Facebook ban of breast-feeding photos sparks protests

Nothing as long as she is not forcing the public to just "deal" with her standards. How about instead of flaunting her nekkid breast feeding to the world,she just does it more discretionally. Why does everything have to be "In your face". I realize people are selfish but seriously. Why?

She's not "forcing" you to do anything, nor is she "flaunting" anything. To flaunt it would require her to be doing so for your benefit, and it might shock you to know that SHE is completely indifferent to you and your presence. In other words, it's not about you.

Why do YOUR issues have to be in HER face? All she's doing is feeding the kid. YOU are the one making a big deal out of it.

An infant typically needs to be fed every two hours or so for some time after birth. Since it is rarely possible to sneak away in a public place every two hours to somewhere totally secluded, are you suggesting that women who choose to breastfeed should be confined to their homes until their children are old enough to not offend your personal issues with their basic biological need for food?
There must be some other issue at hand here since most who oppose public breastfeeding are conservative women. They (these women) are taught to be ashamed of the human body and any kind of public nudity is embarrassing to them. There is also a bit of jealousy. I have read comments by many women saying they didn't want their husband looking at another woman's breasts. For these woman the breast will always be a sexual object even when it is used for it's primary purpose, to feed a child.
There must be some other issue at hand here since most who oppose public breastfeeding are conservative women. They (these women) are taught to be ashamed of the human body and any kind of public nudity is embarrassing to them. There is also a bit of jealousy. I have read comments by many women saying they didn't want their husband looking at another woman's breasts. For these woman the breast will always be a sexual object even when it is used for it's primary purpose, to feed a child.

I was discussing this with my husband tonight, and it seems to me, oddly enough, that we can attribute a lot of this - indirectly - to the feminist movement. Once upon a time, when society was a lot more modest about how much of the human body was typically shown in public, breastfeeding was the most common method of feeding a baby, and not given a lot of thought. Then women began moving away from housewifery and started working outside the home, and the need to leave babies with sitters and other caretakers brought with it an increasing dependence on formula feeding, until most of us today are simply not familiar with seeing women breastfeeding in public. The human breast became primarily viewed as a sexual organ. Now that the trend back toward breastfeeding is growing, it's creating a conflict between the natural order and primary purpose of the breast and a society that has been greatly divorced by technology and civilization from its basic roots.
I was discussing this with my husband tonight, and it seems to me, oddly enough, that we can attribute a lot of this - indirectly - to the feminist movement. Once upon a time, when society was a lot more modest about how much of the human body was typically shown in public, breastfeeding was the most common method of feeding a baby, and not given a lot of thought. Then women began moving away from housewifery and started working outside the home, and the need to leave babies with sitters and other caretakers brought with it an increasing dependence on formula feeding, until most of us today are simply not familiar with seeing women breastfeeding in public. The human breast became primarily viewed as a sexual organ. Now that the trend back toward breastfeeding is growing, it's creating a conflict between the natural order and primary purpose of the breast and a society that has been greatly divorced by technology and civilization from its basic roots.
I don't agree with this assessment. My mom who grew up in the 40's and 50's (well before the feminist movement) said no one dared breast feed in public. Even in the early 60's it was considered taboo. The feminist movement which started in the late 60's and was in full stride by the mid 70's showed a time of women coming out of their shells and a time when women started breastfeeding in public. I remember my Uncle saying he saw a lot of breastfeeding mamas at outdoor festivals and concerts during the early 70's and I'm pretty sure they were not your basic stay at home housewifes.
Yeah. The owner's manual is also known as an anatomy and physiology textbook, and they teach about basic human anatomy in many schools, including high school's. Perhaps you should have considered attending such a class at some point.

Your urethra is 'useful'... do you feel that you've a 'right' to expose that in public? Likewise the male penis is useful... both serve their utility far more often; multiple times a day over the full scope of the human life and we don't find that a reason to expose them in public.

We all recognize the necessity to feed the children and no one is arguing that you shouldn't... We're just asking that you do so with discretion and understand that where a nipple is exposed... we're taking the shot.

Now as for me, I would prefer that the ladies keep those items they do not want seen, tucked away; and understand that as a culture, we want to maintain the allure of the tatas, leaving their utility tucked far from our consciousness... and the same with the other fun parts.
I don't agree with this assessment. My mom who grew up in the 40's and 50's (well before the feminist movement) said no one dared breast feed in public. Even in the early 60's it was considered taboo. The feminist movement which started in the late 60's and was in full stride by the mid 70's showed a time of women coming out of their shells and a time when women started breastfeeding in public. I remember my Uncle saying he saw a lot of breastfeeding mamas at outdoor festivals and concerts during the early 70's and I'm pretty sure they were not your basic stay at home housewifes.

As hell freezes over, I must report that the idiot is right... albeit only in part.

Modesty would have prevented any 'decent' woman from breast feeding in public... it would have never entered their minds. Woman found privacy to feed their children; then, as now, it can be done; today, the line of what is decent has been blurred by the relativism of the ideological left and it's 'me first' mentality... this is merely one example of the endless list of cultural regression which the left likes to project as 'progress...' It's a corsening of the culture; it's a threshold of behavior which requires a measure of discipline to maintain and like every other threshold, the left must destroy it; but that is what one does when the end game is the destruction of the culture... now isn't it?
I don't really understand why it is seemingly so difficult for women to throw a blanket over their shoulder while breast-feeding their infant in public. I did it all the time, with both my kids, because there are just some scenarios where I don't WANT people to see my breast exposed.

And I really have to wonder about those of you who DO want to breastfeed with nipple and all exposed. Why are you so opposed to covering up a little bit?
I'm guessing you stopped nursing before they got old enough to pull the blanket off or wiggle? My children wouldn't put up with having a blanket covering them.
I don't really understand why it is seemingly so difficult for women to throw a blanket over their shoulder while breast-feeding their infant in public. I did it all the time, with both my kids, because there are just some scenarios where I don't WANT people to see my breast exposed.

And I really have to wonder about those of you who DO want to breastfeed with nipple and all exposed. Why are you so opposed to covering up a little bit?

Agreed--there is something a bit strange about women who expect the whole world to pretend that a breast is ONLY a baby feeding machine.
I don't agree with this assessment. My mom who grew up in the 40's and 50's (well before the feminist movement) said no one dared breast feed in public. Even in the early 60's it was considered taboo. The feminist movement which started in the late 60's and was in full stride by the mid 70's showed a time of women coming out of their shells and a time when women started breastfeeding in public. I remember my Uncle saying he saw a lot of breastfeeding mamas at outdoor festivals and concerts during the early 70's and I'm pretty sure they were not your basic stay at home housewifes.

I was kinda going farther back than the 40s and 50s here. And no, the feminist movement started in the late 1800s.
Your urethra is 'useful'... do you feel that you've a 'right' to expose that in public? Likewise the male penis is useful... both serve their utility far more often; multiple times a day over the full scope of the human life and we don't find that a reason to expose them in public.

And again, do you understand the difference between breastfeeding and voiding waste? Do you understand the concept of "I have the right because it's legal to do so"? Do you understand any of the words coming out of my keyboard here?

Take notes, because this is not complicated, and I'm getting tired of explaining it. Breastfeeding is not voiding waste. It is not unsanitary or germ-ridden. The fact that YOU have Puritanical sexual issues that you have attached to breasts does not make them or their natural function the equivalent of urinating or defecating.

The law, which is clearly less deranged on this subject than you are, recognizes the difference between the function of the female breast and the function of the urethra and penis, because it - this is one of those things you dimwits need to write down and memorize, so get to it - ALLOWS WOMEN TO LEGALLY BREASTFEED IN PUBLIC. That means - take more notes here - THAT WOMEN HAVE THE RIGHT TO BREASTFEED IN PUBLIC.

Maybe you should all just grow up and stop staring like a bunch of six-year-olds who've just figured out that men have tallywhackers and women have hoo-has.

We all recognize the necessity to feed the children and no one is arguing that you shouldn't... We're just asking that you do so with discretion and understand that where a nipple is exposed... we're taking the shot.

Well, since your idea of "discretion" apparently translates to "Ohmigod, a breast! Get it out of my sight! How dare you! It's burning my retinas!" I'd say a number of people are, in effect, arguing that their inflamed sensibilities should take precedence over what's best for the child. And I understand perfectly well that you're all apparently too juvenile to do anything but gape open-mouthed as though you're at a XXX show. Now YOU need to understand that I don't care, nor does the new mother you're so rudely gawping at.

Oh, and for the record, I didn't breastfeed either of my previous children, nor do I plan to breastfeed the one I'm about to give birth to. I just think this whole attitude concerning it is ridiculous and unrealistic in the extreme. If I DID breastfeed and you were so crass and boorish as to stare like an overheated teenager, I would most likely suggest - very loudly, so everyone else could hear - that you go buy yourself a Hustler magazine and get over it.

Now as for me, I would prefer that the ladies keep those items they do not want seen, tucked away; and understand that as a culture, we want to maintain the allure of the tatas, leaving their utility tucked far from our consciousness... and the same with the other fun parts.

What makes you think they don't want them seen, or even DO want them seen? What don't you understand about this not being about YOU in any way, shape, or form?

And who is this "we" who wants to keep "tatas" - very mature of you, by the way - mysterious and secret? It's not MY job to worry about how you fuel YOUR puerile fantasies. If you can't handle the realities of human anatomy and physiology because it interferes with your ability to enjoy your lap dances at the strip club, that's YOUR problem, not mine.

You know, I knew a guy like you once. He always swore that he was NEVER going to be in the delivery room when his wife had a baby, because he wanted to be able to have sex with her again, and he just wouldn't be able to if he had to see her vagina in the context of giving birth. Really charming and adult, I have to say.
Agreed--there is something a bit strange about women who expect the whole world to pretend that a breast is ONLY a baby feeding machine.

There is something a lot immature about men who expect the whole world to pretend that a breast is primarily an object for their entertainment, instead of a baby feeding machine.
And again, do you understand the difference between breastfeeding and voiding waste? Do you understand the concept of "I have the right because it's legal to do so"? Do you understand any of the words coming out of my keyboard here?

Take notes, because this is not complicated, and I'm getting tired of explaining it. Breastfeeding is not voiding waste. It is not unsanitary or germ-ridden. The fact that YOU have Puritanical sexual issues that you have attached to breasts does not make them or their natural function the equivalent of urinating or defecating.

The law, which is clearly less deranged on this subject than you are, recognizes the difference between the function of the female breast and the function of the urethra and penis, because it - this is one of those things you dimwits need to write down and memorize, so get to it - ALLOWS WOMEN TO LEGALLY BREASTFEED IN PUBLIC. That means - take more notes here - THAT WOMEN HAVE THE RIGHT TO BREASTFEED IN PUBLIC.

Maybe you should all just grow up and stop staring like a bunch of six-year-olds who've just figured out that men have tallywhackers and women have hoo-has.

Well, since your idea of "discretion" apparently translates to "Ohmigod, a breast! Get it out of my sight! How dare you! It's burning my retinas!" I'd say a number of people are, in effect, arguing that their inflamed sensibilities should take precedence over what's best for the child. And I understand perfectly well that you're all apparently too juvenile to do anything but gape open-mouthed as though you're at a XXX show. Now YOU need to understand that I don't care, nor does the new mother you're so rudely gawping at.

Oh, and for the record, I didn't breastfeed either of my previous children, nor do I plan to breastfeed the one I'm about to give birth to. I just think this whole attitude concerning it is ridiculous and unrealistic in the extreme. If I DID breastfeed and you were so crass and boorish as to stare like an overheated teenager, I would most likely suggest - very loudly, so everyone else could hear - that you go buy yourself a Hustler magazine and get over it.

What makes you think they don't want them seen, or even DO want them seen? What don't you understand about this not being about YOU in any way, shape, or form?

And who is this "we" who wants to keep "tatas" - very mature of you, by the way - mysterious and secret? It's not MY job to worry about how you fuel YOUR puerile fantasies. If you can't handle the realities of human anatomy and physiology because it interferes with your ability to enjoy your lap dances at the strip club, that's YOUR problem, not mine.

You know, I knew a guy like you once. He always swore that he was NEVER going to be in the delivery room when his wife had a baby, because he wanted to be able to have sex with her again, and he just wouldn't be able to if he had to see her vagina in the context of giving birth. Really charming and adult, I have to say.

Your passionate desire to defend women who choose to breast feed in public is as admirable as those who would rather them do it in a more modest fashion. It's YOU with the sex hang up. The law says a lot of things but they certainly aren't the final word on what is appropriate.
Yes, God forbid that a 2 month old baby be breast fed.

Jeesh, I never agree with Cecile but for once she is absolutely correct.

The burka crowd is a hoot.
I guess the bottom line is that someone is gonig to bitch about everything we do so what the hell. Do what you want and deal with it :lol:
If I DID breastfeed and you were so crass and boorish as to stare like an overheated teenager, I would most likely suggest - very loudly, so everyone else could hear - that you go buy yourself a Hustler magazine and get over it.

To which I would equally loudly suggest that you put your titties back where they belong because this ain't National Geographic on location.
Yes, God forbid that a 2 month old baby be breast fed.

Jeesh, I never agree with Cecile but for once she is absolutely correct.

The burka crowd is a hoot.
Angel is talking about a 2nd grader, not a 2 month old, you ignorant twit who pipes off without reading the content of threads.

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