Factory construction booming under Joe!

Nope. As your 'explanation' isn't backed with any data, just you citing yourself.

And you aren't good enough.

Your argument is a disjointed mess. You blame Joe Biden for WORLD WIDE inflation. You insist that Joe Biden's 'war on oil' caused inflation, when our oil output is essentially identical to what it was before covid.

All while ignoring the lowest unemployment rates since May of 1969, lower than any number Trump ever managed in his entire presidency......TWICE, this year alone.

That'll all irrational.
No. I do not care about inflation in France or Germany. We can produce our own energy so we can lower the price of aforementioned energy. And hence lower food and travel costs. Biden declared was on fossil fuels likely cause he is a fossil and voila. 17% increase since he took office. He is a joke and is now lagging Trump in the polls. You’re a true Biden apologist. You refuse to admit he did anything bad.
Says who?

The oil doesn't magically go from the US ground to the refineries in the US for free. It has to be transported here too. And most of the refineries are on the coast, while most of the shale oil is far from the coast.

Ship is by far a cheaper method of transporting the oil.

And the oil being transported from overseas is cheaper to refine. So its doubly cost effective. Which is why oil companies do it.

They know more than you.
Well transporting locally is easier and faster than by boats from KSA
No. I do not care about inflation in France or Germany.

You should if you're looking for the actual cause of inflation. Because it happened there at the exact same time it happened here: as COVID lockdowns were being eased.

We saw the world economy heating up so fast, that it sparked inflation around the globe.

Which, irrationally, you blame Joe Biden for personally.
We can produce our own energy so we can lower the price of aforementioned energy. And hence lower food and travel costs. Biden declared was on fossil fuels likely cause he is a fossil and voila. 17% increase since he took office. He is a joke and is now lagging Trump in the polls. You’re a true Biden apologist. You refuse to admit he did anything bad.

Again, we sell our oil on the open markets. We export it if its cost effective to do so. We import it if its cost effective to do so.

And its much more cost effective to import light sweet crude because 1) Its cheaper to transport it to refineries by ship 2) light sweet crude is cheaper to refine that sludgy shale.

Again, follow the money. Your insistence on what we 'should' do is routinely ignored by oil companies because you have no idea what you're talking about.
You should if you're looking for the actual cause of inflation. Because it happened there at the exact same time it happened here: as COVID lockdowns were being eased.

We saw the world economy heating up so fast, that it sparked inflation around the globe.

Which, irrationally, you blame Joe Biden for personally.

Again, we sell our oil on the open markets. We export it if its cost effective to do so. We import it if its cost effective to do so.

And its much more cost effective to import light sweet crude because 1) Its cheaper to transport it to refineries by ship 2) light sweet crude is cheaper to refine that sludgy shale.

Again, follow the money. Your insistence on what we 'should' do is routinely ignored by oil companies because you have no idea what you're talking about.
If Biden said he is easing regulations, allowing oil companies to invest in refining, fracking, transport, etc the market would jump 1000 points and costs would decline rapidly. He won’t. And you refuse to say anything negative about Biden? Why?

Not very objective

If Biden said he is easing regulations, allowing oil companies to invest in refining, fracking, transport, etc the market would jump 1000 points and costs would decline rapidly. He won’t. And you refuse to say anything negative about Biden? Why?

Not very objective


Again, if regulation in the US is the cause of inflation....then why did inflation happen at the exact time in France and Germany, and across the world? Those regulations weren't applied around the world.

Yet inflation occurred in nations across the globe as covid restrictions dropped.

You summarily ignoring global inflation doesn't make your argument any less profoundly broken. As your 'cause' wouldn't apply to any other nation. And thus, there would be no inflation save where your 'cause' was applied if an actual causal relationship existed.

But inflation happened across the globe. So you just ignore it. That's irrational.

Nor have you ever factually established that oil regulations are the cause of inflation.
You simply said it was so. And you citing you isn't evidence. Its a baseless opinion.

All while ignoring the stellar drops in unemployment rates to their lowest level since 1969. All under Biden. Which you ignore for no reason.
Again, if regulation in the US is the cause of inflation....then why did inflation happen at the exact time in France and Germany, and across the world? Those regulations weren't applied around the world.

Yet inflation occurred in nations across the globe as covid restrictions dropped.

You summarily ignoring global inflation doesn't make your argument any less profoundly broken. As your 'cause' wouldn't apply to any other nation. And thus, there would be no inflation save where your 'cause' was applied if an actual causal relationship existed.

But inflation happened across the globe. So you just ignore it. That's irrational.

Nor have you ever factually established that oil regulations are the cause of inflation.
You simply said it was so. And you citing you isn't evidence. Its a baseless opinion.

All while ignoring the stellar drops in unemployment rates to their lowest level since 1969. All under Biden.
we are going in circles. You’re a dishonest debater and refuse to answer my question. What’s the point of continuing this? 🤷‍♂️

we are going in circles. You’re a dishonest debater and refuse to answer my question. What’s the point of continuing this? 🤷‍♂️

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No, we're not. Your argument is just garbage. Nor have you factually established ANY causation between 'new oil regulations' and the entirity of the inflation spike. You simply say it must be so...because you said so.

That's irrational. Worse, your argument can't hold up to an even trivial review of its logic.

If 'new oil regulations' were the cause of inflation, then there would be no inflation where there were no new oil regulations.

This is simple logic. And yet we saw inflation across the globe, all at the same time: when covid restrictions were lifted. Even when there were no new oil regulations.

How do you reconcile the truck sized hole in your logic? You just pretend there was no world wide inflationary spike across the globe at the same time.

And that's irrational. There was. In France. In Germany. In nations across the planet. And any reasonable, fact based assessment of the cause of inflation would have to reconcile that.

You can't.
No, we're not. Your argument is just garbage. Nor have you factually established ANY causation between 'new oil regulations' and the entirity of the inflation spike. You simply say it must be so...because you said so.

That's irrational. Worse, your argument can't hold up to an even trivial review of its logic.

If 'new oil regulations' were the cause of inflation, then there would be no inflation where there were no new oil regulations.

This is simple logic. And yet we saw inflation across the globe, all at the same time: when covid restrictions were lifted. Even when there were no new oil regulations.

How do you reconcile the truck sized hole in your logic? You just pretend there was no world wide inflationary spike across the globe at the same time.

And that's irrational. There was. In France. In Germany. In nations across the planet. And any reasonable, fact based assessment of the cause of inflation would have to reconcile that.

You can't.
Already explained, oil prices are based on futures. If Biden didn’t declare war on fossil fuels then inflation would not be where it is today. You refuse to blame Biden for ANYTHING! You also dishonestly stated he was responsible for low unemployment when it was just people going back to work and retiring. 🤷‍♂️

You’re a dishonest person and a poor debater. It’s OK

Let me ask you this. What in your opinion are the three primary causes for inflation in the US? Give me your opinion
Already explained, oil prices are based on futures.

You haven't 'explained' a thing. You've simply offered a baseless opinion that you insist must be true because you said it.

That's not evidence. That's no an explanation. That's just you making shit up, backed by nothing.

If Biden didn’t declare war on fossil fuels then inflation would not be where it is today.

Says who? Again, the inflationary spike was *world wide*. It didn't just happen here. If "Biden's 'war on fossil fuels' was the cause of inflation, then why was there inflation in parts of the world without 'Biden's War on Fossil Fuels'?

You have no explanation for this truck sized hole in your reasoning. You just pretend that the global inflationary spike that happened around the world as Covid restrictions were lifted.........didn't happen. Or ignore it entirely.

That's not a rational argument. Your 'cause' for inflation is demonstrably wrong, as the 'effect' of inflation happened even where your cause didn't exist.

You refuse to blame Biden for ANYTHING! You also dishonestly stated he was responsible for low unemployment when it was just people going back to work and retiring. 🤷‍♂️

You’re a dishonest person and a poor debater. It’s OK

Let me ask you this. What in your opinion are the three primary causes for inflation in the US? Give me your opinion

Dismissing your baseless opinion as fact is hardly 'dishonest'. Pointing out the enormous failures of your argument is hardly 'dishonest'.

What's dishonest and a demonstration of poor debating is trying to slander me.....because your argument is hot garbage.

As the effect of inflation exists even when your 'cause' doesn't.
You haven't 'explained' a thing. You've simply offered a baseless opinion that you insist must be true because you said it.

That's not evidence. That's no an explanation. That's just you making shit up, backed by nothing.

Says who? Again, the inflationary spike was *world wide*. It didn't just happen here. If "Biden's 'war on fossil fuels' was the cause of inflation, then why was there inflation in parts of the world without 'Biden's War on Fossil Fuels'?

You have no explanation for this truck sized hole in your reasoning. You just pretend that the global inflationary spike that happened around the world as Covid restrictions were lifted.........didn't happen. Or ignore it entirely.

That's not a rational argument. Your 'cause' for inflation is demonstrably wrong, as the 'effect' of inflation happened even where your cause didn't exist.

Dismissing your baseless opinion as fact is hardly 'dishonest'. Pointing out the enormous failures of your argument is hardly 'dishonest'.

What's dishonest and a demonstration of poor debating is trying to slander me.....because your argument is hot garbage.

As the effect of inflation exists even when your 'cause' doesn't.
You didn’t answer anything. Dismissed

Let me know when you learn to read and can actually answer questions.
You didn’t answer anything. Dismissed

Let me know when you learn to read and can actually answer questions.
Your concession is acccepted with all the grace and patience it deserves.

Let me know if you ever manage to incorporate the world wide inflationary spike at the end of covid restrictions into your theory of why there was a sharp increase in inflation in 2021 and 2022.

I won't hold my breath.
Your concession is acccepted with all the grace and patience it deserves.

Let me know if you ever manage to incorporate the world wide inflationary spike at the end of covid restrictions into your theory of why there was a sharp increase in inflation in 2021 and 2022.

I won't hold my breath.
Already explained. I asked You why YOU think we have inflation and what the primary causes are. You passed. I asked You if there isn’t anything about Biden you were critical of. You passed.

You have not answered one question.

I accept Your surrender.
Already explained.
You already offered me a baseless opinion backed by jack shit.

That's neither evidence nor an explanation. None of your sources say what you do.

Worse, your 'explanation' is irrational nonsense. If 'Biden's war on fossil fuels' is the cause of inflation, how do you explain the world wide inflation all happening at the exact same time around the globe with the lifting of covid restrictions......almost never with 'Biden's war on fossil fuels'?

You can't. So you ignore it. You have no explanation for why your 'effect' happened almost universally at the same time without your 'cause'.

If you ever manage to rationally address this huge and irreconcilable hole in your argument, I'll be around.

But I'm not going to hold my breath.
You already offered me a baseless opinion backed by jack shit.

That's neither evidence nor an explanation. None of your sources say what you do.

Worse, your 'explanation' is irrational nonsense. If 'Biden's war on fossil fuels' is the cause of inflation, how do you explain the world wide inflation all happening at the exact same time around the globe with the lifting of covid restrictions......almost never with 'Biden's war on fossil fuels'?

You can't. So you ignore it. You have no explanation for why your 'cause' happened almost universally at the same time without your 'cause'.

If you ever manage to rationally address this huge and irreconcilable hole in your argument, I'll be around.

But I'm not going to hold my breath.
I have explained it many times. Unlike the European countries we can produce our own energy. Cheaper energy. Cheaper food. Cheaper travel. Cheaper living. Instead on average Americans are paying about $700 more per month due to Biden and his war on fossil fuels. Should I type this in a different language? 🤷‍♂️

Oh and you still didn’t answer my questions
Factory construction is booming in the US as the stimulus money in the CHIPS act is being allocated to bring manufacturing back home from China. The numbers are impressive.

Thanks Joe!

The U.S. is building factories at a wildly fast rate (msn.com)

According to data from the Census Bureaureleased last week, construction spending by U.S. manufacturers more than doubled over the past year. For April 2023, the annual rate reached nearly $190 billion compared with $90 billion in June 2022, with manufacturing accounting for around 13% of non-government construction. The US government has offered billions of dollars in subsidies for the production of electric vehicles and solar panels to compete with countries such as China and to fortify US leadership in sectors including clean energy. According to the World Bank, China makes up around 30% of global value added from manufacturing, about double the U.S. Over the last few decades, Asia has taken up a greater share of global factory manufacturing.

Factories are being constructed everywhere from deserts to resort towns as the U.S. tries to bring back manufacturing of goods commonly imported from lower-cost countries. Many battery and electric vehicle factories have popped up in the Rust Belt, while solar panel and renewable energy factories now span much of the South and Southeast.

The U.S. has added around 800,000 jobs in manufacturing employment over the past two years, employing around 13 million workers per the May Bureau of Labor Statistics jobs report. However, according to the National Association of Manufacturers, the manufacturing skills gap — caused by the labor market's struggle to find workers with highly technical and manual expertise — could lead to 2.1 million unfilled jobs by 2030.

Manufacturing, though, has accelerated its move back to the US from other countries over the past year. According to Kearney's 2022 Reshoring Index, 96% of American companies have shifted production to the US or are evaluating reshoring operations — a spike from 78% in the 2021 index. The sudden rise in factory construction corresponds with passage of the CHIPS and Science Act in July 2022, which provided $280 billion in funding to boost manufacturing of semiconductors, as well as the Inflation Reduction Act in August 2022. The IRA has sought to create new jobs in manufacturing, construction, and renewable energy, estimated to create up to 1.5 million jobs by 2030
Indeed it is!

I have explained it many times. Unlike the European countries we can produce our own energy. Cheaper energy. Cheaper food. Cheaper travel. Cheaper living. Instead on average Americans are paying about $700 more per month due to Biden and his war on fossil fuels. Should I type this in a different language? 🤷‍♂️

Oh and you still didn’t answer my questions

You have offered a baseless opinion backed by jackshit. That is not an explanation. You have never established causation between 'Joe Biden's war on fossil fuels' and the inflationary spike. You just say it must be so.

That's meaningless.

And when faced with a theory killing hole in your own logic.....you ran. If Joe Biden's war on fossil fuels was the cause of inflation, then how do you explain the 'effect' of inflation around the world at the exact same time....

......despite the near universal lack of your imagined 'cause'?

You can't. You ran. You conceded.

If you ever muster the courage to try and shore up your baseless and shattered claims, I'm right here.
And our rate of oil production is essentially unchanged since before COVID.

Inflation spikes in end of 2021/first half of 2022 happened around the world. Not just here. All at the same time, with the end of COVID lockdowns.

Yet you blame Joe Biden personally for a world wide inflation spike?

That's irrational. What does Joe Biden have to do with high inflation in France?
President Biden had an effect on inflation worldwide when he reversed all the policies President Trump put in place that were keeping our energy prices down.


You do know that President Biden himself said he shouldn't have named it the Inflation Reduction Act, don't you?
And it shot up across the world as the COVID lockdown ended in 2021.

All at the same time.

Either you're blaiming Joe Biden for inflation in France.....or you're ignoring that inflation is a world wide issue that kicked with the end of COVID.
Yes, inflation occurred in France too. Are you also aware it was at about half the rate in the States?

Inflation in the United States

Inflation as measured by the consumer price index reflects the annual percentage change in the cost to the average consumer of acquiring a basket of goods and services that may be fixed or changed at specified intervals, such as yearly. The Laspeyres formula is generally used.
  • U.S. inflation rate for 2022 was 8.00%, a 3.3% increase from 2021.
  • U.S. inflation rate for 2021 was 4.70%, a 3.46% increase from 2020.
  • U.S. inflation rate for 2020 was 1.23%, a 0.58% decline from 2019.
  • U.S. inflation rate for 2019 was 1.81%, a 0.63% decline from 2018.

Inflation rate in France

Inflation as measured by the consumer price index reflects the annual percentage change in the cost to the average consumer of acquiring a basket of goods and services that may be fixed or changed at specified intervals, such as yearly. The Laspeyres formula is generally used.
  • France inflation rate for 2022 was 5.22%, a 3.58% increase from 2021.
  • France inflation rate for 2021 was 1.64%, a 1.17% increase from 2020.
  • France inflation rate for 2020 was 0.48%, a 0.63% decline from 2019.
  • France inflation rate for 2019 was 1.11%, a 0.74% decline from 2018.

What say you Skylar?
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