Facebook Partners with Online Casinos to Target Addictive Personalities


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
A partnership between Big Fish—an online social casino—and Facebook is turning lives upside down and leaving users like Suzie Kelly in severe debt, according to an August 2019 report by Reveal in partnership with the PBS NewsHour. Suzie, a grandmother from the Dallas area, spent over $400,000 on a Big Fish gambling game after Facebook sold her data to Big Fish. The tech company compiles user data into advanced personality profiles that indicate whether or not a person has an addictive personality. Big Fish then pays Facebook to advertise their gambling games to such users aggressively.

Reveal reported that social casino games, including virtual slot machines and poker games on Facebook and mobile devices, “have become a $5 billion-a-year business, with revenues nearly as large as all the Las Vegas Strip casinos combined.” However because these games are classified as “entertainment,” gambling regulations do not apply to them, and “there is nothing stopping tech companies from monitoring, analyzing–and targeting–those with addictive personalities.”
Facebook Partners with Online Casinos to Target Addictive Personalities - Validated Independent News

This didn't even make a splash in the news when it first came out.

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