Facebook, apple purge infowars for hate speech

It is good to see those who at least feel this way. Good for you and hats off for being a " REAL LIBERAL" or as some say a " CLASSIC LIBERAL".

Facebook, Apple Purge InfoWars for 'Hate Speech' | Breitbart
The Masters of the Universe at Facebook and Apple have censored InfoWars pages and podcasts on their platforms, both claiming Alex Jones and company engage in “hate speech.”

Facebook, Apple Purge InfoWars for 'Hate Speech' | Breitbart

Now we know you inofwar haters will cheeir because that's pretty much. what a cluelss easily lead moron will do. ...........

Here's what you pea sized brains can't seem to realize this is what HITLER DID FIRST OFF STUPID FKS....

Two they are comin for your speech next..........

They can take this very board turn it completletly leftist s then all you stupid fks have t aruge with is yourselves on how anti american you all are.





Your all next moron face reality.

Hip hip hooray. No problem with that decision.
"Infowars is the tip of a giant iceberg of hate and lies that uses sites like Facebook and YouTube to tear our nation apart. These companies must do more than take down one website. The survival of our democracy depends on it." - Sen Chris Murphy
I think the media , Twitter should do the same to the orange and the racist parry ...no air time, no internet access....let them enjoy the darkness....or they can watch the NFL lol
My only criticism is that it should have been done sooner. Alex Jones helped push pizza gate incident and incited people to harass Sandy Hook victim’s parents.

It’s about time we stop pandering to these far right wing extremist.
Lol, they are trying to shut down all the fake news. I'm guessing Alex Jones and inforwars are just the first.
So CNNs days are numbered?
Confused as to why you would think that.
Of course you are, Crapitus.
You morons that try to change my name crack me up.

Get an education loser.
Ah, so it bugs you, Crapitus.
Thanks for the heads up.
He should be more worried about the 95% of subscribers who think free speech is a thing.
Yes, I'm sure Facebook amd all the ither platforms are simply terrified....

Well they should be. Let me educate you about what it means to be an American. Now is the time to find the constitution that you haven't read and start reading. Right as the FIRST AMENDMENT is free speech you anti-American fuck. Our most important value. Don't fuck with it.

Now is the time to start defending it or get the fuck out of this country to one of those shitholes who don't enjoy the same rights and thus are shitholes. God damn fascists...
Before you start telling people to get out of the country, you need to understand the limitation of 1st amendment. True threats are not protected speech.

In addition, nobody has 1st amendment protection on facebook and other similar online services.

If you don't understand the difference between making threats and free speech that Mr. Jones exercised, you indeed can not be an American. There was no mention of any threats.

Which airline do you prefer? I will have the list of "countries" without free speech ready. Always a pleasure helping people find their utopia.
Threats to shoot somebody isnt protected speech.

“That’s a demon I will take down, or I’ll die trying. So that’s it. It’s going to happen, we’re going to walk out in the square, politically, at high noon, and he’s going to find out whether he makes a move man, make the move first, and then it’s going to happen,” Jones said, miming a pistol with his hand.

“It’s not a joke. It’s not a game. It’s the real world. Politically. You’re going to get it, or I’m going to die trying, bitch. Get ready. We’re going to bang heads. We’re going to bang heads.”
Well they should be. Let me educate you about what it means to be an American. Now is the time to find the constitution that you haven't read and start reading. Right as the FIRST AMENDMENT is free speech you anti-American fuck. Our most important value. Don't fuck with it.

Now is the time to start defending it or get the fuck out of this country to one of those shitholes who don't enjoy the same rights and thus are shitholes. God damn fascists...
Before you start telling people to get out of the country, you need to understand the limitation of 1st amendment. True threats are not protected speech.

In addition, nobody has 1st amendment protection on facebook and other similar online services.

If you don't understand the difference between making threats and free speech that Mr. Jones exercised, you indeed can not be an American. There was no mention of any threats.

Which airline do you prefer? I will have the list of "countries" without free speech ready. Always a pleasure helping people find their utopia.
Threats to shoot somebody isnt protected speech.

He made no such threats.

Why do the leftist idiots have such a big difficulty telling the difference between free speech and a threat? If he actually made such threat, youtube would be least of his worries.

These people are as far from American as it gets.
no such threats?
Alex Jones threatens Mueller: ‘You're going to get it, or I'm going to die trying’

Jones took on a particularly insidious tone during his Monday show, accusing Mueller of violent child sex acts before dramatizing a hypothetical "wild west" shootout with Mueller.
You seem to have omitted where Jones said ‘POLITICALLY’ twice.
How do you know his claims are “false”?
Because they are not tested, nor is there any reason at all to believe they are effective. One does not have to be a researcher to observe this, stop with the nonsense. It's Homeopathic scam nonsense, and it should not be legal.. I'll be a nice guy, and give the nonsense-peddling freaks like Jones 6 months to sell whatever garbage they have left. then, illegal.
There are a great many companies peddling similar, have you been calling for those to be imprisoned too?
Alex Jones was correct in his final broadcast. There was a conspiracy against him.

How do you know his claims are “false”?
Because they are not tested, nor is there any reason at all to believe they are effective. One does not have to be a researcher to observe this, stop with the nonsense. It's Homeopathic scam nonsense, and it should not be legal.. I'll be a nice guy, and give the nonsense-peddling freaks like Jones 6 months to sell whatever garbage they have left. then, illegal.
There are countless supplements sold that aren’t tested as no one is interested in spending money on R&D that can’t be recouped because the products can’t be patented. Why pick on one vendor???
"Infowars is the tip of a giant iceberg of hate and lies that uses sites like Facebook and YouTube to tear our nation apart. These companies must do more than take down one website. The survival of our democracy depends on it." - Sen Chris Murphy

Funny cause I think this Chis person is the one wanting to take our country down. Americans must do more to get the person out of the senate.
I'll be a nice guy, and give the nonsense-peddling freaks like Jones 6 months to sell whatever garbage they have left. then, illegal.
First of all, I don’t disagree that this should be illegal. One should not be permitted to knowingly sell products that do not do what they claim they do.

But that’s not the issue. You said you want him to go to prison. What has he done that is illegal? You sound more afraid of Alex Jones than MarcATL does.
Lol, they are trying to shut down all the fake news. I'm guessing Alex Jones and inforwars are just the first.
So CNNs days are numbered?
Confused as to why you would think that.
Of course you are, Crapitus.
You morons that try to change my name crack me up.

Get an education loser.
Ah, so it bugs you, Crapitus.
Thanks for the heads up.
Kid, you just go right on believing that if it makes you feel better about yourself.
Thanks. You’ve linked to pages that state the allegations, but no examples of hate speech
Those articles both stated examples and linked to examples. Go waste someone else's time.
Nope. They state the allegations of hate crimes but provide no examples. They highlight some of his ‘conspiracy’ theories and they refer to him taking on mueller politically as if that was a physical threat.
But still, thanks for looking for the articles. It was nice of you.

They don’t have to prove anything. It’s their website. They are the sole arbiters of what constitutes a violation of their terms of service.

You’re confusing a private business with a court of law. They aren’t the same thing, nor are they held to the same standards
If they allow any POLITICS on their platforms, then they are doing so in an effort to allow the platform to influence elections in my opinion right ???

When they do this then they put themselves right in the wheelhouse of the expected adherence to government guidelines that are laid out in the Constitution or for which has been created over time by the people in regards to the Constitution right ?????....... The Constitution is worded in ways that people do understand always that those words are there to protect them and their way of life as American's right ????

Probably best to self ban all POLITICS from these platforms that weren't originally designed to harbor these divisive political discussions, otherwise if they can't handle it right ?????........ If these platforms don't want to adhere to a set of clean rules that ensure the free speech rights of their memberships when allowing certain things, along with the safety and security of all who participate upon these platforms within this the nation, then ban the political content on all sides of the isles right ????....

If they can't recognize what is decent constructive speech, and what is not constructive and decent speech then it shouldn't be allowed in no way shape or form upon the multifaceted platforms not dependent upon politics as their life blood to exist...

They shouldn't include political speech, hate speech, bully speech, harassing speech, threatening speech, discrimination speech or racist speech in their much needed speech rules that should be created, and then monitored.

It appears these giants have been recognized for having these potential powers that they hold within our society, yet it is that they can't seem to understand how such power has the ability to hurt or help in the reshaping the SOCIETY'S in a good way or in a bad way do they ?????

These platforms are being highjacked for some nefarious reasons right ???? Hopefully the nation will do the right thing in all of this stuff. Put politics back where it belongs, and free up these giants to become what they were originally intended to be. The good guys, and not hostages doing the works of the bad guy's.

They allow you to post whatever you’d like within the bounds of their terms of service. If you violate those terms of service, they can ban you. This is a contract between you and Facebook. You’ve agreed to these terms if you’re posting there.

Again, you do not understand what rights are. They are a prohibition of government interference with your actions. Facebook is not the government. They are a private company. They can grant or limit access to their property as they see fit. And again, you’ve already agreed to this before you post there.

If you don’t want to agree to their terms, don’t post there. Go somewhere else.
Alex Jones was correct in his final broadcast. There was a conspiracy against him.

Of course...there's a conspiracy against all con-servatives. It's how they get by....believing that.

It’s called poutrage.

It’s what they do

Whining and sniveling about what hapless, hopeless victims they are is conservative orthodoxy. This thread would be a superb example of it.

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