Facebook, apple purge infowars for hate speech

I’m not interested in what your grandmother used to say.
Clearly you don’t want to admit that you - yet again - were desiring people be censored because you don’t like what they say. And you a teacher. SMH.
Complete and utter hogwash doesn't go far with me, no. I don't care how many times you tell me the sky is green, you are wrong and if you are on the airwaves trying to convince millions of people that the sky is green, I would be happy to brand you as fake news.

Teachers actually care about the truth.
Teachers like you clearly don’t care about the truth, you care about controlling what people get to read and removing choice from them.
If you don’t like a website, don’t visit it - simples - and let other people make their own decisions about it.
I care about truth. Therefore, I do not want to see people lied to.
No, you care about censoring people you disagree with, as you’ve illustrated a great many times now.
And so, many times you have made this point. So why don't you shut up about it, bitch? Your self righteous harping gets old.
Lol. Getting a bit tetchy there old lady :wink_2:

I know you hate being called out on your fascist authoritarian views, but no, I think I’ll adress the issue every time you call for something you don’t like to be banned/censored.

And that happens very frequently, so get used to it!
Complete and utter hogwash doesn't go far with me, no. I don't care how many times you tell me the sky is green, you are wrong and if you are on the airwaves trying to convince millions of people that the sky is green, I would be happy to brand you as fake news.

Teachers actually care about the truth.
Teachers like you clearly don’t care about the truth, you care about controlling what people get to read and removing choice from them.
If you don’t like a website, don’t visit it - simples - and let other people make their own decisions about it.
I care about truth. Therefore, I do not want to see people lied to.
No, you care about censoring people you disagree with, as you’ve illustrated a great many times now.
And so, many times you have made this point. So why don't you shut up about it, bitch? Your self righteous harping gets old.

Pot, meet kettle.
You oughta stay out of it.
Honestly, I never even heard of this guy until the left started whining about him. He did a podcast with Joe Rogan, he seemed a bit nutty.
Complete and utter hogwash doesn't go far with me, no. I don't care how many times you tell me the sky is green, you are wrong and if you are on the airwaves trying to convince millions of people that the sky is green, I would be happy to brand you as fake news.

Teachers actually care about the truth.
Teachers like you clearly don’t care about the truth, you care about controlling what people get to read and removing choice from them.
If you don’t like a website, don’t visit it - simples - and let other people make their own decisions about it.
I care about truth. Therefore, I do not want to see people lied to.
No, you care about censoring people you disagree with, as you’ve illustrated a great many times now.
And so, many times you have made this point. So why don't you shut up about it, bitch? Your self righteous harping gets old.
Lol. Getting a bit tetchy there old lady :wink_2:

I know you hate being called out on your fascist authoritarian views, but no, I think I’ll adress the issue every time you call for something you don’t like to be banned/censored. And that happens very frequently, so get used to it!
I am not the fascist, Tilly, you are. And everyone knows it. So shut the fuck up. You are not fooling anyone.
Can Verizon discontinue my phone service because I say things that they don’t like?

not yet LOL Give it time they can shut your phone down , tech. they already can when it's fits what they need to hide.

At certain events theyc an block ppl from taking photos if apple so chooses or is ordered to.

Then get a Samsung.

Samsung are you freaking serious LMFAO they admited they placed spy chips in that freak thing TV's and all.
Teachers like you clearly don’t care about the truth, you care about controlling what people get to read and removing choice from them.
If you don’t like a website, don’t visit it - simples - and let other people make their own decisions about it.
I care about truth. Therefore, I do not want to see people lied to.
No, you care about censoring people you disagree with, as you’ve illustrated a great many times now.
And so, many times you have made this point. So why don't you shut up about it, bitch? Your self righteous harping gets old.
Lol. Getting a bit tetchy there old lady :wink_2:

I know you hate being called out on your fascist authoritarian views, but no, I think I’ll adress the issue every time you call for something you don’t like to be banned/censored. And that happens very frequently, so get used to it!
I am not the fascist, Tilly, you are. And everyone knows it. So shut the fuck up. You are not fooling anyone.
Nope. It’s you who is constantly wanting censorship and bans, not me.
It’s YOU who is not fooling anyone, bar maybe yourself.
Would you guys also support banning 9/11 inside job from here because he talks about conspiracies?
Thats kinda the same thing aint it?

Most of his shit is right out of Alex Jones mouth so yes, I could live with that. I mean, we can get a ban for saying **** so why the hell not?

no it's not you stupid fk.................

Each one of you shit for brains are so, so, so low on the information level you all really prove how little you do know.
Alex Jones has for years been warning us about a conspiracy against him and our kind.

Today, he has been proven correct, as youtube, facebook, spotify and apple have ganged up on the individual in an act that could only be described as a conspiracy. Each of the platforms have come up with entirely different (but just as ridiculous) reasons for banning him, on the same day.

I would have never guessed it, but Alex Jones was right. There was a conspiracy all along. This was a brilliant way for him to go. The irony of the situation, has yet again reached leftist levels.
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I care about truth. Therefore, I do not want to see people lied to.
No, you care about censoring people you disagree with, as you’ve illustrated a great many times now.
And so, many times you have made this point. So why don't you shut up about it, bitch? Your self righteous harping gets old.
Lol. Getting a bit tetchy there old lady :wink_2:

I know you hate being called out on your fascist authoritarian views, but no, I think I’ll adress the issue every time you call for something you don’t like to be banned/censored. And that happens very frequently, so get used to it!
I am not the fascist, Tilly, you are. And everyone knows it. So shut the fuck up. You are not fooling anyone.
Nope. It’s you who is constantly wanting censorship and bans, not me.
It’s YOU who is not fooling anyone, bar maybe yourself.

They are masters at flipping their own self images onto another aren't they. Which proves why we're smarter than they are. The fact they do it and they deny it takes the cake.

It's like a little kids who spill milk right in front of you and they will swear up and down they didn't do it.

By adult hood they're pathological liars .
Lol, they are trying to shut down all the fake news. I'm guessing Alex Jones and inforwars are just the first.
Lol, they are trying to shut down all the fake news. I'm guessing Alex Jones and inforwars are just the first.

Did you mean that they are trying to remove all free speech that goes against their agenda? Even if it takes a conspiracy to do so that is completely unjustified by the rules of the platforms.

Because that would have been truthful.
Long overdue. I am all for free speech but that right, like all rights, is not absolute. It comes with the responsibility to use discretion and not case harm or create a dangerous social environment. The problem with this form of so called "entertainment" is that people believe this crap and may well act on it putting lives at risk. Donald J. T-Rump should be the next one gaged

Infowars' Alex Jones Booted Off Facebook, Apple, YouTube, Spotify

As of today, Facebook, Spotify, and YouTube have pulled Jones's work — known for promoting such falsehoods that Hillary Clinton headed up a pedophile ring and that the 2012 mass school shooting in Newtown, Conn., never happened. Facebook unpublished four of Jones's pages for "repeated violations of community standards," while YouTube terminated his account after he appeared in videos during a time when he was temporarily banned from the video platform. Spotify yanked The Alex Jones Show in its entirety for "hate content."

(RELATED: Alex Jones Has a Warped Obsession With Lesbians)

(RELATED: Alex Jones: Spreading HIV Is Part of Gay Culture)

"More content from the same pages has been reported to us — upon review, we have taken it down for glorifying violence, which violates our graphic violence policy, and using dehumanising language to describe people who are transgender, Muslims and immigrants, which violates our hate speech policies,” a Facebook spokesperson told The Guardian.

It will be interesting to see how many people on the USMB support Jones and why, and how many actually believe his bovine excrement. Be honest now.

I never quite understood those who access a website through another portal…

Why not just go to infowars.com or whatever?

I’m quite happy that Jones is gone and I have one less chance of encountering his brand of garbage. I like getting information from different sources but clearly he is just a waste of carbon.
Lol, they are trying to shut down all the fake news. I'm guessing Alex Jones and inforwars are just the first.

Did you mean that they are trying to remove all free speech that goes against their agenda? Even if it takes a conspiracy to do so that is completely unjustified by the rules of the platforms.

Because that would have been truthful.
Theyre within their right to regulate the speech on their platforms...theyre a business, not the Government.

Frankly, if my kid was killed at Sandy Hook Id be so horrified and off the deep end, that if i'd heard his comments Id probably crusade until he has zero pennies left if it took til the day I died
Alex Jones is the most retarded American in history.

Except, of course, for all his supporters.

But he should be allowed to express his views, no matter how retarded.
Thats Truly stupid.

A business is well within doing what they "should do" by disallowing their platform to be used for what they consider hate speech.

No platform is under some fake assed obligation to meet your ideals.

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