Factory construction booming under Joe!

France also has inflation. Which predictably spiked at the *exact* same time as everyone else, including the US: when we came out of COVID lockdowns.

So you're blaming BIden for inflation that spiked in countries all over the world when we came out of COVID lockdowns.......

....but not for the accompanying decreases in the unemployment rate that happened when we came out of COVID lockdowns.

Logically, he'd be responsible for both or neither. Yet, you're blaming Biden for the bad. But Covid for the good.

That's irrational.
Biden was handed low gas and energy prices, and screwed it up.
Biden was handed low inflation, and screwed it up.
Biden was handed a secure border, and he screwed it up.
People going back to the jobs they lost during covid, isn't job creation.
Inflation kicked in France at the *exact* same time it kicked here, at the *exact* same time it kicked around the world: at the end of COVID lockdowns.

Yet you blame Joe Biden for all of it, personally.

All while ignoring the stellar drop in unemployment numbers, hitting the lowest rate this year than we've seen since May of 1969.


Lower than any number Trump ever saw in his entire presidency. With our current unemployment rate only 0.1% off this historic low.
There is no drop in unemployment. People just went back to work or retired. Inflation did not have to kick in here in the US. Why? We can produce our own energy but Biden declared war on oil, coal and gas for his green new deal infatuation. Unemployment will rise. Just wait. This is eerily similar to mid 2008. We all know what happened next. Biden is equally inept to Bush, who I blame for the Great Recession and the endless war in Iraq.
There is no drop in unemployment.

The Department of Labor Statistics says otherwise.

Why would I ignore them and instead believe you? You have no idea what you're talking about.

People just went back to work or retired. Inflation did not have to kick in here in the US. Why? We can produce our own energy but Biden declared war on oil, coal and gas for his green new deal infatuation. Unemployment will rise. Just wait. This is eerily similar to mid 2008. We all know what happened next. Biden is equally inept to Bush, who I blame for the Great Recession and the endless war in Iraq.

And if Biden has 'declared war against Oil, Coal and Gas', why are our monthly oil outputs essentially unchanged from their pre-covid levels, with a difference of barely more than 1%?

Again, you don't know what you're talking about.
Inflation kicked in France at the *exact* same time it kicked here, at the *exact* same time it kicked around the world: at the end of COVID lockdowns.

Yet you blame Joe Biden for all of it, personally.

All while ignoring the stellar drop in unemployment numbers, hitting the lowest rate this year than we've seen since May of 1969.


Lower than any number Trump ever saw in his entire presidency. With our current unemployment rate only 0.1% off this historic low.

You're being irrational.
You really should do at least some of your own research before parroting the talking points fed to you by your leaders.

IF you did, you would know that the Labor Participation Rate was even lower in 1969 than it is today.
The Department of Labor Statistics says otherwise.

Why would I ignore them and instead believe you? You have no idea what you're talking about.

And if Biden has 'declared war against Oil, Coal and Gas', why are our monthly oil outputs essentially unchanged from their pre-covid levels, with a difference of barely more than 1%?

Again, you don't know what you're talking about.
Already explained. The numbers are pre and post COVID. Zero to do with Biden. Oil prices are traded on futures. If I as president declared war on tennis and said I want all tennis clubs closed by 2030, then there would be a lot less if not zero investment in balls, equipment, court maintenance, lessons or clubs. Current equipment and balls would rise in price as fewer would be made. Same with oil. Companies won’t invest in R&D, refineries, production, transportation, etc. when the president and his party literally wants to end all reliance on oil. That has always been the case. And because he did this the KSA is livid as oil is their lifeblood and hence they are producing less. Biden is an idiot savant minus the savant part. Gas price in KSA is about $2 per gallon maybe a little more. We have more oil than the KSA and Iran combined. Yet we are paying over $4. That makes no sense except that Biden utterly sucks. Last year he took half of our reserves to keep prices low during the cold weather months. That works ONCE. Now the buffoon is stuck and families will freeze or starve this winter because of him. Well done Joe.
You really should do at least some of your own research before parroting the talking points fed to you by your leaders.

IF you did, you would know that the Labor Participation Rate was even lower in 1969 than it is today.

Says the poor soul that can't refute a single point I've made.

And of course the labor participation rate in 1969 was lower: women were strongly discouraged from working. It peaked in about 2000 at at rate of around 67% and has been slowly declining since.

Its currently at around 62.7%....around the historic averages for the Trump presidency. And almost exactly the historical average of the last 75 years.
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No. I said We aren’t France. We can produce our own energy. Reread what I said. Comparing the US to countries who rely on others for their energy is silly. So yeah. Since Biden took over the average price of goods and services is up 17%. Why? He is a terrible president and polls reflect just that.
Do you agree that the US needs different "Types" of oil, and some of the oil "types" can't be found on US soil?

True or False?

And if Biden has 'declared war against Oil, Coal and Gas', why are our monthly oil outputs essentially unchanged from their pre-covid levels, with a difference of barely more than 1%?

Again, you don't know what you're talking about.
Interesting that you seem to go out of your way to rebut your own statement. Hey, whatever floats your boat.

You only mention oil being down about 1% which is a huge amount of oil. You also leave out coal and gas, both of which contribute mightily to our ability to be ENERGY independent.

Do you deny that President Biden has declared war on oil, coal, and gas? How does that help our economy?
It’s different but if you adjust the refining it will do the job very well. Problem is we aren’t investing in refining. 🤷‍♂️
Right, and WHOSE fault is that?

From the article.....
Most of the oil produced in the U.S. fields in Texas, Oklahoma, and elsewhere is light and sweet, compared to what comes from the Middle East and Russia. The problem is that for many years, imported oil met most of the U.S.’s energy needs, so a large percentage of the refining capacity here is geared towards dealing with oil that is heavier and less sweet than the kind produced here.

A coordinated, forward-looking energy policy over the last few decades would have targeted that issue through subsidies and incentives. That money has been paid out anyway: it wouldn’t have been hard to use it to make America truly energy independent. However, politicians, it seems, would rather keep a situation where periodic energy crises give them a cudgel with which to beat an incumbent.
Right, and WHOSE fault is that?

From the article.....
Most of the oil produced in the U.S. fields in Texas, Oklahoma, and elsewhere is light and sweet, compared to what comes from the Middle East and Russia. The problem is that for many years, imported oil met most of the U.S.’s energy needs, so a large percentage of the refining capacity here is geared towards dealing with oil that is heavier and less sweet than the kind produced here.

A coordinated, forward-looking energy policy over the last few decades would have targeted that issue through subsidies and incentives. That money has been paid out anyway: it wouldn’t have been hard to use it to make America truly energy independent. However, politicians, it seems, would rather keep a situation where periodic energy crises give them a cudgel with which to beat an incumbent.

He wants to ban fracking

He wants to ban fracking
Did he?
Are we seeing the results?

See, you say something smart, Post #189, then go right back to your comfort zone of....It's Bidens Fault.

So, we are left in a place where the U.S., despite producing more crude than it needs, is dependent on imports. When the country feels it must ban imports from Russia because of an unprovoked attack on an ally, it is forced to go cap in hand to countries such as Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, and Iran to make up the difference. That is not the fault of Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Barack Obama, George W. Bush, or any other individual politician. It is the fault of all of them and of every Congressperson and oil executive who prioritized a partisan lever over reducing America’s dependence on imported oil over the last thirty or forty years.
Says the poor soul that can't refute a single point I've made.

And of course the labor participation rate in 1969 was lower: women were strongly discouraged from working. It peaked in about 2000 at at rate of around 67% and has been slowly declining since.

Its currently at around 62.7%....around the historic averages for the Trump presidency. And almost exactly the historical average of the last 75 years.
Interesting that you seem to go out of your way to rebut your own statement. Hey, whatever floats your boat.

Our rates of production are essentially identical now as they were before COVID.

So how did I refute my own statement?

Laughing...its like watching a dog chase its own tail.

You only mention oil being down about 1% which is a huge amount of oil.

Our oil production routinely swings by a percent from month to month. During COVID its swung by 30%. Our oil production hasn't significantly increased since about 2019.

So much for the 'war on oil'.

Y'all never actually fact checked the nonsense you were told to ape, did you?
Did he?
Are we seeing the results?

See, you say something smart, Post #189, then go right back to your comfort zone of....It's Bidens Fault.

So, we are left in a place where the U.S., despite producing more crude than it needs, is dependent on imports. When the country feels it must ban imports from Russia because of an unprovoked attack on an ally, it is forced to go cap in hand to countries such as Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, and Iran to make up the difference. That is not the fault of Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Barack Obama, George W. Bush, or any other individual politician. It is the fault of all of them and of every Congressperson and oil executive who prioritized a partisan lever over reducing America’s dependence on imported oil over the last thirty or forty years.
Bro, we produce shale not crude. The refining is different and requires fracking but is just as good as crude. Sigh… you must have been the worst teacher of all time

He wants to ban fracking

Fracking is overwhelming about natural gas. Which has very little impact on oil prices. Or our transportation costs. Which is what you blamed for ALL of the inflation bump.

Your argument is all over the place.
Bro, we produce shale not crude. The refining is different and requires fracking but is just as good as crude. Sigh… you must have been the worst teacher of all time

If it costs more to refine, its not 'just as good'. We import oil because light sweet crude is so cheap to refine.

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