Facebook Is Useless For Formal Debate


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2018
" Facebook Is Useless For Formal Debate "

* Faced Booked Drones *

As soon as some blubbering crybaby dislikes having their political expectations and life perspectives confronted and debased , they cannot face retaining an opposing perspective or face the peer pressure of like minded fools , even if they wanted to do so , and ultimately block accounts .

Now blocking accounts would not be an issue but the degenerates the shit forum faced booked not only remove the responses from the pages of the groveling cowards but they also remove the responses from the history of the one who was blocked .

Faced booked is useless for formal debate and its policies for deleting content history were conceived by the mentally retarded .
It's hard to believe with their blatant censoring and smearing the Right that ANYONE on the Right would still be using Farcebook

Who's worse...the tyrants or the compliant enablers that empower them?

Anyone not hard Left still using Farcebook should have a serious soul searching session and ask themselves if their freedom means anything to them.
" Direct Access To Propaganda Pundits And Coaxing Them Away From Bandwagon Herd "

* Setting Up The Mind Fuck *

It's hard to believe with their blatant censoring and smearing the Right that ANYONE on the Right would still be using Farcebook
Who's worse...the tyrants or the compliant enablers that empower them?
Anyone not hard Left still using Farcebook should have a serious soul searching session and ask themselves if their freedom means anything to them.
My purpose in challenging individuals on faced booked is to provide them links to valid debate forums such as this one where they have to own up to their stupidity .
" Direct Access To Propaganda Pundits And Coaxing Them Away From Bandwagon Herd "

* Setting Up The Mind Fuck *

It's hard to believe with their blatant censoring and smearing the Right that ANYONE on the Right would still be using Farcebook
Who's worse...the tyrants or the compliant enablers that empower them?
Anyone not hard Left still using Farcebook should have a serious soul searching session and ask themselves if their freedom means anything to them.
My purpose in challenging individuals on faced booked is to provide them links to valid debate forums such as this one where they have to own up to their stupidity .
Ya can't roller skate in a buffalo herd..
" Clowns Wishing They Could Do The Same In Government "

* Debasing Censorship Activists *

This place is useless for formal debate.
At least competent content does not disappear here because some intellectual coward could not own up to their pathetic ideals rather than simply shutting up .

The other day some retarded clown from the caller to a program on cspan was whining that the internet must be policed to get rid of disinformation .

We all know full well he believes any opinion that disagrees with his own and the left wing hack news outlets is not truthful and , quite simply , fuck that ass clown !
" Force Them Outside Of Comfort Zones "

* Dig In And Let Them Have It *

Ya can't roller skate in a buffalo herd..
The left wing ideals are sub intelligent , hypocritical , and too easily dismissed , and only succeed through insulation from analysis and criticism .

It being that they will not face a fight on their own turf , then it is necessary to call them out into the street .
" Force Them Outside Of Comfort Zones "

* Dig In And Let Them Have It *

Ya can't roller skate in a buffalo herd..
The left wing ideals are sub intelligent , hypocritical , and too easily dismissed , and only succeed through insulation from analysis and criticism .

It being that they will not face a fight on their own turf , then it is necessary to call them out into the street .
Ya, I hate that. Seems "left wing ideals" never actually speak. They just nod knowingly at one another and laugh like a bunch of hyenas. Go git 'em, tiger!
" Facebook Is Useless For Formal Debate "

* Faced Booked Drones *

As soon as some blubbering crybaby dislikes having their political expectations and life perspectives confronted and debased , they cannot face retaining an opposing perspective or face the peer pressure of like minded fools , even if they wanted to do so , and ultimately block accounts .

Now blocking accounts would not be an issue but the degenerates the shit forum faced booked not only remove the responses from the pages of the groveling cowards but they also remove the responses from the history of the one who was blocked .

Faced booked is useless for formal debate and its policies for deleting content history were conceived by the mentally retarded .
Yer describin this place to the letter my friend.

FB is as useful and exciting as tits on a bull.
" Facebook Is Useless For Formal Debate "

* Faced Booked Drones *

As soon as some blubbering crybaby dislikes having their political expectations and life perspectives confronted and debased , they cannot face retaining an opposing perspective or face the peer pressure of like minded fools , even if they wanted to do so , and ultimately block accounts .

Now blocking accounts would not be an issue but the degenerates the shit forum faced booked not only remove the responses from the pages of the groveling cowards but they also remove the responses from the history of the one who was blocked .

Faced booked is useless for formal debate and its policies for deleting content history were conceived by the mentally retarded .
what idiot is trying to debate formally on facebook? it's troll city like in here.
I so miss a closed forum that went belly up about 7 years ago.
It was the best. I believe there are at least 20 here that came from there. uspoliticsonline.com
Yes I was an admin there, but that has nothing to do with how good it was.
Like here there was of course a shitload of nonsense and political parrots. But it had the best formal debate section of anywhere I have seen since. These sections were heavily moderated, and punishment galore for those not playing by the rules.
Unfortunately here, we have these sections but they are as loosly moderated as the rest of the forum.
" Facebook Is Useless For Formal Debate "

* Faced Booked Drones *

As soon as some blubbering crybaby dislikes having their political expectations and life perspectives confronted and debased , they cannot face retaining an opposing perspective or face the peer pressure of like minded fools , even if they wanted to do so , and ultimately block accounts .

Now blocking accounts would not be an issue but the degenerates the shit forum faced booked not only remove the responses from the pages of the groveling cowards but they also remove the responses from the history of the one who was blocked .

Faced booked is useless for formal debate and its policies for deleting content history were conceived by the mentally retarded .
Formal debate is not Facebook purpose. That's why we are here. Face book is for seeing people you know are upto and finding old friends
It's hard to believe with their blatant censoring and smearing the Right that ANYONE on the Right would still be using Farcebook

Who's worse...the tyrants or the compliant enablers that empower them?

Anyone not hard Left still using Farcebook should have a serious soul searching session and ask themselves if their freedom means anything to them.
Face book ain't for debate its for finding old friends. Wanna debate go else where.
" Communist Agent Marries And Controls A Self Ignorant Clown "

* Sucker Berg Has Shit For Brains *

Face book ain't for debate its for finding old friends. Wanna debate go else where.
The faked book is also full of organizations vying for political control of public policy .

At usmb , posts are not censored simply because the opinions are not appreciated by the page owner ,

By far , one of the most IDIOTIC policies on fake book is that one cannot simply THUMBS DOWN in disagreement , and the only options for disagreement are the non specific laughing out loud , perhaps in mockery or perhaps in agreement , and blubbering sadness or raging anger , as though to disagree means one is on the edge of rampage - fucking retarded .
" Communist Agent Marries And Controls A Self Ignorant Clown "

* Sucker Berg Has Shit For Brains *

Face book ain't for debate its for finding old friends. Wanna debate go else where.
The faked book is also full of organizations vying for political control of public policy .

At usmb , posts are not censored simply because the opinions are not appreciated by the page owner ,

By far , one of the most IDIOTIC policies on fake book is that one cannot simply THUMBS DOWN in disagreement , and the only options for disagreement are the non specific laughing out loud , perhaps in mockery or perhaps in agreement , and blubbering sadness or raging anger , as though to disagree means one is on the edge of rampage - fucking retarded .
Ya, the world seems more complicated these days. I kinda miss the days where you either had to be present or use the phone to discuss this crap. Seemed simple then. If I was not stuck in the city dealing with divorce and getting rid of property I would be in the keys at a bar or on the water fishing instead of passing time here. Four more weeks of that crap then my happy ass will be back out side having fun and blissfully unaware of this crap. Can not Wait to have better things to do again.

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