Fact check: Trump says Mexican government 'forces many bad people into our country'

A Perez

Gold Member
Jan 26, 2015
The independent factchecking website politifact.com rates the claim as follows:

It is noted that these individuals cross the border because they want to.
Donald Trump says Mexican government forces many bad people into our country PolitiFact
He's right about the drug cartels and the people working for them. And it's not just Mexico. It's South America and Canada.
There are many ways to force people to do things other than direct force, and why is the Mexican government providing material to aid illegals in violating US law?

Mexican immigrants hoping to cross the Mexico-U.S. border can use an illustrated guide to help them break U.S. immigration laws (search) and live in the United States illegally.

The 32-page booklet, free with popular comic books and advertised at bus stations and government offices south of the border, comes courtesy of the Mexican government.

"This is a bad idea because it encourages more people to come," said Rick Oltman of the Federation for American Immigration Reform. "Now they have the added incentive of the Mexican government telling them how to survive the trip."

Mexico Provides Guide to Illegal Immigration Fox News

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