Facebook, apple purge infowars for hate speech

You sound like an idiot left-wing statist right now. Quite crying about Alex Jones (the guys is a fuck’n idiot anyway). The onus is on HIM to provide his own platform. He has a website. He has a channel. He has no excuses (other than his own shitty content).

What Patriot said. He's already got his own website, so why should Facebook and YouTube be forced to carry his content for free?
Shouldn't be forced, but it is that he should get the same treatment as the next citizen, and let the likes and dislikes either hoist him to fame or allow him to fall upon his own sword.
"According to Facebook, Jones’ four pages were taken down for “glorifying violence” and “using dehumanizing language to describe people who are transgender, Muslims and immigrants.” - the verge
Its the EQUIVALENT of burning books.
Who cares if he says crazy shit? There are MILLIONS of people on youtube saying crazy shit.
Its just more of that double standard partisan BULLSHIT.
Like people defending that racist asian chick. Did you know a black woman did the same tweet as that girl and replaced white with black and another with jews? Wanna know what happened? They deleted them.
But since she is a leftist, they dont give a shit.
Its not about content. Its not about racism. ITS ABOUT POLITICS
Book Burning.
You didn't answer my question. CAN you still access InfoWars from an Apple phone? Or don't you know?

Since the person you're replying is too much of a coward to answer your very easy question I just pulled out my iPhone and brought infowars.com up on my phone.

Yes everyone can get the hate and conspiracy filled infowars.com on an iPhone.

It's just a lie that no one can get Inforwars.com on an iPhone. These people are so way out of control.
It was irrelevant.
I have to assume you dont understand what that means..

Why is it irrelevant that people can get infowars on an iPhone? We're people complaining that Apple didn't let them get infowars on the iPhone?

I think your problem is that I pulled my iPhone out and the website came up very easily on my phone and Apple isn't censoring anything.

I proved the claim it's the lie it always has been.

And yes, that's relevant.

These social media platforms have gone too far now. There are so widespread and influential that actions like this one should be considered intolerable by the American people. Completely outrageous. I am shocked that this actually happened.
There's absolutely no outrage here, as nobody has a right to be on a private platform.

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Just because progressives don’t like what he says that’s why they Banned him.
That is 100% true, Rustic. But the idiot progressives that run Facebook have every right to do that (just as the christian baker has every right to tell homosexuals to get the fuck out of their store).
There's absolutely no outrage here, as nobody has a right to be on a private platform.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
That is 100% correct, MarcATL. Just remember that when a christian baker tells homosexuals to get the fuck out of their store. As you said, nobody has a right to a private platform.
I suppose you think that Jim Jones was harmless as well. All he did was suggest that they drink the kool aid. After all, it was the followers that poisoned themselves.
Exactly. Jim Jones was harmless. Only idiots drank the kool aid. The rest of us recognized the jack-ass for the tool that he was and ignored him.
Yes, I do know we have a First Amendment. But, that doesn't mean that Facebook and YouTube have to carry his content. They have the right to refuse, because that is part of free speech as well, controlling the content on their sites.
Boom. Spot on. And part of the 1st Amendment is also the religious freedom to not violate your religious doctrine (ie supporting homosexual marriage).
Yes, I do know we have a First Amendment. But, that doesn't mean that Facebook and YouTube have to carry his content. They have the right to refuse, because that is part of free speech as well, controlling the content on their sites.
Boom. Spot on. And part of the 1st Amendment is also the religious freedom to not violate your religious doctrine (ie supporting homosexual marriage).

Are you feeling the Crapitalist burn yet?
You didn't answer my question. CAN you still access InfoWars from an Apple phone? Or don't you know?

Since the person you're replying is too much of a coward to answer your very easy question I just pulled out my iPhone and brought infowars.com up on my phone.

Yes everyone can get the hate and conspiracy filled infowars.com on an iPhone.

It's just a lie that no one can get Inforwars.com on an iPhone. These people are so way out of control.
It was irrelevant.
I have to assume you dont understand what that means..

Why is it irrelevant that people can get infowars on an iPhone? We're people complaining that Apple didn't let them get infowars on the iPhone?

I think your problem is that I pulled my iPhone out and the website came up very easily on my phone and Apple isn't censoring anything.

I proved the claim it's the lie it always has been.

And yes, that's relevant.

These social media platforms have gone too far now. There are so widespread and influential that actions like this one should be considered intolerable by the American people. Completely outrageous. I am shocked that this actually happened.
There's absolutely no outrage here, as nobody has a right to be on a private platform.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

Black privilege is alive, and well.

Being Black means you can't be kicked out of any place for being Black.

Being Right-Wing, a Republican, a Trump supporter, means you can be kicked out of any place for it.
Yes, I do know we have a First Amendment. But, that doesn't mean that Facebook and YouTube have to carry his content. They have the right to refuse, because that is part of free speech as well, controlling the content on their sites.
Boom. Spot on. And part of the 1st Amendment is also the religious freedom to not violate your religious doctrine (ie supporting homosexual marriage).

Are you feeling the Crapitalist burn yet?
Not at all, statist. Not at all. I’m loving the capitalist “burn”. It’s that good burn - like muscles during the type of intense workout that builds muscle and health.

The type of intense workout that weak-minded, weak-bodied polacks such as yourself cannot handle. Face it, you’re an original left-wing snowflake.
Yes, I do know we have a First Amendment. But, that doesn't mean that Facebook and YouTube have to carry his content. They have the right to refuse, because that is part of free speech as well, controlling the content on their sites.
Boom. Spot on. And part of the 1st Amendment is also the religious freedom to not violate your religious doctrine (ie supporting homosexual marriage).

Are you feeling the Crapitalist burn yet?
Not at all, statist. Not at all. I’m loving the capitalist “burn”. It’s that good burn - like muscles during the type of intense workout that builds muscle and health.

The type of intense workout that weak-minded, weak-bodies polacks such as yourself cannot handle. Face it, you’re an original left-wing snowflake.

You're not a Right-Winger, you're actually a Liberal, Leftist.

So, of course you don't care that Crapitalism sells out to Liberalism.

You don't care that Crapitalism is illegal immigrants being hired, jobs being outsourced, Hollywood promoting deviant films, and Liberal values, or Facebook shutting down Alex Jones.

In fact, let me rephrase that, I don't think you're even aware of it.

Ignorance is bliss, and your British are among the most stupid, and weak people I've ever encountered.
You don't care that Crapitalism is illegal immigrants being hired
I’ve lost track now...is that your 96th or 97th lie today? :dunno:
jobs being outsourced
I can’t blame corporations for that. Between failed left-wing anti-business policies and a labor force of ignorant polacks such as yourself, what choice do they have? :dunno:
Hollywood promoting deviant films
You’re right. I don’t give a shit what type of films Hollywood makes. That’s called liberty. They are free to make any type of film they want to make. And you are free to not watch them if they offend your fragile, snowflake sensibilities.
and Liberal values
Liberals have no values. The fact that you don’t even know something that basic is what makes you the quintessential ignorant polack.
, or Facebook shutting down Alex Jones.
Again, you are right. That is also called liberty. Mark Zuckerberg built his own company off of his own idea. Now you want to piggy-back off of it like a fuck’n miserable parasite because you’re a dumb polack who can’t build his own products.

Sorry chief, ain’t happening. As a constitutional conservative, I respect what Zuckerberg has achieved in the free market and I defend his right to run his company the way he sees fit.

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