Facebook deletes new Lara Trump Interview of President Trump. Is it really 1984?

The command to "afford equal access", and the regulations regarding what constitutes "equal" IS government control. If you can't at least acknowledge that there's little point in continuing the discussion.
The government makes regulation, and their regulation left it to the media company to determine equal access.

So the government neither encouraged or prejudiced any particular political voice. If that happened, it was an act of the media company.

A party with an adverse action by the media company could file a complaint with the government.

Yep. And if media company fails to appease the state, fails to prove that they provided "equal" access, they'll face punitive measures.

And just what are the rules for who is eligible for this "equal" access? - again, this is control.

Regardless, you should be happy with the screeching of the Trumpsters. They want the same thing you do. The Florida law is more or less the same thing as the old equal time rules, applied to social media. The converging goals here are going to dovetail much like the way ACA went down. Dems borrowed a bad idea, signed into law by a Republican governor, and made it a national mandate. They're poised to do it again.
A party with an adverse action by the media company could file a complaint with the government.
Yep. And if media company fails to appease the state, fails to prove that they provided "equal" access, they'll face punitive measures.
You're actually making the case that it's the media company who controlled "equal access". And their fear of the government that kept that "equal access" in fact, equal.
And just what are the rules for who is eligible for this "equal" access? - again, this is control.

The government rule was that any politician was eligible.

The equal-time rule specifies that U.S. radio and television broadcast stations must provide an equivalent opportunity to any opposing political candidates who request it.
The command to "afford equal access", and the regulations regarding what constitutes "equal" IS government control. If you can't at least acknowledge that there's little point in continuing the discussion.
The government makes regulation, and their regulation left it to the media company to determine equal access.

So the government neither encouraged or prejudiced any particular political voice. If that happened, it was an act of the media company.

A party with an adverse action by the media company could file a complaint with the government.

Out of curiosity, do you support the Florida "equal time" bill? Or is it different when they do it?
It sounds like you agree with it in principle.

That children should be shared equally in a divorce? Yes.

What you were talking about can't be found. Which is why I need it posted.

I don't judge a book by it's cover.
where as long as they don't discriminate
They are discriminating against trump and trump supporters

Just like gun laws are discriminating against convicted felons.

Learn what discriminating means.

There are laws against theft

So it isnt just the sheriffs opinion that what the guy did was wrong and he should not own a gun

The 1st Amendment protects speech that offends baby Stalins at FaceBook
hate to break it to you but there’s like a LOT of Trump supporters on social media.
I wouldn't know because I am not on facebook

But I’m told that as long as you dont offend the CCP by promoting ideas they dont like there are millions of users on chinese social media too
If you look in our top engineering schools, they full of foreigners.
Limit foreign students to 10% enrollment in STEM subjects

But If they want to study homosexuality or women's history or basketweaving thats ok
hate to break it to you but there’s like a LOT of Trump supporters on social media.
I wouldn't know because I am not on facebook

But I’m told that as long as you dont offend the CCP by promoting ideas they dont like there are millions of users on chinese social media too
It makes it hard to say they're discriminating against Trump supporters if you aren't banned for supporting Trump.
hate to break it to you but there’s like a LOT of Trump supporters on social media.
I wouldn't know because I am not on facebook

But I’m told that as long as you dont offend the CCP by promoting ideas they dont like there are millions of users on chinese social media too
It makes it hard to say they're discriminating against Trump supporters if you aren't banned for supporting Trump.

LIST (documentation links below) 153 Listings (up from 97 in 2019)
Last Update: 11/22/20

Denver Businessman Joe Oltmann: Dominion Voting Systems election fraud whistleblower.

Angel Families who lost loved ones to illegal aliens: Angel Mom Mary Ann Mendoza (See prior listing down the list), Angel Mom Sabine Durden, &
Advocates For Illegal Alien Crime (AVIAC)

Ryan Hartwig: Former Facebook Employee confirming bias against conservatives has interview video with Tim Poole of Timcast (View Here)

US Border Chief Mark Morgan
White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany
The Trump Campaign
The New York Post
Lauren Witzke Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Delaware
Acting Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell
Fox News Show Host Tucker Carleson
Trump Voter Joan Herbert
Center for Immigration Studies
President Donald Trump
Ann Coulter
Alex Jones & Infowars
Milo Yiannopoulos
Prager University
GOP Rep. Marsha Blackburn
Diamond and Silk
Laura Loomer
The Tennessee Star online newspaper
"Activist Mommy" Elizabeth Johnston
California Republican congressional candidate Elizabeth Heng
Executive Director of the Ron Paul Institute Daniel McAdams
Overpasses for America
Ex-Muslims of North America
Canadian intelligence expert and prominent anti-Islamist researcher Tom Quiggin
Jihad Watch
David Horowitz of FrontPage magazine
James Allsup
Lauren Southern
Steven Crowder
Fox News contributor Michelle Malkin
Mike Cernovich
Paul Joseph Watson
TGP's Jim Hoft
Jack Posobiec
Mark Dice
Stefan Molyneux
#WalkAway founder Brandon Straka
Larry Klayman of Freedomwatch
Human Coalition
Pastor Rich Penkoski of West Virginia
Pastor Steven Andrew
The Declaration of Independence
Wes Cook band's song "I Stand For The Flag"
Lila Rose of Live Action
Operation Rescue
Republican Party chair Ronna McDaniel
GOP Rep. Mark Meadows
GOP Rep. Jim Jordan
GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz
Dennis Michael Lynch
Trump Jr.’s spokesman Andrew Surabian
ACT! for America founder Brigitte Gabriel
LifeSite News
Islam critic Pamela Geller
Legal Insurrection
Turning Point USA director of communications Candace Owens
Actor James Woods
Gavin McInnes
Nick Loeb
Kathleen McKinley
Florida State Rep. Matt Caldwell (second amendment ad)
Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange
Jamie Glazov Editor of Frontpage Magazine
Sam Westrop of Islamist Watch
CPAC gathering
Mitt Romney
Rand Paul
Glenn Beck
Ted Cruz
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker
Drudge Report
Chris Kyle, the former Navy SEAL who was murdered in 2013
Red State
Washington Examiner
San Diegans for Secure Borders (SDSB)
Veteran’s of Foreign Wars
Camp Constitution
Amy Dryden
Daily Caller and Breitbart News
Pro-Trump conservative Scott Presler
Facebook user Dana Marie
Christian Leader Franklin Graham
The Gateway Pundit
Brian Kolfage's Trump Wall GoFundMe page
Blonde In The Belly of The Beast
Young black conservative CJ Pearson
Facebook Employee Palmer Lucky
Musician Benton Blunt
Angel Mom Agness Gibbony
Conservative Gay Activist Scott Presler
Angel Mom Agnes Gibbony
Conservative Raheem Kassam
British radical Islam opponent Tommy Robinson
Zero Hedge
Black radio show host Jesse Lee Peterson
James O'Keefe of Project Veritas
Free Thought Project
Nation in Distress
Reasonable People Unite
The Resistance
Right Wing News
Clash Daily
Irish Filmmaker Phelim McAleer
Trump’s social media chief Dan Scavino
Natural News
Ben Shapiro
Jordan Peterson
John Lott
Ken Webster Houston Radio Show Host
Angel Mom Mary Ann Mendoza
GOP Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell
Rush Limbaugh
The Christian Post
Kyle Drennen of the Media Research Center
Right Side Broadcasting
Conservative Street Artist Sabo
GOP Candidate Marjorie Taylor Greene
GOP Candidate Danielle Stella
Conservative Comedian Terrence K. Williams
Judicial Watch
Borderland Beat
US GOP Senator Tom Cotton
British columnist Katie Hopkins
Family Research Council
Republican National Committee (RNC)
Ashley Rae Goldenberg and Louis Shenker
Roger Stone
Ex-Google and Facebook employee, Patrick Shyu
The National Pulse
The Bongino Report
Human Events
Donald Trump Jr.
America's Frontline Doctors
Millie Weaver aka Mellinial Millie
Independent Video Journalist Ford Fischer (Censored for covering violent BLM activists)
Denver Businessman Joe Oltmann: Dominion Voting Systems election fraud whistleblower.
Oltmann isn’t a whistleblower, he spread a lie about an employee of Dominion that resulting in death threats against him.

That’ll get you kicked off social media.

He wasn’t kicked off for being conservative, he was kicked off for harassment.
He was kicked off for expressing opinions about the 2020 election that FaceBook does not approve of
False. He targeted an innocent person that resulted in that person being terrorized.

Is that what you want to protect on social media?

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