censored. She’s the equivalent of a fascist book burner. What’s more alarming is that she’s allegedly a teacher too. SMH.

Which is what many of the ANTIFA's are yep there yah go.
I totally get why YOU would be against people who are anti-fascist.
Wait untl the NATIONAL WEB ID comes and we all have to have a web ID. bahahha. We will see how much of a conspiracy it is then.
So, since Fox News, Breitbart, etc…. do not have pages devoted to the NYT, WaPO, Think Progress, Huffpo….isn’t Fox News, Breitbart, etc… a member of the “regressive left” then? TTBOMK….they do not run stories or link to articles posted on these sites.
Tom Cook’s trillion dollar megacorp has purged a host of Alex Jones’s podcasts saying they will “not tolerate hate speech” on iTunes and leftists are ecstatic.

Leftists Cheer Apple Purging Alex Jones From iTunes For ‘Hate Speech,’ Demand More Censorship

Awwww you all are just so glad, but one more time TARDS they are and will come for you next.

They will come for your sources next a** holes......... watch it unfold as you open your mouths and that foot gets shoved so far down that throat you can't ever get any air......

Other sites are being shut down you STUPID A** holes.



Oh look we have the same mentality on here don't we.

View attachment 208775

Tom Cook’s trillion dollar megacorp has purged a host of Alex Jones’s podcasts saying they will “not tolerate hate speech” on iTunes and leftists are ecstatic.

Leftists Cheer Apple Purging Alex Jones From iTunes For ‘Hate Speech,’ Demand More Censorship

Awwww you all are just so glad, but one more time TARDS they are and will come for you next.

They will come for your sources next a** holes......... watch it unfold as you open your mouths and that foot gets shoved so far down that throat you can't ever get any air......

Other sites are being shut down you STUPID A** holes.



Oh look we have the same mentality on here don't we.

View attachment 208775

Now why did they not ban all the conspiracies about "W" lying about WMD's in Iraq or the conspiracy about 9/11 I wonder.

Kinda makes you go, hmmmm.
Honestly, I never even heard of this guy until the left started whining about him. He did a podcast with Joe Rogan, he seemed a bit nutty.

He can be, but that's the reaction normal people have when you are trying to wake up the world and esp. your own Country all the while having huge corporations going up against you because they don't want ppl to figure out the truth.

National web ID is one of the reasons they are doing this now , because next comes MSM will tell you how great and grand it is, they will have it sounding glorious why they're doing it, what your not getting told is " WHY THEY ARE REALLY DOINGG IT" ..

There is also the attampt to remove Trump they do not want sites that will tell the REAL STORY .............but oh well.

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