Facts About The Ahmaud Arbery Case: Racism? Seems Not.

In California you can be convicted of burglary if you enter the home or premsis of another WITH THE INTENT OF COMMITTING A CRIME. You don't actually have to do anything except enter to be convicted of your intent can be established.
You have any evidence Arbery had an intent to steal something?
"Did we have a picture of Arbery walking off with the property? No. But the only reasonable inference of someone skulking around another person’s home at night, with valuable property found missing the next day, is that the person skulking was plundering that property, and engaged in felony burglary under Georgia law."

I provided that testimony several times:

"Sheffield hit on the important legal and evidentiary points. Felony burglary does not require that any property be actually stolen, for example, so all the State’s talk about Arbery not having stolen property in his possession was completely irrelevant."

The article is quite informative:

Arbery Case Trial: Based On Closing Arguments, Not Guilty Verdicts A Real Possibility

State’s closing argument was very weak. Defense closings very solid, but State has 2-hour rebuttal tomorrow!

I love all the people who know Georgia law better than Attorneys and Judges in Georgia.

Mere Presence does not convey intent. You have to show that they intended to steal something. You have to have some proof of this in Georgia. The presence of Burglary tools as one example. But if you have none of that, then you are left with simple trespass which is what Officer Rush, the cop you love to quote out of context was saying.

Even if he had spoken to Arbery, then he could not have arrested Arbery.

Let’s go ahead and play that game. Let’s say that Arbery had stopped and waited for the cops. The McMichaels would still have been on their way to Prison.

First, the McMichaels had no authority to enforce the no trespassing statute. That is only available by Georgia law to the owner, or the designated representative. English took the legs out of that when he said he had rarely spoken to the McMichaels, and never asked them to keep an eye on the property. Without that, the McMichaels were self appointed vigilantes.

So capturing and holding Arbery would still have been a Felony. Using the weapons would still have been Aggravated Assault. They would have been facing up to ten years in prison for those crimes, when convicted.

The old citizens arrest statute was a Bet your Life move. It is for that fact that I assume that Greg did not shout that Arbery was under arrest, while threatening to blow his fucking head off.

Arbery was not a suspect in the burglaries, the suspect who was caught on camera was a White male, in a vehicle. A vehicle is vital, because one of the things stolen was a Trailer, and it is hard to jog down the road with one of those without someone noticing.

A White Couple was caught on video stealing from the boat. But we’ll blame the Black guy. Because everyone knows Blacks are criminals right?

The racist attitudes of the McMichaels got them into trouble. The self appointed nature of their pursuit insured that they were going to jail, and they put the nails into their own coffins by doing the dumbest thing ever. They relied on the Good Old Boys Network instead of getting a lawyer.
I love all the people who know Georgia law better than Attorneys and Judges in Georgia.

Mere Presence does not convey intent. You have to show that they intended to steal something. You have to have some proof of this in Georgia. The presence of Burglary tools as one example. But if you have none of that, then you are left with simple trespass which is what Officer Rush, the cop you love to quote out of context was saying.

Even if he had spoken to Arbery, then he could not have arrested Arbery.

Let’s go ahead and play that game. Let’s say that Arbery had stopped and waited for the cops. The McMichaels would still have been on their way to Prison.

First, the McMichaels had no authority to enforce the no trespassing statute. That is only available by Georgia law to the owner, or the designated representative. English took the legs out of that when he said he had rarely spoken to the McMichaels, and never asked them to keep an eye on the property. Without that, the McMichaels were self appointed vigilantes.

So capturing and holding Arbery would still have been a Felony. Using the weapons would still have been Aggravated Assault. They would have been facing up to ten years in prison for those crimes, when convicted.

The old citizens arrest statute was a Bet your Life move. It is for that fact that I assume that Greg did not shout that Arbery was under arrest, while threatening to blow his fucking head off.

Arbery was not a suspect in the burglaries, the suspect who was caught on camera was a White male, in a vehicle. A vehicle is vital, because one of the things stolen was a Trailer, and it is hard to jog down the road with one of those without someone noticing.

A White Couple was caught on video stealing from the boat. But we’ll blame the Black guy. Because everyone knows Blacks are criminals right?

The racist attitudes of the McMichaels got them into trouble. The self appointed nature of their pursuit insured that they were going to jail, and they put the nails into their own coffins by doing the dumbest thing ever. They relied on the Good Old Boys Network instead of getting a lawyer.

I just posted the very opposite.
Wait....you forgot to write "no immediate knowledge!!!!"

Learned your lesson?
I have posted the whole law and you chose to ignore it.

In Georgia, the law states that a private person may arrest someone if a crime is committed in his presence or “within his immediate knowledge.”

But if it is a felony, the citizen can stop someone from escaping if the citizen has “reasonable and probable grounds of suspicion.”

There is no evidence Arbery ever took anything or committed any damage at the home, and the owner had maintained before the trial he did not suspect Arbery of taking anything.

"Do you remember anything being taken that night," prosecutors asked English after one of the videos was played.
"No," he said.
"See this gentleman with anything in his hands?"
"Or on his person?"

Conversely, a video was played of a white couple entering onto the property with what appeared to be a bag at one point, and a 911 call following their entrance onto the property featured English saying he thought, "they might be trying to steal" something.

In a second call, he said he thinks the couple is who stole items out of his offshore fishing boat that was on the property. English said in his deposition that about $2,500 of electronic equipment, as well as a Yeti cooler, was taken out of the boat sometime in 2019.

Why didn't Travis and Greg McMichael hunt these folks down?

Have you ever noticed that the 2 always grab their guns and go check something out first and then they call the police afterwards. There is a pattern here.
The defendants were told 'if you see this guy, call the police'.....which seems to fit the Georgia statute for citizen's arrest.
Really ? Even the police can’t arrest someone if they aren’t observed committing a crime, unless they have a warrant. You’re simply making up shit.
In a fair trial, this would be just a clear cut case of self-defense. The video evidence proves conclusively that Arbery charged straight towards the McMichaels from more than 50 yards away and ran straight at Travis. Travis then retreated away from Arbery and took cover on the other side of the truck so that the truck was between himself and Arbery. Then Arbery blitzed around the truck and attacked Travis.

That's all right on video. The video doesn't lie. It was self-defense, period. That's why they were not arrested at the scene. The saw the video and it clearly shows that Abery was the aggressor. They should have never even been charged.

However, they've got an uphill battle.

1) They clearly have a judge who is biased against them. He is not allowing them to be tried separately when they obviously should be. At the very least, Bryan should be tried separately from the McMichaels.

2) They have an all female jury. The anti-white racists are trying to win this case via juror intimidation. And women are more easily intimidated than men. They are also more likely than men to oppose 2nd amendment civil rights.

3) Unlike the Rittenhouse trial where the prosecutor is an idiot, prosecutor Jackie Johnson is smarter than their attorneys. From what I've seen in this trial so far, she is consistently out-smarting their attorneys.
Another case of video the demofks try to reconfigure what is actually on the video! Albert rushed at mcmichael! He grabbed the gun!he hit McMichael with his fists, all caught on tape . Demofks say, nope arbery was cornered with a wide open street in front of him before he attacked across the front of the truck!
Another case of video the demofks try to reconfigure what is actually on the video! Albert rushed at mcmichael! He grabbed the gun!he hit McMichael with his fists, all caught on tape . Demofks say, nope arbery was cornered with a wide open street in front of him before he attacked across the front of the truck!

And the person standing their ground against an assault is authorized by law to do that. And as Travis said during his testimony, he believed that the shotgun would intimidate, frighten Arbery into compliance. That is literally the definition of Aggravated Assault.
In Georgia, the law states that a private person may arrest someone if a crime is committed in his presence or “within his immediate knowledge.”

But if it is a felony, the citizen can stop someone from escaping if the citizen has “reasonable and probable grounds of suspicion.”

There is no evidence Arbery ever took anything or committed any damage at the home, and the owner had maintained before the trial he did not suspect Arbery of taking anything.
There's no evidence that Travis ever arrested or attempted to arrest Arbery in the first place. The prosecutor has conceded that repeatedly in her arguments.

None of the defendants ever mentioned anything about trying to arrest Arbery on the scene or in later interrogations at the police station.

And none of the video evidence shows anyone attempting to arrest Arbery.

This is a crystal clear case of self-defense. A mentally ill (schizoaffective disorder) criminal on drugs attacked Travis and tried to steal his shotgun, thus earning his Darwin award.

The video evidence proves Travis shot in self defense.
And the person standing their ground against an assault is authorized by law to do that. And as Travis said during his testimony, he believed that the shotgun would intimidate, frighten Arbery into compliance. That is literally the definition of Aggravated Assault.
The most frightened person in the entire trial, was the shooter. They often are. Murderers are the people living in fear. That, closely followed by his delirious old man who should March into jail right next to the shooter.
There's no evidence that Travis ever arrested or attempted to arrest Arbery in the first place. The prosecutor has conceded that repeatedly in her arguments.

None of the defendants ever mentioned anything about trying to arrest Arbery on the scene or in later interrogations at the police station.

And none of the video evidence shows anyone attempting to arrest Arbery.

This is a crystal clear case of self-defense. A mentally ill (schizoaffective disorder) criminal on drugs attacked Travis and tried to steal his shotgun, thus earning his Darwin award.

The video evidence proves Travis shot in self defense.
The defense team is arguing that the three men acted out of self-defense and within the legal grounds of making a "citizen's arrest." One year after the killing, Georgia lawmakers repealed the state's "citizen's arrest" law, which dated back to the Civil War.

"They got in the truck to pursue Mr. Arbery for the purpose of detaining him long enough for the police to arrive to take over and investigate whether in fact he had committed any crimes," said defense attorney Franklin Hogue. "That turned from a citizen's arrest into self-defense."

Do you really think you can detain someone and SEE if they committed a crime.
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There's no evidence that Travis ever arrested or attempted to arrest Arbery in the first place. The prosecutor has conceded that repeatedly in her arguments.

None of the defendants ever mentioned anything about trying to arrest Arbery on the scene or in later interrogations at the police station.

And none of the video evidence shows anyone attempting to arrest Arbery.

This is a crystal clear case of self-defense. A mentally ill (schizoaffective disorder) criminal on drugs attacked Travis and tried to steal his shotgun, thus earning his Darwin award.

The video evidence proves Travis shot in self defense.

So when Greg shouted stop or I’ll blow your head off. What was that? Was it legal to do so?
Really ? Even the police can’t arrest someone if they aren’t observed committing a crime, unless they have a warrant. You’re simply making up shit.

Right.. There is no probable cause.
Right.. There is no probable cause.
There was no probable cause.

There was no felony.

There was no crime witnessed

There was no legal right to enforce a citizen's arrest.

They're fucked. And not in a good way. One murdered a black guy and another is a former cop. Prison will not be kind to them.
There was no probable cause.

There was no felony.

There was no crime witnessed

There was no legal right to enforce a citizen's arrest.

They're fucked. And not in a good way. One murdered a black guy and another is a former cop. Prison will not be kind to them.

The DA is also in hot water.
The defense team is arguing that the three men acted out of self-defense and within the legal grounds of making a "citizen's arrest." One year after the killing, Georgia lawmakers repealed the state's "citizen's arrest" law, which dated back to the Civil War.

"They got in the truck to pursue Mr. Arbery for the purpose of detaining him long enough for the police to arrive to take over and investigate whether in fact he had committed any crimes," said defense attorney Franklin Hogue. "That turned from a citizen's arrest into self-defense."

Do you really think you can detain someone and SEE if they committed a crime.
They didn't detain anyone in the first place. Arbery was never detained that day. Nor was he arrested that day or anything of the sort. There's no evidence that Travis tried to arrest Arbery.

As I mentioned earlier, the defense attorneys are not very bright. It's stupid for them to waste their time pushing this citizen's arrest bullshit narrative because it's purely an open and shut case of self defense. The video evidence proves that the shooting was self defense.

When the prosecutor got up and argued that they never tried to arrest or detain Arbery, the defense should have agreed and motioned for the false imprisonment charges to be dismissed.

Also, when the prosecutor tried to put Arbery's shoes into evidence to try to show Arbery was an avid jogger, the defense should have never objected. The wear patters on those shoes show that they are primarily used for walking.

And their objection also shut down lines of questioning regarding Arbery's habits. That was a huge fuck up.

It's like they are throwing the case or just being totally outsmarted by the prosecutor.
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And the person standing their ground against an assault is authorized by law to do that. And as Travis said during his testimony, he believed that the shotgun would intimidate, frighten Arbery into compliance. That is literally the definition of Aggravated Assault.
A man standing in the street isn’t illegal, carry laws was legal, no one forced arbry to attack a shotgun loaded. Arbry initiated the gun grab!
If they were
They didn't detain anyone in the first place. Arbery was never detained that day. Nor was he arrested that day or anything of the sort. There's no evidence that Travis tried to arrest Arbery.

As I mentioned earlier, the defense attorneys are not very bright. It's stupid for them to waste their time pushing this citizen's arrest bullshit narrative because it's purely an open and shut case of self defense. The video evidence proves that the shooting was self defense.

When the prosecutor got up and argued that they never tried to arrest or detain Arbery, the defense should have agreed and motioned for the false imprisonment charges to be dismissed.

Also, when the prosecutor tried to put Arbery's shoes into evidence to try to show Arbery was an avid jogger, the defense should have never objected. The wear patters on those shoes show that they are primarily used for walking.

And their objection also shut down lines of questioning regarding Arbery's habits. That was a huge fuck up.

It's like they are throwing the case or just being totally outsmarted by the prosecutor.
If they were not trying a citizens arrest, then it looks even worse for them: following him, trying to cut him off, trying to force him into a ditch, and yelling “stop or I’ll shoot your fucking head off”…that was a threat and the only self defense was Arbery trying to disarm Jr.

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