Facebook founder warns god only knows what it's doing to kids brains


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
38-year-old founding president of Facebook, Sean Parker, was uncharacteristically frank about his creation in an interview with Axios. So much so in fact that he concluded, Mark Zuckerberg will probably block his account after reading this.



And the sheep just don't get it and never will. Weak minds who can't research, weak minds who can only argue what sourced is used, weak minds who fall victim to intentional lies to keep them herded that's exactly what the elites want and that is exactly what weak minds give them.
God only know what INFOWARS does to peoples brains...

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No people who aren't brainwashed assholes who think SCIENCE is their Gawd are so fkn stupid they don't even know how fkn stupid they are and that's why leftist idiots are so easy to manipulate right into their trap even STEVE JOBS knew these dangers.

Must suck to be such a victim, oh wait you don't know the difference.

People should listen to this video , they are targeting your kids gawd dam take a bother because it's you same dumbasses who can't figure out why your kid wants to kill themselves etc.

The billionaire also revealed the company proceeded with their exploitation of the human mind despite signs the website altered one’s “relationship with society,” and could be negatively affecting children.

Ex-Facebook President Warns App Exploits Psychological ‘Vulnerability’
People should listen to this video , they are targeting your kids gawd dam take a bother because it's you same dumbasses who can't figure out why your kid wants to kill themselves etc.

The billionaire also revealed the company proceeded with their exploitation of the human mind despite signs the website altered one’s “relationship with society,” and could be negatively affecting children.

Ex-Facebook President Warns App Exploits Psychological ‘Vulnerability’

Yes you are right Mindwars.... I looked it up elsewhere. This ex president has given millions to the greatest new cancer research ever as well.. Immunology.

It is good that he is speaking out.


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