Facebook Rightly Apologizes To Lgbt Community

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Ha ha. That's rich. There are far more anarchists and libertarians that want to hide their identity from the Intelligence agencies and the corporate classes than there are sexual deviants.




sexual deviants you say? A lot of the stuff that pols have been caught doing in "The Party of Family Values" would make an LGBT'er blush.

So, a bunch of perverts and deviants couldn't use fake names, and then played whiney-bitches until they got the company to back down? It would have been funnier if the company would have told them to cram their complaints up their <bleep> and to phukk off.
sexual deviants you say? A lot of the stuff that pols have been caught doing in "The Party of Family Values" would make an LGBT'er blush.

Hey, I never said they weren't crass sexual deviants. What makes you think I'm in their corner?

This, of course, spells bad news for the Police state.

How Facebook Secretly Aids Government Searches
How Facebook Secretly Aids Government Searches - Forbes
Facebook is not doing anything wrong, per se, but simply complying with the law as it is set up. Companies aren’t required to notify users when they receive a warrant, though some sites (such as Twitter) have adopted a policy of doing so. But it likely makes you set your status to “troubled” to find out that Reuters was the first one to inform these folks’ lawyers of the po-po’s social media investigations.

To what extent is this happening? Facebook wouldn’t tell Reuters how many warrants it receives in a given year. In 2009, it told Newsweek that it gets “10 to 20 police requests” each day. The fact that Reuters only dug up 11 cases where this evidence was used in 2011 (double that in 2010) makes one wonder how many of those police requests lead nowhere. Overfishing much? Reuters does note that there might be more Facebook-based prosecutions in sealed cases.

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