Facebook ban of breast-feeding photos sparks protests

I'm for letting the child and mother decide how long they wish to nurse.

For those that are uppity about this, I'd recommend you not go to places where moms and children are in Portland Oregon. There's public nursing regularly. In the malls, museums, public streets... Don't like it... That's your problem, not mine.
I'm for letting the child and mother decide how long they wish to nurse.

For those that are uppity about this, I'd recommend you not go to places where moms and children are in Portland Oregon. There's public nursing regularly. In the malls, museums, public streets... Don't like it... That's your problem, not mine.

Angel, I don't care if you screw in the mall--really.

Just don't think that people won't watch or that they are somehow interfering with your rights. That's absurd.
When it comes to Facebook, I think they are being idiots. But I think this debate has moved beyond just what Facebook has done to the general breastfeeding in public topic.
When it comes to Facebook, I think they are being idiots. But I think this debate has moved beyond just what Facebook has done to the general breastfeeding in public topic.

agreed----if you think facebook are idiots, so be it. It's their business and they probably don't give a shit what we think.
Ravi has a hard time keeping her facts straight. ANd, for the record, Angel is a fan of extended nursing. The article she linked, which I assumed was an expression of her views, recommended nursing up to age 7.
Of course, because you are the Queen of Assumptions.
I'm for letting the child and mother decide how long they wish to nurse.

For those that are uppity about this, I'd recommend you not go to places where moms and children are in Portland Oregon. There's public nursing regularly. In the malls, museums, public streets... Don't like it... That's your problem, not mine.
Angel, I know you are a conservative. You put these judgmental faux-conservatives to shame. Kudos.
so, you finding a link to where she said that shouldnt be too much to ask, right?
Read her posts. Breast-feeding as exhibitionism? Yeah, that's approval, isn't it dcon?

I can't stand women that slam other women for being women.
Read her posts. Breast-feeding as exhibitionism? Yeah, that's approval, isn't it dcon?

I can't stand women that slam other women for being women.
wow, you REALLY need that reading comprehension class
Read her posts. Breast-feeding as exhibitionism? Yeah, that's approval, isn't it dcon?

I can't stand women that slam other women for being women.

You're the queen of intentionally misunderstanding what people say--just so it fits somehow with whatever response falls out of your mouth. :lol:
She's not "forcing" you to do anything, nor is she "flaunting" anything. To flaunt it would require her to be doing so for your benefit, and it might shock you to know that SHE is completely indifferent to you and your presence. In other words, it's not about you.

Why do YOUR issues have to be in HER face? All she's doing is feeding the kid. YOU are the one making a big deal out of it.

An infant typically needs to be fed every two hours or so for some time after birth. Since it is rarely possible to sneak away in a public place every two hours to somewhere totally secluded, are you suggesting that women who choose to breastfeed should be confined to their homes until their children are old enough to not offend your personal issues with their basic biological need for food?

Yeah, well boobies can be pumped for outings too...kids don't HAVE to be clamped on to them for every feeding either.
Yeah, well boobies can be pumped for outings too...kids don't HAVE to be clamped on to them for every feeding either.


Another thread where conservative wingnut dudes are jumping in and telling women what to with their bodies. How come its always conservative men that do that?

Here's a clue man, STFU and let the ladies sort out the issues with their boobies, their vaginas, and their wombs. You look like either a total effeminate sissy boy chiming in, or you look like a wingnut control freak. Take your pick!
I don't really understand why it is seemingly so difficult for women to throw a blanket over their shoulder while breast-feeding their infant in public. I did it all the time, with both my kids, because there are just some scenarios where I don't WANT people to see my breast exposed.

And I really have to wonder about those of you who DO want to breastfeed with nipple and all exposed. Why are you so opposed to covering up a little bit?

#1-Do you eat with a blanket over your head? If the sight of my breast makes you uncomfortable, go ahead and throw a blanket over YOUR head.

#2-I never did get a very good hang of nursing with a blanket.

#3-It is IMPOSSIBLE to see nipple during the act of breastfeeding...ya see...the child is latched on to the breast, thus covering the nipple AND almost all of the breast with their head. Truly, if you all were honest, you would admit that very little breast is even exposed. I've seen more breast on the teenage girls prancing around in the mall with shirts down to their navel or in a Victoria's Secret ad.

Oh, and for the record...I am a conservative female...still love Bush.
Okay, you show me where Angel was talking about a second grader.

Jeebus, you guys are rabid.

I have to agree...nowhere did I see any mention of a second grader. A second grader, if still breastfed, which is extrememly rare, wouldn't be nursed in public. He or she would probably be nursing less than once a day, probably only during a stressful time or maybe at bedtime.

Oh, and re: this whole blanket thing. If I have to cover up with a blanket while nursing my child, I feel every plastic bottle feeding parent should cover up that disgusting thing too. I am offended by those poor babies that are being deprived of the right to eat what nature intended for them to eat, and unless you can prove to me that that's expressed breastmilk in there, I don't wanna see it.
I have to agree...nowhere did I see any mention of a second grader. A second grader, if still breastfed, which is extrememly rare, wouldn't be nursed in public. He or she would probably be nursing less than once a day, probably only during a stressful time or maybe at bedtime.

Oh, and re: this whole blanket thing. If I have to cover up with a blanket while nursing my child, I feel every plastic bottle feeding parent should cover up that disgusting thing too. I am offended by those poor babies that are being deprived of the right to eat what nature intended for them to eat, and unless you can prove to me that that's expressed breastmilk in there, I don't wanna see it.



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