Fact Check Fact Checker

Very relevant and indicative of the brain rot so prevalent on the right. This is why they are so rife with insane conspiracy theories. It makes you guys extremely easy to manipulate.

It would be easier for you to just acknowledge that you’re a fail.

We already know it.
I admit that you’re wrong. You refuse to admit it. You spineless, gutless, ball-less coward.
Just look at Noem. Pathologically incapable of admitting she made up the story about Kim Jong Un.

This is modern Trumpism. Admitting you’re wrong is the biggest sin. Its even worse than looking so incredibly stupid pretending you’re not wrong.
Off topic deflection duly noted.

Now be a good little tyke and fuck off.
Just emblematic of the pathology in conservative thinking.

You’ve done the same at different times. You’ve been completely wrong but refuse to admit it.

Conservatives are consumed by fear of looking weak. They think admitting a mistake makes them look weak.
Just emblematic of the pathology in conservative thinking.

You’ve done the same at different times. You’ve been completely wrong but refuse to admit it.

You cannot point to even one such incident. You lying hack.
Conservatives are consumed by fear of looking weak.

Nah. You're projecting

They think admitting a mistake makes them look weak.
Practice what you preach, hack.
Snopes, the husband and wife team that leftists swear by has just been proven totally wrong -- Again. For like the umpteenth time.

It doesn't matter, though. They'll just move on to the next Fact Checking checking the Fact Checks we all need Fact Checked by Fact Checking Fact Checkers that ere never wrong.

Except this time.

Snopes has been denying this for years -- and this is one of the "fact" checking outfits which social media companies use to decide whether to censor/throttle accounts.

It was false for years, now it's true.

No apologies. No explanation of how or why this error (or "error") was made.

Their "fact" checking process seems to be: If a Democrat denies something, then that must be the truth, because Democrats never lie. Only if a Democrat admits something will that fact be reluctantly acknowledged as true.


When the sitting POTUS is not only a pedophile but an incestuous pedophile, that's about as political as it gets.

But 'female' leftists will scream, "But he cares, CARES, about our genitalia and our right to murder our babies!!!"

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming of under-educated, entitled children accusing Patriotic Americans of things they don't understand.

Which is about everything

I'm shocked, totally shocked I'm tellin ya.

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