Facebook to ban white nationalism and separatism content

Facebook to ban white nationalism and separatism content

With a little luck and a bit more time, Facebook should be fully dumbed down and robbed of all freedom of speech enough to meet even Canadian and British standards!
I understand the desire a big company might have to ban certain opinions which are generally looked at poorly. It's got to be a tempting PR move. However, I think that social media sites like Facebook would be better off only banning illegal content. It avoids backlash such as you see in this thread, it avoids the appearance of hypocrisy for banning one group's behavior if you don't ban the same or similar behavior from others, it gives the company a lot less work having to self-censor content, and it allows the company to point out that they will allow all legal speech, however vile it might seem, following the Constitutional principle of freedom of speech. Obviously it isn't actually a Constitutional protection issue, but I think promoting yourself as functioning by such a principle is probably going to be a positive for your image.

There are plenty of evil, disgusting, stupid, even dangerous, but legal opinions out there. Deciding which ones should be banned, and then actually accomplishing that, sounds like more trouble than it will be worth. Let the bigots spew and expose themselves to people rather than censor, IMO.
Radical black nationalist movements flourish on Facebook. Anti-LGBTQ, anti-hispanic, anti-feminist and of course, anti-white. I'm sure there's some antisemitism in there too but not mentioned in this video.

I understand the desire a big company might have to ban certain opinions which are generally looked at poorly. It's got to be a tempting PR move. However, I think that social media sites like Facebook would be better off only banning illegal content. It avoids backlash such as you see in this thread, it avoids the appearance of hypocrisy for banning one group's behavior if you don't ban the same or similar behavior from others, it gives the company a lot less work having to self-censor content, and it allows the company to point out that they will allow all legal speech, however vile it might seem, following the Constitutional principle of freedom of speech. Obviously it isn't actually a Constitutional protection issue, but I think promoting yourself as functioning by such a principle is probably going to be a positive for your image.

There are plenty of evil, disgusting, stupid, even dangerous, but legal opinions out there. Deciding which ones should be banned, and then actually accomplishing that, sounds like more trouble than it will be worth. Let the bigots spew and expose themselves to people rather than censor, IMO.

Facebook etc Shut Them Down NOT because of Censorship per se, they Shut Them Down because The Usual Suspects are FRIGHTENED of how many AGREE with what is being commented. The situation is they can shut as many down as they want to, NOTHING CHANGES you cannot Censor a Philosophy and there will ALWAYS be other realms outside of Facebook etc to keep things going and adding to. It illustrate how stupid Facebook etc IS because when you shut down something it ONLY results in MORE wanting to HEAR what it is that they are silencing on their realm.

What IS a Bigot? Is a Bigot someone who does NOT want MILLIONS of Islamists in their nation, who does NOT want unlimited Immigration from Alien Cultures, who wants to protect and preserve their Culture and their nation and who wants to shut their Borders? If THAT is what a Bigot is then The Usual Suspects are on to a mega losing strategy. In general it's NOT the ones who openly comment it's the one's who do NOT comment but AGREE with and/or are SYMPATHETIC to the Philosophy and that number is probably in the MANY MANY hundreds of millions and Facebook etc know that which is why they are FRIGHTENED into thinking that shutting it down is going to PREVENT an International Movement from growing and growing and becoming more connected with each other on every level that is possible.
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And idiots like IM2 and Paul Essien still think that white racism exists....

Wait, are you claiming that white racism does not exist? :p

What Political Correctness term Racism has ALWAYS existed, throughout History EVERY different race has ALWAYS had the preference for it's OWN race, to be in the same environment, the same Society as it's OWN. It was only from the late 1940s that mainly Cultural Marxists begin to preach that it was "Racist" and "WRONG" to like your OWN race and wanting to do what many many Centuries of our Ancestors did and that is LIVE with your OWN race and not to be concerned with Alien Cultures living within their environment and Society. The Cultural Marxists of course zero in ONLY on the WHITE RACE, they NEVER ONE TIME suggested that Blacks or Orientals should feel WRONG for wanting to live in the same environment and Society as other Blacks and Orientals.

To the Cultural Marxists and their Brainwashed Kool Aid Drinking followers it is THIS:

Africa for Blacks NO Melting Pot, Asia for Asians NO Melting Pot, Western nations aka Historically White Nations for EVERYONE to be a Melting Pot of mixed races, mixed Cultures so that the native Culture is destroyed and/or diminished.

The situation is WHY do Cultural Marxists HATE Whites, WHY are they FRIGHTENED of Historically White Nations REMAINING White Nations? It's because they feel SAFER within a confused Melting Pot because 90% of the Cultural Marxists from the late 1940s into the 1960s where NOT of the Christian Religion were predominately Jesus Christ Rejecting Athiests and while they might have LOOKED White they did NOT consider themselves to be White they considered themselves to be Hybrids and in the 1960s they INFESTED Western Universities and began to preach the HATE of Whites, the HATE of Western Culture to predominately Whites who were Hippy Progressive types who were then basically Brainwashed via Cultural Marxist Dogma to HATE not ONLY their parents and grandparents Generations but their ENTIRE Ancestry which was blamed for EVERYTHING EVIL and WRONG that had EVER happened in the History of the world.

The situation and I am NOT alone there are HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS on this planet who are White and will agree with this:

We ARE White, we are proud to be White, we are NOT ashamed to be White, we are NOT ashamed of our Ancestors, we are NOT ashamed of our Culture, we do NOT have the White Guilt Complex, we are NOT able to be Brainwashed to HATE ourselves, we do NOT accept Multiculturalism, we will NEVER accept Multiculturalism and ALL the Cultural Marxists and their Ditto Head followers can take their Melting Pots and put them up their filthy buttocks.

To the Cultural Marxist followers the Leftists IF the above makes me a Racist as DEFINED by ONLY Leftists then I do NOT give a CRAP, who gives a CRAP? ONLY those who are Social Cripples give a shit about name calling, with the majority it is in one ear out the other ear. More and more each day are NOT listening to this CRAP anymore and are joining forces to say WTF do WE have to be GUILTY about? WTF do WE have to be ASHAMED about? The answer is ZERO and ZERO.

The Professional White Race Hate Organisation the SPLC thinks this below IS racist:


The Professional White Race Hate Organisation the SPLC thinks this below IS NOT racist, which is why we say that the SPLC is a Professional White Race Hate Organisation, ANYONE who thinks it is WRONG to celebrate WHITENESS BUT thinks it's GREAT to celebrate BLACKNESS IS the most PURE type of organic Racist.

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And idiots like IM2 and Paul Essien still think that white racism exists....

Wait, are you claiming that white racism does not exist? :p

What Political Correctness term Racism has ALWAYS existed, throughout History EVERY different race has ALWAYS had the preference for it's OWN race, to be in the same environment, the same Society as it's OWN. It was only from the late 1940s that mainly Cultural Marxists begin to preach that it was "Racist" and "WRONG" to like your OWN race and wanting to do what many many Centuries of our Ancestors did and that is LIVE with your OWN race and not to be concerned with Alien Cultures living within their environment and Society. The Cultural Marxists of course zero in ONLY on the WHITE RACE, they NEVER ONE TIME suggested that Blacks or Orientals should feel WRONG for wanting to live in the same environment and Society as other Blacks and Orientals.

To the Cultural Marxists and their Brainwashed Kool Aid Drinking followers it is THIS:

Africa for Blacks NO Melting Pot, Asia for Asians NO Melting Pot, Western nations aka Historically White Nations for EVERYONE to be a Melting Pot of mixed races, mixed Cultures so that the native Culture is destroyed and/or diminished.

The situation is WHY do Cultural Marxists HATE Whites, WHY are they FRIGHTENED of Historically White Nations REMAINING White Nations? It's because they feel SAFER within a confused Melting Pot because 90% of the Cultural Marxists from the late 1940s into the 1960s where NOT of the Christian Religion were predominately Jesus Christ Rejecting Athiests and while they might have LOOKED White they did NOT consider themselves to be White they considered themselves to be Hybrids and in the 1960s they INFESTED Western Universities and began to preach the HATE of Whites, the HATE of Western Culture to predominately Whites who were Hippy Progressive types who were then basically Brainwashed via Cultural Marxist Dogma to HATE not ONLY their parents and grandparents Generations but their ENTIRE Ancestry which was blamed for EVERYTHING EVIL and WRONG that had EVER happened in the History of the world.

The situation and I am NOT alone there are HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS on this planet who are White and will agree with this:

We ARE White, we are proud to be White, we are NOT ashamed to be White, we are NOT ashamed of our Ancestors, we are NOT ashamed of our Culture, we do NOT have the White Guilt Complex, we are NOT able to be Brainwashed to HATE ourselves, we do NOT accept Multiculturalism, we will NEVER accept Multiculturalism and ALL the Cultural Marxists and their Ditto Head followers can take their Melting Pots and put them up their filthy buttocks.

To the Cultural Marxist followers the Leftists IF the above makes me a Racist as DEFINED by ONLY Leftists then I do NOT give a CRAP, who gives a CRAP? ONLY those who are Social Cripples give a shit about name calling, with the majority it is in one ear out the other ear. More and more each day are NOT listening to this CRAP anymore and are joining forces to say WTF do WE have to be GUILTY about? WTF do WE have to be ASHAMED about? The answer is ZERO and ZERO.

The Professional White Race Hate Organisation the SPLC thinks this below IS racist:


The Professional White Race Hate Organisation the SPLC thinks this below IS NOT racist, which is why we say that the SPLC is a Professional White Race Hate Organisation, ANYONE who thinks it is WRONG to celebrate WHITENESS BUT thinks it's GREAT to celebrate BLACKNESS IS the most PURE type of organic Racist.


That's nice, but what did any of that have to do with my post?
And idiots like IM2 and Paul Essien still think that white racism exists....

Wait, are you claiming that white racism does not exist? :p

What Political Correctness term Racism has ALWAYS existed, throughout History EVERY different race has ALWAYS had the preference for it's OWN race, to be in the same environment, the same Society as it's OWN. It was only from the late 1940s that mainly Cultural Marxists begin to preach that it was "Racist" and "WRONG" to like your OWN race and wanting to do what many many Centuries of our Ancestors did and that is LIVE with your OWN race and not to be concerned with Alien Cultures living within their environment and Society. The Cultural Marxists of course zero in ONLY on the WHITE RACE, they NEVER ONE TIME suggested that Blacks or Orientals should feel WRONG for wanting to live in the same environment and Society as other Blacks and Orientals.

To the Cultural Marxists and their Brainwashed Kool Aid Drinking followers it is THIS:

Africa for Blacks NO Melting Pot, Asia for Asians NO Melting Pot, Western nations aka Historically White Nations for EVERYONE to be a Melting Pot of mixed races, mixed Cultures so that the native Culture is destroyed and/or diminished.

The situation is WHY do Cultural Marxists HATE Whites, WHY are they FRIGHTENED of Historically White Nations REMAINING White Nations? It's because they feel SAFER within a confused Melting Pot because 90% of the Cultural Marxists from the late 1940s into the 1960s where NOT of the Christian Religion were predominately Jesus Christ Rejecting Athiests and while they might have LOOKED White they did NOT consider themselves to be White they considered themselves to be Hybrids and in the 1960s they INFESTED Western Universities and began to preach the HATE of Whites, the HATE of Western Culture to predominately Whites who were Hippy Progressive types who were then basically Brainwashed via Cultural Marxist Dogma to HATE not ONLY their parents and grandparents Generations but their ENTIRE Ancestry which was blamed for EVERYTHING EVIL and WRONG that had EVER happened in the History of the world.

The situation and I am NOT alone there are HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS on this planet who are White and will agree with this:

We ARE White, we are proud to be White, we are NOT ashamed to be White, we are NOT ashamed of our Ancestors, we are NOT ashamed of our Culture, we do NOT have the White Guilt Complex, we are NOT able to be Brainwashed to HATE ourselves, we do NOT accept Multiculturalism, we will NEVER accept Multiculturalism and ALL the Cultural Marxists and their Ditto Head followers can take their Melting Pots and put them up their filthy buttocks.

To the Cultural Marxist followers the Leftists IF the above makes me a Racist as DEFINED by ONLY Leftists then I do NOT give a CRAP, who gives a CRAP? ONLY those who are Social Cripples give a shit about name calling, with the majority it is in one ear out the other ear. More and more each day are NOT listening to this CRAP anymore and are joining forces to say WTF do WE have to be GUILTY about? WTF do WE have to be ASHAMED about? The answer is ZERO and ZERO.

The Professional White Race Hate Organisation the SPLC thinks this below IS racist:


The Professional White Race Hate Organisation the SPLC thinks this below IS NOT racist, which is why we say that the SPLC is a Professional White Race Hate Organisation, ANYONE who thinks it is WRONG to celebrate WHITENESS BUT thinks it's GREAT to celebrate BLACKNESS IS the most PURE type of organic Racist.


That's nice, but what did any of that have to do with my post?
All of it has to do with your post and this thread.

The SPLC is just comprised of mainstream racists.
And idiots like IM2 and Paul Essien still think that white racism exists....

Wait, are you claiming that white racism does not exist? :p

What Political Correctness term Racism has ALWAYS existed, throughout History EVERY different race has ALWAYS had the preference for it's OWN race, to be in the same environment, the same Society as it's OWN. It was only from the late 1940s that mainly Cultural Marxists begin to preach that it was "Racist" and "WRONG" to like your OWN race and wanting to do what many many Centuries of our Ancestors did and that is LIVE with your OWN race and not to be concerned with Alien Cultures living within their environment and Society. The Cultural Marxists of course zero in ONLY on the WHITE RACE, they NEVER ONE TIME suggested that Blacks or Orientals should feel WRONG for wanting to live in the same environment and Society as other Blacks and Orientals.

To the Cultural Marxists and their Brainwashed Kool Aid Drinking followers it is THIS:

Africa for Blacks NO Melting Pot, Asia for Asians NO Melting Pot, Western nations aka Historically White Nations for EVERYONE to be a Melting Pot of mixed races, mixed Cultures so that the native Culture is destroyed and/or diminished.

The situation is WHY do Cultural Marxists HATE Whites, WHY are they FRIGHTENED of Historically White Nations REMAINING White Nations? It's because they feel SAFER within a confused Melting Pot because 90% of the Cultural Marxists from the late 1940s into the 1960s where NOT of the Christian Religion were predominately Jesus Christ Rejecting Athiests and while they might have LOOKED White they did NOT consider themselves to be White they considered themselves to be Hybrids and in the 1960s they INFESTED Western Universities and began to preach the HATE of Whites, the HATE of Western Culture to predominately Whites who were Hippy Progressive types who were then basically Brainwashed via Cultural Marxist Dogma to HATE not ONLY their parents and grandparents Generations but their ENTIRE Ancestry which was blamed for EVERYTHING EVIL and WRONG that had EVER happened in the History of the world.

The situation and I am NOT alone there are HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS on this planet who are White and will agree with this:

We ARE White, we are proud to be White, we are NOT ashamed to be White, we are NOT ashamed of our Ancestors, we are NOT ashamed of our Culture, we do NOT have the White Guilt Complex, we are NOT able to be Brainwashed to HATE ourselves, we do NOT accept Multiculturalism, we will NEVER accept Multiculturalism and ALL the Cultural Marxists and their Ditto Head followers can take their Melting Pots and put them up their filthy buttocks.

To the Cultural Marxist followers the Leftists IF the above makes me a Racist as DEFINED by ONLY Leftists then I do NOT give a CRAP, who gives a CRAP? ONLY those who are Social Cripples give a shit about name calling, with the majority it is in one ear out the other ear. More and more each day are NOT listening to this CRAP anymore and are joining forces to say WTF do WE have to be GUILTY about? WTF do WE have to be ASHAMED about? The answer is ZERO and ZERO.

The Professional White Race Hate Organisation the SPLC thinks this below IS racist:


The Professional White Race Hate Organisation the SPLC thinks this below IS NOT racist, which is why we say that the SPLC is a Professional White Race Hate Organisation, ANYONE who thinks it is WRONG to celebrate WHITENESS BUT thinks it's GREAT to celebrate BLACKNESS IS the most PURE type of organic Racist.


That's nice, but what did any of that have to do with my post?
All of it has to do with your post and this thread.

The SPLC is just comprised of mainstream racists.

My post was asking if you were claiming that white racism does not exist, because you seemed to be doing so in the post of yours I quoted.

I find it interesting that you are willing to answer a question directed at another poster, but not the one I directed at you.
And idiots like IM2 and Paul Essien still think that white racism exists....

Wait, are you claiming that white racism does not exist? :p

What Political Correctness term Racism has ALWAYS existed, throughout History EVERY different race has ALWAYS had the preference for it's OWN race, to be in the same environment, the same Society as it's OWN. It was only from the late 1940s that mainly Cultural Marxists begin to preach that it was "Racist" and "WRONG" to like your OWN race and wanting to do what many many Centuries of our Ancestors did and that is LIVE with your OWN race and not to be concerned with Alien Cultures living within their environment and Society. The Cultural Marxists of course zero in ONLY on the WHITE RACE, they NEVER ONE TIME suggested that Blacks or Orientals should feel WRONG for wanting to live in the same environment and Society as other Blacks and Orientals.

To the Cultural Marxists and their Brainwashed Kool Aid Drinking followers it is THIS:

Africa for Blacks NO Melting Pot, Asia for Asians NO Melting Pot, Western nations aka Historically White Nations for EVERYONE to be a Melting Pot of mixed races, mixed Cultures so that the native Culture is destroyed and/or diminished.

The situation is WHY do Cultural Marxists HATE Whites, WHY are they FRIGHTENED of Historically White Nations REMAINING White Nations? It's because they feel SAFER within a confused Melting Pot because 90% of the Cultural Marxists from the late 1940s into the 1960s where NOT of the Christian Religion were predominately Jesus Christ Rejecting Athiests and while they might have LOOKED White they did NOT consider themselves to be White they considered themselves to be Hybrids and in the 1960s they INFESTED Western Universities and began to preach the HATE of Whites, the HATE of Western Culture to predominately Whites who were Hippy Progressive types who were then basically Brainwashed via Cultural Marxist Dogma to HATE not ONLY their parents and grandparents Generations but their ENTIRE Ancestry which was blamed for EVERYTHING EVIL and WRONG that had EVER happened in the History of the world.

The situation and I am NOT alone there are HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS on this planet who are White and will agree with this:

We ARE White, we are proud to be White, we are NOT ashamed to be White, we are NOT ashamed of our Ancestors, we are NOT ashamed of our Culture, we do NOT have the White Guilt Complex, we are NOT able to be Brainwashed to HATE ourselves, we do NOT accept Multiculturalism, we will NEVER accept Multiculturalism and ALL the Cultural Marxists and their Ditto Head followers can take their Melting Pots and put them up their filthy buttocks.

To the Cultural Marxist followers the Leftists IF the above makes me a Racist as DEFINED by ONLY Leftists then I do NOT give a CRAP, who gives a CRAP? ONLY those who are Social Cripples give a shit about name calling, with the majority it is in one ear out the other ear. More and more each day are NOT listening to this CRAP anymore and are joining forces to say WTF do WE have to be GUILTY about? WTF do WE have to be ASHAMED about? The answer is ZERO and ZERO.

The Professional White Race Hate Organisation the SPLC thinks this below IS racist:


The Professional White Race Hate Organisation the SPLC thinks this below IS NOT racist, which is why we say that the SPLC is a Professional White Race Hate Organisation, ANYONE who thinks it is WRONG to celebrate WHITENESS BUT thinks it's GREAT to celebrate BLACKNESS IS the most PURE type of organic Racist.


That's nice, but what did any of that have to do with my post?
All of it has to do with your post and this thread.

The SPLC is just comprised of mainstream racists.

My post was asking if you were claiming that white racism does not exist, because you seemed to be doing so in the post of yours I quoted.

I find it interesting that you are willing to answer a question directed at another poster, but not the one I directed at you.
White racism is a complete non-factor.

Millennials are turning to the alt-right as an alternative to suicide or hard drugs because white people are so screwed in this world.

Only a fundamentally anti-white society could remove only what it deems to be white racist content while leaving trillions of genocidal and terroristic posts against white people all over the web.

The only racists who can now use the internet to recruit new members and spread their ideology are black or brown.
Wait, are you claiming that white racism does not exist? :p

What Political Correctness term Racism has ALWAYS existed, throughout History EVERY different race has ALWAYS had the preference for it's OWN race, to be in the same environment, the same Society as it's OWN. It was only from the late 1940s that mainly Cultural Marxists begin to preach that it was "Racist" and "WRONG" to like your OWN race and wanting to do what many many Centuries of our Ancestors did and that is LIVE with your OWN race and not to be concerned with Alien Cultures living within their environment and Society. The Cultural Marxists of course zero in ONLY on the WHITE RACE, they NEVER ONE TIME suggested that Blacks or Orientals should feel WRONG for wanting to live in the same environment and Society as other Blacks and Orientals.

To the Cultural Marxists and their Brainwashed Kool Aid Drinking followers it is THIS:

Africa for Blacks NO Melting Pot, Asia for Asians NO Melting Pot, Western nations aka Historically White Nations for EVERYONE to be a Melting Pot of mixed races, mixed Cultures so that the native Culture is destroyed and/or diminished.

The situation is WHY do Cultural Marxists HATE Whites, WHY are they FRIGHTENED of Historically White Nations REMAINING White Nations? It's because they feel SAFER within a confused Melting Pot because 90% of the Cultural Marxists from the late 1940s into the 1960s where NOT of the Christian Religion were predominately Jesus Christ Rejecting Athiests and while they might have LOOKED White they did NOT consider themselves to be White they considered themselves to be Hybrids and in the 1960s they INFESTED Western Universities and began to preach the HATE of Whites, the HATE of Western Culture to predominately Whites who were Hippy Progressive types who were then basically Brainwashed via Cultural Marxist Dogma to HATE not ONLY their parents and grandparents Generations but their ENTIRE Ancestry which was blamed for EVERYTHING EVIL and WRONG that had EVER happened in the History of the world.

The situation and I am NOT alone there are HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS on this planet who are White and will agree with this:

We ARE White, we are proud to be White, we are NOT ashamed to be White, we are NOT ashamed of our Ancestors, we are NOT ashamed of our Culture, we do NOT have the White Guilt Complex, we are NOT able to be Brainwashed to HATE ourselves, we do NOT accept Multiculturalism, we will NEVER accept Multiculturalism and ALL the Cultural Marxists and their Ditto Head followers can take their Melting Pots and put them up their filthy buttocks.

To the Cultural Marxist followers the Leftists IF the above makes me a Racist as DEFINED by ONLY Leftists then I do NOT give a CRAP, who gives a CRAP? ONLY those who are Social Cripples give a shit about name calling, with the majority it is in one ear out the other ear. More and more each day are NOT listening to this CRAP anymore and are joining forces to say WTF do WE have to be GUILTY about? WTF do WE have to be ASHAMED about? The answer is ZERO and ZERO.

The Professional White Race Hate Organisation the SPLC thinks this below IS racist:


The Professional White Race Hate Organisation the SPLC thinks this below IS NOT racist, which is why we say that the SPLC is a Professional White Race Hate Organisation, ANYONE who thinks it is WRONG to celebrate WHITENESS BUT thinks it's GREAT to celebrate BLACKNESS IS the most PURE type of organic Racist.


That's nice, but what did any of that have to do with my post?
All of it has to do with your post and this thread.

The SPLC is just comprised of mainstream racists.

My post was asking if you were claiming that white racism does not exist, because you seemed to be doing so in the post of yours I quoted.

I find it interesting that you are willing to answer a question directed at another poster, but not the one I directed at you.
White racism is a complete non-factor.

Millennials are turning to the alt-right as an alternative to suicide or hard drugs because white people are so screwed in this world.

Only a fundamentally anti-white society could remove only what it deems to be white racist content while leaving trillions of genocidal and terroristic posts against white people all over the web.

The only racists who can now use the internet to recruit new members and spread their ideology are black or brown.

If you think only non-white racists are on the internet, you haven't been on the internet much. :lol:
What Political Correctness term Racism has ALWAYS existed, throughout History EVERY different race has ALWAYS had the preference for it's OWN race, to be in the same environment, the same Society as it's OWN. It was only from the late 1940s that mainly Cultural Marxists begin to preach that it was "Racist" and "WRONG" to like your OWN race and wanting to do what many many Centuries of our Ancestors did and that is LIVE with your OWN race and not to be concerned with Alien Cultures living within their environment and Society. The Cultural Marxists of course zero in ONLY on the WHITE RACE, they NEVER ONE TIME suggested that Blacks or Orientals should feel WRONG for wanting to live in the same environment and Society as other Blacks and Orientals.

To the Cultural Marxists and their Brainwashed Kool Aid Drinking followers it is THIS:

Africa for Blacks NO Melting Pot, Asia for Asians NO Melting Pot, Western nations aka Historically White Nations for EVERYONE to be a Melting Pot of mixed races, mixed Cultures so that the native Culture is destroyed and/or diminished.

The situation is WHY do Cultural Marxists HATE Whites, WHY are they FRIGHTENED of Historically White Nations REMAINING White Nations? It's because they feel SAFER within a confused Melting Pot because 90% of the Cultural Marxists from the late 1940s into the 1960s where NOT of the Christian Religion were predominately Jesus Christ Rejecting Athiests and while they might have LOOKED White they did NOT consider themselves to be White they considered themselves to be Hybrids and in the 1960s they INFESTED Western Universities and began to preach the HATE of Whites, the HATE of Western Culture to predominately Whites who were Hippy Progressive types who were then basically Brainwashed via Cultural Marxist Dogma to HATE not ONLY their parents and grandparents Generations but their ENTIRE Ancestry which was blamed for EVERYTHING EVIL and WRONG that had EVER happened in the History of the world.

The situation and I am NOT alone there are HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS on this planet who are White and will agree with this:

We ARE White, we are proud to be White, we are NOT ashamed to be White, we are NOT ashamed of our Ancestors, we are NOT ashamed of our Culture, we do NOT have the White Guilt Complex, we are NOT able to be Brainwashed to HATE ourselves, we do NOT accept Multiculturalism, we will NEVER accept Multiculturalism and ALL the Cultural Marxists and their Ditto Head followers can take their Melting Pots and put them up their filthy buttocks.

To the Cultural Marxist followers the Leftists IF the above makes me a Racist as DEFINED by ONLY Leftists then I do NOT give a CRAP, who gives a CRAP? ONLY those who are Social Cripples give a shit about name calling, with the majority it is in one ear out the other ear. More and more each day are NOT listening to this CRAP anymore and are joining forces to say WTF do WE have to be GUILTY about? WTF do WE have to be ASHAMED about? The answer is ZERO and ZERO.

The Professional White Race Hate Organisation the SPLC thinks this below IS racist:


The Professional White Race Hate Organisation the SPLC thinks this below IS NOT racist, which is why we say that the SPLC is a Professional White Race Hate Organisation, ANYONE who thinks it is WRONG to celebrate WHITENESS BUT thinks it's GREAT to celebrate BLACKNESS IS the most PURE type of organic Racist.


That's nice, but what did any of that have to do with my post?
All of it has to do with your post and this thread.

The SPLC is just comprised of mainstream racists.

My post was asking if you were claiming that white racism does not exist, because you seemed to be doing so in the post of yours I quoted.

I find it interesting that you are willing to answer a question directed at another poster, but not the one I directed at you.
White racism is a complete non-factor.

Millennials are turning to the alt-right as an alternative to suicide or hard drugs because white people are so screwed in this world.

Only a fundamentally anti-white society could remove only what it deems to be white racist content while leaving trillions of genocidal and terroristic posts against white people all over the web.

The only racists who can now use the internet to recruit new members and spread their ideology are black or brown.

If you think only non-white racists are on the internet, you haven't been on the internet much. :lol:
Every major social media platform has banned anything pro-white. I know the internet far better than you.

Therefore the only racism that matters on the internet is non-white, just like in academia and on television.
What Political Correctness term Racism has ALWAYS existed, throughout History EVERY different race has ALWAYS had the preference for it's OWN race, to be in the same environment, the same Society as it's OWN. It was only from the late 1940s that mainly Cultural Marxists begin to preach that it was "Racist" and "WRONG" to like your OWN race and wanting to do what many many Centuries of our Ancestors did and that is LIVE with your OWN race and not to be concerned with Alien Cultures living within their environment and Society. The Cultural Marxists of course zero in ONLY on the WHITE RACE, they NEVER ONE TIME suggested that Blacks or Orientals should feel WRONG for wanting to live in the same environment and Society as other Blacks and Orientals.

To the Cultural Marxists and their Brainwashed Kool Aid Drinking followers it is THIS:

Africa for Blacks NO Melting Pot, Asia for Asians NO Melting Pot, Western nations aka Historically White Nations for EVERYONE to be a Melting Pot of mixed races, mixed Cultures so that the native Culture is destroyed and/or diminished.

The situation is WHY do Cultural Marxists HATE Whites, WHY are they FRIGHTENED of Historically White Nations REMAINING White Nations? It's because they feel SAFER within a confused Melting Pot because 90% of the Cultural Marxists from the late 1940s into the 1960s where NOT of the Christian Religion were predominately Jesus Christ Rejecting Athiests and while they might have LOOKED White they did NOT consider themselves to be White they considered themselves to be Hybrids and in the 1960s they INFESTED Western Universities and began to preach the HATE of Whites, the HATE of Western Culture to predominately Whites who were Hippy Progressive types who were then basically Brainwashed via Cultural Marxist Dogma to HATE not ONLY their parents and grandparents Generations but their ENTIRE Ancestry which was blamed for EVERYTHING EVIL and WRONG that had EVER happened in the History of the world.

The situation and I am NOT alone there are HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS on this planet who are White and will agree with this:

We ARE White, we are proud to be White, we are NOT ashamed to be White, we are NOT ashamed of our Ancestors, we are NOT ashamed of our Culture, we do NOT have the White Guilt Complex, we are NOT able to be Brainwashed to HATE ourselves, we do NOT accept Multiculturalism, we will NEVER accept Multiculturalism and ALL the Cultural Marxists and their Ditto Head followers can take their Melting Pots and put them up their filthy buttocks.

To the Cultural Marxist followers the Leftists IF the above makes me a Racist as DEFINED by ONLY Leftists then I do NOT give a CRAP, who gives a CRAP? ONLY those who are Social Cripples give a shit about name calling, with the majority it is in one ear out the other ear. More and more each day are NOT listening to this CRAP anymore and are joining forces to say WTF do WE have to be GUILTY about? WTF do WE have to be ASHAMED about? The answer is ZERO and ZERO.

The Professional White Race Hate Organisation the SPLC thinks this below IS racist:


The Professional White Race Hate Organisation the SPLC thinks this below IS NOT racist, which is why we say that the SPLC is a Professional White Race Hate Organisation, ANYONE who thinks it is WRONG to celebrate WHITENESS BUT thinks it's GREAT to celebrate BLACKNESS IS the most PURE type of organic Racist.


That's nice, but what did any of that have to do with my post?
All of it has to do with your post and this thread.

The SPLC is just comprised of mainstream racists.

My post was asking if you were claiming that white racism does not exist, because you seemed to be doing so in the post of yours I quoted.

I find it interesting that you are willing to answer a question directed at another poster, but not the one I directed at you.
White racism is a complete non-factor.

Millennials are turning to the alt-right as an alternative to suicide or hard drugs because white people are so screwed in this world.

Only a fundamentally anti-white society could remove only what it deems to be white racist content while leaving trillions of genocidal and terroristic posts against white people all over the web.

The only racists who can now use the internet to recruit new members and spread their ideology are black or brown.

If you think only non-white racists are on the internet, you haven't been on the internet much. :lol:

Everything you think you know about "white racists" on the internet you learned from a Huffington post article.
I understand the desire a big company might have to ban certain opinions which are generally looked at poorly. It's got to be a tempting PR move. However, I think that social media sites like Facebook would be better off only banning illegal content. It avoids backlash such as you see in this thread, it avoids the appearance of hypocrisy for banning one group's behavior if you don't ban the same or similar behavior from others, it gives the company a lot less work having to self-censor content, and it allows the company to point out that they will allow all legal speech, however vile it might seem, following the Constitutional principle of freedom of speech. Obviously it isn't actually a Constitutional protection issue, but I think promoting yourself as functioning by such a principle is probably going to be a positive for your image.

There are plenty of evil, disgusting, stupid, even dangerous, but legal opinions out there. Deciding which ones should be banned, and then actually accomplishing that, sounds like more trouble than it will be worth. Let the bigots spew and expose themselves to people rather than censor, IMO.
Needless to say, FB does not constitute the entire internet.

Indeed, the internet is virtually infinite with ample opportunities and other channels of communication for rightwing bigots, racists, and white supremacists to express their fear, ignorance, and hate.

There’s no reason why FB should be complicit in spreading that fear, ignorance, and hate.
I understand the desire a big company might have to ban certain opinions which are generally looked at poorly. It's got to be a tempting PR move. However, I think that social media sites like Facebook would be better off only banning illegal content. It avoids backlash such as you see in this thread, it avoids the appearance of hypocrisy for banning one group's behavior if you don't ban the same or similar behavior from others, it gives the company a lot less work having to self-censor content, and it allows the company to point out that they will allow all legal speech, however vile it might seem, following the Constitutional principle of freedom of speech. Obviously it isn't actually a Constitutional protection issue, but I think promoting yourself as functioning by such a principle is probably going to be a positive for your image.

There are plenty of evil, disgusting, stupid, even dangerous, but legal opinions out there. Deciding which ones should be banned, and then actually accomplishing that, sounds like more trouble than it will be worth. Let the bigots spew and expose themselves to people rather than censor, IMO.
Needless to say, FB does not constitute the entire internet.

Indeed, the internet is virtually infinite with ample opportunities and other channels of communication for rightwing bigots, racists, and white supremacists to express their fear, ignorance, and hate.

There’s no reason why FB should be complicit in spreading that fear, ignorance, and hate.

Combat racism by censoring the speech of one particular race of people. Makes sense.

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