Facebook to ban white nationalism and separatism content

Facebook to ban white nationalism and separatism content

Facebook will ban content that supports white nationalism and white separatism from its platforms. Searches for certain keywords will direct users to an organization that helps people leave racist hate groups.

Facebook had previously faced criticism for only barring content that endorsed “white supremacy”, and continuing to allow endorsements of “white nationalism” or “white separatism”, even as violent white nationalists carried out deadly attacks across the globe, most recently a shooting attack on two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, that left 50 worshippers dead.

I think that anything that makes life difficult for these ghastly people is to be applauded. They abuse our hard won freedoms in order to spread their sick agenda.

But I am puzzled.

white nationalism

white separatism

white supremacy

Are these not all one and the same ?

Or do they have distinct traits which cause them to shun each other online ?

Which is the biggest group ?

How many sad,overweight ,incel fucks are there to go around ?

Could we have some examples ?

1. Your support of censorship is not surprising.

2. It is not surprising that you are ignorant on the distinction of the differences of the three factions mentioned, as to liberals, they all mean the same thing, ie :some guy who kicked my ass in a debate, so I need to smear him.
Which of the 3 do you belong to ?

There’s a difference between saying that lives matter and screaming Jews won’t replace us while carrying torches.

I know I know, most Republicans don’t get it.


Until they start playing the knock out game and shooting police.

What makes you think I'm Republican?


Facebook to ban white nationalism and separatism content

Facebook will ban content that supports white nationalism and white separatism from its platforms. Searches for certain keywords will direct users to an organization that helps people leave racist hate groups.

Facebook had previously faced criticism for only barring content that endorsed “white supremacy”, and continuing to allow endorsements of “white nationalism” or “white separatism”, even as violent white nationalists carried out deadly attacks across the globe, most recently a shooting attack on two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, that left 50 worshippers dead.

I think that anything that makes life difficult for these ghastly people is to be applauded. They abuse our hard won freedoms in order to spread their sick agenda.

But I am puzzled.

white nationalism

white separatism

white supremacy

Are these not all one and the same ?

Or do they have distinct traits which cause them to shun each other online ?

Which is the biggest group ?

How many sad,overweight ,incel fucks are there to go around ?

Could we have some examples ?

I think you will find that many White Nationalists do NOT associate with White Supremacists, most White Supremacists for one thing are low IQ and also do NOT think that women should be considered the intellectual equals of men who have a RIGHT to combine a career with having kidlets, they think a woman should be in the home 24/7 having kidlets, cooking and cleaning the home etc and should not have ANY role in decisions and have no Independent Thought Process and certainly NOT be involved in political things.
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Are they going to ban things like Black Lives Matter, Black Power, La Raza, and other, racial promotion and separation comments?



There’s a difference between saying that lives matter and screaming Jews won’t replace us while carrying torches.

I know I know, most Republicans don’t get it.


Have you lit all of your KKK Torches yet and marched to keep blacks voting Democrat yet? We know how you all need to keep them on the Democrat plantation... Got more free stuff to keep them voting democrat? more welfare?

You people really are ignorant fucks..

Lets hope one day you grow up and learn your the racists pieces of shit and have been for a long time... You keep calling others racist and all along its been idiots like you who are..
Fakebook is a leftest company....just know it going in....but they also track your opinions....so know that too....


Part of the reason I'll never sign up for Face Book is because they were obvious in their biases long ago.


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Fakebook is a leftest company....just know it going in....but they also track your opinions....so know that too....


Part of the reason I'll never sign up for Face Book is because they were obvious in they biases long ago.



I never did sign up for it...my family still bugs me today to join fakebook but I refuse to make a little dirty T-shirt wearing propagandist wealthy.....and I don't want to see a Brennen type asshole sniffing around my thoughts and opinions....

Facebook to ban white nationalism and separatism content

Facebook will ban content that supports white nationalism and white separatism from its platforms. Searches for certain keywords will direct users to an organization that helps people leave racist hate groups.

Facebook had previously faced criticism for only barring content that endorsed “white supremacy”, and continuing to allow endorsements of “white nationalism” or “white separatism”, even as violent white nationalists carried out deadly attacks across the globe, most recently a shooting attack on two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, that left 50 worshippers dead.

I think that anything that makes life difficult for these ghastly people is to be applauded. They abuse our hard won freedoms in order to spread their sick agenda.

But I am puzzled.

white nationalism

white separatism

white supremacy

Are these not all one and the same ?

Or do they have distinct traits which cause them to shun each other online ?

Which is the biggest group ?

How many sad,overweight ,incel fucks are there to go around ?

Could we have some examples ?

1. Your support of censorship is not surprising.

2. It is not surprising that you are ignorant on the distinction of the differences of the three factions mentioned, as to liberals, they all mean the same thing, ie :some guy who kicked my ass in a debate, so I need to smear him.
Which of the 3 do you belong to ?

Thanks for demonstrating the vile tactic I just accused you of. That is a win for me, and a pathetic loss for you.
Facebook to ban white nationalism and separatism content

Facebook will ban content that supports white nationalism and white separatism from its platforms. Searches for certain keywords will direct users to an organization that helps people leave racist hate groups.

Facebook had previously faced criticism for only barring content that endorsed “white supremacy”, and continuing to allow endorsements of “white nationalism” or “white separatism”, even as violent white nationalists carried out deadly attacks across the globe, most recently a shooting attack on two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, that left 50 worshippers dead.

I think that anything that makes life difficult for these ghastly people is to be applauded. They abuse our hard won freedoms in order to spread their sick agenda.

But I am puzzled.

white nationalism

white separatism

white supremacy

Are these not all one and the same ?

Or do they have distinct traits which cause them to shun each other online ?

Which is the biggest group ?

How many sad,overweight ,incel fucks are there to go around ?

Could we have some examples ?

1. Your support of censorship is not surprising.

2. It is not surprising that you are ignorant on the distinction of the differences of the three factions mentioned, as to liberals, they all mean the same thing, ie :some guy who kicked my ass in a debate, so I need to smear him.
Which of the 3 do you belong to ?
It’s like three pieces of the same pie. If they’re equal in size what difference does it make which piece you get??

Only if, as I said, it is just shit you throw at people you don't like.

You implicitly just admitted what I accused you of.
Was Malcolm X Nation of Islam?
Malcolm joined the NOI cult and was a member for many years.
Then later in life he traveled to the Middle East, meet muslim people, and discovered real Islam and its authentic teachings.
When he came back to America, he held a press conference and said that he had been deceived and that NOI was false and not true Islam.
It wasn't long after that he was assassinated by members of the NOI .. :cool:
Facebook to ban white nationalism and separatism content

Facebook will ban content that supports white nationalism and white separatism from its platforms. Searches for certain keywords will direct users to an organization that helps people leave racist hate groups.

Facebook had previously faced criticism for only barring content that endorsed “white supremacy”, and continuing to allow endorsements of “white nationalism” or “white separatism”, even as violent white nationalists carried out deadly attacks across the globe, most recently a shooting attack on two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, that left 50 worshippers dead.

I think that anything that makes life difficult for these ghastly people is to be applauded. They abuse our hard won freedoms in order to spread their sick agenda.

But I am puzzled.

white nationalism

white separatism

white supremacy

Are these not all one and the same ?

Or do they have distinct traits which cause them to shun each other online ?

Which is the biggest group ?

How many sad,overweight ,incel fucks are there to go around ?

Could we have some examples ?

1. Your support of censorship is not surprising.

2. It is not surprising that you are ignorant on the distinction of the differences of the three factions mentioned, as to liberals, they all mean the same thing, ie :some guy who kicked my ass in a debate, so I need to smear him.
Which of the 3 do you belong to ?
It’s like three pieces of the same pie. If they’re equal in size what difference does it make which piece you get??

But what if you are talking to a supremacist and you call him a separatist ?

He might be well vexed.

Nightmare !!

These people own guns you know.
Lots of black nationalist type groups on FB. louis farrakhan has over 1 million followers on his page. Lately I've been doing some snooping on a few of those pages to see what they talk about. Most of them seem incredibly paranoid, every time a black person turns up dead they chalk it up as yet another white racist harvesting organs and precious melanin. I'm not even joking. They think we're draining their melanin.

They're also constantly encouraging violence. "It's time to bust some heads, it's about to get real, karma is coming for you whypipo." I could post some screenshots of their comments if you don't believe me...
Facebook to ban white nationalism and separatism content

Facebook will ban content that supports white nationalism and white separatism from its platforms. Searches for certain keywords will direct users to an organization that helps people leave racist hate groups.

Facebook had previously faced criticism for only barring content that endorsed “white supremacy”, and continuing to allow endorsements of “white nationalism” or “white separatism”, even as violent white nationalists carried out deadly attacks across the globe, most recently a shooting attack on two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, that left 50 worshippers dead.

I think that anything that makes life difficult for these ghastly people is to be applauded. They abuse our hard won freedoms in order to spread their sick agenda.

But I am puzzled.

white nationalism

white separatism

white supremacy

Are these not all one and the same ?

Or do they have distinct traits which cause them to shun each other online ?

Which is the biggest group ?

How many sad,overweight ,incel fucks are there to go around ?

Could we have some examples ?

1. Your support of censorship is not surprising.

2. It is not surprising that you are ignorant on the distinction of the differences of the three factions mentioned, as to liberals, they all mean the same thing, ie :some guy who kicked my ass in a debate, so I need to smear him.
Which of the 3 do you belong to ?
It’s like three pieces of the same pie. If they’re equal in size what difference does it make which piece you get??

But what if you are talking to a supremacist and you call him a separatist ?

He might be well vexed.

Nightmare !!

These people own guns you know.

I can see why you can't understand the concept of distinction between these different groups.

Because to you people, the "proper" use of all those terms, is simply slurs you use against people that you can't defeat with your ideas, such as they are.

So, of course you don't see or even understand the idea that they are real words, with real meanings.

It is also telling that you joke about how dangerous they are, yet your words and actions show that you have no fear of them. For obvious reasons.
Facebook to ban white nationalism and separatism content

Facebook will ban content that supports white nationalism and white separatism from its platforms. Searches for certain keywords will direct users to an organization that helps people leave racist hate groups.

Facebook had previously faced criticism for only barring content that endorsed “white supremacy”, and continuing to allow endorsements of “white nationalism” or “white separatism”, even as violent white nationalists carried out deadly attacks across the globe, most recently a shooting attack on two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, that left 50 worshippers dead.

I think that anything that makes life difficult for these ghastly people is to be applauded. They abuse our hard won freedoms in order to spread their sick agenda.

But I am puzzled.

white nationalism

white separatism

white supremacy

Are these not all one and the same ?

Or do they have distinct traits which cause them to shun each other online ?

Which is the biggest group ?

How many sad,overweight ,incel fucks are there to go around ?

Could we have some examples ?

So you applaud Facebook decision while crying over Netflix not airing a show in Saudi Arabia?

What happen to your whole Free Speech nonsense or did you learn that a private business has the right to regulate what their platform is used for...


Let be really honest you only agree with Facebook because you truly hate freedom of speaking your mind unless it is your mind you are speaking then no one should be allow to regulate what you say nor think...

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