Facebook ban of breast-feeding photos sparks protests

You saying boobies don't ever get pumped for later consumption?

No, I am not, however when the baby is WITH the mother, it's best to get it from the source. Milk supply can go down and many babies won't even accept an artificial nipple. Mt best friend HAD to nurse her baby because he wanted nothing to do with a bottle...refused it. I've heard of this with many babies. Fortunately, mine wasn't one of them as I did have to return to work.
Luckily, it seems like most people are not in the camp of "I get to strip down to my waist because feeding my child is beautiful and natural and everyone who might have not expected to see my tits while eating brunch can go fuck themselves because I have the right not to be discrete."

I would like to see where you've EVER seen this occur. You are talking extreme here...women do not do this while breastfeeding. Do you honestly think any woman wants to show more than is absolutley necessary? Do you think something happens in a woman's head that immediately makes her an exhibitionist once that baby popos out? Heck, no. You are truly being stupid here!
I find it interesting that videos must be made to teach women how to be docile and behave themselves in public.

I've never seen anyone strip down to the waist to breastfeed in public. Can you provide a link to this behavior or is it just some right wing talking point?

Although they've never actually seen it, nor heard about it in news reports anywhere, Wingnuts are genetically predisposed to assume that somewhere, somehow, liberal women are stripping naked in public to breast feed which obviously would lead to liberal orgies on the public sidewalks.
Although they've never actually seen it, nor heard about it in news reports anywhere, Wingnuts are genetically predisposed to assume that somewhere, somehow, liberal women are stripping naked in public to breast feed which obviously would lead to liberal orgies on the public sidewalks.

Actually, I've seen it happen.

And frankly, I have no wish to see anyone's bare chest, male or female. Next we know, Neubarth will be lactating and breastfeeding.

He has the nipples for it.
Hey dudette--this is all people discussing stuff---DO whatever you want--there is not a soul here that will prevent you from doing it. Trust me--no one is going to run up and throw a blanket over you for breastfeeding.
You are merely hypersensitive to not getting approval for everything you do. If you are waiting to do something for fear someone may not like it, you will be sitting on your ass forever.

I agree.

If you truly feel that you are in the right. You do not need the approbation or affirmation of everyone on this board. I would probably complain to the restaurant manager if you were breasfeeding in my vicinity revealing more than what is necessary, but that is my proragative.
I agree.

If you truly feel that you are in the right. You do not need the approbation or affirmation of everyone on this board. I would probably complain to the restaurant manager if you were breasfeeding in my vicinity revealing more than what is necessary, but that is my proragative.

It's kind of funny. I actually LIKE breasts. I just don't want to see all of them. There are loads of breasts around the world that I have absolutely no interest in seeing. Including, for the record, Neubarth's.

Now, if Angelina Jolie wants to bare it all in my local restaurant, I'm so there.
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Although they've never actually seen it, nor heard about it in news reports anywhere, Wingnuts are genetically predisposed to assume that somewhere, somehow, liberal women are stripping naked in public to breast feed which obviously would lead to liberal orgies on the public sidewalks.
I agree. Damn liberals.
I agree.

If you truly feel that you are in the right. You do not need the approbation or affirmation of everyone on this board. I would probably complain to the restaurant manager if you were breasfeeding in my vicinity revealing more than what is necessary, but that is my proragative.
I haven't actually expressed anything that dillo has imagined in his little pea brain.
It's kind of funny. I actually LIKE breasts. I just don't want to see all of them. There are loads of breasts around the world that I have absolutely no interest in seeing.

Now, if Angelina Jolie wants to bare it all in my local restaurant, I'm so there.

Don't we deal with this al lthe time in one fashion or another. One person feels pefectly justified in doing what they do and someone else feels perfectly justfied in being offfended by it ?
It's kind of funny. I actually LIKE breasts. I just don't want to see all of them. There are loads of breasts around the world that I have absolutely no interest in seeing. Including, for the record, Neubarth's.

Now, if Angelina Jolie wants to bare it all in my local restaurant, I'm so there.

I get you. I feel the same way. All these touchy feely people think that I am against mothering and breastfeeding because of my view. And all the mothers who say my baby, toddler refuses to have a scarf covering them, train them to get used to it. That's what parents do.
I get you. I feel the same way. All these touchy feely people think that I am against mothering and breastfeeding because of my view. And all the mothers who say my baby, toddler refuses to have a scarf covering them, train them to get used to it. That's what parents do.

It's the ---"don't ever tell me what to do" crowd. And the "don't judge me crowd". Sorry--personal rights collide and you don't get to live free from other people's perceptions.
It's the ---"don't ever tell me what to do" crowd. And the "don't judge me crowd". Sorry--personal rights collide and you don't get to live free from other people's perceptions.

I judge all the time. I am person with thoughts and opinions and I will judge. There's no thought police here.

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