Facebook ban of breast-feeding photos sparks protests

I agree with you. I have no problem with breast feeding,however I don't want some woman plopping her exposed breast out on the table while we are eating out.in full view of my family. This happened at Disneyland while I was there with my kids. Some people need to learn of a little thing called common curtesy .

I'm lost. What's discourteous about her breastfeeding her child at her table? Seems to me the discourtesy is you and your family staring. "Plopping her exposed breast out on the table"? So what? It's not like she was streaking through the restaurant. It's a breast, performing the function for which nature designed it. Next you'll be offended by people using their legs for walking or their mouths for talking and chewing food.
I'm lost. What's discourteous about her breastfeeding her child at her table? Seems to me the discourtesy is you and your family staring. "Plopping her exposed breast out on the table"? So what? It's not like she was streaking through the restaurant. It's a breast, performing the function for which nature designed it. Next you'll be offended by people using their legs for walking or their mouths for talking and chewing food.

Although I'm not bothered personally by public breastfeeding (I may enforce the taboo against bare female breasts here, but I do see it as a weird and unnecessary double standard), I must point out that that last line of reasoning doesn't hold water.

Suppose, for example, that a guy at his table in a restaraunt is pissing into a bottle. What's the problem? It's just a penis, performing the function for which nature designed it. Next you'll be offended by people using their assholes for shitting or their fingers for digging dried mucus from their nasal cavities.

My point being that the naturalness of a behavior does not necessarily have anything to do with whether or not it's polite (or even legal) to do it in public.

edit: Having said that, I think that breastfeeding is significantly less offensive than the other examples I listed because it deosn't involve any form of excrement. I think the backlash against visible breastfeeding feeds off of how highly sexualized women's breasts are in this society, combined with how taboo anything sexual is in the public square here.
Although I'm not bothered personally by public breastfeeding (I may enforce the taboo against bare female breasts here, but I do see it as a weird and unnecessary double standard), I must point out that that last line of reasoning doesn't hold water.

Suppose, for example, that a guy at his table in a restaraunt is pissing into a bottle. What's the problem? It's just a penis, performing the function for which nature designed it. Next you'll be offended by people using their assholes for shitting or their fingers for digging dried mucus from their nasal cavities.

The reason I didn't use urination and defecation as comparisons, and instead used inoffensive, innocuous functions like walking and talking and eating would be because - HELLO! - breastfeeding is not comparable to urination and defecation. That's the whole point. People who've decided that breastfeeding is some shameful, dirty, offensive activity like voiding waste are the ones with a problem here.

My point being that the naturalness of a behavior does not necessarily have anything to do with whether or not it's polite (or even legal) to do it in public.

THAT would hold water if breastfeeding were smelly or germy, as urination and defecation are. Since it isn't, this is merely about people who've gotten the odd notion that breasts are primarily sexual organs and need to get the hell over it.

edit: Having said that, I think that breastfeeding is significantly less offensive than the other examples I listed because it deosn't involve any form of excrement.

Wrong. It isn't "offensive" at all.

I think the backlash against visible breastfeeding feeds off of how highly sexualized women's breasts are in this society, combined with how taboo anything sexual is in the public square here.

I think sexual things SHOULD be taboo in the public square. Breastfeeding is not sexual. This is like saying because some men get turned on by a woman's legs, that means that jogging in shorts is a sexual activity. On the other hand, if a woman is NOT breastfeeding, then I think her chest needs to be covered up. For the record, I also don't care for men walking around topless in public, either.
The reason I didn't use urination and defecation as comparisons, and instead used inoffensive, innocuous functions like walking and talking and eating would be because - HELLO! - breastfeeding is not comparable to urination and defecation. That's the whole point. People who've decided that breastfeeding is some shameful, dirty, offensive activity like voiding waste are the ones with a problem here.

THAT would hold water if breastfeeding were smelly or germy, as urination and defecation are. Since it isn't, this is merely about people who've gotten the odd notion that breasts are primarily sexual organs and need to get the hell over it.

Wrong. It isn't "offensive" at all.

I think sexual things SHOULD be taboo in the public square. Breastfeeding is not sexual. This is like saying because some men get turned on by a woman's legs, that means that jogging in shorts is a sexual activity. On the other hand, if a woman is NOT breastfeeding, then I think her chest needs to be covered up. For the record, I also don't care for men walking around topless in public, either.

Breasts ARE primariliy sex organs. It certainly took and act of sex for that baby to exist and therefore need to be fed somehow. Breasts exist to attract men for breeding.
Breasts ARE primariliy sex organs. It certainly took and act of sex for that baby to exist and therefore need to be fed somehow. Breasts exist to attract men for breeding.

WRONG... How are we to provide for the offspring that the attraction makes? They are for feeding our children not for sex. The sexualization of them comes from the prudish way we look at the body. Breasts are not sexual objects in society where they are not kept hidden. African tribes come to mind. Keep in mind that bottles are something new.

I would be interested in seen a study of men that where breastfed and what they are attracted sexually later in life. I'm betting the sexual attraction to breast is greater in men that where bottle-fed.

At one time a womens ankle was concedered sexual... Should we still cover them?
WRONG... How are we to provide for the offspring that the attraction makes? They are for feeding our children not for sex. The sexualization of them comes from the prudish way we look at the body. Breasts are not sexual objects in society where they are not kept hidden. African tribes come to mind. Keep in mind that bottles are something new.

I would be interested in seen a study of men that where breastfed and what they are attracted sexually later in life. I'm betting the sexual attraction to breast is greater in men that where bottle-fed.

At one time a womens ankle was concedered sexual... Should we still cover them?

Don't women need to attract a mate PRIOR to even having offspring to feed ? And where is your study to show that African men are not sexually attracted by breasts ? Merely seeing something all the time certainly does NOT mean they aren't sexually attractive like a face, leg etc.
We, as a sex, currently do not have the right to expose our breasts in public. To argue that once they have "become useful," you should now be able to expose them at will seems a bit incorrect to me.

What's wrong with simple societal courtesy? I don't want strangers staring at my breasts while I'm feeding my child, nor do I feel I have a right to make other people uncomfortable while they are eating or whatever...therefore I will bring a light blanket and attempt to keep my breast covered while breastfeeding - no, I won't do it in the bathroom - but I will be discrete. That being said...if in the beginning or at the end the blanket slips and you get an eyeful of something you didn't expect...give me a break.

If we want to argue that we all should be able to walk around exposing whatever body parts we want...thats a different argument...but as long as breasts remain one of those parts that we expect to be covered in public, I think that women should try their best to be discrete in public while feeding...it is simple to do and doesn't mean anyone is disgusted with breasts of breast feeding...its just being polite and courteous of societal norms.

If you really feel that you can only breastfeed appropriately if you are totally exposed...stay at home. Nudists only feel totally comfortable in the buff...but they don't walk into McDonalds that way because "its their right."
Breasts ARE primariliy sex organs. It certainly took and act of sex for that baby to exist and therefore need to be fed somehow. Breasts exist to attract men for breeding.

Breasts are NOT primarily sex organs. Simply because the baby is produced by sex does not make feeding said baby a sexual act, any more than the fact that YOU were produced by sex makes a fork the equivalent of a dildo. And it might surprise you to know that many cultures do not consider breasts sexual at all. You shouldn't project Western sensibilities onto humanity in general. Breasts exist primarily to feed young, not to attract men.
Breasts are NOT primarily sex organs. Simply because the baby is produced by sex does not make feeding said baby a sexual act, any more than the fact that YOU were produced by sex makes a fork the equivalent of a dildo. And it might surprise you to know that many cultures do not consider breasts sexual at all. You shouldn't project Western sensibilities onto humanity in general. Breasts exist primarily to feed young, not to attract men.

Does it say that in the owners manual ? :lol:
WRONG... How are we to provide for the offspring that the attraction makes? They are for feeding our children not for sex. The sexualization of them comes from the prudish way we look at the body. Breasts are not sexual objects in society where they are not kept hidden. African tribes come to mind. Keep in mind that bottles are something new.

I would be interested in seen a study of men that where breastfed and what they are attracted sexually later in life. I'm betting the sexual attraction to breast is greater in men that where bottle-fed.

At one time a womens ankle was concedered sexual... Should we still cover them?

Well, to a certain extent, EVERY part of the human body is sexual, simply because we are sexually attracted to each other's bodies. And it is undeniable that the breasts, being very sensitive to touch and subject to arousal, do serve a secondary sexual function. On the other hand, the buttocks do the same, but I don't know that anyone would argue that sex is the primary function of the ASS. Only our actual reproductive systems are designed primarily for the purpose of sex. Many women, myself among them, are aroused by a particularly well-developed set of male pecs, but that doesn't make the pectoral muscles primarily sexual in function.
Don't women need to attract a mate PRIOR to even having offspring to feed ? And where is your study to show that African men are not sexually attracted by breasts ? Merely seeing something all the time certainly does NOT mean they aren't sexually attractive like a face, leg etc.

You don't need a study to tell you that African cultures don't consider breasts particularly sexual in nature. It's a known cultural fact. Amazingly enough, not all men even in the US are attracted to breasts. Again, you really need to learn not to project your own sensibilities onto the rest of the world.
I'm lost. What's discourteous about her breastfeeding her child at her table? Seems to me the discourtesy is you and your family staring. "Plopping her exposed breast out on the table"? So what? It's not like she was streaking through the restaurant. It's a breast, performing the function for which nature designed it. Next you'll be offended by people using their legs for walking or their mouths for talking and chewing food.

Nothing as long as she is not forcing the public to just "deal" with her standards. How about instead of flaunting her nekkid breast feeding to the world,she just does it more discretionally. Why does everything have to be "In your face". I realize people are selfish but seriously. Why?
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You don't need a study to tell you that African cultures don't consider breasts particularly sexual in nature. It's a known cultural fact. Amazingly enough, not all men even in the US are attracted to breasts. Again, you really need to learn not to project your own sensibilities onto the rest of the world.

Listen, goddamnit. I don't need to see breasticles while I'm engaged in stalking the people I went to high school and college with. It's VERY VERY distracting.
Breasts ARE primariliy sex organs. It certainly took and act of sex for that baby to exist and therefore need to be fed somehow. Breasts exist to attract men for breeding.

No, they aren't, they were put there to feed the young. They are mammary glands. They have a function.
We, as a sex, currently do not have the right to expose our breasts in public. To argue that once they have "become useful," you should now be able to expose them at will seems a bit incorrect to me.

Well, if you want to discuss it in terms of rights and legality, then I should point out that it actually IS legal to breastfeed in public, so a woman actually DOES have the right to bare her breast publicly once it "becomes useful", at least for that use.

I will say more and more places, like the shopping mall closest to my house, are providing special "quiet rooms" for the purposes of feeding infants, which I think is an excellent gesture on their part, since I for one prefer privacy and quiet when tending to my child, even though I don't breastfeed.

What's wrong with simple societal courtesy?

What is discourteous, societally or otherwise, about me feeding my kid? In fact, what's it got to do with YOU at all? I think it's rather discourteous of YOU to expect my infant to go for an extended period of time without eating just so that you can be uptight about something that's really not any big deal.

I don't want strangers staring at my breasts while I'm feeding my child, nor do I feel I have a right to make other people uncomfortable while they are eating or whatever...

If you don't want people looking at your breasts, by all means, don't breastfeed in public. What I don't want is strangers telling ME how to care for my child to suit their sensibilities. And here's a newsflash: you don't have a right to never be uncomfortable, or to demand that people live their everyday lives differently to suit you.

therefore I will bring a light blanket and attempt to keep my breast covered while breastfeeding - no, I won't do it in the bathroom - but I will be discrete. That being said...if in the beginning or at the end the blanket slips and you get an eyeful of something you didn't expect...give me a break.

Most breastfeeding women do so, in fact, although I'm told it has more to do with the baby than with bystanders.

If we want to argue that we all should be able to walk around exposing whatever body parts we want...thats a different argument...

And perhaps before you attempt to deal with it, you might point out where anyone at all has made such an argument to begin with.

but as long as breasts remain one of those parts that we expect to be covered in public, I think that women should try their best to be discrete in public while feeding...it is simple to do and doesn't mean anyone is disgusted with breasts of breast feeding...its just being polite and courteous of societal norms.

Sorry, but "being polite" to people does not extend to being a bad or neglectful parent in my book, which is exactly what one is doing when one puts the ridiculous notions of total strangers ahead of the needs of one's child. Contrary to whatever notions you may have, breastfeeding out of sight of others is NOT always simple to do. In fact, it's usually damned hard to do.

If you really feel that you can only breastfeed appropriately if you are totally exposed...stay at home. Nudists only feel totally comfortable in the buff...but they don't walk into McDonalds that way because "its their right."

And you have the right to confine me to my home because why? Because YOU have some pathological issue with a perfectly normal and commonplace function of motherhood? Breastfeeding is not nudism, which is why the law allows for public breastfeeding but not public nudity.
Does it say that in the owners manual ? :lol:

Yeah. The owner's manual is also known as an anatomy and physiology textbook, and they teach about basic human anatomy in many schools, including high school's. Perhaps you should have considered attending such a class at some point.
Yeah. The owner's manual is also known as an anatomy and physiology textbook, and they teach about basic human anatomy in many schools, including high school's. Perhaps you should have considered attending such a class at some point.

I'll make a note of that--ty.

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