FACT CHECK: IRS DID Target Conservatives

"Liberal bloggers are welcome to inhabit a fantasy world in which every controversy featuring Democratic misconduct and dishonesty is illegitimate and fabricated, but they cannot erase the official record in order to gaslight the country into believing that a genuine scandal never occurred. It did. The data proves it."

Fact Check: No, Liberals, a New Study Doesn't Prove the IRS Targeting Scandal Was a Right-Wing 'Myth'
Every word out of your mouth is a fucking lie.

The Debunked IRS Targeting Scandal Shows There Is No Sane Wing of the GOP

Last night supplied the latest and probably final proof that the entire scandal was a fever dream. The Obama administration didn’t use the agency to target its opponents; indeed, as we now know conclusively, the IRS did not target conservatives at all. The sorry episode reveals a great deal about Washington but nothing whatsoever about a liberal bureaucratic plot.

The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration reviewed a decade of IRS handling of political organizations. It found that scores of liberal groups were subject to the same heavy scrutiny that conservative groups faced. This merely certified what had been perfectly clear all along. Within months of the “targeting scandal” breaking, evidence was already available to show that the IRS was giving political activists on the left the same treatment as those on the right. (The New York Times reported on this as early as June 2013.) Subsequent hearings turned up no evidence Obama had ordered the IRS to target conservatives because the IRS did not in fact target conservatives. The fact some conservatives had a hard time dealing with the IRS did not prove the IRS is targeting conservatives any more than some conservatives having a hard time renewing their driver’s licenses would prove the DMV is targeting conservatives.
Yeah it was President "Deep State" Obama who whispered into Lois Lerner's ears on how to pull her list of applicants to verify.
It was proved in the investigation that Cummings - who tried to kill the investigation before it was revealed HE was involved - provided the IRS - Lerner and her department - with extremely specific and un-necessary prying questions he wanted to be used in the IRS' scrutiny of Conservative groups. It was revealed the IRS used Cummings' questions almost completely word-for-word ... and these questions were not asked of non-Conservatives.

The DNC - to include Lerner, Koskinen, Cummings, and Obama - was busted using the IRS as a political weapon - ONLY THE SECOND US PRESIDENT TO DO SO, THE OTHER ONE BEING CLINTON. The IRS even admitted it.

Snowflakes keep their heads up their asses while lying, denying, & justifying.

Members of Congress from both sides of the isle call on the IRS to look into things from the other side all the time. That had nothing to do with the selection criteria Lerner used to select which Applications to verify. Try again.
Nice how you lie. "Looking into things" is nowhere near the same thing as using them as an attack force which is exactly what jughead did.
Sorry, again, I have already repeatedly posted the link to where Lois Lerner herself apologized to media reporters for her department 'unfairly targeting Conservative groups'. No idiot saying 'uh-uh' on the USM Board changes the fact that Lerner admitted her department targeted Conservatives.
That had nothing to do with the selection criteria Lerner used to select which Applications to verify. Try again.
Bullshit - again, the questions Cummings submitted to the IRS were almost used verbatim...

Cummings misled / lied about his involvement in the scandal:

New IRS E-mails: Lois Lerner Funneled Elijah Cummings Info on Targeted Conservative Group - United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

You admit the group was political in its nature. Why would it be eligible for non-political status.
You admit the group was political in its nature.
I admitted no such thing, liar. You repeatedly attempt this tactic of lying, declaring what I supposedly said when it is never true. You continue to demonstrate you have ZERO credibility.

You should try sticking to declaring what you think because you suck at trying to speak for me.
Cummings should have been kicked off the Committee investigating the IRS for lying about his involvement in the scrutiny / targeting of specific groups:

"Cummings denied that his staff, “might have been involved in putting True the Vote on the radar screen of some of these Federal agencies” at a February 6, 2014, Subcommittee hearing"

Evidence later provided show Cummings and his staff brought up True the vote for specific IRS targeting / scrutiny and the IRS followed up on Cummings requests / request.

New IRS E-mails: Lois Lerner Funneled Elijah Cummings Info on Targeted Conservative Group - United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
You admit the group was political in its nature.
I admitted no such thing, liar. You repeatedly attempt this tactic of lying, declaring what I supposedly said when it is never true. You continue to demonstrate you have ZERO credibility.

You should try sticking to declaring what you think because you suck at trying to speak for me.
OK, were the Tea Party groups political or not?

Don't fuck this up!
Poor, poor Conservative Snowflakes

IRS is picking on them
OK, were the Tea Party groups political or not?
Again, Lois Lerner admitted her department targeted Conservative groups. Any group that had the word 'Patriot' in the name was flagged. The word 'Patriot' has no political leaning to it, yet it was being used by Conservative groups and thus were subjected to what Lerner called 'unfair scrutiny'.

It has already been proven that Elijah Cummings directed the IRS to target True The vote, which Cummings initially lied about.

The TEA Party groups were not the only ones to be targeted, and to say they all were is a lie.
Sorry, again, I have already repeatedly posted the link to where Lois Lerner herself apologized to media reporters for her department 'unfairly targeting Conservative groups'. No idiot saying 'uh-uh' on the USM Board changes the fact that Lerner admitted her department targeted Conservatives.

Why don't you link to her full statement?
Sorry, again, I have already repeatedly posted the link to where Lois Lerner herself apologized to media reporters for her department 'unfairly targeting Conservative groups'. No idiot saying 'uh-uh' on the USM Board changes the fact that Lerner admitted her department targeted Conservatives.

Why don't you link to her full statement?
why don't you link to her full statement. Oh yeah, you're the one who plays dumb and asks for the link to all of this every few weeks. :p
You admit the group was political in its nature.
I admitted no such thing, liar. You repeatedly attempt this tactic of lying, declaring what I supposedly said when it is never true. You continue to demonstrate you have ZERO credibility.

You should try sticking to declaring what you think because you suck at trying to speak for me.

You refer them directly and repeatedly as CONSERVATIVE groups.

Now you want us to believe you were using the word 'conservative' in a non-political manner?

Are you concussed?
You refer them directly and repeatedly as CONSERVATIVE groups.
Yes, I did refer to them as 'Conservative groups because that is the term Lerner used when she apologized fro her department unfairly targeting them. Are you having trouble following along? Do I need to type slower for you ? :p
OK, were the Tea Party groups political or not?
Again, Lois Lerner admitted her department targeted Conservative groups. Any group that had the word 'Patriot' in the name was flagged. The word 'Patriot' has no political leaning to it, yet it was being used by Conservative groups and thus were subjected to what Lerner called 'unfair scrutiny'.

It has already been proven that Elijah Cummings directed the IRS to target True The vote, which Cummings initially lied about.

The TEA Party groups were not the only ones to be targeted, and to say they all were is a lie.

The new report found that the I.R.S. was also inappropriately targeting progressive-leaning groups. While the investigation does not specify the political affiliations of the groups, names that were flagged included the words “Progressive,” “Occupy,” “Green Energy,” and Acorn — the acronym for the now defunct Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now.

In Targeting Political Groups, I.R.S. Crossed Party Lines
Wow, do you think using such bold letters is going to erase the fact that Lois Lerner admitted to unfairly targeting Conservative groups, that her department worked closely with Elijah Cummings to single out Conservative-leaning groups and to put them through intense 'un-necessary' scrutiny, that it will erase the fact that Cummings LIED about his involvement in the IRS targeting?

Yeah, good luck with that, snowflake. Bwuhahaha....
Wow, do you think using such bold letters is going to erase the fact that Lois Lerner admitted to unfairly targeting Conservative groups, that her department worked closely with Elijah Cummings to single out Conservative-leaning groups and to put them through intense 'un-necessary' scrutiny, that it will erase the fact that Cummings LIED about his involvement in the IRS targeting?

Yeah, good luck with that, snowflake. Bwuhahaha....

The bold faced letters prove YOU lied, as usual.
The bold faced letters prove YOU lied, as usual.
The bold letters show you are jerking off at the keyboard again with your eyes closed while repeating the same ol' snowflake mantra that gets you off. ...
Wow, do you think using such bold letters is going to erase the fact that Lois Lerner admitted to unfairly targeting Conservative groups, that her department worked closely with Elijah Cummings to single out Conservative-leaning groups and to put them through intense 'un-necessary' scrutiny, that it will erase the fact that Cummings LIED about his involvement in the IRS targeting?

Yeah, good luck with that, snowflake. Bwuhahaha....
She didn't admit that it was "unfair". Every word out of your mouth is a fucking lie.
She didn't admit that it was "unfair". [/QUOTE]
It's right out of the link I provided, you liar.

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