Facebook, apple purge infowars for hate speech

About damn time.
Why? What is it about Alex Jones that you fear so much? If it’s all “fake” as his detractors claim, then he comes across as a lunatic and he poses absolutely no threat to you or your ideology.

On the other hand, if he’s speaking the truth, you should want the American people to hear it.

Only fascists want speech banned or limited. Nazi, much?

The problem with his lies is that some people actually believe it.

A good example is that Hillary is running a child sex ring out of a pizza restaurant in DC. One of jones' followers went to that restaurant looking for that child sex ring. He didn't find it because it never existed so he shot up the place with his AR 15. Someone could have been harmed or killed. As it is the owner sustained damage to his restaurant.

Then there are the families of the Sandy Hook massacre. Some of them have had to actually move up to 7 times because of death threats from jones' followers because jones has brainwashed them into believing that the Sandy Hook massacre never happened.

That's what's wrong.

Totally innocent people are being harmed because of jones' lies. And the only reason why he lies so much is for money. So he's making money off destroying lives.

His platform to spew his hate and lies has not been removed. He can spew as much as he wants all over the internet. All you have to do is go to his website. So crazy people are perfectly free to get their daily dose of hate and brainwashing from jones. Facebook has absolutely no obligation to give him a platform for his hate and lies.
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BTW...one of these days you might learn that Facebook et al are private businesses....and there was a time when trumpanzees supported a business's right to refuse service.
Facebook should censor or reject whatever it wants. It's been my experience though that when this happens, websites die out quick. The entire reason people flock to places like Facebook is to let their hair down and have a free exchange of ideas. In other words on the one hand we have the "essence" of Facebook being "a place to congregate and have a free exchange of ideas" while at the same time the outfit says "just not ALL ideas"...

If customers encounter the suppression of free exchange of ideas (the opposite of what the business advertises itself as), then they stop going there. Facebook is a joke that has run it's course anyway. The free market will replace them as they become more and more tyrannical. Think of Facebook like the Colorado baker advertising as "a place to get a wedding cake for any conceivable type of marriage", then denying baking a "gay wedding" cake. Facebook at a minimum should be forced to post a disclaimer on its banner in bold print that says "this website censors some free exchange of ideas and thoughts", since it implies in its advertising that it's a place for all to come and exchange thoughts and ideas.

Same with cake bakers. If folks think that they're tyrannical, they'll stop going there. That's "the punishment" for refusing to bake a so-called "gay wedding" cake. But maybe more people will go there who secretly side with the baker? That's called freedom of choice and thought. You clamp down on that in the US, you're going to pay. So, Facebook is gambling that "a majority of people support transgenders in girls' bathrooms" etc. The Colorado cake baker was gambling that a majority of his customer base supports his right to object based on deep faith values.

Facebook may lose the house on that gamble. Just like the dems lost 2016 up and down ticket from the same gamble. Seems that "fake it till you make it" doesn't always work. You can't fake the voters' true sentiments behind the curtain.
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Their platform, their rules. Surely people don't have trouble with that, do they? Would you allow without question somebody to plant a political sign of their own choosing out on your lawn?
You know, there are limits to what people are allowed to post on here, and sometimes, people are banned for a bit if they do something against USMB's TOS.

Why should it be different for Facebook and YouTube? If USMB can ban or edit people, why can't they?
You know, there are limits to what people are allowed to post on here, and sometimes, people are banned for a bit if they do something against USMB's TOS.

Why should it be different for Facebook and YouTube? If USMB can ban or edit people, why can't they?
Exactly. But then again there is the implied "come one come all" business model for the free exchange of ideas. Anywhere that holds itself out (especially sites like USMB) as a "debate" site welcome to all, is really skating on thin ice practicing the type of censorship you mention. Facebook doesn't advertise itself as a debate site so in that respect they're actually on firmer footing that USMB.
BTW...one of these days you might learn that Facebook et al are private businesses....and there was a time when trumpanzees supported a business's right to refuse service.
Facebook should censor or reject whatever it wants. It's been my experience though that when this happens, websites die out quick. The entire reason people flock to places like Facebook is to let their hair down and have a free exchange of ideas. In other words on the one hand we have the "essence" of Facebook being "a place to congregate and have a free exchange of ideas" while at the same time the outfit says "just not ALL ideas"...

If customers encounter the suppression of free exchange of ideas (the opposite of what the business advertises itself as), then they stop going there. Facebook is a joke that has run it's course anyway. The free market will replace them as they become more and more tyrannical. Think of Facebook like the Colorado baker advertising as "a place to get a wedding cake for any conceivable type of marriage", then denying baking a "gay wedding" cake. Facebook at a minimum should be forced to post a disclaimer on its banner in bold print that says "this website censors some free exchange of ideas and thoughts", since it implies in its advertising that it's a place for all to come and exchange thoughts and ideas.

Same with cake bakers. If folks think that they're tyrannical, they'll stop going there. That's "the punishment" for refusing to bake a so-called "gay wedding" cake. But maybe more people will go there who secretly side with the baker? That's called freedom of choice and thought. You clamp down on that in the US, you're going to pay. So, Facebook is gambling that "a majority of people support transgenders in girls' bathrooms" etc. The Colorado cake baker was gambling that a majority of his customer base supports his right to object based on deep faith values.

Facebook may lose the house on that gamble. Just like the dems lost 2016 up and down ticket from the same gamble. Seems that "fake it till you make it" doesn't always work. You can't fake the voters' true sentiments behind the curtain.

Facebook has been applying its terms of service for years. And they’ve grown wildly. It’s highly unlikely that Facebook I’ll die out on the basis you’ve cited.
You know, there are limits to what people are allowed to post on here, and sometimes, people are banned for a bit if they do something against USMB's TOS.

Why should it be different for Facebook and YouTube? If USMB can ban or edit people, why can't they?
Exactly. But then again there is the implied "come one come all" business model for the free exchange of ideas. Anywhere that holds itself out (especially sites like USMB) as a "debate" site welcome to all, is really skating on thin ice practicing the type of censorship you mention. Facebook doesn't advertise itself as a debate site so in that respect they're actually on firmer footing that USMB.

I don't really qualify conspiracy theories and calling real life tragedies "hoaxes" as a free exchange of ideas. I view those things the same way I view white power propaganda. Something that doesn't necessarily belong in the public view.

I mean, conservatives get all pissy over gay pride parades and believe that it has a damaging effect on young children. I think the same thing can be said about those who support racist ideals.
Just an interesting note. After all the many, many threads yesterday on this (and many more today), I expected the evening news last night to at least mention it. I did get to it quite late, but I saw nothing--not even on Fox. It certainly wasn't a lead story for any of them and it wasn't in the paper this morning, not even on the op ed page.

I just checked Fox News and they're still not picking it up, either. There is one op ed piece on it from Nigel Farage, way down the page. Not news.

MindWars gotcha again, folks. The sky is not falling.
Just an interesting note. After all the many, many threads yesterday on this (and many more today), I expected the evening news last night to at least mention it. I did get to it quite late, but I saw nothing--not even on Fox. It certainly wasn't a lead story for any of them and it wasn't in the paper this morning, not even on the op ed page.

I just checked Fox News and they're still not picking it up, either. There is one op ed piece on it from Nigel Farage, way down the page. Not news.

MindWars gotcha again, folks. The sky is not falling.

No you just think you did lmfao. dumbass.

Your all just a little to dumb to see it because it's' all right at your door step .....nahaahha that's how clueless your fks are.


YOU SEE REALLY WE GOT YOU.............. as you all close in on yourselves bhaahhaah

About damn time.
Why? What is it about Alex Jones that you fear so much? If it’s all “fake” as his detractors claim, then he comes across as a lunatic and he poses absolutely no threat to you or your ideology.

On the other hand, if he’s speaking the truth, you should want the American people to hear it.

Only fascists want speech banned or limited. Nazi, much?

The problem with his lies is that some people actually believe it.

A good example is that Hillary is running a child sex ring out of a pizza restaurant in DC. One of jones' followers went to that restaurant looking for that child sex ring. He didn't find it because it never existed so he shot up the place with his AR 15. Someone could have been harmed or killed. As it is the owner sustained damage to his restaurant.

Then there are the families of the Sandy Hook massacre. Some of them have had to actually move up to 7 times because of death threats from jones' followers because jones has brainwashed them into believing that the Sandy Hook massacre never happened.

That's what's wrong.

Totally innocent people are being harmed because of jones' lies. And the only reason why he lies so much is for money. So he's making money off destroying lives.

His platform to spew his hate and lies has not been removed. He can spew as much as he wants all over the internet. All you have to do is go to his website. So crazy people are perfectly free to get their daily dose of hate and brainwashing from jones. Facebook has absolutely no obligation to give him a platform for his hate and lies.


Everyone of you clueless losers say he lies YET you can't PROVE it that he does neither can CNN, Neither can ABC, MSN, AOL, HUFFS you name it THEY CAN NOT PROVE IT THERE ARE NO VIDEOS NOR ARTICLES THAT PROVE HE LIES...

the problem is most are to fkn stupid to " LOOK IT ALL UP" and read from a site that is painting them some BS story like your sources have already done to you. and every other idiot clueless hater.
I mean, conservatives get all pissy over gay pride parades and believe that it has a damaging effect on young children.

That's because deviant-sex themed parades where kids are invited to watch lewd behavior and full nudity IS damaging to children. That's why we have laws to protect them from that stuff. Try those same acts outside the school yard the next day when you're not wearing a rainbow armband and see how long it takes the cops to slap cuffs on you.
Their platform, their rules. Surely people don't have trouble with that, do they? Would you allow without question somebody to plant a political sign of their own choosing out on your lawn?
have i opened up my lawn to be an open social gathering spot?

the analogies some people make really do show you the clueless out there.
BTW...one of these days you might learn that Facebook et al are private businesses....and there was a time when trumpanzees supported a business's right to refuse service.
Facebook should censor or reject whatever it wants. It's been my experience though that when this happens, websites die out quick. The entire reason people flock to places like Facebook is to let their hair down and have a free exchange of ideas. In other words on the one hand we have the "essence" of Facebook being "a place to congregate and have a free exchange of ideas" while at the same time the outfit says "just not ALL ideas"...

If customers encounter the suppression of free exchange of ideas (the opposite of what the business advertises itself as), then they stop going there. Facebook is a joke that has run it's course anyway. The free market will replace them as they become more and more tyrannical. Think of Facebook like the Colorado baker advertising as "a place to get a wedding cake for any conceivable type of marriage", then denying baking a "gay wedding" cake. Facebook at a minimum should be forced to post a disclaimer on its banner in bold print that says "this website censors some free exchange of ideas and thoughts", since it implies in its advertising that it's a place for all to come and exchange thoughts and ideas.

Same with cake bakers. If folks think that they're tyrannical, they'll stop going there. That's "the punishment" for refusing to bake a so-called "gay wedding" cake. But maybe more people will go there who secretly side with the baker? That's called freedom of choice and thought. You clamp down on that in the US, you're going to pay. So, Facebook is gambling that "a majority of people support transgenders in girls' bathrooms" etc. The Colorado cake baker was gambling that a majority of his customer base supports his right to object based on deep faith values.

Facebook may lose the house on that gamble. Just like the dems lost 2016 up and down ticket from the same gamble. Seems that "fake it till you make it" doesn't always work. You can't fake the voters' true sentiments behind the curtain.

Facebook has been applying its terms of service for years. And they’ve grown wildly. It’s highly unlikely that Facebook I’ll die out on the basis you’ve cited.

Allowing the fake news, hate and russian bots is what has harmed Facebook.

They lost billions recently because people are tired of their personal info being stolen and sold. They're tired of all the abuse, hate and russian bots spewing lies as real news.

That's the reason why they're cleaning house now. People have been leaving facebook for the reasons I've stated. Facebook is trying to create a website that people won't leave in droves.

This is just one part of what people have been demanding from facebook so it's not likely that people will leave because facebook is cleaning house.
Facebook has absolutely no obligation to give him a platform for his hate and lies.
I have already stated that and I agree with it 100%. Facebook is a private corporation and has absolutely no obligation to provide Alex Jones with a platform.
A good example is that Hillary is running a child sex ring out of a pizza restaurant in DC. One of jones' followers went to that restaurant looking for that child sex ring. He didn't find it because it never existed so he shot up the place with his AR 15. Someone could have been harmed or killed. As it is the owner sustained damage to his restaurant.
While I get where you’re coming from on this, ultimately you can’t put that on Jones. He does not force his idiot followers to pick up firearms and engage in illegal activity.

And keep in mind, that works both ways. The hate and insane lies spread by MSNBC and others lead to the mass shooting at the Republican softball practice.
Facebook has absolutely no obligation to give him a platform for his hate and lies.
I have already stated that and I agree with it 100%. Facebook is a private corporation and has absolutely no obligation to provide Alex Jones with a platform.

Uh...not wrong. 100% right. Facebook is under no obligation to provide Alex Jones with a platform (and only an idiot left-wing statist would declare otherwise).

Just as a baker doesn’t have to bake a cake for homosexuals, Facebook doesn’t have to provide a platform for Alex Jones.
Facebook has absolutely no obligation to give him a platform for his hate and lies.
I have already stated that and I agree with it 100%. Facebook is a private corporation and has absolutely no obligation to provide Alex Jones with a platform.

Uh...not wrong. 100% right. Facebook is under no obligation to provide Alex Jones with a platform (and only an idiot left-wing statist would declare otherwise).

Just as a baker doesn’t have to bake a cake for homosexuals, Facebook doesn’t have to provide a platform for Alex Jones.

Hate to tell you Patriot, but Blind Whore (Mind Wars) isn't left wing. She is extreme far right.
Facebook has absolutely no obligation to give him a platform for his hate and lies.
I have already stated that and I agree with it 100%. Facebook is a private corporation and has absolutely no obligation to provide Alex Jones with a platform.
That is a made up LEFTIST BULL SHIT EXCUSE they used to domnate a false truth and it's pure bs.

Because if that were the case we would have to ban " EVERYBODY" for something.

What Gives Censors Any Right to Censor?


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