FACT CHECK: IRS DID Target Conservatives

Where did you run off to, easyt65?
Where did you run off to, easyt65?
I'm sorry, unlike you, I have a life. Now that I am back it's time to shut your pie hole:

"On May 10, 2013, then-Director of the IRS’s Exempt Organizations (“EO”) Division, Lois Lerner, publicly admitted that the IRS used a method of centralization for certain organizations based on their names, such as “Tea Party” or “Patriots.” As Lerner stated, “That was wrong, that was absolutely incorrect, it was insensitive, and it was inappropriate.” Lerner also apologizedfor the delay in processing many of those applications. Finally, Lerner acknowledged that the IRS requested information from those applicants that was too broad, unnecessary, and inappropriate, including requests for the names of contributors to those organizations, which, even if relevant in some circumstances, were not here. (Emphasis added)


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