FactCheck.org funded By Big Pharma, operated by former CDC Director

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
But I think we all knew that already. Right? Heh heh.

Also run by former CDC Director.

Yeah. No conflicts of interest there. Right?

Video Report - Facebook is in BIG TROUBLE

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Democrat corruption and dishonesty?

Must be a day ending in Y.
I remember back when this whole thing started, I specifically mentioned the economic aspect to prolonging it aswell as driving the fear porn.

Yet it's never been discussed here since, predictably. We live in such a red/blue or D/R world unfortunately.

It's probably about that time.
Good thing you have anonymous internet scumbags to give you the real story.

Actually, what I would say to you is that it's a good thing for you that you have entities with a vested interest censoring the real story.

OP speaks for itself.

All you have to do is verify. The truth is right there in black and white if you're interested in it. It's a choice on your part.

Whether you are or are not does not affect my day in any way.
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Always follow the money. Not just with this particular "fact check" site, but with ALL of them. Anyone who trusts them without looking into who is behind those sites is extremely naïve.
Always follow the money. Not just with this particular "fact check" site, but with ALL of them. Anyone who trusts them without looking into who is behind those sites is extremely naïve.
It's what should have happened when this whole things started.

It's the only way to truly understand what it's all about. What it's always been about.

It's my view that the entire covid agenda was always a 'look the other way' while we capitalize on all of these sloshing dividends scenario. Decades worth.

Never before in the history of man has so much currency been inserted out of thin air than was done beteen 2016 and now.

We're dealing with sick, twisted, deranged people at the highest levels of government. And they're all on the same team, regardless of the illusion they portray that they are not.
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It's what should have happened when this whole things started.

It's the only way to truly understand what it's all about. What it's always been about.

It's my view that the entire covid agenda was always a 'look the other way' while we capitalize on all of these sloshing dividends scenario.

We're dealin with sick, twisted, deranged people at the highest levels of government.

Yeah, that and MORE, in my view. They're milking this thing for all it's worth. It's about control, profit and most importantly bringing about new systems that aren't good for anyone except the criminals at the highest levels. Yet another example of Problem – Reaction – Solution. As always, they need a "crisis" and fear among the public to be able to do whatever they want to do.

Heck, just listen to them, people!

(and while you're at it, look at the thumbs up to thumbs down ratio on this video) :71:

Yeah, that and MORE, in my view. They're milking this thing for all it's worth. It's about control, profit and most importantly bringing about new systems that aren't good for anyone except the criminals at the highest levels. Yet another example of Problem – Reaction – Solution. As always, they need a "crisis" and fear among the public to be able to do whatever they want to do.

Heck, just listen to them, people!

(and while you're at it, look at the thumbs up to thumbs down ratio on this video) :71:

The way that they say 'the'

Zee great reset..

Heh heh.

Placing that aside, the Founders would have been slitting throats by now.
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These "fact check" organizations are part of the Democrat Cult.
They have to hide the truth because the truth will destroy them.

They banned the single most qualified' mRNA expert in the world.

The man who invented the mRNA technology used in some of these so-called coronavirus vaccines.

Why? Because he spoke out about his concerns with regard to them.

If that doesn't say it all, I don't know what does.

Ah well.

I suppose that if society isn't going to be permitted to actually use the wonders of technology in a modern, applicable way, at least we get some new emojis out of it all.

Think I saw a new tranny flag/symbol emoji and a new emoji in the form of a guy with a 1970s style mustache wearing a wedding dress and holding a flower bouquet in the lastest iphone update.

Think they're gonna be releasing a pregnant feller emoji in the next update.

How dude...
Why is this in the Stock Market forum? This forum is for dishonest shills and gambling addicts to brag about their winnings in The Big Casino.
Why is this in the Stock Market forum? This forum is for dishonest shills and gambling addicts to brag about their winnings in The Big Casino.
Cause Pfizer made 8 billion already on the fake vax that doesn't really work ...doesn't have to! its in thier contract with the US government
Thier stock price is up
Moderna and Pfizer now get to up the price in the EU ....job well done I guess .....on bizzaro world
They are upping thier price for vax and boosters to 23.50 and 25.00 a jab

They were already getting 19.50 a jab in the USA ...dont know if they get to hike the price here ...I'd imagine probably yes

A generic ivermectin treatment 20 something bucks
I paid 48 for the name brand...no 14 year old needed to die of Pfizer, Moderna, heart failure
They banned the single most qualified' mRNA expert in the world.

The man who invented the mRNA technology used in some of these so-called coronavirus vaccines.

Why? Because he spoke out about his concerns with regard to them.

If that doesn't say it all, I don't know what does.

Not only after they banned him they smeared him

I posted the video they went nuts over ....he even took the vax himself
Cause Pfizer made 8 billion already on the fake vax that doesn't really work ...doesn't have to! its in thier contract with the US government
Thier stock price is up
Moderna and Pfizer now get to up the price in the EU ....job well done I guess .....on bizzaro world
They are upping thier price for vax and boosters to 23.50 and 25.00 a jab

They were already getting 19.50 a jab in the USA ...dont know if they get to hike the price here ...I'd imagine probably yes

A generic ivermectin treatment 20 something bucks
I paid 48 for the name brand...no 14 year old needed to die of Pfizer, Moderna, heart failure

Ah, so it belongs in the conspiracy theory forum. I thought so too.

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