Facebook ban of breast-feeding photos sparks protests

Toddlers not school aged children benefit from breastfeeding.

The Benefits of Breastfeeding After A Year
Breastfeeding continues to provide health benefits to babies after one year. Despite myths to the contrary, your breast milk still contains antibodies, provides immunity, and is nutritionally rich. Although the vast majority of toddlers will be eating a well rounded diet, breastfeeding provides a nutritional boost to picky eaters, children that are severely allergic (and thus can't eat a wide variety of foods) and sick children who can't keep down solid foods. I look at it like a natural vitamin supplement for my nursing 2 year old. She eats a wide variety of healthy food so I know she is not at risk nutritionally, but I like the fact that she is getting a bit of a boost from breast milk....no vitamin pills needed! It has been demonstrated that breastfed toddlers have fewer illnesses. When they are sick it is for a shorter duration and they generally require less medical care than their peers who are not breastfed.
Extended Nursing: breastfeeding toddlers and beyond
I often think that these women who insist on breastfeeding into the toddler years and beyond have issues with neediness.

Check this out:

(mildly not safe for work)

“How to breastfeed your elementary school-aged kids” or “At this rate, these kids will be putting breastmilk in their coffee.” « Your Daily Chum

Of course, you do.

Breastfeeding a child beyond the age of three years is not common in the United States , but it is not unknown. It is more common than most people realize because families that practice extended breastfeeding often do not tell others, who they fear will be judgmental. A breastfeeding child of 3 or 4 years or older will typically only be nursing a few times a day - usually first thing in the morning, before nap and bedtime at night, perhaps more often if they are sick, injured, frightened, emotionally distressed or developmentally delayed. It is quite easy for even close friends of the family to be unaware of a continuing breastfeeding relationship. A pediatrician who is vocal in his non-support of breastfeeding may not even be told if a mother in his practice continues to breastfeed. Thus, "extended" breastfeeding - beyond three years - seems more rare and unusual in the United States than it really is.

It is quite feasible for divorced parents to work out shared custody or visitation arrangements that allow the father to have ample time with his child while not sacrificing the breastfeeding relationship the child has with its mother. There is no reason why the child cannot have close relationships with both parents, including spending substantial amounts of time with both, without weaning having to take place before the child is ready.

Breastfeeding and co-sleeping with children are perfectly normal and healthy behaviors, practiced by many people in cultures all around the world, and in the US .

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Hey Ms. Roman... We all recognize that your child has to eat and that you've chosen to breast feed... and while I'd LOVE to go into the whole litany of psychological IEDs that 'need' brings with it... Let's just agree to disagree... you keep your nipples and your childs need to suckle to yourself and I promise not to complain about it...

I don't want to see it.

(Ya see I like tits and I don't like to have to get around your kids head when you're givin' up a nipple shot.)

Yeah yeah... I hear ya... You're exposing your nipples, 2 tables away and I'm the perv because my head and eyes turned to meet the biological necessity... See the problem? You've tits... and I've got to look when you're exposing them.

are you having some kind of schizophrenic breakdown, dude?
You lactivists say what you want to.. but THIS chick is the kind of shit that make your appeals a joke.

except the newborn get immunity benefits from mom's milk, that is very beneficial. not nutritional but beneficial.

I believe breast milk is also better nutritionally than formula. My doctor and I had a very long discussion about it. Unfortunately, I don't breastfeed my kids because I typically can't stand to have anything touch my breasts for the first month or so after I have a baby. Even having my clothes touch my skin can be an unbearable irritation.
According to La Leche League International (LLL), “breastfeeding a toddler helps with the child’s ability to grow up. Although some experts say a toddler who is not weaned will have difficulty becoming independent, it’s usually the fearful, clingy kids that have been pushed into situations requiring too much independence too soon. A breastfeeding toddler is having his dependency needs met. The closeness and availability of the mother through breastfeeding is one of the best ways to help toddlers grow emotionally.”
When Is The Right Time To Wean? Many mothers choose to wean naturally, allowing the child to outgrow the need gradually or in the child’s own time. But if you would like to encourage weaning, LLL has some suggestions.

1) Breastfeed your child only when asked, and don’t offer when he or she doesn’t. This technique may help accelerate the weaning process when used with other methods.

2) Change daily routines. Instead of heading home after picking your child up from daycare, go to the grocery store or elsewhere instead. Try to avoid the “nursing chair” or “nursing station” in your home as much as possible at the times when your child would usually ask to nurse.

3) If possible, get help from other family and household members. If your child nurses upon waking up, try getting up before your son or daughter and have the child’s father or someone else do the morning routine.

4) Anticipate nursings and offer substitutions and distractions. Try offering a snack or drink at that time. Go to your child’s favorite place at the usual nursing time. Other distractions including reading, bike rides, walking, and visiting friends.

5) Shorten the length of nursings.

Benefits Of Breastfeeding
Two thoughts:

First, toddler implies a child between the ages of 18 months and 3 years. I see no reason why a child who is developing teeth and eating solid food remains on the breast. I really wonder about moms who keep their toddlers latched to their breasts. I tend to think it's an issue with the mom, and not the child. Sweetie, if your child is speaking in sentences, he's too fucking old for the breast.

Second, I've nursed two infants for a sum total of about 2 years (12 months each) during my lifetime. I did it in church, in stores, in restaurants, and in a variety of other places. Somehow, I managed to keep my breast at least 70% covered AND feed my child.

So cry me a fucking river for these women.

Do I believe women should breastfeed? Absolutely. Do I believe that women should breastfeed whenever and wherever? You betcha. But goddamn, they need to exercise some common sense. There are plenty of places and ways to nurse that are modest and discreet.

And fuck...I can't believe I'm now setting myself up as the poster child for modesty and discretion, but if I can do it, anyone can.

Read this and get back to me on how you feel about extended (natural) nursing...

A Time to Wean - The Natural Child Project
You lactivists say what you want to.. but THIS chick is the kind of shit that make your appeals a joke.

...Psychotic! I couldn't even finish that out...
why would someone post pictures of themselves breast feeding in the first place? That's just strange IMO.

what are they afraid of? The picture might arouse somebody? Jeez

careful.. any restrictions on breast feeding will arouse the lactivists to have a.. uh, feed in...


My take is that no one forces anyone to use facebook. It's the same with Starbucks when they had the gal to make policy decisions that a scorned breeder didn't agree with. enjoy the consumer liberty to take your business elsewhere... but, thats not how lactivists see it.

I never understood the fervor of the breast feeding crowd. Really isn't it a little ridiculous?

When my son was born, I looked at the bills submitted to my insurance and I saw some fee for lactation counseling.

Have women become so stupid that they don't understand how to let an infant suck on a tit?

Women have been breast feeding for millions of years and all of a sudden we have to pay people to show a woman how to let a baby suckle?

Pretty pathetic no?

As for the breast feeding in public crowd, They should organize.

Their acronym can be


National Institute for Parents Planning Lactation Exposure
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Read this and get back to me on how you feel about extended (natural) nursing...

A Time to Wean - The Natural Child Project

Humans come in different sizes, but 4 to 7 years of nursing would be the weaning age for humans using this method of comparison, with boys generally being nursed longer than girls, and large-bodied populations nursing longer than small-bodied groups.

You believe in nursing your child into elementary school?

I'm familiar with the concept of extended nursing, and I'm not a fan.
Have women become so stupid that they don't understand how to let an infant suck on a tit?

Actually, I'd probably have given up on nursing if it weren't for my lactation counselor. If that makes me stupid, so be it, but the problem is that most of us have not grown up around nursing, and there isn't a culture where we can learn from observing how to do it. We learn to parent from observing our own and other parents at work. The knowledge of how to be a parent doesn't just magically appear in our heads when we breed. Same with nursing.
LOL, I guess "Woman's right to choose" dosen't cover prolonged breastfeeding. :lol:

Frankly, I don't have the faintest idea why a woman would WANT to nurse her child for 4-7 years. I was happy when my kids were weaned at a year, it freed me up to start living again. Nursing takes a LOT of time, and I'm don't believe the benefits of it past a year or two is substantial enough to spend hours at a time with a child attached to my tit.
They are AFRAID of alienating the rest of, see MAJORITY, the rest of their customers by bowing to the whim of a minute special interest group that offends, rightly or not according to your opinion, the greater source of revenue.

Now, if I dig through the forum this side of THE HOLIDAYS am I going to find one of your posts bemoaning retailers for doing the same thing regarding door greetings?

I agree with you. I have no problem with breast feeding,however I don't want some woman plopping her exposed breast out on the table while we are eating out.in full view of my family. This happened at Disneyland while I was there with my kids. Some people need to learn of a little thing called common curtesy .
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I agree with you. I have no problem with breast feeding,however I don't want some woman plopping her exposed breast out on the table while we are eating out.in full view of my family. This happened at Disneyland while I was there with my kids. Some people need to learn of a little thing called common curtesy .

omg look mom there's a booby.

please don't let me know i'm animal it calls my limited christian world view to go haywire.

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