Facebook ban of breast-feeding photos sparks protests

Yes, God forbid that a 2 month old baby be breast fed.

Jeesh, I never agree with Cecile but for once she is absolutely correct.

The burka crowd is a hoot.

dramatically overstated as usual---no one has suggested that babies NOT be breast fed.
Here's what she said:
I'm guessing you stopped nursing before they got old enough to pull the blanket off or wiggle? My children wouldn't put up with having a blanket covering them.

Angel is talking about a 2nd grader, not a 2 month old, you ignorant twit who pipes off without reading the content of threads.

Are you trying to tell me your kids didn't wiggle or pull blankets until they were in second grade?
dramatically overstated as usual---no one has suggested that babies NOT be breast fed.

To be honest, I'm starting to think that Ravi has developmental difficulties and it's wrong of me to mock her...limitations.
Here's what she said:

Are you trying to tell me your kids didn't wiggle or pull blankets until they were in second grade?

Somehow, I managed to nurse each of my children for 12 months without EVER pulling out a naked tit in public. Amazing, I know. I need some kind of big red S on my chest or something.

I have special powers. And great tits. I probably should have wagged them about more, but I didn't really think the world needed to see my tits, even if I was a supermom who was feeding my child with them.

I didn't nurse them, however, once they could speak in complete sentences. That's just fucking CREEPY, and I seriously wonder about the sanity of women who do. It's a weird form of emotional masturbation.

And just imagine your children explaining when they're 40 that they were still nursing off mom's tit when they headed out the door to kindergarten.

"And then, when I got home from high school, I settled down on the couch with mom for a little milk and cookies snack..."
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Somehow, I managed to nurse each of my children for 12 months without EVER pulling out a naked tit in public. Amazing, I know. I need some kind of big red S on my chest or something.

I have special powers.
You'd be more credible if you'd just admit you were wrong about the 2nd grade thing. Or is that too much to expect from you?
Okay, you show me where Angel was talking about a second grader.

Jeebus, you guys are rabid.

no--you show ME where anyone said babies shouldn't be breastfed AS YOU CLAIM. It may provide you with some good insight to see that you make shit up.
no--you show ME where anyone said babies shouldn't be breastfed AS YOU CLAIM. It may provide you with some good insight to see that you make shit up.

I think I stated multiple times IN THIS THREAD that I support breastfeeding, and in fact, did it myself for a total of 2 years.
no--you show ME where anyone said babies shouldn't be breastfed AS YOU CLAIM. It may provide you with some good insight to see that you make shit up.


It kind of freaks me out when men argue with women about breast feeding. Bizzare!

I'm outta here!

There is something a lot immature about men who expect the whole world to pretend that a breast is primarily an object for their entertainment, instead of a baby feeding machine.

and you assume that these people that are watching a baby being breast fed are all having wild sexual fantasies and not just looking at something may have never seen before ? Project much ?
oh I know--Its a little test for Ravi after she dramatically said:
Kitty implied that a kid shouldn't be breastfed after it was able to pull a blanket off a boob.

I've come to the conclusion though that the both of you are such big boobs that you can't stand having any competition in the room.
Angel is talking about a 2nd grader, not a 2 month old, you ignorant twit who pipes off without reading the content of threads.

Where did I say a 2ND grader? I'm talking about any age child that is nursing. I was forced to leave a mall while nursing my oldest (now 17) when he was 3 months old. He was covered with a blanket the entire time. But it 'offended' someone. I was even in a quiet corner of the food court.

At the time the the security officer had every right to ask me to leave. See the law in California didn't protect my right. Thankfully, I told my LLL friends and we did a nurse in. It was our actions (and many others) that got the laws changed in California protecting our right to nurse our children where and when we need to.

Since when do you have the right not to be offended? If we start writing laws on offending people, where do we draw the line? There's a lot of Muslims that are offended by seeing a woman's face should we require all women cover their faces?
and you assume that these people that are watching a baby being breast fed are all having wild sexual fantasies and not just looking at something may have never seen before ? Project much ?

I have no idea what fantasies they're having. You're missing the point where I don't give a rat's ass WHAT they're thinking, because they shouldn't be standing there, gawping, to begin with. I can tell you that they're clearly having SOME sort of sexual issue, just based on their posts. I'm very sorry to hear that you have difficulty cluing in to what people are thinking from what they're saying, but most people understand that that's sorta what words do: express thoughts.
Where did I say a 2ND grader? I'm talking about any age child that is nursing. I was forced to leave a mall while nursing my oldest (now 17) when he was 3 months old. He was covered with a blanket the entire time. But it 'offended' someone. I was even in a quiet corner of the food court.

At the time the the security officer had every right to ask me to leave. See the law in California didn't protect my right. Thankfully, I told my LLL friends and we did a nurse in. It was our actions (and many others) that got the laws changed in California protecting our right to nurse our children where and when we need to.

Since when do you have the right not to be offended? If we start writing laws on offending people, where do we draw the line? There's a lot of Muslims that are offended by seeing a woman's face should we require all women cover their faces?
Nice post Angel. I was 99.9% positive it was Kitty and not me that had a reading comprehension problem.
This stuff really pisses me off. Who gets punished because someone might be leering at her breast? The leerer? Of course not.

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