Facebook censors another Conservative...

Very true. I have a very hard time wearing a mask. Nothing would make me happier than not to need one. But until the public health officials tell me it's all clear, I'm going to follow their advice. The potential of being wrong is too high.

What you have said on the subject can be put much more concisely as follows…

“Baaaah. Baaaaah. Baaaaaaah.”

View attachment 457765
Boy, people are grumpy tonight.
Yup. Campaign for not wearing a mask during a pandemic, ignore the warnings, and get banned. It's so simple a caveman could understand it.
Gotta admit... He's got a point.

Kevin Sorbo

Feb 12

So banning travel from China to the United States is xenophobic, but installing that same travel ban on Florida is perfectly acceptable. Got it
He has no point at all. There was no widespread availability of tests and uncertainty over their accuracy in The early days.

Provide a link to an official calling it xenophobic.
The OP is ignorant of the definition of censorship. Who is surprised?

Where is the error in his opinion?
He has used social media to spread doubt or outright lie about the vaccine, the seriousness of Covid, the winner of the election, Dominion, and the Trump riot. It’s not just one post. It’s the last straw.
It certainly is telling that the first three responses to this thread are from left wrong-wing filth openly defending this cowardly and dishonest censorship. It goes to show how degenerate LIbEralism has become, that LIbtARdS know that they are so full of shit that they can only prevail by censoring and suppressing voices that dare to oppose them.

They aren't liberals. I keep telling people stop referring to the political left as liberals. There is nothing liberal about these people today. They are authoritarians and Marxists. There are very few actual liberals left in this country.
Riiiiiight. The side who stood up for democracy and impeached the wannabe authoritarian are the real authoritarians.

Stop being a fucking idiot.
He has no point at all. There was no widespread availability of tests and uncertainty over their accuracy in The early days.

Provide a link to an official calling it xenophobic.

4:06 p.m.: Biden takes the stage in Iowa.
“You know we have right now a crisis with the coronavirus, emanating from China,” Biden tells supporters. “The national emergency and worldwide alerts. The American people need to have a president who they can trust what he says about it. That he is going to act rationally about it. In moments like this, this is where the credibility of a president is most needed, as he explains what we should and should not do. This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysterical xenophobia and fear mongering to lead the way instead of science.”

I can't help it if the news MSM doesn't report what he actually says. I'm sure I can get something better when I have more time though.
Yup. Campaign for not wearing a mask during a pandemic, ignore the warnings, and get banned. It's so simple a caveman could understand it.

This one is not whine-worthy. If you violate the rules, ignore warnings - then there are consequences. Only conservatives seem to think they are above the rules here.

But - like they said, Parlor is up - there is competition. So who cares if they ban someone?
The purge continues...

Facebook has deleted the official account of actor Kevin Sorbo, marking the latest Big Tech takedown of a conservative.​
On the bright side...Parler is back...logged in successfully today...

The thread premise is a lie.

Closing the account of a member who violates the rules is not censorship, having nothing to do with being conservative.
This one is not whine-worthy. If you violate the rules, ignore warnings - then there are consequences. Only conservatives seem to think they are above the rules here.

if the “rules” were being applied in the other direction, if Fagbook, Sh←←Twitter, Google, and all the other tech giants that control most of social media and “news” were applying these “rules” in a manner that heavily suppressed any expression of left wrong-wing opinions, while leaving conservatives free to express anything they wanted, even to the degree that we see being allowed of LIbErals of openly advocating violent, destructive, and illegal activity; would your opinion be the same about these media enforcing these “rules”?
Yup. Campaign for not wearing a mask during a pandemic, ignore the warnings, and get banned. It's so simple a caveman could understand it.

This one is not whine-worthy. If you violate the rules, ignore warnings - then there are consequences. Only conservatives seem to think they are above the rules here.

But - like they said, Parlor is up - there is competition. So who cares if they ban someone?

Is Facebookburning a platform or a publisher, what are they?
Yup. Campaign for not wearing a mask during a pandemic, ignore the warnings, and get banned. It's so simple a caveman could understand it.
Express a different opinion, the backbone of free speech, and get banned. Facebook are fascists and if you agree you are a fascist too.
The evidence tends in the opposite direction, though.

It's easy to claim that the evidence supports your side, when you are able to censor any evidence that does not, and get away with it.
I've read all the arguments here against it. It's not as censored as you think.
right, dems are never censored
My longtime Twitter account was banned. Why? For retweeting tweets critical of pedophile Jack Prosobiec, the wingnut conspiracy kook. He must have a little army of jackbooted thugs who report any tweets against him. Because he’s a pussy.

So liberals get banned too.

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