Facts dont work in modern politics

Private Eye | Brexit: Leave in the Lurch

Take the money lavished on the pricey consultants at Goddard Gunster. They and Leave.EU have admitted Goddard did a little more than give Banks the referendum-winning advice that “facts don’t work” in modern politics.

I noticed this statement in an article about the corrupt Brexit campaign. It seems to me to be a perfectly accurate summary of the current political landscape.

People vote on emotion rather than facts and a poorly educated populace is easily manipulated by its political masters.

Its not a partisan issue either. There are too may stupid people out there for democracy to function as it should. We need to invest in education or the world will come to a nasty end.. .
This is one of the many inherent failures of a democracy; an issue as important and complex as Brexit should not be determined by a referendum.

An advantage of a republican form of government is that elected representatives would decide such matters, acting as a safeguard against the fear, ignorance, and bigotry of many in the general population.

And if the political process fails where elected representatives err in their judgement, the people can seek relief through the judicial process.

Yes, ignorance and a contempt for the facts contributed to the Brexit debacle, but the UK’s unwise reliance on a democracy – referenda in particular – also bears much of the blame.

And there you have it.

"Just do whatever the fuck we tell you to do, we know best".
Private Eye | Brexit: Leave in the Lurch

Take the money lavished on the pricey consultants at Goddard Gunster. They and Leave.EU have admitted Goddard did a little more than give Banks the referendum-winning advice that “facts don’t work” in modern politics.

I noticed this statement in an article about the corrupt Brexit campaign. It seems to me to be a perfectly accurate summary of the current political landscape.

People vote on emotion rather than facts and a poorly educated populace is easily manipulated by its political masters.

Its not a partisan issue either. There are too may stupid people out there for democracy to function as it should. We need to invest in education or the world will come to a nasty end.. .

Yes, it's very sad.

The more information people have, the less they want to think about it. They simply want to be told something.

They're get angry because they've been duped, but they'll then latch onto someone else duping them even worse.

When you speak to a Chinese person, how can you tell them Democracy works when you look at the US?

Imagine, in ChinaDaily, CCP mouthpiece, they had an article about democracy in Hong Kong.

"They have three people to choose from, they got their democracy" this Beijing person said. Yes, three people to choose from, all picked by Beijing. Democracy? no.

The US, two people to choose from, picked by the two main parties who are controlled by money men who have never been elected. Just as much democracy as Hong Kong's got. None.

I was having a discussion with a gun nut yesterday. Gave him 3 links that said the Santa Fe HS campus had armed guards on campus. One was from USA Today. One was from the Washington Post. One was from Time magazine that said they not only had one armed guard but had two. He refused to believe any of them...

It doesn't "pay" to source your supporting statements to your opinions.
Cite the facts, regardless.

Although they lack the courage to admit they’re wrong, they still know they’re wrong nonetheless.

Disasters such as Brexit and Trump shouldn’t discourage those of good political faith to continue to cite the facts and express the truth.
Private Eye | Brexit: Leave in the Lurch

Take the money lavished on the pricey consultants at Goddard Gunster. They and Leave.EU have admitted Goddard did a little more than give Banks the referendum-winning advice that “facts don’t work” in modern politics.

I noticed this statement in an article about the corrupt Brexit campaign. It seems to me to be a perfectly accurate summary of the current political landscape.

People vote on emotion rather than facts and a poorly educated populace is easily manipulated by its political masters.

Its not a partisan issue either. There are too may stupid people out there for democracy to function as it should. We need to invest in education or the world will come to a nasty end.. .

Well said. In the US ignorance is institutionalized in the Republican party and Fake Fox News. The Republican political party in the US has embraced lying as oxygen.
We need to invest in education or the world will come to a nasty end.. .

You had me with you until you proved you yourself do not have enough education to understand the public schools are a monopoly and simply dumping more money in them will only result in that money vanishing...
There are basically two classes of completely retarded morons in America....

the Religious LEFT


the Religious Right

Neither pays any attention to truth or facts, or has any ability to use logic, reason, science, or their own eyes. Both do one thing, and insist everyone else do it too

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Yes you can't follow the OP so you go to a staple Red Herring. Meaningless.

Translation - a SUB HUMAN Hillary Cultist is refusing to admit he is completely stumped by the FIRST QUESTION of Earth climate change, all the while he is slandering those who challenge what his BIRDBRAIN is PARROTING, that Co2 is the cause of Earth climate change... which it isn't....

IsaacNewton is a disgraceful parrot with a very bad sense of humor using that poster name. The real Newton would have answered it...
Yes you can't follow the OP so you go to a staple Red Herring. Meaningless.

Translation - a SUB HUMAN Hillary Cultist is refusing to admit he is completely stumped by the FIRST QUESTION of Earth climate change, all the while he is slandering those who challenge what his BIRDBRAIN is PARROTING, that Co2 is the cause of Earth climate change... which it isn't....

IsaacNewton is a disgraceful parrot with a very bad sense of humor using that poster name. The real Newton would have answered it...

Facts don't work in modern politics - That is the OP Percy. Check the rules of the forum you need to stay on topic and stop attacking other members. If you can't participate in the discussion as described in the OP go start your own thread in Conspiracy Theories where you belong. :booze:
It is a total FACT that you were asked a question after insulting the intelligence of the other side, and you chickened out, because you are nothing but a complete and total....

Private Eye | Brexit: Leave in the Lurch

Take the money lavished on the pricey consultants at Goddard Gunster. They and Leave.EU have admitted Goddard did a little more than give Banks the referendum-winning advice that “facts don’t work” in modern politics.

I noticed this statement in an article about the corrupt Brexit campaign. It seems to me to be a perfectly accurate summary of the current political landscape.

People vote on emotion rather than facts and a poorly educated populace is easily manipulated by its political masters.

Its not a partisan issue either. There are too may stupid people out there for democracy to function as it should. We need to invest in education or the world will come to a nasty end.. .

Yes, it's very sad.

The more information people have, the less they want to think about it. They simply want to be told something.

They're get angry because they've been duped, but they'll then latch onto someone else duping them even worse.

When you speak to a Chinese person, how can you tell them Democracy works when you look at the US?

Imagine, in ChinaDaily, CCP mouthpiece, they had an article about democracy in Hong Kong.

"They have three people to choose from, they got their democracy" this Beijing person said. Yes, three people to choose from, all picked by Beijing. Democracy? no.

The US, two people to choose from, picked by the two main parties who are controlled by money men who have never been elected. Just as much democracy as Hong Kong's got. None.

I was having a discussion with a gun nut yesterday. Gave him 3 links that said the Santa Fe HS campus had armed guards on campus. One was from USA Today. One was from the Washington Post. One was from Time magazine that said they not only had one armed guard but had two. He refused to believe any of them...

It doesn't "pay" to source your supporting statements to your opinions.
Cite the facts, regardless.

Although they lack the courage to admit they’re wrong, they still know they’re wrong nonetheless.

Disasters such as Brexit and Trump shouldn’t discourage those of good political faith to continue to cite the facts and express the truth.
The age of political debate is over. But people are not getting angry about being lied to. That isnt just worrying its bizarre.
People on the left like being lied to, because they like those who lie to them, and vote for them....
Trump is actually more left than right, but that truth would confuse the heck out of a SUB HUMAN like you...

Trump in 1999: ‘I am Very Pro-Choice’
I dont think that he has any political convictions. But he understands what his base wants.

Well, let me say this about that. You’re right but Its one thing to not have any strong political convictions. Its almost admirable in a sense. What it think is that Trump lacks is character. His entire agenda involves two things only; “sticking it” to someone and personal fame. Witness the wall. Clearly the costs of the wall are going to be borne by the American public. But instead of making the false statement that the wall will pay for itself, no the characterization is—as you point out—something his base would lap up out of the trough; “Mexico will pay for it.” When he was proud of himself for calling families of the fallen soldiers, that wasn’t enough…he had to try to stick it to the previous administration, That both serves his base, sticks it to the previous administrations, and tries to add more fame which came out as infamy when the lie was exposed. When North Korea released the Americans they had imprisoned, he staged a photo op at 4 AM. Pretty disgusting. He could have let them have a good night rest, call some more of their relatives with the news of their freedom, and had a splashy Oval Office event the next day with as much pomp and circumstance as they deserve…. But instead he makes this media circus take place at the air base and was actually talking about television ratings. Good job on negotiating the release of the hostages…on everything else in the episode…get over yourself.
Trump is actually more left than right, but that truth would confuse the heck out of a SUB HUMAN like you...

Trump in 1999: ‘I am Very Pro-Choice’
I dont think that he has any political convictions. But he understands what his base wants.

Well, let me say this about that. You’re right but Its one thing to not have any strong political convictions. Its almost admirable in a sense. What it think is that Trump lacks is character. His entire agenda involves two things only; “sticking it” to someone and personal fame. Witness the wall. Clearly the costs of the wall are going to be borne by the American public. But instead of making the false statement that the wall will pay for itself, no the characterization is—as you point out—something his base would lap up out of the trough; “Mexico will pay for it.” When he was proud of himself for calling families of the fallen soldiers, that wasn’t enough…he had to try to stick it to the previous administration, That both serves his base, sticks it to the previous administrations, and tries to add more fame which came out as infamy when the lie was exposed. When North Korea released the Americans they had imprisoned, he staged a photo op at 4 AM. Pretty disgusting. He could have let them have a good night rest, call some more of their relatives with the news of their freedom, and had a splashy Oval Office event the next day with as much pomp and circumstance as they deserve…. But instead he makes this media circus take place at the air base and was actually talking about television ratings. Good job on negotiating the release of the hostages…on everything else in the episode…get over yourself.
Blair was a different type of character but he could fashion a soundbite whilst doing something different. Trump is a tv star so the ratings are important to him. I thnk that is why he gets upset at negative press and folk who like.............facts.

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