Facebook deletes new Lara Trump Interview of President Trump. Is it really 1984?

They will throw up their hands and cry because filibustering is impossible to overcome. :cuckoo:
This is probably accurate. What else are they going to do?
I think you guys have it backwards. It will be Democrats proposing social media regulation. R's will pretend to oppose it (because politics), but they'll come around.
No, the right has been pretty clear on this subject. The moment republicans have the power, Facebook and Twitter are fucked.
They will throw up their hands and cry because filibustering is impossible to overcome. :cuckoo:
This is probably accurate. What else are they going to do?
I think you guys have it backwards. It will be Democrats proposing social media regulation. R's will pretend to oppose it (because politics), but they'll come around.
No, the right has been pretty clear on this subject. The moment republicans have the power, Facebook and Twitter are fucked.
I predict that Democrats will beat them to it. We'll see.
Actually you need good engineers and skilled blue collar workers to make anything of value

And the more manufacturing you have at all levels the more likely we are to attract and nurture those people

Ironically, you're both right, and have it backwards. If you look in our top engineering schools, they full of foreigners.
Are you new to politics or something?
Nope. What are they going to do? Stop with the cute jokes. Tell me what they’re going to do.
I have to explain how political parties pass Bills to you? No, im not going to waste my time crafting obvious (but long) explanations for how politics work in DC.
It’s okay to admit you don’t know.
I think everyone here knows, except you. Your question is weird, and so is the fact that you seem to think its impossible to pass Bills in DC. Do you even know how many Bills are passed every year? :laugh:
I think everyone here knows, except you. Your question is weird, and so is the fact that you seem to think its impossible to pass Bills in DC. Do you even know how many Bills are passed every year?
They pass bills with bipartisan support, which you seem to think isn’t necessary here.

Seeks you aren’t very well informed.
I think everyone here knows, except you. Your question is weird, and so is the fact that you seem to think its impossible to pass Bills in DC. Do you even know how many Bills are passed every year?
They pass bills with bipartisan support, which you seem to think isn’t necessary here.

Seeks you aren’t very well informed.
...and how do republicans get bipartisan support for their Bills? You are getting there, slowly, but youre almost there.
Here's a good article on the topic: Florida’s Social Media Bill Highlights The Need For Federal Regulation

Read between the lines.

or, here, I'll make it easy for you:
The political reality is also that progressives and conservatives largely agree that social media companies are too powerful and are doing too little to control harmful and illegal online content. They also share the belief that a new regulatory regime is needed to remedy these problems.

Congressional leaders should seek a consensus on the shape of this new regulatory regime, and they should maintain Section 230 in place for its preemptive effect until they are ready to replace it with a uniform national policy. It is now a bipartisan policy goal to create a national regulatory structure to protect users and the public from abuse by the powerful social media companies that have become such a central part of the nation’s public life.
...and how do republicans get bipartisan support for their Bills? You are getting there, slowly, but youre almost there.

You just told me that wasn’t necessary. Said I was crazy for saying so

Who said they would?
Stop being so vague. Otherwise I’ll just assume you’re trolling.
Youre talking crazy. Youre acting like nothing can get done unless democrats approve of it. :cuckoo:

You’re not very smart.
I would bring back the equal time rule. and fairness doctrine.
LOL - exactly.

Democrats expand government regulatory power, and Republicans show us why it's a bad idea. A tale as old as time.
You know those rules didn't muzzle any voices, or prevent any speech. Those are expansive regulations, not restrictive.
LOL - sure man.

wondering if Libertarians will get "equal time". Pretty sure they won't. They didn't when you all imposed this crap last time.
Wait, you dont believe it will be a century before republicans have a majority and a president in office, do you? That would be fucking crazy and dumb.
Look at the demographics.

The republican base is shrinking. They are holding onto power by gerrymandering, and restrictive voter laws. We're at a tipping point where those methods will no longer work.
...and how do republicans get bipartisan support for their Bills? You are getting there, slowly, but youre almost there.

You just told me that wasn’t necessary. Said I was crazy for saying so

Who said they would?
Stop being so vague. Otherwise I’ll just assume you’re trolling.
Youre talking crazy. Youre acting like nothing can get done unless democrats approve of it. :cuckoo:

You’re not very smart.
It isnt necessary. MANY Bills have been passed without bipartisan support. Im not sure why you think otherwise. You really need to learn more about what happens in DC before you comment here any further.

So Facebook really is the arbiter of truth. This seems like only the beginning.

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

Big Left is so terrified of Trump. They're pathetic.

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