Facts dont work in modern politics

Private Eye | Brexit: Leave in the Lurch

Take the money lavished on the pricey consultants at Goddard Gunster. They and Leave.EU have admitted Goddard did a little more than give Banks the referendum-winning advice that “facts don’t work” in modern politics.

I noticed this statement in an article about the corrupt Brexit campaign. It seems to me to be a perfectly accurate summary of the current political landscape.

People vote on emotion rather than facts and a poorly educated populace is easily manipulated by its political masters.

Its not a partisan issue either. There are too may stupid people out there for democracy to function as it should. We need to invest in education or the world will come to a nasty end.. .
You mean the corrupt anti-brexit campaign, don't you?
Private Eye | Brexit: Leave in the Lurch

Take the money lavished on the pricey consultants at Goddard Gunster. They and Leave.EU have admitted Goddard did a little more than give Banks the referendum-winning advice that “facts don’t work” in modern politics.

I noticed this statement in an article about the corrupt Brexit campaign. It seems to me to be a perfectly accurate summary of the current political landscape.

People vote on emotion rather than facts and a poorly educated populace is easily manipulated by its political masters.

Its not a partisan issue either. There are too may stupid people out there for democracy to function as it should. We need to invest in education or the world will come to a nasty end.. .
This is one of the many inherent failures of a democracy; an issue as important and complex as Brexit should not be determined by a referendum.

An advantage of a republican form of government is that elected representatives would decide such matters, acting as a safeguard against the fear, ignorance, and bigotry of many in the general population.

And if the political process fails where elected representatives err in their judgement, the people can seek relief through the judicial process.

Yes, ignorance and a contempt for the facts contributed to the Brexit debacle, but the UK’s unwise reliance on a democracy – referenda in particular – also bears much of the blame.
The "fear, ignorance, and bigotry" were all traits of the anti-Brexit side. What you snowflakes just can't get over is the fact that the voters rejected your socialist open-borders agenda. Ignorant "immigrants" are so much easier to control than better educated natives.
Private Eye | Brexit: Leave in the Lurch

Take the money lavished on the pricey consultants at Goddard Gunster. They and Leave.EU have admitted Goddard did a little more than give Banks the referendum-winning advice that “facts don’t work” in modern politics.

I noticed this statement in an article about the corrupt Brexit campaign. It seems to me to be a perfectly accurate summary of the current political landscape.

People vote on emotion rather than facts and a poorly educated populace is easily manipulated by its political masters.

Its not a partisan issue either. There are too may stupid people out there for democracy to function as it should. We need to invest in education or the world will come to a nasty end.. .
You mean the corrupt anti-brexit campaign, don't you?
No. Only one side is facing charges.
Private Eye | Brexit: Leave in the Lurch

Take the money lavished on the pricey consultants at Goddard Gunster. They and Leave.EU have admitted Goddard did a little more than give Banks the referendum-winning advice that “facts don’t work” in modern politics.

I noticed this statement in an article about the corrupt Brexit campaign. It seems to me to be a perfectly accurate summary of the current political landscape.

People vote on emotion rather than facts and a poorly educated populace is easily manipulated by its political masters.

Its not a partisan issue either. There are too may stupid people out there for democracy to function as it should. We need to invest in education or the world will come to a nasty end.. .

Yes, it's very sad.

The more information people have, the less they want to think about it. They simply want to be told something.

They're get angry because they've been duped, but they'll then latch onto someone else duping them even worse.

When you speak to a Chinese person, how can you tell them Democracy works when you look at the US?

Imagine, in ChinaDaily, CCP mouthpiece, they had an article about democracy in Hong Kong.

"They have three people to choose from, they got their democracy" this Beijing person said. Yes, three people to choose from, all picked by Beijing. Democracy? no.

The US, two people to choose from, picked by the two main parties who are controlled by money men who have never been elected. Just as much democracy as Hong Kong's got. None.

Firs let me say that you are spot on. But I find this to be pricelessly ironic. The same things happen all over the World, ALL of the info you need to understand the sham is out there but you won't go find it. Our "Democracy" is no different than China's, or Russia's.

I remember when the Iranians held their election a few years back, Ahmadinejad ran for his second term, he won with some 90% of the vote. They claimed to have counted 41 million votes by hand. The Ayatollah picks who can run.

The money people pick the candidates and no matter who yo vote for they've already decided who would win.

No, the US's "Democracy" isn't much different to Russia's. To China's, yes, it's different. Hong Kong is a different matter.

However compare it to certain countries in Europe and it's very different.
Private Eye | Brexit: Leave in the Lurch

Take the money lavished on the pricey consultants at Goddard Gunster. They and Leave.EU have admitted Goddard did a little more than give Banks the referendum-winning advice that “facts don’t work” in modern politics.

I noticed this statement in an article about the corrupt Brexit campaign. It seems to me to be a perfectly accurate summary of the current political landscape.

People vote on emotion rather than facts and a poorly educated populace is easily manipulated by its political masters.

Its not a partisan issue either. There are too may stupid people out there for democracy to function as it should. We need to invest in education or the world will come to a nasty end.. .

Yes, it's very sad.

The more information people have, the less they want to think about it. They simply want to be told something.

They're get angry because they've been duped, but they'll then latch onto someone else duping them even worse.

When you speak to a Chinese person, how can you tell them Democracy works when you look at the US?

Imagine, in ChinaDaily, CCP mouthpiece, they had an article about democracy in Hong Kong.

"They have three people to choose from, they got their democracy" this Beijing person said. Yes, three people to choose from, all picked by Beijing. Democracy? no.

The US, two people to choose from, picked by the two main parties who are controlled by money men who have never been elected. Just as much democracy as Hong Kong's got. None.

Firs let me say that you are spot on. But I find this to be pricelessly ironic. The same things happen all over the World, ALL of the info you need to understand the sham is out there but you won't go find it. Our "Democracy" is no different than China's, or Russia's.

I remember when the Iranians held their election a few years back, Ahmadinejad ran for his second term, he won with some 90% of the vote. They claimed to have counted 41 million votes by hand. The Ayatollah picks who can run.

The money people pick the candidates and no matter who yo vote for they've already decided who would win.

No, the US's "Democracy" isn't much different to Russia's. To China's, yes, it's different. Hong Kong is a different matter.

However compare it to certain countries in Europe and it's very different.

No, it isn't. Our "Candidates are chosen too. I will point you in the right direction.

Start in 1913 on Jekyll Island and work your way forward. If you aren't willing to that go play with the children.
Private Eye | Brexit: Leave in the Lurch

Take the money lavished on the pricey consultants at Goddard Gunster. They and Leave.EU have admitted Goddard did a little more than give Banks the referendum-winning advice that “facts don’t work” in modern politics.

I noticed this statement in an article about the corrupt Brexit campaign. It seems to me to be a perfectly accurate summary of the current political landscape.

People vote on emotion rather than facts and a poorly educated populace is easily manipulated by its political masters.

Its not a partisan issue either. There are too may stupid people out there for democracy to function as it should. We need to invest in education or the world will come to a nasty end.. .
You mean the corrupt anti-brexit campaign, don't you?
No. Only one side is facing charges.
Charges for what?
Trump is actually more left than right, but that truth would confuse the heck out of a SUB HUMAN like you...

Trump in 1999: ‘I am Very Pro-Choice’
I dont think that he has any political convictions. But he understands what his base wants.

Well, let me say this about that. You’re right but Its one thing to not have any strong political convictions. Its almost admirable in a sense. What it think is that Trump lacks is character. His entire agenda involves two things only; “sticking it” to someone and personal fame. Witness the wall. Clearly the costs of the wall are going to be borne by the American public. But instead of making the false statement that the wall will pay for itself, no the characterization is—as you point out—something his base would lap up out of the trough; “Mexico will pay for it.” When he was proud of himself for calling families of the fallen soldiers, that wasn’t enough…he had to try to stick it to the previous administration, That both serves his base, sticks it to the previous administrations, and tries to add more fame which came out as infamy when the lie was exposed. When North Korea released the Americans they had imprisoned, he staged a photo op at 4 AM. Pretty disgusting. He could have let them have a good night rest, call some more of their relatives with the news of their freedom, and had a splashy Oval Office event the next day with as much pomp and circumstance as they deserve…. But instead he makes this media circus take place at the air base and was actually talking about television ratings. Good job on negotiating the release of the hostages…on everything else in the episode…get over yourself.
Blair was a different type of character but he could fashion a soundbite whilst doing something different. Trump is a tv star so the ratings are important to him. I thnk that is why he gets upset at negative press and folk who like.............facts.

Then he must be upset 24/7 because negative news is all the MSM reports on him in spite of his success.
Facts dont work in modern politics

No, they don't. Fox News and the NaziCon media prove that 24/7.

Private Eye | Brexit: Leave in the Lurch

Take the money lavished on the pricey consultants at Goddard Gunster. They and Leave.EU have admitted Goddard did a little more than give Banks the referendum-winning advice that “facts don’t work” in modern politics.

I noticed this statement in an article about the corrupt Brexit campaign. It seems to me to be a perfectly accurate summary of the current political landscape.

People vote on emotion rather than facts and a poorly educated populace is easily manipulated by its political masters.

Its not a partisan issue either. There are too may stupid people out there for democracy to function as it should. We need to invest in education or the world will come to a nasty end.. .
You mean the corrupt anti-brexit campaign, don't you?
No. Only one side is facing charges.

the dems will be the ones in prison, finally, thank god
Trump is actually more left than right, but that truth would confuse the heck out of a SUB HUMAN like you...

Trump in 1999: ‘I am Very Pro-Choice’
I dont think that he has any political convictions. But he understands what his base wants.

Well, let me say this about that. You’re right but Its one thing to not have any strong political convictions. Its almost admirable in a sense. What it think is that Trump lacks is character. His entire agenda involves two things only; “sticking it” to someone and personal fame. Witness the wall. Clearly the costs of the wall are going to be borne by the American public. But instead of making the false statement that the wall will pay for itself, no the characterization is—as you point out—something his base would lap up out of the trough; “Mexico will pay for it.” When he was proud of himself for calling families of the fallen soldiers, that wasn’t enough…he had to try to stick it to the previous administration, That both serves his base, sticks it to the previous administrations, and tries to add more fame which came out as infamy when the lie was exposed. When North Korea released the Americans they had imprisoned, he staged a photo op at 4 AM. Pretty disgusting. He could have let them have a good night rest, call some more of their relatives with the news of their freedom, and had a splashy Oval Office event the next day with as much pomp and circumstance as they deserve…. But instead he makes this media circus take place at the air base and was actually talking about television ratings. Good job on negotiating the release of the hostages…on everything else in the episode…get over yourself.

Yes, because as we all know the Democrats never tried to stick it to Bush during DumBama's first few years.

I remember when Bin Laden was killed. Ears couldn't wait to get in front of the cameras and brag how it was Seal Team 6 he sent in to kill the terrorist. Then a few months later the terrorists shot down Seal Team 6's helicopter killing most of the members.
Trump is actually more left than right, but that truth would confuse the heck out of a SUB HUMAN like you...

Trump in 1999: ‘I am Very Pro-Choice’
I dont think that he has any political convictions. But he understands what his base wants.

Well, let me say this about that. You’re right but Its one thing to not have any strong political convictions. Its almost admirable in a sense. What it think is that Trump lacks is character. His entire agenda involves two things only; “sticking it” to someone and personal fame. Witness the wall. Clearly the costs of the wall are going to be borne by the American public. But instead of making the false statement that the wall will pay for itself, no the characterization is—as you point out—something his base would lap up out of the trough; “Mexico will pay for it.” When he was proud of himself for calling families of the fallen soldiers, that wasn’t enough…he had to try to stick it to the previous administration, That both serves his base, sticks it to the previous administrations, and tries to add more fame which came out as infamy when the lie was exposed. When North Korea released the Americans they had imprisoned, he staged a photo op at 4 AM. Pretty disgusting. He could have let them have a good night rest, call some more of their relatives with the news of their freedom, and had a splashy Oval Office event the next day with as much pomp and circumstance as they deserve…. But instead he makes this media circus take place at the air base and was actually talking about television ratings. Good job on negotiating the release of the hostages…on everything else in the episode…get over yourself.

Yes, because as we all know the Democrats never tried to stick it to Bush during DumBama's first few years.

I remember when Bin Laden was killed. Ears couldn't wait to get in front of the cameras and brag how it was Seal Team 6 he sent in to kill the terrorist. Then a few months later the terrorists shot down Seal Team 6's helicopter killing most of the members.

Political gamesmanship is as old as oxygen. Sticking it to Mexico, sticking it to the NFL, sticking it to your own bureaus and intel agencies, sticking it to TV personalities, sticking it to comedians, etc... is Trump's schism. Of course the reason he did it makes perfect sense:

  • Mexico--plays to fools like you.
  • The NFL--They didn't want the scumbag anywhere near their league.
  • The FBI--so the investigation into the multiple scandals is jaundiced
  • The Intel agencies--so his actually legitimate election win seems somehow more legitimate
  • TV personalities--dual purpose--plays to fools like you AND because they never accepted him in Hollywood
  • Comedians--they've made fun of presidents forever!!! Only this one doesn't seem to understand it comes with the territory.
  • The Press---call everything negative fake news; fools like you parrot the nonsense on social media.

Equating the two is stupid. Obama during the announcement of Bin Laden's death didn't use people who have been through enough as a prop during a photo op for one thing.

Obama saying it was Team 6 was stupid on his part as well. Servicemen overseas understand there are people out to get them. Specifically mentioning one force or another is bush league (no pun intended) on the part of the President.
Private Eye | Brexit: Leave in the Lurch

Take the money lavished on the pricey consultants at Goddard Gunster. They and Leave.EU have admitted Goddard did a little more than give Banks the referendum-winning advice that “facts don’t work” in modern politics.

I noticed this statement in an article about the corrupt Brexit campaign. It seems to me to be a perfectly accurate summary of the current political landscape.

People vote on emotion rather than facts and a poorly educated populace is easily manipulated by its political masters.

Its not a partisan issue either. There are too may stupid people out there for democracy to function as it should. We need to invest in education or the world will come to a nasty end.. .
You mean the corrupt anti-brexit campaign, don't you?
No. Only one side is facing charges.

the dems will be the ones in prison, finally, thank god
Private Eye | Brexit: Leave in the Lurch

Take the money lavished on the pricey consultants at Goddard Gunster. They and Leave.EU have admitted Goddard did a little more than give Banks the referendum-winning advice that “facts don’t work” in modern politics.

I noticed this statement in an article about the corrupt Brexit campaign. It seems to me to be a perfectly accurate summary of the current political landscape.

People vote on emotion rather than facts and a poorly educated populace is easily manipulated by its political masters.

Its not a partisan issue either. There are too may stupid people out there for democracy to function as it should. We need to invest in education or the world will come to a nasty end.. .

Yes, it's very sad.

The more information people have, the less they want to think about it. They simply want to be told something.

They're get angry because they've been duped, but they'll then latch onto someone else duping them even worse.

When you speak to a Chinese person, how can you tell them Democracy works when you look at the US?

Imagine, in ChinaDaily, CCP mouthpiece, they had an article about democracy in Hong Kong.

"They have three people to choose from, they got their democracy" this Beijing person said. Yes, three people to choose from, all picked by Beijing. Democracy? no.

The US, two people to choose from, picked by the two main parties who are controlled by money men who have never been elected. Just as much democracy as Hong Kong's got. None.

Firs let me say that you are spot on. But I find this to be pricelessly ironic. The same things happen all over the World, ALL of the info you need to understand the sham is out there but you won't go find it. Our "Democracy" is no different than China's, or Russia's.

I remember when the Iranians held their election a few years back, Ahmadinejad ran for his second term, he won with some 90% of the vote. They claimed to have counted 41 million votes by hand. The Ayatollah picks who can run.

The money people pick the candidates and no matter who yo vote for they've already decided who would win.

No, the US's "Democracy" isn't much different to Russia's. To China's, yes, it's different. Hong Kong is a different matter.

However compare it to certain countries in Europe and it's very different.

No, it isn't. Our "Candidates are chosen too. I will point you in the right direction.

Start in 1913 on Jekyll Island and work your way forward. If you aren't willing to that go play with the children.

Really? And how is that?
Trump is actually more left than right, but that truth would confuse the heck out of a SUB HUMAN like you...

Trump in 1999: ‘I am Very Pro-Choice’
I dont think that he has any political convictions. But he understands what his base wants.

Well, let me say this about that. You’re right but Its one thing to not have any strong political convictions. Its almost admirable in a sense. What it think is that Trump lacks is character. His entire agenda involves two things only; “sticking it” to someone and personal fame. Witness the wall. Clearly the costs of the wall are going to be borne by the American public. But instead of making the false statement that the wall will pay for itself, no the characterization is—as you point out—something his base would lap up out of the trough; “Mexico will pay for it.” When he was proud of himself for calling families of the fallen soldiers, that wasn’t enough…he had to try to stick it to the previous administration, That both serves his base, sticks it to the previous administrations, and tries to add more fame which came out as infamy when the lie was exposed. When North Korea released the Americans they had imprisoned, he staged a photo op at 4 AM. Pretty disgusting. He could have let them have a good night rest, call some more of their relatives with the news of their freedom, and had a splashy Oval Office event the next day with as much pomp and circumstance as they deserve…. But instead he makes this media circus take place at the air base and was actually talking about television ratings. Good job on negotiating the release of the hostages…on everything else in the episode…get over yourself.

Yes, because as we all know the Democrats never tried to stick it to Bush during DumBama's first few years.

I remember when Bin Laden was killed. Ears couldn't wait to get in front of the cameras and brag how it was Seal Team 6 he sent in to kill the terrorist. Then a few months later the terrorists shot down Seal Team 6's helicopter killing most of the members.

Political gamesmanship is as old as oxygen. Sticking it to Mexico, sticking it to the NFL, sticking it to your own bureaus and intel agencies, sticking it to TV personalities, sticking it to comedians, etc... is Trump's schism. Of course the reason he did it makes perfect sense:

  • Mexico--plays to fools like you.
  • The NFL--They didn't want the scumbag anywhere near their league.
  • The FBI--so the investigation into the multiple scandals is jaundiced
  • The Intel agencies--so his actually legitimate election win seems somehow more legitimate
  • TV personalities--dual purpose--plays to fools like you AND because they never accepted him in Hollywood
  • Comedians--they've made fun of presidents forever!!! Only this one doesn't seem to understand it comes with the territory.
  • The Press---call everything negative fake news; fools like you parrot the nonsense on social media.

Equating the two is stupid. Obama during the announcement of Bin Laden's death didn't use people who have been through enough as a prop during a photo op for one thing.

Obama saying it was Team 6 was stupid on his part as well. Servicemen overseas understand there are people out to get them. Specifically mentioning one force or another is bush league (no pun intended) on the part of the President.

The thing is you on the left think that treatment of your guy is so much different than your treatment of our guy.

Mexico has been using this country like an old dishrag for decades. Trump is trying to put a stop to it.

Trump had an opinion on the NFL, just like Ears had an opinion on Travon Martin and Michael Brown. Until you people get total control over this country, our President is still allowed to have opinions.

The FBI is corrupt and has been since Comey decided to play politics. Is there something wrong with trying to straighten out a corrupt agency?

Trump was fine with Hollywood until he ran as a Republican President. Are you trying to tell me there isn't bias in the entertainment industry against Republicans? It is unfortunate, but some people form a political opinion based on entertainers and comedians.

But thank you for at least admitting that DumBama abused his bragging rights just like Trump. The only difference is Trump has to remind people of the good he's doing for this country because the MSM will not. If DumBama wiped his ass the right way, the media was praising him. The guy got a Noble Peace Prize just for getting elected.
Trump is actually more left than right, but that truth would confuse the heck out of a SUB HUMAN like you...

Trump in 1999: ‘I am Very Pro-Choice’
I dont think that he has any political convictions. But he understands what his base wants.

Well, let me say this about that. You’re right but Its one thing to not have any strong political convictions. Its almost admirable in a sense. What it think is that Trump lacks is character. His entire agenda involves two things only; “sticking it” to someone and personal fame. Witness the wall. Clearly the costs of the wall are going to be borne by the American public. But instead of making the false statement that the wall will pay for itself, no the characterization is—as you point out—something his base would lap up out of the trough; “Mexico will pay for it.” When he was proud of himself for calling families of the fallen soldiers, that wasn’t enough…he had to try to stick it to the previous administration, That both serves his base, sticks it to the previous administrations, and tries to add more fame which came out as infamy when the lie was exposed. When North Korea released the Americans they had imprisoned, he staged a photo op at 4 AM. Pretty disgusting. He could have let them have a good night rest, call some more of their relatives with the news of their freedom, and had a splashy Oval Office event the next day with as much pomp and circumstance as they deserve…. But instead he makes this media circus take place at the air base and was actually talking about television ratings. Good job on negotiating the release of the hostages…on everything else in the episode…get over yourself.

Yes, because as we all know the Democrats never tried to stick it to Bush during DumBama's first few years.

I remember when Bin Laden was killed. Ears couldn't wait to get in front of the cameras and brag how it was Seal Team 6 he sent in to kill the terrorist. Then a few months later the terrorists shot down Seal Team 6's helicopter killing most of the members.

Political gamesmanship is as old as oxygen. Sticking it to Mexico, sticking it to the NFL, sticking it to your own bureaus and intel agencies, sticking it to TV personalities, sticking it to comedians, etc... is Trump's schism. Of course the reason he did it makes perfect sense:

  • Mexico--plays to fools like you.
  • The NFL--They didn't want the scumbag anywhere near their league.
  • The FBI--so the investigation into the multiple scandals is jaundiced
  • The Intel agencies--so his actually legitimate election win seems somehow more legitimate
  • TV personalities--dual purpose--plays to fools like you AND because they never accepted him in Hollywood
  • Comedians--they've made fun of presidents forever!!! Only this one doesn't seem to understand it comes with the territory.
  • The Press---call everything negative fake news; fools like you parrot the nonsense on social media.

Equating the two is stupid. Obama during the announcement of Bin Laden's death didn't use people who have been through enough as a prop during a photo op for one thing.

Obama saying it was Team 6 was stupid on his part as well. Servicemen overseas understand there are people out to get them. Specifically mentioning one force or another is bush league (no pun intended) on the part of the President.

The thing is you on the left think that treatment of your guy is so much different than your treatment of our guy.

Mexico has been using this country like an old dishrag for decades. Trump is trying to put a stop to it.

Trump had an opinion on the NFL, just like Ears had an opinion on Travon Martin and Michael Brown. Until you people get total control over this country, our President is still allowed to have opinions.

The FBI is corrupt and has been since Comey decided to play politics. Is there something wrong with trying to straighten out a corrupt agency?

Trump was fine with Hollywood until he ran as a Republican President. Are you trying to tell me there isn't bias in the entertainment industry against Republicans? It is unfortunate, but some people form a political opinion based on entertainers and comedians.

But thank you for at least admitting that DumBama abused his bragging rights just like Trump. The only difference is Trump has to remind people of the good he's doing for this country because the MSM will not. If DumBama wiped his ass the right way, the media was praising him. The guy got a Noble Peace Prize just for getting elected.

Good points actually.

Mexico is not "sending" it's rapist as the pervert said. Are some of them criminals who come across the border? Sure. The overwhelming majority are just people who come here to work and make a living for themselves. C'mon...you know that. Immigrant crime is not worse than crimes committed by natives. Taxing our systems? Yes...but all immigrants do that. An English gentleman taxes the freeway system as much as an illegal alien from Mexico.

You brought up Trayvon Martin. Here is the statement Obama made about the verdict. See if you can spot the differences. Since I know you probably won't read them...I'll underline and highlight the essential part.

"The death of Trayvon Martin was a tragedy. Not just for his family, or for any one community, but for America. I know this case has elicited strong passions. And in the wake of the verdict, I know those passions may be running even higher. But we are a nation of laws, and a jury has spoken. I now ask every American to respect the call for calm reflection from two parents who lost their young son. And as we do, we should ask ourselves if we're doing all we can to widen the circle of compassion and understanding in our own communities. We should ask ourselves if we're doing all we can to stem the tide of gun violence that claims too many lives across this country on a daily basis. We should ask ourselves, as individuals and as a society, how we can prevent future tragedies like this. As citizens, that's a job for all of us. That's the way to honor Trayvon Martin."

Now, can you showed me where Trump did any such thing...recognizing they have a right to their opinion, etc...? Did Obama call for Zimmerman to be deported, blackballed, call him names, etc? No.

The FBI is corrupt? Yeah, okay. Total BS.

Hollywood rejected most of his overtures. After the Apprentice ran it's course, he had to have a celebrity influence to remain on the air. There is bias in Hollywood. That is for sure. Thats a fact. I don't deny it. But what is also a fact is that Trump's rejection happened well before he ran for President. Making stupid Twitter statements

He lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election. We should have a revolution in this country!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 7, 2012

The phoney electoral college made a laughing stock out of our nation. The loser one!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 7, 2012

We can't let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 7, 2012

Lets fight like hell and stop this great and disgusting injustice! The world is laughing at us.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 7, 2012

The above and the racism involved in being a birther probably didn't help things. As they shouldn't.

The supposed blackout of coverage by the MSM is nonsense. When he makes disparaging comments about people as he does at every rally he has...is the media supposed to ignore that? When his supporters start chanting vulgar words at his rallies...should that not be covered?

The media was totally in the bag for Obama. That is 100% true. Of course, his message was one of hope which is a good thing. Trump's message is that we're going to roll back your healthcare (which he did), let corporations pollute more (which he has done), pull out of agreements with our allies (which he has done), build a wall to keep out a largely beneficial population (which he is trying to do).... If you want positive coverage, do something positive.
I dont think that he has any political convictions. But he understands what his base wants.

Well, let me say this about that. You’re right but Its one thing to not have any strong political convictions. Its almost admirable in a sense. What it think is that Trump lacks is character. His entire agenda involves two things only; “sticking it” to someone and personal fame. Witness the wall. Clearly the costs of the wall are going to be borne by the American public. But instead of making the false statement that the wall will pay for itself, no the characterization is—as you point out—something his base would lap up out of the trough; “Mexico will pay for it.” When he was proud of himself for calling families of the fallen soldiers, that wasn’t enough…he had to try to stick it to the previous administration, That both serves his base, sticks it to the previous administrations, and tries to add more fame which came out as infamy when the lie was exposed. When North Korea released the Americans they had imprisoned, he staged a photo op at 4 AM. Pretty disgusting. He could have let them have a good night rest, call some more of their relatives with the news of their freedom, and had a splashy Oval Office event the next day with as much pomp and circumstance as they deserve…. But instead he makes this media circus take place at the air base and was actually talking about television ratings. Good job on negotiating the release of the hostages…on everything else in the episode…get over yourself.

Yes, because as we all know the Democrats never tried to stick it to Bush during DumBama's first few years.

I remember when Bin Laden was killed. Ears couldn't wait to get in front of the cameras and brag how it was Seal Team 6 he sent in to kill the terrorist. Then a few months later the terrorists shot down Seal Team 6's helicopter killing most of the members.

Political gamesmanship is as old as oxygen. Sticking it to Mexico, sticking it to the NFL, sticking it to your own bureaus and intel agencies, sticking it to TV personalities, sticking it to comedians, etc... is Trump's schism. Of course the reason he did it makes perfect sense:

  • Mexico--plays to fools like you.
  • The NFL--They didn't want the scumbag anywhere near their league.
  • The FBI--so the investigation into the multiple scandals is jaundiced
  • The Intel agencies--so his actually legitimate election win seems somehow more legitimate
  • TV personalities--dual purpose--plays to fools like you AND because they never accepted him in Hollywood
  • Comedians--they've made fun of presidents forever!!! Only this one doesn't seem to understand it comes with the territory.
  • The Press---call everything negative fake news; fools like you parrot the nonsense on social media.

Equating the two is stupid. Obama during the announcement of Bin Laden's death didn't use people who have been through enough as a prop during a photo op for one thing.

Obama saying it was Team 6 was stupid on his part as well. Servicemen overseas understand there are people out to get them. Specifically mentioning one force or another is bush league (no pun intended) on the part of the President.

The thing is you on the left think that treatment of your guy is so much different than your treatment of our guy.

Mexico has been using this country like an old dishrag for decades. Trump is trying to put a stop to it.

Trump had an opinion on the NFL, just like Ears had an opinion on Travon Martin and Michael Brown. Until you people get total control over this country, our President is still allowed to have opinions.

The FBI is corrupt and has been since Comey decided to play politics. Is there something wrong with trying to straighten out a corrupt agency?

Trump was fine with Hollywood until he ran as a Republican President. Are you trying to tell me there isn't bias in the entertainment industry against Republicans? It is unfortunate, but some people form a political opinion based on entertainers and comedians.

But thank you for at least admitting that DumBama abused his bragging rights just like Trump. The only difference is Trump has to remind people of the good he's doing for this country because the MSM will not. If DumBama wiped his ass the right way, the media was praising him. The guy got a Noble Peace Prize just for getting elected.

Good points actually.

Mexico is not "sending" it's rapist as the pervert said. Are some of them criminals who come across the border? Sure. The overwhelming majority are just people who come here to work and make a living for themselves. C'mon...you know that. Immigrant crime is not worse than crimes committed by natives. Taxing our systems? Yes...but all immigrants do that. An English gentleman taxes the freeway system as much as an illegal alien from Mexico.

You brought up Trayvon Martin. Here is the statement Obama made about the verdict. See if you can spot the differences. Since I know you probably won't read them...I'll underline and highlight the essential part.

"The death of Trayvon Martin was a tragedy. Not just for his family, or for any one community, but for America. I know this case has elicited strong passions. And in the wake of the verdict, I know those passions may be running even higher. But we are a nation of laws, and a jury has spoken. I now ask every American to respect the call for calm reflection from two parents who lost their young son. And as we do, we should ask ourselves if we're doing all we can to widen the circle of compassion and understanding in our own communities. We should ask ourselves if we're doing all we can to stem the tide of gun violence that claims too many lives across this country on a daily basis. We should ask ourselves, as individuals and as a society, how we can prevent future tragedies like this. As citizens, that's a job for all of us. That's the way to honor Trayvon Martin."

Now, can you showed me where Trump did any such thing...recognizing they have a right to their opinion, etc...? Did Obama call for Zimmerman to be deported, blackballed, call him names, etc? No.

The FBI is corrupt? Yeah, okay. Total BS.

Hollywood rejected most of his overtures. After the Apprentice ran it's course, he had to have a celebrity influence to remain on the air. There is bias in Hollywood. That is for sure. Thats a fact. I don't deny it. But what is also a fact is that Trump's rejection happened well before he ran for President. Making stupid Twitter statements

He lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election. We should have a revolution in this country!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 7, 2012

The phoney electoral college made a laughing stock out of our nation. The loser one!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 7, 2012

We can't let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 7, 2012

Lets fight like hell and stop this great and disgusting injustice! The world is laughing at us.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 7, 2012

The above and the racism involved in being a birther probably didn't help things. As they shouldn't.

The supposed blackout of coverage by the MSM is nonsense. When he makes disparaging comments about people as he does at every rally he has...is the media supposed to ignore that? When his supporters start chanting vulgar words at his rallies...should that not be covered?

The media was totally in the bag for Obama. That is 100% true. Of course, his message was one of hope which is a good thing. Trump's message is that we're going to roll back your healthcare (which he did), let corporations pollute more (which he has done), pull out of agreements with our allies (which he has done), build a wall to keep out a largely beneficial population (which he is trying to do).... If you want positive coverage, do something positive.

Oh please. If Hillary were President with our economy and overseas accomplishments, the left would be having parades in the street. The MSM couldn't quit talking about her. They wouldn't have printed or said one negative word.

DumBama's message was nothing more than any other Democrat: more government control of the people. Between Commie Care and food stamps alone, he created over 40 million more new government dependents. Think that was an accident? Yet the media never pointed that out unless it was in praise.

It really has nothing to do with Trump, it's any Republican. Look at the way they attacked Palin's children or even Bush's. Did any comedian ever show a picture of them holding DumBama's severed head in effigy? Could you imagine if a comedian called Obam's daughter holding her baby a C***? They would have been ousted from the entertainment industry for life.

As far as Travon, when did DumBama ever stick his nose in local issues that didn't' involve a black person? Don't you remember: If I had a son, he would have looked just like Travon? Even in your own post, he called self-defense a tragedy. He used the occasion to promote gun control. Did he go after Zimmerman? No he didn't, that's what Racist Holder was for, who threatened to go after Zimmerman on federal charges after he was found not guilty.
Well, let me say this about that. You’re right but Its one thing to not have any strong political convictions. Its almost admirable in a sense. What it think is that Trump lacks is character. His entire agenda involves two things only; “sticking it” to someone and personal fame. Witness the wall. Clearly the costs of the wall are going to be borne by the American public. But instead of making the false statement that the wall will pay for itself, no the characterization is—as you point out—something his base would lap up out of the trough; “Mexico will pay for it.” When he was proud of himself for calling families of the fallen soldiers, that wasn’t enough…he had to try to stick it to the previous administration, That both serves his base, sticks it to the previous administrations, and tries to add more fame which came out as infamy when the lie was exposed. When North Korea released the Americans they had imprisoned, he staged a photo op at 4 AM. Pretty disgusting. He could have let them have a good night rest, call some more of their relatives with the news of their freedom, and had a splashy Oval Office event the next day with as much pomp and circumstance as they deserve…. But instead he makes this media circus take place at the air base and was actually talking about television ratings. Good job on negotiating the release of the hostages…on everything else in the episode…get over yourself.

Yes, because as we all know the Democrats never tried to stick it to Bush during DumBama's first few years.

I remember when Bin Laden was killed. Ears couldn't wait to get in front of the cameras and brag how it was Seal Team 6 he sent in to kill the terrorist. Then a few months later the terrorists shot down Seal Team 6's helicopter killing most of the members.

Political gamesmanship is as old as oxygen. Sticking it to Mexico, sticking it to the NFL, sticking it to your own bureaus and intel agencies, sticking it to TV personalities, sticking it to comedians, etc... is Trump's schism. Of course the reason he did it makes perfect sense:

  • Mexico--plays to fools like you.
  • The NFL--They didn't want the scumbag anywhere near their league.
  • The FBI--so the investigation into the multiple scandals is jaundiced
  • The Intel agencies--so his actually legitimate election win seems somehow more legitimate
  • TV personalities--dual purpose--plays to fools like you AND because they never accepted him in Hollywood
  • Comedians--they've made fun of presidents forever!!! Only this one doesn't seem to understand it comes with the territory.
  • The Press---call everything negative fake news; fools like you parrot the nonsense on social media.

Equating the two is stupid. Obama during the announcement of Bin Laden's death didn't use people who have been through enough as a prop during a photo op for one thing.

Obama saying it was Team 6 was stupid on his part as well. Servicemen overseas understand there are people out to get them. Specifically mentioning one force or another is bush league (no pun intended) on the part of the President.

The thing is you on the left think that treatment of your guy is so much different than your treatment of our guy.

Mexico has been using this country like an old dishrag for decades. Trump is trying to put a stop to it.

Trump had an opinion on the NFL, just like Ears had an opinion on Travon Martin and Michael Brown. Until you people get total control over this country, our President is still allowed to have opinions.

The FBI is corrupt and has been since Comey decided to play politics. Is there something wrong with trying to straighten out a corrupt agency?

Trump was fine with Hollywood until he ran as a Republican President. Are you trying to tell me there isn't bias in the entertainment industry against Republicans? It is unfortunate, but some people form a political opinion based on entertainers and comedians.

But thank you for at least admitting that DumBama abused his bragging rights just like Trump. The only difference is Trump has to remind people of the good he's doing for this country because the MSM will not. If DumBama wiped his ass the right way, the media was praising him. The guy got a Noble Peace Prize just for getting elected.

Good points actually.

Mexico is not "sending" it's rapist as the pervert said. Are some of them criminals who come across the border? Sure. The overwhelming majority are just people who come here to work and make a living for themselves. C'mon...you know that. Immigrant crime is not worse than crimes committed by natives. Taxing our systems? Yes...but all immigrants do that. An English gentleman taxes the freeway system as much as an illegal alien from Mexico.

You brought up Trayvon Martin. Here is the statement Obama made about the verdict. See if you can spot the differences. Since I know you probably won't read them...I'll underline and highlight the essential part.

"The death of Trayvon Martin was a tragedy. Not just for his family, or for any one community, but for America. I know this case has elicited strong passions. And in the wake of the verdict, I know those passions may be running even higher. But we are a nation of laws, and a jury has spoken. I now ask every American to respect the call for calm reflection from two parents who lost their young son. And as we do, we should ask ourselves if we're doing all we can to widen the circle of compassion and understanding in our own communities. We should ask ourselves if we're doing all we can to stem the tide of gun violence that claims too many lives across this country on a daily basis. We should ask ourselves, as individuals and as a society, how we can prevent future tragedies like this. As citizens, that's a job for all of us. That's the way to honor Trayvon Martin."

Now, can you showed me where Trump did any such thing...recognizing they have a right to their opinion, etc...? Did Obama call for Zimmerman to be deported, blackballed, call him names, etc? No.

The FBI is corrupt? Yeah, okay. Total BS.

Hollywood rejected most of his overtures. After the Apprentice ran it's course, he had to have a celebrity influence to remain on the air. There is bias in Hollywood. That is for sure. Thats a fact. I don't deny it. But what is also a fact is that Trump's rejection happened well before he ran for President. Making stupid Twitter statements

He lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election. We should have a revolution in this country!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 7, 2012

The phoney electoral college made a laughing stock out of our nation. The loser one!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 7, 2012

We can't let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 7, 2012

Lets fight like hell and stop this great and disgusting injustice! The world is laughing at us.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 7, 2012

The above and the racism involved in being a birther probably didn't help things. As they shouldn't.

The supposed blackout of coverage by the MSM is nonsense. When he makes disparaging comments about people as he does at every rally he has...is the media supposed to ignore that? When his supporters start chanting vulgar words at his rallies...should that not be covered?

The media was totally in the bag for Obama. That is 100% true. Of course, his message was one of hope which is a good thing. Trump's message is that we're going to roll back your healthcare (which he did), let corporations pollute more (which he has done), pull out of agreements with our allies (which he has done), build a wall to keep out a largely beneficial population (which he is trying to do).... If you want positive coverage, do something positive.

Oh please. If Hillary were President with our economy and overseas accomplishments, the left would be having parades in the street. The MSM couldn't quit talking about her. They wouldn't have printed or said one negative word.

DumBama's message was nothing more than any other Democrat: more government control of the people. Between Commie Care and food stamps alone, he created over 40 million more new government dependents. Think that was an accident? Yet the media never pointed that out unless it was in praise.

It really has nothing to do with Trump, it's any Republican. Look at the way they attacked Palin's children or even Bush's. Did any comedian ever show a picture of them holding DumBama's severed head in effigy? Could you imagine if a comedian called Obam's daughter holding her baby a C***? They would have been ousted from the entertainment industry for life.

As far as Travon, when did DumBama ever stick his nose in local issues that didn't' involve a black person? Don't you remember: If I had a son, he would have looked just like Travon? Even in your own post, he called self-defense a tragedy. He used the occasion to promote gun control. Did he go after Zimmerman? No he didn't, that's what Racist Holder was for, who threatened to go after Zimmerman on federal charges after he was found not guilty.

Congrats on inserting so much nonsense into such little space. Kudos.

Fact...we kept seeing Hillary stumble getting into the van. I saw it at least 20 times on the day it happened--the anniversary of 9/11. I don't watch Fox or MSNBC...where did I see that? On the MSM that you swear never covers anything negative. As for not being able to quit talking about someone...the other Republican candidates complained about how much coverage Trump was getting... So that is false.

An economy on the brink of collapse created more dependents--one handed to him by former Republican icon, GWB--you know the guy who is now personal non-grata in GOP circles.

Zimmerman remains a free man...some "lynch mob" bub....LOL. Obama was disproportionately involved in black issues. Think maybe you can give the first black President a break on that...maybe????

As for calling his daughters a ****, I think Samantha Bee should be fired immediately. It is sad that TBS hasn't done it yet. Look what happened to Kathy Giffith...banished for life. I do know Mark Halperin called Obama an "asshole" on MSNBC. and...SHOCK...he was suspended.

I know you've sold out to support this pervert in the white house. But please try to not be so vividly obtuse.

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