Facebook ban of breast-feeding photos sparks protests

And again, do you understand the difference between breastfeeding and voiding waste?

Hmmm Quite a point you're driving at here... sustenance -vs- the remnants... As if one is possible without the other...

Do you understand the concept of "I have the right because it's legal to do so"?

You have evey much a right to eat that you have to evacuate that which is the result of having ingested that which you ate...

Do you understand any of the words coming out of my keyboard here?

Uh... Yeah.. it's raw idiocy at it's finest...

Take notes, because this is not complicated, and I'm getting tired of explaining it.

LOL... Hysterical... (in at least two contexts and on several levels...)

Breastfeeding is not voiding waste. It is not unsanitary or germ-ridden.

Nope... It's ingesting that which will soon become voided waste and it should be noted that the waste product is no more infested with germs than the mother's milk until it is exposed to the environment outside the body... 'germs' are a function of bacteria which feeds upon or 'breaks-down' the material...

The fact that YOU have Puritanical sexual issues that you have attached to breasts does not make them or their natural function the equivalent of urinating or defecating.

Sweetpants... I didn't 'attach' anything to the tittilage... such came with my programming and where there is a nipple exposed, I must look... I have no more an option to do so than I do to enjoy the aroma of a sizzling steak.

The law, which is clearly less deranged on this subject than you are, recognizes the difference between the function of the female breast and the function of the urethra and penis, because it - this is one of those things you dimwits need to write down and memorize, so get to it - ALLOWS WOMEN TO LEGALLY BREASTFEED IN PUBLIC. That means - take more notes here - THAT WOMEN HAVE THE RIGHT TO BREASTFEED IN PUBLIC.

LOL... "The Law" recognizes the right to eat and that to care for one's child... and as I've repeatedly pointed out, I don't contest such... what's more I defend the right to do so in both cases; just as I jealously defend the right to evacuate waste; I simply recognize that because such is a right, there is a RIGHT... we have provided, as a culture, for the necessity for there to be facilities to provide for such, SPECIFICALLY, SO THAT WE WILL NOT HAVE TO SUBJECT OURSELVES TO SEEING EACH OTHER EXERCISE OUR RIGHT TO EVACUATE BY TAKING A SHIT IN THE MIDDLE OF A RESTURANT.

Maybe you should all just grow up and stop staring like a bunch of six-year-olds who've just figured out that men have tallywhackers and women have hoo-has.

Great obfuscation... stated in the highest tradition of morons everywhere.

Well, since your idea of "discretion" apparently translates to "Ohmigod, a breast! Get it out of my sight! How dare you! It's burning my retinas!" I'd say a number of people are, in effect, arguing that their inflamed sensibilities should take precedence over what's best for the child. And I understand perfectly well that you're all apparently too juvenile to do anything but gape open-mouthed as though you're at a XXX show. Now YOU need to understand that I don't care, nor does the new mother you're so rudely gawping at.

Fabulous Red herring... See: Above.

What makes you think they don't want them seen, or even DO want them seen? What don't you understand about this not being about YOU in any way, shape, or form?

Really? So you're claiming that I've no say in the culture in which I LIVE?

Oh you don't want to go there with me, sis...

And who is this "we" who wants to keep "tatas" - very mature of you, by the way - mysterious and secret? It's not MY job to worry about how you fuel YOUR puerile fantasies. If you can't handle the realities of human anatomy and physiology because it interferes with your ability to enjoy your lap dances at the strip club, that's YOUR problem, not mine.

Well, it's no problem at all, beyond the rude, selfish behavior of young mothers which need to be seen 'doing something for my child, which takes precedents over you...' where such is absolutely NOT necessary. I was makign a joke, but I think you've helped me turn this annoyance into a cause; where I will overtly fight to put titties back into the closet...

You know, I knew a guy like you once. He always swore that he was NEVER going to be in the delivery room when his wife had a baby, because he wanted to be able to have sex with her again...

LOL... I was in the delivery room for three children... but they were my children and other than the doctors and nurses, all three were in the privacy of a facility dedicated to such... with that said... I sure as FUCK wouldn't claim that my wife's RIGHT to bear children somehow DISCOUNTS YOUR RIGHT TO NOT BE SUBJECTED TO SEEING HER GROTESQUELY DEFORMED VAGINA PUSH OUT A BLOODY, MUCAS ENVELOPED PROGENY...

Now do you understand that YOU RIGHT ENDS WHERE MY RIGHT BEGINS?

Another thread where conservative wingnut dudes are jumping in and telling women what to with their bodies. How come its always conservative men that do that?

Here's a clue man, STFU and let the ladies sort out the issues with their boobies, their vaginas, and their wombs. You look like either a total effeminate sissy boy chiming in, or you look like a wingnut control freak. Take your pick!

According to you I have more right to talk about it than you do apparently,so take a hike penis man...

Hows that bitch...two can play these dopey games *rolls eyes*
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but didnt you say in one post on this thread that you didnt see a problem with a 7 year old still breast feeding?

Even the poster said it's not like they are nursing all the time. Do you think they are doing it none stop at that point? Nah... It's a comfort and soothing thing that also continues to give them antibodies.
#1-Do you eat with a blanket over your head? If the sight of my breast makes you uncomfortable, go ahead and throw a blanket over YOUR head.

#2-I never did get a very good hang of nursing with a blanket.

#3-It is IMPOSSIBLE to see nipple during the act of breastfeeding...ya see...the child is latched on to the breast, thus covering the nipple AND almost all of the breast with their head. Truly, if you all were honest, you would admit that very little breast is even exposed. I've seen more breast on the teenage girls prancing around in the mall with shirts down to their navel or in a Victoria's Secret ad.

Oh, and for the record...I am a conservative female...still love Bush.

There's nothing conservative about GW... He's today the same fascist he's always been...

As for the rest... that's bullshit... you're just a person that doesn't give a red rats ass abotu those around you. As to whether I've ever eaten with a blanket over my head? Many times... and each and every time it was to keep others from seeing me eat as well as who I was eating at the time; it's just common courtesy, for Pete's sake!
Even the poster said it's not like they are nursing all the time. Do you think they are doing it none stop at that point? Nah... It's a comfort and soothing thing that also continues to give them antibodies.
but no one made the claim that they did it all the time
you DID say you saw no problem with it, and a 7 year old would most likely be in the 2nd grade
and i dont think anyone said anything bad about you for saying that either, it was just pointed out
but no one made the claim that they did it all the time
you DID say you saw no problem with it, and a 7 year old would most likely be in the 2nd grade
and i dont think anyone said anything bad about you for saying that either, it was just pointed out

I have no problem with that. It's rare. Most choose to stop long before that. Most between 2-3 yrs old.
Luckily, it seems like most people are not in the camp of "I get to strip down to my waist because feeding my child is beautiful and natural and everyone who might have not expected to see my tits while eating brunch can go fuck themselves because I have the right not to be discrete."

Here are just a few examples of videos prepared by professional lactation consultants or just by moms who understand that while they have the absolute right to feed their child in public they either a) don't want to flash their breasts to strangers or have strangers staring at them or b) they want to be respectful of other people sharing the public space with them who might not want to get an eyeful of a stranger's breasts:

Breastfeed in Public - Tips for Breastfeeding in Public Video - About.com
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrnxtiYmXig]YouTube - Breastfeeding in Public[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wCmBvA3zzM]YouTube - Breastfeeding in public has never been so private[/ame]

There were tons of examples that I won't waste time posting...but the bottom line is:

Here are lots of pro-breastfeeding in public women (like myself and most everyone in this thread) who are talking calmly and rationally about how to feed their child discreetly. They aren't shouting insults that others have some sort of sexual issue or are anti-woman...instead, they are talking about wanting to have a way to feed their child comfortably and successfully without having to reveal more than they wish to.

These, I hope...are representative of the the vast majority of breastfeeding women in the nation...not, the people who would strip down to the waist in front of numerous strangers and then scream insults at anyone who seemed surprised by the behavior (as I have encountered twice)...or people who need to imply that those who wish to breastfeed discreetly or who think that it is the optimal way to do so are some how afraid of breasts or sex-obsessed or anti-woman or anti-baby or whatever loony idiocy people spew when faced with the "radical" notion that most women like being discrete when they breastfeed in public and most strangers around them appreciate that.
I find it interesting that videos must be made to teach women how to be docile and behave themselves in public.

I've never seen anyone strip down to the waist to breastfeed in public. Can you provide a link to this behavior or is it just some right wing talking point?

Another thread where conservative wingnut dudes are jumping in and telling women what to with their bodies. How come its always conservative men that do that?

Here's a clue man, STFU and let the ladies sort out the issues with their boobies, their vaginas, and their wombs. You look like either a total effeminate sissy boy chiming in, or you look like a wingnut control freak. Take your pick!

I'm a woman, twit. A woman who breastfed two kids and has actually been there, done that.
Hmmm, no. Actually, my contention is that you're a gay man that lives in China.

Granted, I have no evidence or proof to support this claim, but I do believe I shall make it nonetheless, in the scatmeow tradition. :)
I find it interesting that videos must be made to teach women how to be docile and behave themselves in public.

I've never seen anyone strip down to the waist to breastfeed in public. Can you provide a link to this behavior or is it just some right wing talking point?

Yeah, because being discreet and polite to those around you equates to "docile.":cuckoo:

Everyone should behave in public. It's common courtesty to those around you.

You don't get out much do you? "Some" -- please note that is not "all", nor "the "majority of" but s-o-m-e -- are flagrant as Hell and of course you would demand a link because I'm sure there always 3-4 pervs around to whip out a video camera and record the event just for you. Where's agnes when you REALLY need him?

You're just arguing to hear your tongue rattle against your teeth.
No, Gunny, I'd like a link to some news articles and arrest records. Shouldn't be too hard to do if this is true.
I find it interesting that videos must be made to teach women how to be docile and behave themselves in public.

I've never seen anyone strip down to the waist to breastfeed in public. Can you provide a link to this behavior or is it just some right wing talking point?

Hey dudette--this is all people discussing stuff---DO whatever you want--there is not a soul here that will prevent you from doing it. Trust me--no one is going to run up and throw a blanket over you for breastfeeding.
You are merely hypersensitive to not getting approval for everything you do. If you are waiting to do something for fear someone may not like it, you will be sitting on your ass forever.

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