Facebook IPO

here we go, ZuckerZits big idea; enslave kids to the web/computers at an even younger age;

Updated June 4, 2012, 9:29 a.m. ET

Facebook Explores Giving Kids Access

Facebook Inc. FB -3.17% is developing technology that would allow children younger than 13 years old to use the social-networking site under parental supervision, a step that could help the company tap a new pool of users for revenue but also inflame privacy concerns.

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Facebook Explores Access for Younger Kids - WSJ.com

maybe we can hook them up to an IV and catheter too? Sit them there in a chair and let them pound away till they graduate junior high. Then we give them tablets so they can do same during class,High school college, they will be experts at that special brand of Web snark and internet debating but won't learn much else.....what a joke.

This IPO was a 1 time shot at the original 500 prvt. investors getting their money back and a quick cash infusion for ZuckerZit and his original staff...for what little profit they knew they could get before the rubes woke up.

It should have told folks who know anything about how this works at all that Zuckerman wasn't eased out by those stakeholders earlier, it became dreadfully apparent to them that FB was a one trick pony.

He would have been replaced by a real CEO who could manage a co. and do what needed to be done to drive to profitability....but you know what?

FB is not a cash generating biz...UNLESS they do what exactly will destroy them ala My Space; add drop down advertising, pop ups galore and/or charge for membership in addition to selling inforamtion of their users (which gets you just so far and will, shortly begin to have repercussions)....it never really was workable from the git go as a profitable enterprise.

And the vile has been torn...bye bye Zuckezit, go back and finish your degree. Oh and drop the stupid hoody, you look stupid, not hip.
It's not a surprise that Facebook is doing poorly. Investors, like people in general, don't actually understand the modern economy.
It's not a surprise that Facebook is doing poorly. Investors, like people in general, don't actually understand the modern economy.

One based on debt, overspending and government choosing who succeeds and who fails?
And one where the government takes the wages of the middle class and hands it to the largest banks?
That one?
It's not a surprise that Facebook is doing poorly. Investors, like people in general, don't actually understand the modern economy.

One based on debt, overspending and government choosing who succeeds and who fails?
And one where the government takes the wages of the middle class and hands it to the largest banks?
That one?

People who think the internet is a business model. It's not. It's just a new way of doing the same things we've always done.
I read in a newspaper column that 1 out of 6 people on EARTH have a Facebook page.

You would have thought the IPO would have been better.
I read in a newspaper column that 1 out of 6 people on EARTH have a Facebook page.

You would have thought the IPO would have been better.

In what way does that produce a product that is purchased?
I read somewhere that as many as 23% of internet users are using ad-blocking software/add-ons. And the number is climbing fast.
I read in a newspaper column that 1 out of 6 people on EARTH have a Facebook page.

You would have thought the IPO would have been better.

In what way does that produce a product that is purchased?
I read somewhere that as many as 23% of internet users are using ad-blocking software/add-ons. And the number is climbing fast.

Advertising. Same model at television.
It's not a surprise that Facebook is doing poorly. Investors, like people in general, don't actually understand the modern economy.

Oh I see , is that what it is?:rolleyes:
It's not a surprise that Facebook is doing poorly. Investors, like people in general, don't actually understand the modern economy.

Oh I see , is that what it is?:rolleyes:

Seems like that was Facebook's job huh Trajan? I mean, they can reach 1/6 of the Earth's population.

Of course. Mr. Polk is making a false argument, fundamentals in this context don't change. FB's price to sale ratio and valuation were ridiculous and here we, well, they are.
My entire point is that the fundmentals don't change, but a lot of people on Wall Street seem to think they do. Facebook has now fallen to $26 a share. That's still massively overvalued. If you really want an example of how stockbrokers don't get the internet, look no further than LinkedIn, which is currently trading at a price/earnings ratio of almost 600. If you really think LinkedIn is going to grow so rapidly as to justify that value, you're either an idiot or high as a kite.
Are you sure Polk? For me the fundemental of just invest and you'll grow your money is a dead concept. I market time, just like the institutional investors do. Except, my computer is way slower and I don't get all the same information companies share with them, but not the general public.

I'm ditching the market before June 17th.
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I would eat a murder of crows if LinkedIn could find a way to double its current revenues.
I'm all for less crows...

Things are so bad with Facebook, even the puts cost too much.
It's not a surprise that Facebook is doing poorly. Investors, like people in general, don't actually understand the modern economy.

Yah, you are right. There were huge hype regarding Facebook IPO at the initial stage and it was very interesting and highly discussed topic among investors about what will happen with facebook shares. Finally it all proved to be a poor investment in facebook IPO.

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