Facebook under pressure to counter anti vax nutter groups

Yeah like global warming. LOL.

Funny thing about Science.

Unlike God, it doesn't stop existing because you don't believe in it.

Facebook under pressure to halt rise of anti-vaccination groups

Facebook is under pressure to stem the rise of anti-vaccination groups spreading false information about the dangers of life-saving vaccines while peddling unfounded alternative treatments such as high doses of vitamin C.
So-called “anti-vaxxers” are operating on Facebook in closed groups, where members have to be approved in advance. By barring access to others, they are able to serve undiluted misinformation without challenge.

I dont think they are calling for these idiots to get banned.It looks more like opening up these echo chambers.There is documented evidence of public health scares and it is in all our interests to shed light on these cultists.

If only you two were teachable. Even Kennedy is smarter than you two.

FDA Admits That Government Is Recommending Untested, Unlicensed Vaccines for Pregnant Women
By Children's Health Defense

Robert F Kennedy Jr.. says, “As a nation, we can no longer pretend our trusted agencies are protecting our children. It is time to hold federal agencies accountable.”

WASHINGTON, D.C., Feb. 11, 2019—In response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, the FDA has admitted, for the first time, that government agencies, including the CDC, are recommending vaccines for pregnant women that have neither been licensed for pregnant mothers by FDA nor tested for safety in clinical trials. The lawsuit, filed by Children’s Health Defense (CHD) attorney, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on behalf of Informed Consent Action Network(ICAN), a vaccine safety advocacy group, sought all clinical trial data used by FDA to approve influenza vaccines for pregnant women. The FDA’s terse reply: “We have no records responsive to your requests.”

The manufacturers of flu and Tdap vaccines warn against their use for pregnant mothers since their safety has never been established. Package inserts state that it is “not known” whether the vaccines “will harm an unborn baby” and there are “insufficient data” on use in pregnant women to inform vaccine-associated risks. FDA regulations strictly prohibit pharmaceutical companies from marketing products for “off-license” uses. Noncompliant companies are routinely prosecuted criminally and civilly, paying billions in lawsuits and settlements.

FDA Admits That Government Is Recommending Untested, Unlicensed Vaccines for Pregnant Women
Facebook under pressure to halt rise of anti-vaccination groups

Facebook is under pressure to stem the rise of anti-vaccination groups spreading false information about the dangers of life-saving vaccines while peddling unfounded alternative treatments such as high doses of vitamin C.
So-called “anti-vaxxers” are operating on Facebook in closed groups, where members have to be approved in advance. By barring access to others, they are able to serve undiluted misinformation without challenge.

I dont think they are calling for these idiots to get banned.It looks more like opening up these echo chambers.There is documented evidence of public health scares and it is in all our interests to shed light on these cultists.

Yes the left is very good at limiting free speech rights.

How many kids have to die because we give nuts free access to the airwaves?

Yes the left is very good at limiting free speech rights.

How many kids have to die because we give nuts free access to the airwaves?

To be fair, it's only the anti-vaxxer's kids who would be dying.

Consider it a field experiment for evolution.

Yes the left is very good at limiting free speech rights.

How many kids have to die because we give nuts free access to the airwaves?
I know it’s news to you, but there is plenty of evidence that some types of vaccines may be dangerous.

Yep, and I know of a person who drowned when his car ran into the river, because he couldn't get his car door open. You wanna ban car doors now?

Facebook under pressure to halt rise of anti-vaccination groups

Facebook is under pressure to stem the rise of anti-vaccination groups spreading false information about the dangers of life-saving vaccines while peddling unfounded alternative treatments such as high doses of vitamin C.
So-called “anti-vaxxers” are operating on Facebook in closed groups, where members have to be approved in advance. By barring access to others, they are able to serve undiluted misinformation without challenge.

I dont think they are calling for these idiots to get banned.It looks more like opening up these echo chambers.There is documented evidence of public health scares and it is in all our interests to shed light on these cultists.


Where did all the silly pro vaxxers go, after I blew them up with my prior post? The cowards ran away!

Where is my thank you for educating you? Do you lack common courtesy?

Check this out silly pro-vaxxers....PLEASE READ CAREFULLY

The FDA’s admission that CDC is recommending untested and unlicensed vaccines follows another disclosure forced by an ICAN/CHD lawsuit. HHS confessed that it has not once complied—in over 30 years—with statutory requirements for regular review of childhood vaccine safety, nor reported to Congress on measures to improve safety. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act established the requirements while essentially eliminating manufacturers’ legal liability for childhood vaccine injuries.
FDA Admits That Government Is Recommending Untested, Unlicensed Vaccines for Pregnant Women
How many autistic kids were around prior to vaccinations?
There is no. Aisative link beteeen vaccines and autism.

How many children died from measles before vaccines, ijit?
That is because it is more complicated than just a poke and boom, autism.

More critical thinkers now believe there is some interplay between the corporate food supply, treated water, most importantly, air space completely polluted with EMF, with the cell phone towers, radio, TEE VEE, and other types of high frequency band emitters, interacting to create a nightmare scenario in which immune-systemic disorders are rising.

This is not the only example of a co-factor causing a collapse of a complex system.

Colony collapse disorder in bees, whales getting beached, bird flocks and migratory patterns being disrupted are other good examples of complex systems similarly being affected.

Whenever we screw with the natural balance and apply our lucifarian philosophies, believing we are greater than the global consciousness, thinking we know the holographic interplay and all of the factors, shit will eventually go wrong.

You claim to be a "liberal," and care about folks, but the only people you are defending are global corporate fascists.

Facebook under pressure to halt rise of anti-vaccination groups

Facebook is under pressure to stem the rise of anti-vaccination groups spreading false information about the dangers of life-saving vaccines while peddling unfounded alternative treatments such as high doses of vitamin C.
So-called “anti-vaxxers” are operating on Facebook in closed groups, where members have to be approved in advance. By barring access to others, they are able to serve undiluted misinformation without challenge.

I dont think they are calling for these idiots to get banned.It looks more like opening up these echo chambers.There is documented evidence of public health scares and it is in all our interests to shed light on these cultists.

Yes the left is very good at limiting free speech rights.

How many kids have to die because we give nuts free access to the airwaves?

Yes the left is very good at limiting free speech rights.

How many kids have to die because we give nuts free access to the airwaves?

To be fair, it's only the anti-vaxxer's kids who would be dying.

Consider it a field experiment for evolution.

Yes the left is very good at limiting free speech rights.

How many kids have to die because we give nuts free access to the airwaves?
I know it’s news to you, but there is plenty of evidence that some types of vaccines may be dangerous.

Yep, and I know of a person who drowned when his car ran into the river, because he couldn't get his car door open. You wanna ban car doors now?

Facebook under pressure to halt rise of anti-vaccination groups

Facebook is under pressure to stem the rise of anti-vaccination groups spreading false information about the dangers of life-saving vaccines while peddling unfounded alternative treatments such as high doses of vitamin C.
So-called “anti-vaxxers” are operating on Facebook in closed groups, where members have to be approved in advance. By barring access to others, they are able to serve undiluted misinformation without challenge.

I dont think they are calling for these idiots to get banned.It looks more like opening up these echo chambers.There is documented evidence of public health scares and it is in all our interests to shed light on these cultists.


Where did all the silly pro vaxxers go, after I blew them up with my prior post? The cowards ran away!

Where is my thank you for educating you? Do you lack common courtesy?

Check this out silly pro-vaxxers....PLEASE READ CAREFULLY

The FDA’s admission that CDC is recommending untested and unlicensed vaccines follows another disclosure forced by an ICAN/CHD lawsuit. HHS confessed that it has not once complied—in over 30 years—with statutory requirements for regular review of childhood vaccine safety, nor reported to Congress on measures to improve safety. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act established the requirements while essentially eliminating manufacturers’ legal liability for childhood vaccine injuries.
FDA Admits That Government Is Recommending Untested, Unlicensed Vaccines for Pregnant Women
You ever notice when ever we post facts and logical arguments against our compatriots that demolish the propaganda they are fed by the establishment, and they have nothing left, they just start with the name calling and the ad hominem?

. . . it's all they have left.

He's a crank. . . you're a tin foil hatter. . . . . etc. etc. . .


Facebook under pressure to halt rise of anti-vaccination groups

Facebook is under pressure to stem the rise of anti-vaccination groups spreading false information about the dangers of life-saving vaccines while peddling unfounded alternative treatments such as high doses of vitamin C.
So-called “anti-vaxxers” are operating on Facebook in closed groups, where members have to be approved in advance. By barring access to others, they are able to serve undiluted misinformation without challenge.

I dont think they are calling for these idiots to get banned.It looks more like opening up these echo chambers.There is documented evidence of public health scares and it is in all our interests to shed light on these cultists.

Yes the left is very good at limiting free speech rights.

How many kids have to die because we give nuts free access to the airwaves?

Yes the left is very good at limiting free speech rights.

How many kids have to die because we give nuts free access to the airwaves?

To be fair, it's only the anti-vaxxer's kids who would be dying.

Consider it a field experiment for evolution.

Yes the left is very good at limiting free speech rights.

How many kids have to die because we give nuts free access to the airwaves?
I know it’s news to you, but there is plenty of evidence that some types of vaccines may be dangerous.

Yep, and I know of a person who drowned when his car ran into the river, because he couldn't get his car door open. You wanna ban car doors now?

Facebook under pressure to halt rise of anti-vaccination groups

Facebook is under pressure to stem the rise of anti-vaccination groups spreading false information about the dangers of life-saving vaccines while peddling unfounded alternative treatments such as high doses of vitamin C.
So-called “anti-vaxxers” are operating on Facebook in closed groups, where members have to be approved in advance. By barring access to others, they are able to serve undiluted misinformation without challenge.

I dont think they are calling for these idiots to get banned.It looks more like opening up these echo chambers.There is documented evidence of public health scares and it is in all our interests to shed light on these cultists.


Where did all the silly pro vaxxers go, after I blew them up with my prior post? The cowards ran away!

Where is my thank you for educating you? Do you lack common courtesy?

Check this out silly pro-vaxxers....PLEASE READ CAREFULLY

The FDA’s admission that CDC is recommending untested and unlicensed vaccines follows another disclosure forced by an ICAN/CHD lawsuit. HHS confessed that it has not once complied—in over 30 years—with statutory requirements for regular review of childhood vaccine safety, nor reported to Congress on measures to improve safety. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act established the requirements while essentially eliminating manufacturers’ legal liability for childhood vaccine injuries.
FDA Admits That Government Is Recommending Untested, Unlicensed Vaccines for Pregnant Women
You ever notice when ever we post facts and logical arguments against our compatriots that demolish the propaganda they are fed by the establishment, and they have nothing left, they just start with the name calling and the ad hominem?

. . . it's all they have left.

He's a crank. . . you're a tin foil hatter. . . . . etc. etc. . .

The issue being raised in the OP is that these anti vaxers operate closed groups and will not allow a dissenting opinion. Kind of makes your post a bit ironic.
Facebook under pressure to halt rise of anti-vaccination groups

Facebook is under pressure to stem the rise of anti-vaccination groups spreading false information about the dangers of life-saving vaccines while peddling unfounded alternative treatments such as high doses of vitamin C.
So-called “anti-vaxxers” are operating on Facebook in closed groups, where members have to be approved in advance. By barring access to others, they are able to serve undiluted misinformation without challenge.

I dont think they are calling for these idiots to get banned.It looks more like opening up these echo chambers.There is documented evidence of public health scares and it is in all our interests to shed light on these cultists.

Yes the left is very good at limiting free speech rights.

How many kids have to die because we give nuts free access to the airwaves?

Yes the left is very good at limiting free speech rights.

How many kids have to die because we give nuts free access to the airwaves?

To be fair, it's only the anti-vaxxer's kids who would be dying.

Consider it a field experiment for evolution.

Yes the left is very good at limiting free speech rights.

How many kids have to die because we give nuts free access to the airwaves?
I know it’s news to you, but there is plenty of evidence that some types of vaccines may be dangerous.

Yep, and I know of a person who drowned when his car ran into the river, because he couldn't get his car door open. You wanna ban car doors now?

Facebook under pressure to halt rise of anti-vaccination groups

Facebook is under pressure to stem the rise of anti-vaccination groups spreading false information about the dangers of life-saving vaccines while peddling unfounded alternative treatments such as high doses of vitamin C.
So-called “anti-vaxxers” are operating on Facebook in closed groups, where members have to be approved in advance. By barring access to others, they are able to serve undiluted misinformation without challenge.

I dont think they are calling for these idiots to get banned.It looks more like opening up these echo chambers.There is documented evidence of public health scares and it is in all our interests to shed light on these cultists.


Where did all the silly pro vaxxers go, after I blew them up with my prior post? The cowards ran away!

Where is my thank you for educating you? Do you lack common courtesy?

Check this out silly pro-vaxxers....PLEASE READ CAREFULLY

The FDA’s admission that CDC is recommending untested and unlicensed vaccines follows another disclosure forced by an ICAN/CHD lawsuit. HHS confessed that it has not once complied—in over 30 years—with statutory requirements for regular review of childhood vaccine safety, nor reported to Congress on measures to improve safety. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act established the requirements while essentially eliminating manufacturers’ legal liability for childhood vaccine injuries.
FDA Admits That Government Is Recommending Untested, Unlicensed Vaccines for Pregnant Women
You ever notice when ever we post facts and logical arguments against our compatriots that demolish the propaganda they are fed by the establishment, and they have nothing left, they just start with the name calling and the ad hominem?

. . . it's all they have left.

He's a crank. . . you're a tin foil hatter. . . . . etc. etc. . .

Yes. Unfortunately many among us are statist drones. They will gladly accept anything the state tells them.

Rugged individualism has turned into slaves of the state.
Facebook under pressure to halt rise of anti-vaccination groups

Facebook is under pressure to stem the rise of anti-vaccination groups spreading false information about the dangers of life-saving vaccines while peddling unfounded alternative treatments such as high doses of vitamin C.
So-called “anti-vaxxers” are operating on Facebook in closed groups, where members have to be approved in advance. By barring access to others, they are able to serve undiluted misinformation without challenge.

I dont think they are calling for these idiots to get banned.It looks more like opening up these echo chambers.There is documented evidence of public health scares and it is in all our interests to shed light on these cultists.

Yes the left is very good at limiting free speech rights.

How many kids have to die because we give nuts free access to the airwaves?

Yes the left is very good at limiting free speech rights.

How many kids have to die because we give nuts free access to the airwaves?

To be fair, it's only the anti-vaxxer's kids who would be dying.

Consider it a field experiment for evolution.

How many kids have to die because we give nuts free access to the airwaves?
I know it’s news to you, but there is plenty of evidence that some types of vaccines may be dangerous.

Yep, and I know of a person who drowned when his car ran into the river, because he couldn't get his car door open. You wanna ban car doors now?

Facebook under pressure to halt rise of anti-vaccination groups

Facebook is under pressure to stem the rise of anti-vaccination groups spreading false information about the dangers of life-saving vaccines while peddling unfounded alternative treatments such as high doses of vitamin C.
So-called “anti-vaxxers” are operating on Facebook in closed groups, where members have to be approved in advance. By barring access to others, they are able to serve undiluted misinformation without challenge.

I dont think they are calling for these idiots to get banned.It looks more like opening up these echo chambers.There is documented evidence of public health scares and it is in all our interests to shed light on these cultists.


Where did all the silly pro vaxxers go, after I blew them up with my prior post? The cowards ran away!

Where is my thank you for educating you? Do you lack common courtesy?

Check this out silly pro-vaxxers....PLEASE READ CAREFULLY

The FDA’s admission that CDC is recommending untested and unlicensed vaccines follows another disclosure forced by an ICAN/CHD lawsuit. HHS confessed that it has not once complied—in over 30 years—with statutory requirements for regular review of childhood vaccine safety, nor reported to Congress on measures to improve safety. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act established the requirements while essentially eliminating manufacturers’ legal liability for childhood vaccine injuries.
FDA Admits That Government Is Recommending Untested, Unlicensed Vaccines for Pregnant Women
You ever notice when ever we post facts and logical arguments against our compatriots that demolish the propaganda they are fed by the establishment, and they have nothing left, they just start with the name calling and the ad hominem?

. . . it's all they have left.

He's a crank. . . you're a tin foil hatter. . . . . etc. etc. . .

The issue being raised in the OP is that these anti vaxers operate closed groups and will not allow a dissenting opinion. Kind of makes your post a bit ironic.
Statists do exactly the same thing, and you support them.
Facebook under pressure to halt rise of anti-vaccination groups

Facebook is under pressure to stem the rise of anti-vaccination groups spreading false information about the dangers of life-saving vaccines while peddling unfounded alternative treatments such as high doses of vitamin C.
So-called “anti-vaxxers” are operating on Facebook in closed groups, where members have to be approved in advance. By barring access to others, they are able to serve undiluted misinformation without challenge.

I dont think they are calling for these idiots to get banned.It looks more like opening up these echo chambers.There is documented evidence of public health scares and it is in all our interests to shed light on these cultists.

Yes the left is very good at limiting free speech rights.

How many kids have to die because we give nuts free access to the airwaves?

How many kids have to die because we give nuts free access to the airwaves?

To be fair, it's only the anti-vaxxer's kids who would be dying.

Consider it a field experiment for evolution.

I know it’s news to you, but there is plenty of evidence that some types of vaccines may be dangerous.

Yep, and I know of a person who drowned when his car ran into the river, because he couldn't get his car door open. You wanna ban car doors now?

Facebook under pressure to halt rise of anti-vaccination groups

Facebook is under pressure to stem the rise of anti-vaccination groups spreading false information about the dangers of life-saving vaccines while peddling unfounded alternative treatments such as high doses of vitamin C.
So-called “anti-vaxxers” are operating on Facebook in closed groups, where members have to be approved in advance. By barring access to others, they are able to serve undiluted misinformation without challenge.

I dont think they are calling for these idiots to get banned.It looks more like opening up these echo chambers.There is documented evidence of public health scares and it is in all our interests to shed light on these cultists.


Where did all the silly pro vaxxers go, after I blew them up with my prior post? The cowards ran away!

Where is my thank you for educating you? Do you lack common courtesy?

Check this out silly pro-vaxxers....PLEASE READ CAREFULLY

The FDA’s admission that CDC is recommending untested and unlicensed vaccines follows another disclosure forced by an ICAN/CHD lawsuit. HHS confessed that it has not once complied—in over 30 years—with statutory requirements for regular review of childhood vaccine safety, nor reported to Congress on measures to improve safety. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act established the requirements while essentially eliminating manufacturers’ legal liability for childhood vaccine injuries.
FDA Admits That Government Is Recommending Untested, Unlicensed Vaccines for Pregnant Women
You ever notice when ever we post facts and logical arguments against our compatriots that demolish the propaganda they are fed by the establishment, and they have nothing left, they just start with the name calling and the ad hominem?

. . . it's all they have left.

He's a crank. . . you're a tin foil hatter. . . . . etc. etc. . .

The issue being raised in the OP is that these anti vaxers operate closed groups and will not allow a dissenting opinion. Kind of makes your post a bit ironic.
Statists do exactly the same thing, and you support them.
Who are statists ?
Facebook under pressure to halt rise of anti-vaccination groups

Facebook is under pressure to stem the rise of anti-vaccination groups spreading false information about the dangers of life-saving vaccines while peddling unfounded alternative treatments such as high doses of vitamin C.
So-called “anti-vaxxers” are operating on Facebook in closed groups, where members have to be approved in advance. By barring access to others, they are able to serve undiluted misinformation without challenge.

I dont think they are calling for these idiots to get banned.It looks more like opening up these echo chambers.There is documented evidence of public health scares and it is in all our interests to shed light on these cultists.

How many kids have to die because we give nuts free access to the airwaves?

To be fair, it's only the anti-vaxxer's kids who would be dying.

Consider it a field experiment for evolution.

Yep, and I know of a person who drowned when his car ran into the river, because he couldn't get his car door open. You wanna ban car doors now?


Where did all the silly pro vaxxers go, after I blew them up with my prior post? The cowards ran away!

Where is my thank you for educating you? Do you lack common courtesy?

Check this out silly pro-vaxxers....PLEASE READ CAREFULLY

The FDA’s admission that CDC is recommending untested and unlicensed vaccines follows another disclosure forced by an ICAN/CHD lawsuit. HHS confessed that it has not once complied—in over 30 years—with statutory requirements for regular review of childhood vaccine safety, nor reported to Congress on measures to improve safety. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act established the requirements while essentially eliminating manufacturers’ legal liability for childhood vaccine injuries.
FDA Admits That Government Is Recommending Untested, Unlicensed Vaccines for Pregnant Women
You ever notice when ever we post facts and logical arguments against our compatriots that demolish the propaganda they are fed by the establishment, and they have nothing left, they just start with the name calling and the ad hominem?

. . . it's all they have left.

He's a crank. . . you're a tin foil hatter. . . . . etc. etc. . .

The issue being raised in the OP is that these anti vaxers operate closed groups and will not allow a dissenting opinion. Kind of makes your post a bit ironic.
Statists do exactly the same thing, and you support them.
Who are statists ?
Look in the mirror and you will find one.
Facebook under pressure to halt rise of anti-vaccination groups

Facebook is under pressure to stem the rise of anti-vaccination groups spreading false information about the dangers of life-saving vaccines while peddling unfounded alternative treatments such as high doses of vitamin C.
So-called “anti-vaxxers” are operating on Facebook in closed groups, where members have to be approved in advance. By barring access to others, they are able to serve undiluted misinformation without challenge.

I dont think they are calling for these idiots to get banned.It looks more like opening up these echo chambers.There is documented evidence of public health scares and it is in all our interests to shed light on these cultists.

Yes the left is very good at limiting free speech rights.

How many kids have to die because we give nuts free access to the airwaves?

Yes the left is very good at limiting free speech rights.

How many kids have to die because we give nuts free access to the airwaves?

To be fair, it's only the anti-vaxxer's kids who would be dying.

Consider it a field experiment for evolution.

How many kids have to die because we give nuts free access to the airwaves?
I know it’s news to you, but there is plenty of evidence that some types of vaccines may be dangerous.

Yep, and I know of a person who drowned when his car ran into the river, because he couldn't get his car door open. You wanna ban car doors now?

Facebook under pressure to halt rise of anti-vaccination groups

Facebook is under pressure to stem the rise of anti-vaccination groups spreading false information about the dangers of life-saving vaccines while peddling unfounded alternative treatments such as high doses of vitamin C.
So-called “anti-vaxxers” are operating on Facebook in closed groups, where members have to be approved in advance. By barring access to others, they are able to serve undiluted misinformation without challenge.

I dont think they are calling for these idiots to get banned.It looks more like opening up these echo chambers.There is documented evidence of public health scares and it is in all our interests to shed light on these cultists.


Where did all the silly pro vaxxers go, after I blew them up with my prior post? The cowards ran away!

Where is my thank you for educating you? Do you lack common courtesy?

Check this out silly pro-vaxxers....PLEASE READ CAREFULLY

The FDA’s admission that CDC is recommending untested and unlicensed vaccines follows another disclosure forced by an ICAN/CHD lawsuit. HHS confessed that it has not once complied—in over 30 years—with statutory requirements for regular review of childhood vaccine safety, nor reported to Congress on measures to improve safety. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act established the requirements while essentially eliminating manufacturers’ legal liability for childhood vaccine injuries.
FDA Admits That Government Is Recommending Untested, Unlicensed Vaccines for Pregnant Women
You ever notice when ever we post facts and logical arguments against our compatriots that demolish the propaganda they are fed by the establishment, and they have nothing left, they just start with the name calling and the ad hominem?

. . . it's all they have left.

He's a crank. . . you're a tin foil hatter. . . . . etc. etc. . .

Yes. Unfortunately many among us are statist drones. They will gladly accept anything the state tells them.

Rugged individualism has turned into slaves of the state.

It is worse in other nations, they never had it, so they can't miss it.

At least we have the legend, the tale once told.

Facebook under pressure to halt rise of anti-vaccination groups

Facebook is under pressure to stem the rise of anti-vaccination groups spreading false information about the dangers of life-saving vaccines while peddling unfounded alternative treatments such as high doses of vitamin C.
So-called “anti-vaxxers” are operating on Facebook in closed groups, where members have to be approved in advance. By barring access to others, they are able to serve undiluted misinformation without challenge.

I dont think they are calling for these idiots to get banned.It looks more like opening up these echo chambers.There is documented evidence of public health scares and it is in all our interests to shed light on these cultists.

Yes the left is very good at limiting free speech rights.

How many kids have to die because we give nuts free access to the airwaves?

How many kids have to die because we give nuts free access to the airwaves?

To be fair, it's only the anti-vaxxer's kids who would be dying.

Consider it a field experiment for evolution.

I know it’s news to you, but there is plenty of evidence that some types of vaccines may be dangerous.

Yep, and I know of a person who drowned when his car ran into the river, because he couldn't get his car door open. You wanna ban car doors now?

Facebook under pressure to halt rise of anti-vaccination groups

Facebook is under pressure to stem the rise of anti-vaccination groups spreading false information about the dangers of life-saving vaccines while peddling unfounded alternative treatments such as high doses of vitamin C.
So-called “anti-vaxxers” are operating on Facebook in closed groups, where members have to be approved in advance. By barring access to others, they are able to serve undiluted misinformation without challenge.

I dont think they are calling for these idiots to get banned.It looks more like opening up these echo chambers.There is documented evidence of public health scares and it is in all our interests to shed light on these cultists.


Where did all the silly pro vaxxers go, after I blew them up with my prior post? The cowards ran away!

Where is my thank you for educating you? Do you lack common courtesy?

Check this out silly pro-vaxxers....PLEASE READ CAREFULLY

The FDA’s admission that CDC is recommending untested and unlicensed vaccines follows another disclosure forced by an ICAN/CHD lawsuit. HHS confessed that it has not once complied—in over 30 years—with statutory requirements for regular review of childhood vaccine safety, nor reported to Congress on measures to improve safety. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act established the requirements while essentially eliminating manufacturers’ legal liability for childhood vaccine injuries.
FDA Admits That Government Is Recommending Untested, Unlicensed Vaccines for Pregnant Women
You ever notice when ever we post facts and logical arguments against our compatriots that demolish the propaganda they are fed by the establishment, and they have nothing left, they just start with the name calling and the ad hominem?

. . . it's all they have left.

He's a crank. . . you're a tin foil hatter. . . . . etc. etc. . .

The issue being raised in the OP is that these anti vaxers operate closed groups and will not allow a dissenting opinion. Kind of makes your post a bit ironic.
Statists do exactly the same thing, and you support them.
Not only do Statists do the same thing, hell, Zuck and the other silicon valley giants, in conjunction with the Deep Staters, are actively in a campaign to censor what information folks are allowed to have access to, just like they did throughout the twentieth century.

Typical of Statists. . .

I was shocked when I found out about the News-guard initiative, and the fact that every American is not disgusted by this;

Talk about a naked propaganda program. You would have to be really dumb to not see this for what it is.

The Great Fakebook Purge of 2018
Facebook under pressure to halt rise of anti-vaccination groups

Facebook is under pressure to stem the rise of anti-vaccination groups spreading false information about the dangers of life-saving vaccines while peddling unfounded alternative treatments such as high doses of vitamin C.
So-called “anti-vaxxers” are operating on Facebook in closed groups, where members have to be approved in advance. By barring access to others, they are able to serve undiluted misinformation without challenge.

I dont think they are calling for these idiots to get banned.It looks more like opening up these echo chambers.There is documented evidence of public health scares and it is in all our interests to shed light on these cultists.

How many kids have to die because we give nuts free access to the airwaves?

To be fair, it's only the anti-vaxxer's kids who would be dying.

Consider it a field experiment for evolution.

Yep, and I know of a person who drowned when his car ran into the river, because he couldn't get his car door open. You wanna ban car doors now?


Where did all the silly pro vaxxers go, after I blew them up with my prior post? The cowards ran away!

Where is my thank you for educating you? Do you lack common courtesy?

Check this out silly pro-vaxxers....PLEASE READ CAREFULLY

The FDA’s admission that CDC is recommending untested and unlicensed vaccines follows another disclosure forced by an ICAN/CHD lawsuit. HHS confessed that it has not once complied—in over 30 years—with statutory requirements for regular review of childhood vaccine safety, nor reported to Congress on measures to improve safety. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act established the requirements while essentially eliminating manufacturers’ legal liability for childhood vaccine injuries.
FDA Admits That Government Is Recommending Untested, Unlicensed Vaccines for Pregnant Women
You ever notice when ever we post facts and logical arguments against our compatriots that demolish the propaganda they are fed by the establishment, and they have nothing left, they just start with the name calling and the ad hominem?

. . . it's all they have left.

He's a crank. . . you're a tin foil hatter. . . . . etc. etc. . .

The issue being raised in the OP is that these anti vaxers operate closed groups and will not allow a dissenting opinion. Kind of makes your post a bit ironic.
Statists do exactly the same thing, and you support them.
Not only do Statists do the same thing, hell, Zuck and the other silicon valley giants, in conjunction with the Deep Staters, are actively in a campaign to censor what information folks are allowed to have access to, just like they did throughout the twentieth century.

Typical of Statists. . .

I was shocked when I found out about the News-guard initiative, and the fact that every American is not disgusted by this;

Talk about a naked propaganda program. You would have to be really dumb to not see this for what it is.

The Great Fakebook Purge of 2018
It is unbelievable how our government, media, academia, and big corporations are colluding to control us. Yet as you say, Americans don’t seem to care that they’re being lied to and their liberties are being confiscated.

I was amazed when Bill Binney’s revelations went public, and nothing was done. Later, Snowden exposed more illegal unconstitutional actions by our criminal government, yet again nothing was done.

It would appear we as a nation are dutifully walking into a state of tyranny.

Where did all the silly pro vaxxers go, after I blew them up with my prior post? The cowards ran away!

Where is my thank you for educating you? Do you lack common courtesy?

Check this out silly pro-vaxxers....PLEASE READ CAREFULLY

The FDA’s admission that CDC is recommending untested and unlicensed vaccines follows another disclosure forced by an ICAN/CHD lawsuit. HHS confessed that it has not once complied—in over 30 years—with statutory requirements for regular review of childhood vaccine safety, nor reported to Congress on measures to improve safety. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act established the requirements while essentially eliminating manufacturers’ legal liability for childhood vaccine injuries.
FDA Admits That Government Is Recommending Untested, Unlicensed Vaccines for Pregnant Women
You ever notice when ever we post facts and logical arguments against our compatriots that demolish the propaganda they are fed by the establishment, and they have nothing left, they just start with the name calling and the ad hominem?

. . . it's all they have left.

He's a crank. . . you're a tin foil hatter. . . . . etc. etc. . .

The issue being raised in the OP is that these anti vaxers operate closed groups and will not allow a dissenting opinion. Kind of makes your post a bit ironic.
Statists do exactly the same thing, and you support them.
Not only do Statists do the same thing, hell, Zuck and the other silicon valley giants, in conjunction with the Deep Staters, are actively in a campaign to censor what information folks are allowed to have access to, just like they did throughout the twentieth century.

Typical of Statists. . .

I was shocked when I found out about the News-guard initiative, and the fact that every American is not disgusted by this;

Talk about a naked propaganda program. You would have to be really dumb to not see this for what it is.

The Great Fakebook Purge of 2018
It is unbelievable how our government, media, academia, and big corporations are colluding to control us. Yet as you say, Americans don’t seem to care that they’re being lied to and their liberties are being confiscated.

I was amazed when Bill Binney’s revelations went public, and nothing was done. Later, Snowden exposed more illegal unconstitutional actions by our criminal government, yet again nothing was done.

It would appear we as a nation are dutifully walking into a state of tyranny.
When I found out about S-Quad mind control, I mostly thought it was tin foil hat crap, even with the patent publicly viewable. Now?

I have to believe it is being deployed on a large scale. . .

It's probably being emitted from every smart phone on the planet.
Yes the left is very good at limiting free speech rights.

How many kids have to die because we give nuts free access to the airwaves?

To be fair, it's only the anti-vaxxer's kids who would be dying.

Consider it a field experiment for evolution.
If they were required to stay to themselves...true.
Whaddya mean? If you're vaxxed? ya ain't got nad a thing to worry 'bout.

Where did all the silly pro vaxxers go, after I blew them up with my prior post? The cowards ran away!

Where is my thank you for educating you? Do you lack common courtesy?

Actually, most of us have JOBS, that's where we went yesterday.
Good for you Joe. Somebody has to clean the toilets.

That's what we have the undocumented laborers for, buddy. So slugs like you can collect welfare all day and whine about how the government is out to get you.

I mean, tell us true, do you even have a job?
Good for you Joe. Somebody has to clean the toilets.

That's what we have the undocumented laborers for, buddy. So slugs like you can collect welfare all day and whine about how the government is out to get you.

I mean, tell us true, do you even have a job?
I’m retired sort of Joe, living off the fruits of my labors. Retired at 55. I must say I am living very well, thank you.

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