Fact or Fiction: Obama Administration Proposes 2,300-Page "New Constitution"

Listen, I know that the failure and flop of the Bush Presidency's domestic and foreign polices, followed by the election and reelection of a liberal Democrat, was a huge blow to the mental stability of many conservatives. After decades of partial power in DC, the GOP finally had both Congressional houses and the White House in 2001. But 2007, things were n't going well. The Dems took back Congress, GOP Congressmen were going to prison, the Iraq War was a failed, blood soaked and unpopular flop, and conservatives had no one to blame but themselves. The GOP dominance didn't even last one decade. That's how incompetent and ill-prepared conservatives are.

But do you really have to compound your irrational anger at your self-created problems by engaging in these kinds of crazy threads? threads like this only convince me of widespread conservative insanity.

Wait a minute- With all that self proclaimed success of the Democratic party, how come Uncle Ben is still printing 85 BILLION a month and the economy is still in the crapper?

Man, How far will this dictator try to go. He best not try to go this far.. Best not....


Obama Administration Proposes 2,300-Page ?New Constitution? | InvestmentWatch

by Charles Hugh-Smith

The U.S. Constitution leaves too many areas open to interpretation; a New Constituion of 2,300 pages (+ 200 redacted secret pages) is the solution.

The Obama Administration has proposed replacing the current U.S. Constitution (4,543 words, including the signatures with a 2,300-page “new Constitution” that in the words of an administration spokesperson, “clears up the gray areas in the current Constitution.”

The proposal was launched after the success of two recent 1,000+ page pieces of legislation, the Affordable Care Act and the Dodd-Frank financial reform act.

An additional 200+ pages of the “new Constitution” are redacted due to the sensitive nature of the National Security-related amendments.

Lobbyists from key industries were invited to contribute amendments to the new Constitution;” constitutional legal experts were also invited to submit improvements to the current law of the land.

Some critics who have reviewed the 2,300 pages of the proposed “new Constitution” have stated that the document is impenetrable even to those with law degrees. Average citizens “will be unable to understand the laws that govern their lives.”

Other observers note that the complexity and length of legislation such as the Affordable Care Act and the Dodd-Frank financial reform act are already beyond the comprehension of all but a handful of experts.

An administration spokesperson defended the proposed re-write on the grounds that “the new Constitution will provide the clarity that people want in their Constitution.”

You starting a thread about Obama? It's has to be fiction.
Fact or Fiction aside, this Admin. is hell bent on turning this once great country into a dictatorship and the "captain" is none other than that illegal alien muslime mulatto son-of-a-bitch..., Mr. Despot Hussein O'fucktard :up:

Grow the fuck up.

That crap is not helping...and makes you look silly.

President Obama is a progressive. This country was built on the ideology of conservatism. Progressive ideology may be "good" in many ways, but it will eliminate what makes America an exceptional and highly desired country.

We don't need government to force us to help our own. We will always help those that need help. An excellent example is Fisher House. Our own need help, we are there to help. Our own don't NEED help, but just WANT it because it is easy for them, let them flounder.

Government cannot discern between the two.

Thus why President Obama, in my eyes, is not good for this Nation.

was this message meant for me Mr. Liarberal ? if yes.., picture me laffing (sic) my ass off in your face. :lmao:
Who is defending a hypothesis? Do you even know what a hypothesis is?

What we are doing here is mocking you for your predictable gullibility. Dummies like you will believe anything you are told....and especially if you see it in a headline somewhere.

The best part....you dummies don't get embarrassed by this shit. You have no filter. You are so stupid that you don't know how you are perceived by others.

Defending a hypothesis? Whooooooooosh!

So, you are saying the topic of discussion from the author and link provided has been proven to be not true?


Oh, BTW- I don't care about 'others'


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hfYJsQAhl0]Billy Madison - Ultimate Insult (Academic Decathlon)[Forum Weapon][How To Troll][Ignorance Is Bliss] - YouTube[/ame]

Listen, I know that the failure and flop of the Bush Presidency's domestic and foreign polices, followed by the election and reelection of a liberal Democrat, was a huge blow to the mental stability of many conservatives. After decades of partial power in DC, the GOP finally had both Congressional houses and the White House in 2001. But 2007, things were n't going well. The Dems took back Congress, GOP Congressmen were going to prison, the Iraq War was a failed, blood soaked and unpopular flop, and conservatives had no one to blame but themselves. The GOP dominance didn't even last one decade. That's how incompetent and ill-prepared conservatives are.

But do you really have to compound your irrational anger at your self-created problems by engaging in these kinds of crazy threads? threads like this only convince me of widespread conservative insanity.

Wait a minute- With all that self proclaimed success of the Democratic party, how come Uncle Ben is still printing 85 BILLION a month and the economy is still in the crapper?


Because the Bush Recession was SO BAD that it would take years to come back from it. If the stimulus were bigger, and QE2 bigger, we may be out back to where we were during the booming Clinton years.
Listen, I know that the failure and flop of the Bush Presidency's domestic and foreign polices, followed by the election and reelection of a liberal Democrat, was a huge blow to the mental stability of many conservatives. After decades of partial power in DC, the GOP finally had both Congressional houses and the White House in 2001. But 2007, things were n't going well. The Dems took back Congress, GOP Congressmen were going to prison, the Iraq War was a failed, blood soaked and unpopular flop, and conservatives had no one to blame but themselves. The GOP dominance didn't even last one decade. That's how incompetent and ill-prepared conservatives are.

But do you really have to compound your irrational anger at your self-created problems by engaging in these kinds of crazy threads? threads like this only convince me of widespread conservative insanity.

Wait a minute- With all that self proclaimed success of the Democratic party, how come Uncle Ben is still printing 85 BILLION a month and the economy is still in the crapper?


Because the Bush Recession was SO BAD that it would take years to come back from it. If the stimulus were bigger, and QE2 bigger, we may be out back to where we were during the booming Clinton years.


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